
Appendix C
1. UCL is committed to the training and career development of its staff and the appraisal/staff
review scheme is used to agree objectives, identify development needs and facilitate staff
development. Staff will have the opportunity to progress to higher grades through the
academic and research promotion procedures, applying for higher graded vacancies and in
the case of support staff, where the duties of their post change over time, through grading
review procedures. The following outlines the basic principles which will apply to progression
within and between grades, following implementation of the Pay Framework Agreement at
2. Details of the criteria for award of additional increments as Accelerated Incremental
Progression or Contribution Points will be discussed separately.
Progression within Grade
3. The first incremental progression of the appointment will take place on the 1st of August
following the completion of the probationary period. For probationary academic staff, automatic
incremental progression will take place on the 1st August no less than 9 months after
appointment. All staff shall automatically progress by one increment, within their current grade
on 1st August each year until the contribution threshold is reached unless an increment is
withheld as a result of the outcome of disciplinary or capability procedures agreed with UCL’s
trade unions.
4. The starting point of grade 6 for research staff will be point 22 on implementation of the PFA,
point 23 from 1st August 2006 and point 24 from 1st August 2007. Staff currently on the RA1B
grade will assimilate to points 22, 24 or 26 in line with the assimilation policy. Those
assimilating to point 22 with effect from 1st August 2005 will progress to point 24 with effect
from 1st August 2006, and point 26 on 1st August 2007. Those assimilating to point 24 on 1st
August 2005 will progress to point 26 on 1st August 2006 and those assimilating to point 26 will
remain on point 26 until promoted to grade 7. Staff appointed to point 23 in 2006/07 will
progress to point 24 the following year and point 26 the year after, subject to the conditions of
this progression agreement. Those appointed to point 24 from 1st August 2007 onwards will
progress to point 25 and then 26 subject to the conditions of the progression agreement. Point
26 will be the top salary point for research staff in grade 6. Promotion of research staff
between grade 6 and grade 7 will be governed by UCL’s promotion procedure for research
Accelerated Incremental Progression and Contribution Points
5. All staff who have not yet reached the contribution threshold of their current grade may be
considered for accelerated incremental progression. Staff who have reached the contribution
threshold may be considered to move onto a contribution point.
6. Requests for the award of an additional increment/contribution point should be made on the
appropriate form giving full grounds for submission in light of the criteria. Cases supported by
the appropriate manager and direct-route cases may be submitted to the HR Division at any
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time of year. A maximum of two additional increments/contribution points will be awarded for
exceptional and sustained outstanding performance.
7. Staff will be awarded an additional increment/contribution point only in circumstances where
they have shown outstanding performance and where they have been formally appraised in
the previous six months and have achieved the majority of their objectives. Outstanding
performance will have been demonstrated in terms of their aptitude and ability, efficiency,
resourcefulness, dependability, judgement and attitude to their work and their colleagues. This
performance will have been sustained over a period of at least six to twelve months. Requests
for an additional increment/contribution point must make clear how each case meets the
8. Normally only one case for an additional increment/contribution point will be accepted in any
one year. It is unlikely that a further case for an individual would be approved in the following
9. In normal circumstances applications for an additional increment/contribution points will be
considered within eight weeks and if successful, effective as soon as practicable following
approval of a case.
10. An appeal against a failure to be awarded an additional increment/contribution point should be
lodged in writing with the Director of Human Resources within 5 working days of notification of
the outcome. The original submission will be reviewed by a panel of three members of the
Human Resources Policy Committee. The decision of this appeal panel will be final.
Progression between Grades
11. Academic and Research Staff will progress between grades in accordance with the criteria
outlined in the Promotion Procedures agreed for these staff.
12. All other staff may request a review of the grading of their post. The request will involve the
submission of a Job Description Outline (JDO) or, exceptionally, the post holder may request
an interview by a trained Role Analyst, the notes of this interview being presented as a JDO.
13. A library of benchmark role profiles will be developed to inform staff of typical requirements for
posts at each grade. This will assist staff and managers to determine the likelihood of a
successful application for a grading review.
14. All cases will be considered by Grading Review Panels, which shall meet quarterly. Each
panel shall comprise 3 role analysts trained in the use of HERA. One analyst will be drawn
from either Amicus, the AUT or UNISON nominees, one shall be drawn from Faculty/Division
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nominees and the chair shall be from Human Resources. No panel member shall work in the
same Division or Department as the post under review1.
15. The results of the grading review will be notified to the applicant within 10 working days of the
panel meeting to consider the case. Where the outcome of the grading review is a change to
the grade of the post, this shall be effective from the 1st of the month following the panel
decision. Where a post has been regraded the post holder will be placed on the first spinal
point of the new grade, or will receive one increment.
16. Applicants may appeal the decision of the Grading Review Panel. In this situation, a Grading
Appeal Panel consisting of two trade union nominees, two Faculty/Division nominees and a
Chair from Human Resources shall re-evaluate the JDO. None of the members of the Grading
Appeal Panel shall have been involved in the original grading review and none must work in
the Department or Division of the post under appeal.2
PFA Negotiating Team
22nd August 2005
In the case of posts from the Human Resources Division, the panel membership will remain the same but will be chaired by either
the trade union or Faculty / Divisional nominee
In the case of posts from the Human Resources Division, the panel membership will remain the same but will be chaired by either
the trade union or Faculty / Divisional nominee
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