UCL Grading Procedure for Support Staff

Grading Procedure
Support Staff
Julie Wake
HR User Group
29th Oct 2009
• UCL uses HERA (Higher Education Role
Analysis) as Job Evaluation tool
• HERA is an analytical scheme
• Designed by Higher Education
• Covers all jobs from Porter to Professor
• Complies with non discriminatory guidance
by Equal Opportunities Commission
UCL Grading Procedures
• New Jobs
• Grading Reviews for occupied posts with
significantly changed duties
• Note: Do NOT re-submit jobs:
– Previously evaluated
– Minor changes such as:
• change of job title, name of manager or dept
• Replacement of one or more tasks by similar tasks
• Over 5,000 roles evaluated since 2000
• 2008:
– 307 new jobs
– 132 grade reviews of which
• 90 increased (78%)
• 42 no change (32%)
– 18 appealed (43% of 42)
• 10 increased (56%)
• 8 no change (44%)
• Panels of trained Role Analysts
– Cross section of UCL, nominated by trade unions,
faculties & Human Resources
• Over 40 Faculty & Union nominees trained since 2004
and currently:
– 25 Active Role Analysts
• 10 Union of which 4 AMICUS, 4 UCU & 2 UNITE
• 15 Faculty of which 13 FEMALE 2 MALE
Role Analysts
• Carefully evaluate evidence provided
- By Job Description Outline (JDO)
• Reach consensus on scores allocated to
the 14 elements in the scheme
• Give credit to misallocated evidence
• Responses determine score of job and
• Ultimately the grade of the post
• The JDO is an analytical summary of the
requirements of the job – it’s about the
post not the person!
• It’s completed by:
– Manager for new jobs
– Role holder or manager for grading review
– Grade reviews are verified by the HoD
Job Description Outline Forms
• 4 Sections – set context of role:
Working Context
Organisation Chart
Job Purpose
Main Tasks
• 14 elements – in line with HERA Scheme
• Guidance notes are included on the form,
available from:
– http://www.ucl.ac.uk/hr/docs/download_forms/JDO_7_06_07.doc
The 14 elements
• Communications
(oral and written)
• Teamwork & Motivation
• Liaison & Networking
• Service Delivery
• Decision Making
• Planning & Organising
• Initiative & Problem
• Analysis & Research
• Sensory & Physical
• Work Environment
• Pastoral Care & Welfare
• Team Development
• Teaching & Learning
• Knowledge & Experience
New Job Panels
• Minimum panel of 2 Role Analysts
• Meet weekly on Thursdays for
– New roles
• Deadline 12noon Tuesday
– Electronic copies of JDOs with details, if
known, of post id to:
• Outcome by following Tuesday
Grading Review Requests
• Panel of 3 Role Analysts
– Usually I each of trade union, faculty & HR Nominee
• Meet monthly
• Requests for grading reviews where duties have
significantly changed
• Deadline by 12noon 28th month for evaluation
following month
• Requests evaluated in order of receipt
• Outcome notified to HoD by 12th month following
panel meeting
Appeal – Stage 1
• Informal Appeal with member of grading
review panel
• Role holder may invite colleague, manager
or trade union representative
• May submit formal appeal in writing within
2 weeks by
– Statement indicating reasons for appeal with
reference to JDO
Appeal Stage 2
• New Panel of 5 Role Analysts not involved
in original evaluation
• Conduct an independent evaluation
• Outcome notified to HoD by 12th of month
following panel meeting
• Appeal Panel’s decision is final.
Job Evaluation Reference
• Commonly known as HERA reference.
• For advertising and appointments
• Any of following:
– JER NNN or PF NNN e.g. JER 246 PF 251
– NJ0Y-NNN e.g. NJ09-122
– App0Y-NN e.g. Ap08-23
The End
• Any questions?