Type:Student Energy Efficiency and Conservation:

Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I like the ideas for reducing building-related energy consumption, especially the part about behavior
modification. I do think, however, that we need a specific plan (like and education plan) to get students to
modify their behavior.
Renewable Energy
I think that we should first look at utilizing solar and wind (especially wind) before we consider using biomass. I
feel that wind and solar are much cleaner and less expensive technologies, and I believe STRONGLY that if we
can satisfy our energy needs with those that the biomass option should be taken off the table.
I think that the strategies for reducing transportation emissions are excellent, and I would just like to highlight
the fact that we should push for Amtrak to come to Missoula (especially a train from Seattle to Missoula!).
Carbon Offsets
I believe that carbon offsets should be our final option after all the other alternatives have been considered.
While offsets are excellent tools, I feel that actual carbon emission reduction should be our first priority.
I think that UM should strive for carbon neutrality by 2020. I feel that we can and should set aggressive goals.
I think it's wonderful that the UM is choosing to be so progressive and take positive steps toward a cleaner
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
The ideas are sound as long as the students aren't inconvenienced.
Renewable Energy
Good ideas.
Transportation does not cause global warming. People who say it does cause global warming.
Carbon Offsets
No! Carbon offsets are a scam. Do not put students through a green guilt tax. These offsets are not
standardized nor do they have adequate oversight.
The goals seem to be made up. That is quite the perfect line in the graphs.
I am not willing to pay anything. It is nothing but a carbon tax in disguise. If you want to keep it optional that is
fine. But do not force an environmental agenda down students throats or a liberal agenda for that matter.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Lots of good ideas. The buildings could be kept warmer than 72 in the summer and cooler than 68 in the
winter though. I think air conditioning should be set to only cool to about 74 or 75.
Renewable Energy
Renewable energy purchasing is a good idea; partnering w/ other large consumers help create a market so
producers will invest in the production capacity.
Covered bike parking. This campus needs it. Also charge more for parking passes.
Better bus service (the Lolo route and more park & ride) are good parts of the plan.
Carbon Offsets
No. Most current 'offsets' are/were a byproduct of some other process. i.e. growing a forest, using an
agriculture method that sequesters CO2 in the soil .... most of which would occur with or without a market for
offsets. Offsets in the current form are still too much of a shell game for the University to spend its precious
dollars on.
Sounds good let’s get going.
Can the landscaping crews have all their gas powered tools taken away, especially the 2-cycle stuff? Goats and
sheep could mow the grass and electric devices could replace trimmers. Also if they don't water so much they
would not have to mow as often.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I think creating a pool of used and excess and cut-off lumber might be a direction to go, also, using pinebettle
timber for paper products might be an intelligent way to use a problem as a asset. We all need to wipe and
read. If I could do both at the same time, WOW! Ignorance is bliss
Renewable Energy
Excellent idea
Not sure but if we gotta we have hydrogen possibly
Carbon Offsets
Possibly in the future with the economic boom, or now for creating jobs, I am not fully informed
If we reduce before others and convert sooner to hydro, we might be the leaders on the cutting edge. Nature
would appreciate it.
If I have opportunity in hard times I can afford some to be a catalyst
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
We need to replace the old boilers.
Renewable Energy
We should not build a wind farm or generator. We should establish a policy to purchase long-term (from NW
Power or MEC) energy from renewable sources.
There is no reason not to convert to a fully ULEV/SULEV/PZEV fleet. UM would realize substantial fuel cost
savings over the long term.
Carbon Offsets
No, unless carbon offsets are offsets for energy efficiency. Otherwise we invest in someone's wood lot.
Not sufficiently aggressive.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I think you are definitely on the right track. Retro-commissioning HVAC systems should be given higher priority
- right after energy efficiency upgrades. The key to increasing building energy efficiency is to make sure the
heating/ventilation systems work correctly. When all systems are functioning properly, there is less energy
wasted and usually less energy used.
Renewable Energy
The plan for biomass is excellent! The biomass to syngas plant would be a great option for the Missoula
campus. Wood-fired boilers in town would pose a great challenge because of the inversion and air quality
issues. The syngas plant offers a viable alternative which would also support the local economy.
The option of solar thermal for the Grizzly Pool is more viable than presented in the draft. Solar thermal could
be used simply as a preheat for part of the load and does not need to be sized to carry the full load. A solar
thermal preheat system could definitely have a relatively quick payback. Please explore this option more fully!
The plan to set up a wind turbine is great as well. This should be integrated into the curriculum in some way,
Ground source heat is also an option that was not mentioned. We have an excellent resource that really ought
to be tapped into. Plus ground source heat has an awesome payback with VERY high efficiency!
All of the proposed actions appear to promote greater bus use to and from campus. This is an excellent idea,
but bus service definitely needs to be ramped up. If you see the Park-and-Ride service from the students'
perspective, the current system could use a boost at peak times of the day. There are many times when
students are left behind because the buses are full. Needless to say, this does not promote commuting.
Carbon Offsets
I think that the University of Montana should purchase carbon offsets in the interim, but should focus on an
end result of complete carbon neutrality. Carbon offsets should only be a short term action plan.
These goals are not aggressive enough! There are several campuses across the nation that are already carbon
neutral. The time to act is now. There is no option for slow adaptation. We must cut our emission and do it
now! We need at least 30% by 2015, 50% by 2020!
Again, I stress the reevaluation of solar thermal for the Grizzly Pool. Also, solar PV is an excellent opportunity
to promote sustainability education. It does not necessarily need to be sized large enough to offset huge
amounts of emissions. Many different systems can be put in place that would make a big difference. Biomass,
solar thermal, ground source heat, PV, and heat recovery - all are great options that together can make quite a
dent in emissions.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Renewable Energy
Carbon Offsets
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I completely disagree with the 4-day work week proposal. Students can only absorb a certain amount of new
information in one day. Packing more into the first four days of the week will lead to diminishing returns on
students' time in class. Three-day weekends could also encourage recreational drinking and drug use as well a
higher student injury and fatality rate from winter traveling. A proposal that would make more sense would
be to have online classes on Fridays where students could participate from home or go to the library to use
the internet.
Renewable Energy
Great...alternative energy sources that make fiscal sense should always be considered.
Reduce the amount of air travel used.
Carbon Offsets
Purchasing carbon credits only works as an incentive to profit-seeking companies that are forced to reduce
emissions so as not to eat up their profit margin. Also, the need for carbon credits usually arises from
mandated carbon quotas, usually through legislation. Self-imposed carbon credits by a public institution don't
make much economic sense because the cost will simply be passed onto the students without much incentive
to reduce actual outputs.
10% below by 2015 seems somewhat lofty, especially since our CO2 emissions have increased by 6,000 metric
tons (roughly 118%) from 2000-2007. The goal of 30% by 2020 seems much more achievable, but only if
drastic changes are made early and advanced thinking continues over the next 10 years.
The University's recycling program needs work, especially in the area of bottles. Bottles could be collected
and then transported to a neighboring city or state that has bottle recycling.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Often times, even during the middle of the day, the outdoor lights are on at the Business school, and Don
Anderson Hall.
Renewable Energy
Solar makes sense.... the payback time shouldn't be that big of an issue for a large institution. The others are
not effective here.
The busses run all day, regardless of whether anyone is riding them.
Carbon Offsets
No. This is such a ridiculous concept.
No opinion here.
The University should focus on *wasting* less energy, rather than increasing student fees to pay someone else
to run carbon offset programs. Also, the Athletic department apparently doesn't have to use fluorescent light
bulbs like everyone else (hall of champions)...
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I think they're great, but one really big one that has been missed is making sure buildings are properly
insulated so that we don't lose heat in the winter and we don't need as much cooling in the summer! I sit by
window that make me feel like I am outside, so asking a particular building to just turn down the heat would
not be feasible, I wouldn't be able to do my work my hands would be so cold. LEED building status can be
accomplished with the older buildings and for as much energy that is wasted in these buildings you could
probably see a payback in a couple of years!
Renewable Energy
We've got Hellgate Canyon winds that are pretty constant, we could certainly make excellent use of that.
Carbon Offsets
Why not just get down as best we can?
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
It is a must! Sustainability is very important and everyone needs to be educated on it. From being on this
campus, I have noticed so many things that we can do to be more sustainable. Such as, some buildings are
way too hot! There is no need for the heat to be up so high. Encourage turning off lights in bathrooms when
no one is in there.
Renewable Energy
Biomass is essential, as long as we are taking the resources efficiently. We must not take more than needed.
Solar would be very easy to do, and easy to learn about. Wind is essential too, however, what about the birds?
I love that Missoula is getting more bike and pedestrian friendly every day. However, i think it is ridiculous that
the bus doesn't run until after 10 on Saturdays. Many people have to get to work.
Carbon Offsets
Not if it is going to raise our tuition or the parking tickets. There are many other things that the campus can
cut in order to make up for the money to buy these. Such as, using less water to water the grass?
Is that going to be enough?
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Renewable Energy
Carbon Offsets
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Upgrading windows in older buildings or at least add storm windows
Renewable Energy
I love the idea of solar and wind power to be used as a daily sustainable energy form
I believe that we need to invest into more parking structures away from campus and a higher number but
smaller sized buses running to and from those
Carbon Offsets
No, buying the right not do something that we're already doing is ridiculous. We should strive toward carbon
neutrality by using that money toward programs that we already have in place or to implement new
Those are high goals but very achievable goals and I willing to sacrifice certain comforts (75F classrooms) to
improve our emission levels
Going green is a slow but very forthy process and we should be looking into producing more of our own
energy or better insulating our buildings vs. buying more of it from more expensive but clean sources
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
This is an essential first step. Some buildings, such as the LA building, are so poorly designed and outdated
that windows have to be wide open in January to regulate the apparently uncontrollable temperature.
Renewable Energy
Solar is becoming efficient enough to be feasible even in the overcast winters of Missoula. (Orchard Homes is
a good example, and their solar system is 5yrs+old.) Biomass could be the only outlet for the new
Beaverhead-Deerlodge "stewardship contract’s” mandated logging (in an economy that has no demand for it)!
Wind is obviously not too applicable to Missoula - leave that to Great Falls. Geothermal temperature
regulation should be incorporated into new structures. For existing structures -solar!
Carbon Offsets
No. A political/economic scheme that is a waste of money.
We already pay superfluous fees. Why should students with no money and dismal post-graduation prospects
have to foot all of the bills? End foreign war quagmires and divert those billions into domestic improvements
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Renewable Energy
Great ideas that more people need to be using
More busses, more biking...love the plans
Carbon Offsets
I think we should do all we can to make it happen!
Hopefully the plans succeed!
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I think it is a great idea to keep school open only 4 days a week. This would help cut down costs immensely. I
also think that controlling or minimizing the use of air conditioning in the warmer months would be beneficial.
Most of the people I know think the air conditioning is too cold.
Renewable Energy
That is a great idea. Solar panels installed on the tops of buildings would be wonderful for producing energy.
Furthermore, turbines might serve us well. Lastly, I believe green rooftops (plants on top of roofs) could really
help with this.
I do not like the idea of changing the current parking system at the university. Parking permits are already very
expensive and many faculty and students (especially graduate students) need to carry a lot of materials to and
from school. This makes it difficult to use bikes & public transportation (especially in winter months). I do
think teleconferencing is a great way to cut down on air travel, and it seems as though we should really be
focusing our efforts on reducing air travel.
Carbon Offsets
It is a plausible option. But I think UM should attempt to reduce their own CO2 emissions before resorting to
purchasing carbon offsets.
I think these are great goals.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I agree with them. One thing I did not notice though was a suggestion to lower building temperatures by a
degree or two. That could reduce a lot of energy consumption.
Renewable Energy
I like the concepts a lot and the desire to sources as local as possible. But, if the energy still needs to be
purchased and transported, then the renewable source doesn't much matter. I would support these
alternatives wholeheartedly if the energy production were to happen in Montana.
I support all of the recommendations for reducing vehicle travel to and from campus. I would like to see more
detailed strategies for reducing air travel, including grounding administration officials for one year, and
encouraging Amtrak and Congress to resume rail service along the southern Hiawatha route.
Carbon Offsets
Perhaps purchasing carbon offsets could be good incentive to reach zero net greenhouse emissions. That
saving the money we would be spending on the offsets would be a goal to inspire the campus to cut its own
greenhouse gas production drastically. I worry though that by buying the offsets, we could say that we are
carbon neutral and leave well-enough alone, not working to eliminate the causes for buying the offsets in the
first place.
Not high enough. I would like to see 30% by 2015 and 50% by 2020.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I like it, anything that will help to conserve energy is important.
Renewable Energy
Great! Renewable energy is wonderful
I think it will be great for the environment
Carbon Offsets
I think they are good goals to strive for; however I believe they will be unattainable.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I think it’s a great idea and that it should be a part of the schools emissions. Montana has a right to a clean
environment, pursuant to the MT constitution and we should strive to set the standards nationally with our
recognition of these goals.
Renewable Energy
I think it’s important for the University and for our people now and in the future. I am all for solar, wind, and
other renewable sources that are clean and efficient with low maintenance costs
I think it’s great, I need to use the bus more. I think the schools should invest more into this and advertise this
transportation more. It would be nice to see even more pickup areas.
Carbon Offsets
Yes, I think it sets a great example for other schools and corporation. This method works well when the prices
are set properly and the emission goals are realistic. This in turn will set up a market and will hopefully limit
the emissions to zero, thus lessening the impacts on a global and national level.
I think it’s a realistic goal and that we should push to get the levels even lower.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Shutting down computers, motion-sensitive lights, energy-efficiency upgrades while using and retaining as
much original materials as possible.
Renewable Energy
I think energy conservation should come first. We can save money and then purchase the new forms of
energy with the money saved. We should promote conservation before more consumption.
They are all positive messages, but I am not sure how well they will affect personal transportation choices. I
think the bus routes and times need to be studied so they can be better suited to student's needs--in addition
to greater awareness of the routes and times put in place.
Carbon Offsets
NO. We should focus on reducing our emissions right at home through conservation FIRST. We need to be
serious about REDUCING our energy use first. Carbon offsets only enable irresponsible overconsumption of
energy. We can do better than that. We can lead by example and address the issue of overconsumption and
energy addiction by cutting back on our energy use with conservation.
I am hesitant to encourage spending money on new energy sources, especially if they only add carbons and do
not offset our current unclean energy consumption. We need to focus all of our efforts and money into
conservation first. In the meantime, we can better understand our next steps, while saving money and not
signing onto gigantic loans for sexy ideas that may not be the best solution for our community.
I would support this increase if it went to conservation efforts. NOT carbon offsets or new energy. Reduce
energy consumption first, please.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Has the University heard of double pane vacuum windows? Here is the catch, these new windows function the
same way a thermos works. All of the air between the panes of glass is completely removed, therefore
decreasing the heat loss by 90%. That is lower than the amount of heat released from the walls.
Renewable Energy
Why is there no park-n-ride that goes directly to the transfer station downtown? If there was a UM bus that
goes there, then a lot more students ride the bus to the UM.
Carbon Offsets
No. Purchasing carbon offsets is the equivalent of the Catholic Church selling indulgences during the middle
ages. My point is that purchasing carbon credits is a scam. Paying someone in order to feel good cannot save
the environment.
This is my thinking logic. It can be converted to Java, Python, C/C++, or any other programming language.
If "reduces tuitions","I support it" else if it "does not affect tuitions”,“I still support it" else "I do not support it"
The reason the UM wastes so much energy is because of the current administration's budget. Instead of
spending several million dollars constructing two new buildings why didn't the UM spend that money on
cleaner alternatives? Why did the administration not spend that money to improve the older buildings around
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
The light bulbs are an awesome step forward. The LA building serves very many people every day, and
desperately needs an overhaul. I feel that there is a great place to upgrade to better "digs" from an
Environmental standpoint.
Renewable Energy
Terrific, Biomass has some drawbacks. When using wind, remember to check animal migration paths.
I don't know enough to comment.
Carbon Offsets
I feel that we should purchase an endangered riparian zone or buy a Land Conservation credit instead, as it
provides immediate benefits, visible results, and is a great place for freshman orientation tours to observe.
I'm glad we are doing something attainable.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I think that is a great idea. Finding more efficient ways to heat the buildings in the long winter could be a great
Renewable Energy
I think all of these are great options, yet picking one and focusing may be a better way to get support/ funding
Also an excellent idea
Carbon Offsets
I think these are good goals, but they are going to need a lot of support. Although there are many
conservation minded students on campus there are lots that aren't as well, there'd need to be require
everyone to make an effort
Keep up the good work :)
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
IF all actions were carried out effectively, it might work in the long run.
Renewable Energy
Although good ideas, the technology for solar and wind power is not yet practical or affordable on a small, let
alone large scale. With all the controversy over wood burning stoves in Missoula County currently going on, I
fail to see how the biomass boiler project would be able to go forward.
I have been at UM for 1 1/2 years now and have never seen or even heard of a carpool parking spot until
today. Although biking and walking are good alternatives to driving, for students who live beyond easy biking
range, driving is much more practical. This is especially true for students who live outside of Missoula. Busses
are great; however they do not always work with a person's time and schedule constraints due to
waiting/driving times and rider capacity. As for the daily parking permit, it is difficult enough to get my
"money's worth" out of the current system due to the lack parking spaces compared to drivers. I live in the
northwest corner of Missoula and I have to leave around 30-45 minutes before my 8:00 AM class to get a spot
that doesn't require quite a walk to get to my classes. Around noon is even worse. If a daily system is
implemented, there better be a guarantee of a parking spot included with it.
Carbon Offsets
No. The system is not solid, trustworthy, or effective.
I don't foresee the plan working out as planned, unfortunately. See comments below.
The main drawback of the entire plan is that most of the cost/benefit data is all based on more-or-less
arbitrary assumptions. There is not enough credible, hard data to back up these projected costs. That doesn't
even begin to cover to lack of credible data with the entire GHG argument itself. As far as conservation, I do
support the plan's efforts to reduce power consumption, etc. I don't support the GHG aspects, though.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Making sure buildings are sealed and energy efficient
Renewable Energy
I think that using natural resources to power everyday things is much more environmentally friendly and can
lessen our carbon footprint
Make other transportation more accessible
Carbon Offsets
It might be a little out of reach for a Montana school
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I think that there needs to be some sort of incentive to motivate students living in the dorms to reduce their
energy use. Maybe donate the money saved in energy costs to a scholarship fund, throw a party, lower dorm
room costs. I like the idea of retro-fitting every building on campus. There are so many easy changes we can
make which would go a long way: CFC lighting, fixing heating and cooling systems (especially in the JRH), small
water use toilets. Education would also go a long way. Many students probably don't even know how to
reduce their footprint.
Renewable Energy
Although the biomass plant seems pricey, I think its benefits far exceed its costs. Also, I think we need to place
greater emphasis on wind power. We have so much wind in Montana, it seems like the pay-back would be
extremely short. Having our own wind turbines (painted Maroon) seems like it would also be great publicity
for the U of M. Solar doesn't seem as prominent of a source or as economically beneficial.
I would like to see a shift to all biodiesel buses and fleet vehicles or a switch to electric. If this could happen
then there would be no need to constrain fieldtrip opportunities. However, I do agree that field trips need to
be looked over to make sure they are necessary and beneficial to student education. I would love to see an
emphasis on hiking, walking, floating, and biking fieldtrips.
Carbon Offsets
I think the UM should only purchase carbon offsets in places where there are no other options. Such as our
traveling sports teams. I don't think there is a way to not let them travel; therefore offsets are the next best
thing. However, in areas that we can change ourselves we should not rely on offsets. I don't think that carbon
neutrality based on offsets can actually be considered neutral.
I believe at the open house there were 3 options proposed for reaching carbon neutral. One at 2020, one at
2030 and the last one at 2050. I am 100% for the 2020 goal. We need to approach this climate action plan
boldly and not water it down due to inconvenience. Changes are made by the motivation and coming together
of small groups. If we can motivate the students of the U of M I know that we could achieve carbon neutrality
at even the most intense deadline.
I love the progress we are making here at the U of M. We are so far ahead of the game and I give thanks to
you guys behind the scenes who are making these changes happen.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Excellent; because the "low hanging fruit" will produce huge reductions without as much cost as other
options- not to mention there is already so much waste.
Renewable Energy
I personally believe that biomass is not a move forward, because it still depends on resource extraction. Solar
and wind are better options, though I do note they are much more expensive.
Very good, but need to address athletic travel- although I am aware of the difficult situation this has presented
for those involved. Increased pressure to the athletic department is needed. Overall the transportation plan
looks good, and increased use of busses from off-campus is a great idea. Increased parking capabilities on offcampus P and R sites are needed- as often there isn't any more spaces left for those who would like to park.
Carbon Offsets
I personally believe that any extra money available that would go to purchasing carbon offsets should go to
projects that could reduce our emissions in the first place. Offsets should only be used when we have can't
reduce our emissions any farther. If we only purchase offsets we are not addressing the root of the problem.
They are great goals, and will be difficult to meet, but as a price on carbon looms over us, these goals will
become ever more financially viable.
$100 would be around 4% of my semester costs, because I am in-state, and for those out of state it would be a
much smaller percent. This represents a small price for the cost of not drastically altering the way we live in
the future. This is also a very small cost as compared to the costs which would be incurred if we do nothingnot only for a future price for carbon, but for the environment as well. Overall, great work.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I think it is a great idea. Building materials and processes can be highly wasteful of energy, so if just a little
more effort is put into the process, a lot of future energy can be saved.
Renewable Energy
Excellent! If each person/building/energy source were different and more independent/self sufficient, we
wouldn't be so vulnerable to catastrophe if one ran into troubles.
Good...but ironically over the years since the government supposedly put deadlines to continually reduce
emissions and fuel consumption, cars seem to be using more fuel; I don't get it.
Carbon Offsets
Perfect...but higher goals should not be ignored.
I would hope getting to zero emissions would save money as well.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I think a lot of the ideas come at a huge price and the results are speculated.
Renewable Energy
I think those are great ideas. Renewable energy will save a lot of money plus be a very positive image for the
I think there are some good ideas there. I would think a big one would be find an alternative fuel source for
the buses.
Carbon Offsets
This isn't really a way to produce less carbon it just makes it look better.
I think these are good goals.
You should have made the plan shorter or bulleted for everybody to read and respond to this survey. 73
pages is a lot, and really who has time to read the whole thing.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I feel the ideas introduced and brought up are very reasonable and would greatly benefit our wastefulness of
Renewable Energy
I feel the proposed strategies are logical and would benefit energy production.
I feel the proposed ideas are reasonable, I already ride the park and ride to school if that counts?
Carbon Offsets
If the outcome is greater than the costs set on students then I feel it would be a good purchase.
I feel it would be a great thing if we did reach those levels but I do not believe it to be possible at the rate we
are going.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I mostly support the ideas but am unsure of the 4 day school week just because many students already have
trouble making their schedules work with things like work.
Renewable Energy
I think that they're positive strategies but really need to be thought out first and be accomplished in a very
timely manner since there is continual construction on campus.
I think bike and bus incentives would help students utilize these things. I also think that housing really affects
students because it is outrageously high and students can't afford to live near campus or really anywhere in
Carbon Offsets
I would need to know how much it cost and where these funds would come from.
I think it’s a good idea but there will be a lot of opposition.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Excellent idea but they should solve the poor air quality in the buildings
Renewable Energy
Carbon Offsets
Possibly achievable
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Great, the bigger proposals seem feasible and necessary, and a lot of the smaller projects could be made into
class projects or even contests, such as a contest for horticulture or forestry student to come up with the best
native plant design to increase passive solar and reduce water consumption. Or, classes could work on green
roofs. Anyhow, those details can come later, but it would be good to establish the enlistment of students
early on.
Renewable Energy
Although biomass has momentum at this time, compared to wind energy I do not see it as a great long term
sustainable investment. I think there should be greater focus on wind energy in the plan, and a stronger
suggestion this plan will work in alliance with other state universities and agencies to make a wind farm a
The plans are awesome in that they are so broad in scope. Because I commute by bike already, I am excited
by the bike hub, although I do not think tons of money should be allocated to something that in the end is
mostly show. But, just a central space to park my bike with a roof would be fantastic. As is I can't find a place
to put my bike half the time. Also, I would love a way to reward students for biking or walking, but it might be
a logistics nightmare. Again, students could help with that.
Carbon Offsets
YES!!! The purchase of carbon offsets, if done in an informed manner, is a great way to invest in the future
green infrastructure. Yes, because in the grand scheme of things offsets are a pretty cost effective way to get
to carbon neutrality quickly. And to the naysayers that argue that offsets are not a fundamental behavioral
change, I counter that the main behavior we have to change to get out of the climate crisis is our spending
behavior. We have to be willing to invest in the long term future even if the returns are more abstract than
what we are used to. Offsets are a great way to demonstrate commitment to neutrality while build
momentum to make further more visible changes.
Not enough not soon enough. When David Orr visited he said we have ten years to act before we produce
major devastation. 30% of 2007 levels in ten years is not acting aggressively enough. It's only a halfhearted
commitment to change. As a community leader our university should set an example. If we are not taking
action and doing what the experts say is necessary to avoid the greatest catastrophe of all time, who will? I
support including a carbon neutrality deadline of 2020 in the CAP.
I mean it with the $100 or more. I pay for so much bullshit, we all do, but then we get tight with our money
when it really matters. Ridiculous. I also mean it with a 2020 deadline.
“Failure to reach broad agreement in Copenhagen would be morally inexcusable, economically short-sighted,
and politically unwise”? -- UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
I think we can take these sentiments and apply them to our CAP. Thanks Cherie
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
It has to be done!
Renewable Energy
The all have to be integrated
Transportation is a big one around the all country. USA has stopped using public transportation long time ago
in favor of cars. It's a choice that has been made and what it strikes me is that this country has even taken the
advantages of such a choice. Look at the car industries crisis of these days! So now, we will have to reinvent
the all system, and it's not going to be easy. Americans have grown so individualistic and they are not use to
share transportation. To wait at the bus stop, interact so closely with other people? So early in the morning?
When I'm still sipping my cup of coffee? Oh la' la'! Though one for a lot of people. It also must be said that
distances are often great in this country and commuting often will have to be integrated with the use personal
vehicle anyway. I'm thinking about Montana. But what about train? What about the proposed reinstallation of
the train from Hamilton to Missoula that didn't pass? I was very shocked! That goes back to the first issue, we
will have to work on social behavior in order to have people use public transportation in this country!
Carbon Offsets
We will have to study the issue very carefully before make the right decisions. I cannot give my opinion
without truly studying the different options.
We will have to work hard on this in an interdisciplinary way and in partnership
Education is already outrageously expensive in this country. And that doesn't help the growth of the country
either. I think that other components of the American society will have to pay for it, not for the only interest of
the people of this country but for their own interest if they want to keep on having growth and profits. USA
has felt behind on many aspect, like it or not and they will have to pay to get back on truck or keeping on
falling behind.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Essential for many reasons.
Renewable Energy
Solar is awesome, wind is pretty awesome, and I am not sure what biomass is but if it translates into less
environmental impact and is feasible, awesome.
Transportation needs serious work but I believe these strategies are a step in the right direction.
Carbon Offsets
Excellent for now, but we need to see a higher level of commitment by 2020 or crap is going to hit the fan, not
necessarily for us, but for others around the world.
There needs to be a general education requirement class that is holistic and informs everyone on the
magnitude and seriousness of this problem. It cannot just be focused on climate change, but the very reasons
it’s occurring and that’s because of how and why we live, which needs to be adjusted accordingly.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
EXTREMELY important! Wasting energy is never a good idea!
Renewable Energy
I think as long at the expense is not too drastic, it is a good idea.
Excellent idea.
Carbon Offsets
Not sure on this one. "Buying" carbon offsets is not as good as reducing carbon emission.
We should do as much as we can as soon as we can.
Incentives should be given to folks who carpool, primo parking, reduced parking fees. Things like that.
Competition for best office to reduce waste (that can be defined in many ways)
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Something needs to change... Personally I think the UM should invest in some window seals and some open
door policies and that alone would save thousands of dollars a year.
Renewable Energy
I know nothing of these things
I believe that Missoula is a small enough city that these factors to not play a big enough roll to describe a
Carbon Offsets
Hmmm... should the UM purchase something that is going to cost it's students hundreds of dollars each..
Personally I'm broke and I think it should be left alone, unless the cost will be offset by something else
I believe these sound like moderate goals.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
CFL's = bad idea... they contain MERCURY. So instead of the Mercury being located around coal plaints... It's
going to end up in every building and dorm room... What is the estimated cost of cleaning up breakages and
the cost of properly disposing of mercury? It's hazmat.
4 day work week? There aren't enough class rooms... how are you going to fit all those 5 or more credit hour
classes into a shorter week and still be able to allow enough flexibility for students to schedule their classes?
Or is the goal to cap and reduce the number of students in college, creating higher demand and costs with the
shorter supply, thus restricting access to higher education. If it is too expensive to park on campus, I will quit
school and find a way to reduce my property taxes that go to the University System.
Renewable Energy
It sounds nice, but the same people that want us to stop using other sources of energy fight tooth and nail to
prevent solar plants (such as the one proposed in Nevada's desert), wind farms (such as off a cape in
Massachusetts), and those that think we should grow enough food for the US and some cases the world
instead of causing food shortages and increased food prices as more farm land is utilized for energy instead of
food. We are going to see the environmentalists fight against any wind farms here, claiming that the bird
populations will suffer. They'll fight solar because we have to mine more precious metals for the materials
required for harnessing more of our Sun's power. If we convert more farmland for biomass energy
production, the poor will have even a harder time buying food and will cause more families in the lower
middle class to fall into poverty. Increasing logging activities in forests for more biomass is going to cause
environmentalists nuts as many of them don't see trees as renewable even though they grow. And the
University is part to blame for the fires, not global warming... to explain... The university and
environmentalists have been slowing logging and cutting off more and more areas for logging. Another
problem is the pine beetle infestations. Both increase the amount of deadfall and therefore dry wood that is
susceptible to fires of any kind. I find it dishonest of the University to put forward a report that leaves out
other factors such as the decreased logging activity and the pine beetles that create a dry, dead wood
environment more prone to fire regardless of the temperature of the Earth.
I have multiple permanent injuries to my legs. Riding a bike to and from class isn't a viable option unless I give
myself several hours of travel time especially in the winter where I'd have to walk about 15 miles on ice and
pray a vehicle doesn't lose control. I also work full time and plan grocery and shopping trips to coincide with
my commuting. My schedule doesn’t' match anyone else’s and the bus is very rare to and from where I live.
Some days I only get a few hours of sleep before working 10 hour graveyard shifts as it is. Any extra
inconvenience and I might as well quit school all together or stop sleeping. Let's put this whole thing into
better perspective. Newer evidence is showing that if all humans stopped using all fossil fuels and wood for
energy, we "might" cause a one or two degree drop over the next 100 years. I'm not supporting the U in
helping people buy homes closer to the University... those that want the house can buy it on their own. What
is that anyway? A government welfare housing program that helps those making up to $205K a year? You're
kidding right? Good call on the hybrids, when you evaluate how often you are rotating cars in and out of the
fleet, the hybrids actually contribute to more environmental concerns with all the extra battery acids and do
not pay for themselves unless you happen to get them to last for 20 or more years.
Carbon Offsets
NO! I am not only a student but also a tax payer and property owner. I cannot afford increases along with the
increased taxes the feds are looking at slapping everyone with healthcare reform and cap 'n' tax plan. This is
an Al Gore fairy tale... he owns huge chunks of these so called carbon traders. Does anyone ever think Al Gore
and climatologists that stand to make a fortune can really be objective in calculating what may be "carbon
neutral"? When those on the global warming crusade conserve energy that they are blowing on feel good
concerts and flying all over the globe in private planes and don't use a motorcade to get places, I'll consider
cutting down on using less than one light fixture at a time. At a time of economic uncertainty, making
everything more expensive while more jobs are lost will cause a collapse. Raising taxes will eventually tax
more people and families out of their homes and raising tuition will make higher education even further out of
reach for more Americans. I know many single mothers that are trying to get education after a divorce to
provide for their kids that can barely afford an education now. Each increase in tuition is an article of clothing,
a book, a meal that has to be cut to make ends meet.
Unrealistic. If UM was really worried about it, it wouldn't have added so many more computer labs and other
high energy consumption equipment such as the projector systems. The goals themselves won't be met. Any
costs any government agency projects are usually 1/3 of the actual full cost.
The cost question above, why is 0 not an option. I don't want to pay up to $9.99 extra a semester. I don't
want to pay anything for it. Why isn't nuclear power listed in the plan? We have the storage and our own
government is encouraging Iran and other countries to use more nuclear power. Why aren't we? Are we
masochistic or just stupid? I will fight any new taxes to pay for any of this. I just bought a home and hoping to
fill it with a family. If I lose my American Dream because the government took it from me that is no different
than holding a gun to my head demanding all that I have. Why did you guys wait until the end of the semester
to drop this bomb when we are studying for finals? Hate to break it to you but this University has more
programs than environmental programs. A lot of the Global Warming myth is just that... it's a myth. And it is
hubris to think that we can change the climate to any significant amount compared to the Sun and other
factors that the propaganda machine won't consider. I find that the whole report doesn't provide information
that is contrary to the "evidence" presented. Being one sided and not objective is nothing more than a
propaganda piece. My objections here are just the few I can think of off the top of my head and the
information and other evidence is out there. Your researchers should have done more objective research...
most of the information can easily be found. One thing about the USGS temp measurements... find out where
they have those instruments and what the area was like when they were put in place compared to now. Many
of those sensors now have parking lots around them, buildings nearer, and some even have vents from
buildings blowing directly on the sensor, hardly scientific or objective. If I put meters in all my light fixtures in
the house, I would think my house was warmer than it actually is when you look at the thermostat on the wall.
My main point is before you go rushing spending millions and millions of dollars, it would benefit us all if
objective research would be done and to ensure that the real costs are realistic. Other effects have to be
considered too... for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Just like with the elections, actions
have consequences and not all of the unintended consequences are good.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
OK as long as the overall cost of strategies is $0.
Renewable Energy
How can this be a priority when we are already faced with budget deficits for academics and students have a
difficult time paying their tuition?
OK as long as there is no cost.
Carbon Offsets
No-I'd rather that student's had lower tuition.
Not important.
None of this is a priority. Student's have a hard time paying for their education. Keeping student tuition
manageable and academic opportunities as strong as possible would be more important goals.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Probably good
Renewable Energy
Really good
Don’t care
Carbon Offsets
If it’s affordable and not a huge burden on the students, then why not?
Don’t raise tuition by too much, saving energy costs us now to save in the future, great for the future, stinks
for us.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Good idea why not
Renewable Energy
As long as you are intelligent about implementation and you don’t cost everyone a fortune.
Yet again, as long as it doesn’t cost more than it will save.
Carbon Offsets
No, carbon offsets are a scam. If you want to spend money to help worthy causes give it directly to those
causes, don’t give your money to a large corporation that says presto your carbon foot print is now offset we
will be back next month for more.
If it is actually saving something, sure.
This should not cost anything. If we are getting more efficient practices and materials *i.e. lights and bio fuel*
then why should we pay more for something that is supposed to cost less?
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Good ideas. Except that I disagree with the use of CFL light bulbs unless they are produced in the United
States. CFL bulbs are highly toxic, and must only be used in locations where breakage cannot possibly occur.
Also, they are not usually designed for use in ceiling fixtures, since the base is not supposed to be above the
I also disagree with the use of a 4-day work week in a school setting. It is hard enough for students to find
plausible schedules without compacting all classes into 4 days.
Renewable Energy
Look into the use of Passive Heating strategies.
Provide coupon vouchers for long-distance bus travel.
Carbon Offsets
No. I don't believe in the efficacy of the carbon offset system.
2020 is too slow. Reduce the emission levels in half of the planned amount of time.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Groundwater is an effective and efficient means of heating and cooling buildings (Page 11), but I would
encourage the committee to study the effects such temperature changes has on the aquifer. Thermal
pollution is a documented issue, especially when considering the close proximity to source sinks. Though
organizations like IGSHPA and others dismiss such pollution as negligible, studies in Canada and Japan(see
citations below) do suggest there is real concern for maintaining a policy which supports and promotes open
well or "pump and dump" systems for heating and cooling. Short answer: take caution, and use student and
faculty resources to monitor effects of groundwater cooling on the aquifer.
I'd also suggest that while lighting and behavior modification are important tools (do them); they're not
cutting at the core of energy consumption in large-scale buildings, which is envelope efficiency. Though
expenses are a concern, retrofitting building envelopes to reduce HVAC usage should be a higher priority -perhaps the only priority. I'm afraid lighting improvements send the message that we can only do simple
things which make economic sense, rather than actually solving the problem of our GHG emissions rate. LEED
certification (4.3.1), as we know, is not the best indicator of efficiency or building improvements. Cut to the
core here. However, if installing equipment is an option, what about installations of Heat Recovery Ventilators
in older buildings? They're right for Missoula's climate and might provide more reductions in heat loads than
even behavior changes.
A word of caution, too, about performance contracting, if it's implemented: conduct independent audits (not
by engineers, as was done by CTA with respect to lighting), who are short-selling for future profits. Having
independent metrics is key to knowing whether or not better performance is actually being met.
Renewable Energy
PV, Wind, Biomass -- get them done. In fact, do so to the extent that the University only supplements power
from the grid.
Try to increase collaboration with Extended Learning Services in addition to these plans?
Carbon Offsets
NO. Playing in this market seems a fool’s game. If the state or legislature wants to fund such activities, do so.
Otherwise, especially with current and projected budget shortfalls, I think doing our best to increase our
carbon sink capacity (an even greener campus, more trees, etc), is much more appropriate.
A good standard to strive for. If we want to lead, however, we could propose even sharper declines.
Thermal Pollution Studies:
Ferguson, G., & Woodbury, A. (2006). Observed thermal pollution and post-development simulations of lowtemperature geothermal systems in Winnipeg, Canada. Hydrogeology Journal, 14, 1206-1215.
Fujii, H., Inatomi, T., Itoi, R., & Uchida, Y. (2007). Development of suitability maps for ground-coupled heat
pump systems using groundwater and heat transport models. Geothermics, 36(5), 459-472.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
It's a fantastic idea and I'm glad to see the University supporting the advancement of this technology.
Renewable Energy
These are all good ways to use the energy available to us in western MT. I hope this initiative helps people to
see that these are achievable ways to help the environment and an education opportunity at the same time.
It's a start. I'm not convinced that ethanol is a good source of energy, though.
Carbon Offsets
No. Seems to posture as a politically correct, but silly endeavor.
I hope we can actually exceed those numbers with the advancement in our technology.
The only reason I think student fees need to only increase minimally is that tuition has become such a burden
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Instead of giving a 75,000 dollar raise, use some of that money to make buildings more energy efficient.
Renewable Energy
Instead of giving a 75,000 dollar raise, use some of that money to put solar panels or wind turbines
somewhere to get at least some renewable energy.
Instead of giving a 75,000 dollar raise, use some of that money to buy or upgrade to emission friendly
Carbon Offsets
Instead of giving a 75,000 dollar raise, use some of that money to buy carbon offsets. Haha, just kidding the
carbon offsets are baloney; you can't pay someone else to be clean for you if it takes everyone to make a
I don't really care. I don't even think global warming is as bad as most people say it is. But cutting carbon
emissions isn't a bad thing.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Good Ideas.
Renewable Energy
More = Better.
More busses.
Carbon Offsets
If yes...please research how the carbon offset program works. Otherwise no.
Encourage people to turn off their non-essential computers at night rather than letting them just cycle. It will
cut down on energy use.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
So-so. It is Montana after all...
Renewable Energy
Stupid, without storage capabilities it’s a waste of time.
Carbon Offsets
Less than $10 was not the option I would have chosen. There should be an option to say that I am not willing
to pay any money towards getting carbon credits for the university.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I think the ideas are solid. Behavioral changes are important, retro-fitting is important, and building new
buildings that are as energy efficient as possible is important. I think all of this is in there to some degree.
Renewable Energy
I think that the use of biomass to the degree that has been suggested may be problematic, especially with the
associated price tag. It seems that outside funding is essential for this project to go through and if so that
would reduce the overall price tag of carbon neutrality. I think that the scale that wind energy has been
proposed should be ramped up. Montana has such an excellent wind source, as stated one of the top in the
nation, it seems logical to take better advantage of that source. Plus, it has a higher return in the end versus
the original expense. Using solar to heat the pool is all well and good but isn't that the only use of solar
proposed? Couldn't solar be used in a variety of other ways? What happened to the idea of preheating the
water in the steam co generation plant to reduce the amount of energy used to heat the water overall? I think
this section is off to a good start. I wonder about the long term sustainability of the biomass idea. How will
we ensure that this doesn't become an obsolete technology? I feel like this section should be more diversified
to ensure that technologies can easily be replaced as they fail, or become obsolete. So, in all my suggestion is
diversification of renewable energy sources as much as possible.
I love the idea of going back to biodiesel for the fleet. I like the part about students producing the biodiesel as
training as well. Increasing the bus service is great and decreasing parking seems logical giving the issues with
public safety can be funded some other way.
Carbon Offsets
I think that the sooner we can go theoretically carbon neutral would be great as long as we have a plan to
wean off of offsets year to year. Logically we would do that regardless considering that it wouldn't financially
make sense to buy offsets if we could get carbon neutral sources of energy anyway. I think some energy
issues such as athletics travel and other travel should be offset from the get-go. So my answer overall is yes.
I think the interim goals are too conservative. I think we can AT LEAST hit 50% by 2020 without offsetting any
of our energy. With offsets these interim goals should be much higher. I think that other schools have shown
that carbon neutrality is feasible much sooner and some schools such as Oberlin college (obviously a
difference of scale but an example no less) that are already carbon neutral. I think that funding could be
allocated differently in the university budget to help tackle these issues. I know that there are a number of
creative funding avenues we can approach as well. Let's keep in mind...this isn't about feasibility it is about
I am willing to pay more for this because I am deeply interested and invested in this issue. Other students may
not be. Although I think that energy costs should be built into our tuition to a point, I don't think that this
should fall onto the student only. I think alumni and the state should be approached about the funding issue.
I'm sure there are grants we haven't looked into. There are federal grants that may apply, like one that was
mentioned at regional Powershift through the department of Homeland Security. Money for these types of
projects in education that provide training for students may even be set aside by federal legislation. I think
there should be someone paid or given credit to focus on these possibilities (for funding) as well. Perhaps
someone who is studying business or accounting and someone who is studying appropriate technology or
environmental policy. Overall I feel that if we don't set our standards high here that all of this wonderful
effort that has been put in so far could not influence the big picture. If we set our goals high we can use this
as leverage to create space for creative solutions in the future. Bottom line I think we can be carbon neutral in
10 years if opportunities for university students, faculty, and staff to participate are expanded and creative
funding sources are explored further.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I think that it is a great way to reduce UM"s carbon footprint.
Renewable Energy
Go for it!
I think that is a very, very good idea.
Carbon Offsets
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Stop leaving the windows open in the bathrooms.
Renewable Energy
I enjoy them.
If Missoula had a better public transportation option (i.e., if buses would run past 7pm and on Sundays) this
would work.
Carbon Offsets
Has anyone proved that global warming truly exists?
Thank you for putting this survey together.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
The new lighting are interesting, I like the new science that's behind it, and the idea of booting down
computers should already have been done, but how do you enforce this?
Renewable Energy
They seem solid, but can an outside donor be found for the biomass plant?
I especially like the idea of the bike hub.
Carbon Offsets
Yes, but funds should first be put into actually reducing our physical outputs first, rather than compensating
for them.
I don't think an opinion here matters; it’s what we have to do.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I think it is a wonderful start to being a little more earth-friendly. In addition, it might help UM save money to
use on other needed items or activities.
Renewable Energy
I think it is great. Let's use all those renewable energy sources. It makes sense.
Always a good idea.
Carbon Offsets
We might need to consider green roofs. We might need to consider growing more food on campus (or buying
more local food supplies) for campus food stores, cafes, etc.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Well if it saves money, but how long will it take to pay off this "energy savings?"
Renewable Energy
They can never pay themselves off unless there is a tax break involved
The whole town should have a more comprehensive mass transportation
Carbon Offsets
This is crap plain and simple
Should be feasible
Wish you the best really, hope that the money put toward this isn't squandered on creating pointless jobs and
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I think that it would be a good idea so long as you have a smart effective way to do so that would be costeffective and not alter the buildings in such a way that would affect learning. Learning and academics are
more important than this issue.
Renewable Energy
Again, I would agree with the idea so long as the new sources of energy do not create a dulled down version of
what we already have.
I think that it is unrealistic and would cost much more money while not attracting many more people. This is
one area I believe to be a waste of time, especially in a city that is already very used to biking or walking most
Carbon Offsets
No, I believe it would create less good for the amount of money it would cost.
I do not agree with it because it will cause many to lose jobs, the jobs gained from it will not be good enough
for what we think we are doing. All in all, it is a great attempt that will eventually fail.
I will leave this school if tuition were to rise because of new initiatives for the school to be "greener"
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
This should be done and probably can be done to at least a 20% reduction without hardship to occupants
Renewable Energy
This should be pursued both from an environmental, national security and eventually cost saving stand point
I think great emphasis should be put on this option. Ban cars on campus except for delivery and handicap
parking. There is no reason why a city like Missoula cannot have people walking, biking and taking public
transportation. Partner with Free Cycles to get more people biking but then support bikers as suggested in the
report. Have free flat tire fix available and lots of convenient covered racks.
Carbon Offsets
I think carbon offsets are a bad idea
We should go for it
I am glad the campus is pursuing this
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
They seem good to me.
Renewable Energy
I like this idea. My only thought is to watch the bottom line. Although the earth is "priceless," it would be
foolish to spend tons of money on something that would only have a very minimal affect on the environment.
Well I saw we are moving towards using hybrid vehicles which I am not necessarily a fan of. The Montana
Green Party wrote a blog a few years ago (http://www.mtgreens.org/node/98) describing how hybrid cars
such as the Prius are not as environmentally friendly as some people think. Just because it uses less gas
doesn't mean it is better for the environment.
Carbon Offsets
I don't know if going completely carbon neutral is necessary. I think a lot of it depends on the costs. I want to
help the environment, but at the same time I would like to keep some money in my pocket. If is not too
expensive, I think it would be worth it to purchase them. Also, I don't think we should go overboard and
spending to be carbon neutral just for the sake of being able to say that we are. Sometimes I think that is
what people are aiming for. They don't really think about the environment and the real, overall effect their
actions are having on it. They just want to do something so they can say that they did it.
They seem reasonable and attainable.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I think it should have been done a long time ago.
Renewable Energy
I think we could do better, especially by using solar power stored from the summer months.
I feel that driving should be discouraged even more and that we would need more bus stops and more biofuel
Carbon Offsets
We can do better
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I think it is a really great idea. It needs to be happening. Around western Montana the schools are finding
alternative energy sources for their buildings. The University of Montana, the first school in the country with a
Climate change studies minor, should be leading not following.
Renewable Energy
It needs to be happening. I think biomass and wind are more realistic than solar right now, but I'm open to all
ideas. It’s important and necessary and I think if UM could just jump start this there would be serious support
from the community.
They are good. More support for Free Cycles is best. Missoula in Motion and Missoula Institute for Sustainable
Transportation are great. The greener the better and I think the city supports it. There probably needs to be
many more volunteers, so if the word could just get out more, like gatherings in the oval in the spring...if
people heard about what is happening I'm sure they'd love to be involved. Many people just are unaware.
Carbon Offsets
I don't think it is the best idea...but it may be a step in the right direction. Things are just really bad right now,
change must happen.
I'm not sure I fully understand this part, but if we can reduce emission levels, yes I support it. It is best to have
goals that are realistic; if we set the percentage we want to reduce emission levels by too high then there is a
chance people will not accept the goal.
Thanks for doing this. This is really important. I hope to see even more action on campus and in the oval soon.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I think that it is very important to reduce energy consumption. It is a great feeling knowing that I am attending
a school that cares about their impact on the world.
Renewable Energy
I think that the less harmless the better
I wish that I would not rely on my own vehicle for transportation so much. Maybe this will set a good example
for me to follow.
Carbon Offsets
I think that it sounds like a great idea. I hope that carbon offsets work to better our current problems without
creating new ones.
I think that is a great goal. Let’s reach it.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Dorms waste so much by leaving all the hall lights on at night when most people are asleep or have the light of
their dorm room or study lounge, we don't need it in the halls too.
Renewable Energy
If it creates jobs I'm for it 120%
Transportation is a must in our society so making it easier to take public transportation or riding a bike or
walking in bad weather could make a difference.
Carbon Offsets
Great goal.
We need to create jobs and stop hurting the planet. What has she done to deserve the waste that we throw
into her landfills? Nothing
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
GREAT IDEAS. One problem I have with it is that if you want more efficient buildings, quit putting so many
windows in them and circulate the air. These buildings around campus, even the new ones, leak heat (and
therefore $) like an open dam leaks water; it is ridiculous. If you want to conserve energy, you need to think in
broader, more uncomfortable terms.
Renewable Energy
It is technology that has been in use for years now; how is it that this university is only now getting on board.
Of course it is a good idea.
Mass transit is the only way to make transportation "green"
Carbon Offsets
No, the idea of buying carbon offsets to be carbon NEUTRAL is utter crap. Be responsible for your own
emissions and reduce them to the lowest levels attainable at that time and continue to plan for and find ways
to continue to lower them while utilizing ways of using up pre-existing emissions.
Wow, would you like to set your goals for any time in the NEAR future. This university is a prime example of
nothing planned gets done until it is late. The idea of setting goals is not to do something attainable in a
manner that creates gradual change.
I'm all about saving the environment; that said, I’m not a tree hugger, hippie, liberal, or extremist activist. All
this university does is come up with ideas (many times expensive ideas). When putting them in place,
everything gets fouled up. I see nothing but the same out of this "greening um" project. I understand that
certain things take time, but delays are just excuses for poor execution. You want renewable energy - buy a
forest and manage it (We've got a forestry school that could do it for you and for a grade!). Timber is still the
best, most reliable source of renewable energy. Carbon sequestering: hmmm, what's the average carbon
mass of a 60 foot tall indigenous pine tree...think about it. On energy conservation: take all this crap off the
internet; we have to buy books, yet many classes never use them because everything is in spreadsheets,
handouts, and slide show presentations. Students spend hours on computers (as I am doing now) wasting
electricity just staring at slides! Books educated Einstein, and Einstein developed nuclear physics; the internet
educated Flava Flav, and he developed a vh1 reality show.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Good ideas, but I'll believe it when I see it. Since I started working here in April, I have seen egregious wastes
of energy throughout the building I work in. Heaters on with windows open, lights on all the time, etc.
Renewable Energy
Again, I'll believe it when I see it. I'm very doubtful it will happen.
I don't think they'll work. The best thing that could happen in the transportation sector is for gas to hit
$12/gallon. Then we'd see people riding their bikes to work every day, as I do.
Carbon Offsets
No. Instead, we should start with the basics and get our old buildings up to par with good insulation, doublepane windows, and doors that don't leak like a drafty barn. That would actually make a difference, and a long
term cost savings for the U.
I think it’s a joke. Although there are some who are committed to this kind of thing, the 50% of UM employees
who don't care ruin it for the rest of us.
I appreciate your effort -- keep up the good work.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Like it
Renewable Energy
Should definitely do it
Go to zero emissions
Carbon Offsets
Sounds good
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I think educating people about energy saving is not being emphasized enough. I understand that each
chemical hood uses about 2 large houses worth of energy. Closing the hood dramatically reduces this, yet
hoods are routinely left wide open when they're not being used. Computers are left on all of the time.
Buildings are overcooled in the summer (below 68) – they are not typically above 70 at any time. Garbage
cans are full of aluminum cans - a huge waste of energy.
Renewable Energy
I think these are great ideas. Too bad the roof on the new Native American Studies building wasn't made into
a large solar panel. We missed a good opportunity there.
Carbon Offsets
Conservation will make the biggest difference. We have to take responsibility for our own personal and UM
energy consumption.
That would be remarkable - power to you.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I found the section on behavior modification interesting.
However, I just can't fathom the idea of our department having to pay for the electricity needed to run their
inefficient building. Some buildings are freezing in the summer and often broiling in the winter. And the
thermostats for most floors have still not been identified. Why should some departments be penalized
because they happen to inhabit inefficient, poorly designed buildings, while others not because they are in
newer, more energy-efficient buildings? In all fairness, you should consider positive rewards for energy
savings (like increases to their operating budgets) rather than penalizing mechanisms. And the baseline for
determining savings should be independent of the energy consumed that is a consequence of the energyinefficiency of the building, rather should be what can be controlled by the occupants.
The idea of instigating a 4-day work week for staff is just untenable. Faculty have research proposals that have
to be submitted, we have grants that need to be actively managed, we need laboratory reagents and
equipment that need to be purchased and processed in a timely manner, and we have deadlines - you can't
make science run on a 4 day work week, placing a three day delay on anything occurring on Thursday for staff
to come in to work on Monday. In addition, the money saved (54k) and CO2 saved is insignificant compared
to the negative impact on the scientific productivity losses that would result, not to mention the annoyance.
On the other hand, you might want to consider not having classes on Fridays. By the look of the parking lots
and from what teachers say, half the students aren't here anyway on Fridays.
Finally, those that have motion sensors connected to the lights do find them extremely annoying and are
having them disabled. The lights switch off when they are sitting working at their computers. And the lights
take so long to switch on as you walk across the hallways. I think people are generally capable of flipping a
switch when they leave their offices, and the amount saved is minimal compared to that which could be saved
by having all the computers - or other lab equipment - that aren't running continuous tasks to be turned off at
Renewable Energy
We have ample wind - it should be put to good use. I just worry about the impact that it has on migrating
birds. There must be good wind turbines out there (like the cylindrical ones made for urban areas?) that don't
kill birds.
We have ample sun in the summer - this should be put to use with solar technology to help offset cooling bills,
even if the initial investment is large.
Partner up with the UM college of technology and incorporate solar (and wind) installations with courses so
that students get course credit and important industry experience, while campus can get increases in their
wind and solar power generation every semester.
Why don't you all hook up all those stationary bicycles and cross trainers in the gym up to electrical
generators??? You could even pay students a small amount for the amount of electricity they generate. That
way campus gets power at a dramatically discounted rate, students can get paid for working out, and the
more they work out the more money they can make. They would also be healthier. Talk about win-win. You
could even open up this part to non-campus people who haven't paid rec fees.
I bike to campus everyday via the River Trail. There are four major improvements that would likely increase
the number of bicycle commuters to campus:
1. Pave the remaining unpaved part of the river trait from the Orange Street Bridge to the main trail leading to
campus. Most of the year the trail is muddy (due to poor irrigation practices or rain) or is extremely dusty both clog up the drive trains considerably (having to clean this out once a week is not fun) while the mud
splatters all over yourself (imagine having to clean it out of your hair in the mornings).
2. Bike lanes need to be placed across campus, particularly in the north-south directions which are the major
routes of travel. These lanes should be exclusively for bicycles (no pedestrians). That way bicycles don't have
to perform the daily human slalom (making them much happier), and pedestrians won't be pissed off by the
bicyclists weaving around them. Another important bicycle lanes should be put around Campus Drive (yes,
eliminating the parking along the street - but this change would send a strong message regarding
transportation priorities to the campus community).
3. Bicycling in the snow and ice is just not safe. This is a time when bicycle commuters have to drive or take
the bus to campus. I don't take the bus because I often work late after the busses stop running, or I would
have to leave early and then transfer busses which will take 45 minutes for me to go 3 miles. So, I drive to
campus and try to find a free spot (see comments below) on the outskirts of campus. Sometimes this takes
forever, because as snow piles up, cars park further from one another, and more people drive to work. These
areas need to be actively plowed at night before people drive in to park there, particularly around the
crowded family housing area. Bicycle commuters (faculty/staff in particular) should be allowed to purchase
discounted parking tickets for campus when it snows.
4. In the fall and winter lots of junk ends up in the bicycle lanes or along the streets where the bicycles are
likely to ride (leaves, rocks/sand, trash, downed trees, broken bottles, beer cans, and parked cars in the bike
lanes). These are serious road hazards, particularly at night when some streets (like Beckwith) are poorly lit or
not lit by streetlights at all. The campus in partnership with the city needs to make sure that these areas are
kept free of debris. Also, all street corners where there are major bike routes (Beckwith, again) should have
functioning street lights.
Finally, you all (with the transportation office, and hopefully with the input of the faculty/staff body) really
need to consider the utterly messed up parking situation on campus. I bicycle through campus late at night
and often there are no parking spots due to students who just park their vehicles and leave them permanently
on campus. This means staff (if, when they drive) can never find a parking spot - do you know how maddening
this is to everyone on campus? Many have to park off campus, driving around the neighborhood to find a free
spot. This wastes time, as well as gas. Students in the dorms should be required to park their vehicles off
campus if they are not commuting. If they want to park on campus, then they should be required to purchase
a daily or weekly parking pass (at additional expense).
My colleague had a great idea: the whole buffer zone of no parking around campus is a joke - people just park
5 blocks from campus outside the zone and walk. The buffer zone should be eliminated along the north-south
running streets, as long as street runs along the side (not the front) of the house. This will ease the dense
parking situations just outside the buffer zone, making those home owners happier. It will mean more parking
spots, and less walking to our cars (the current situation is so inefficient it is a huge waste of time). If campus
made a commitment to plow snow at night where students and faculty park, then they might gain some
support for this proposal. However, if the principal problem (students leaving their cars on campus) was
resolved then we wouldn't be parking in the surrounding neighborhoods.
Carbon Offsets
Carbon offsets are more effective at assuaging the guilty conscience than they are at taking carbon out of the
atmosphere, and there are no proven effective ways at taking out large quantities of carbon from the
atmosphere. Therefore, this should not be a principle focus of the university's plan.
These are important goals that should be maintained. The cost of energy and carbon pollution will only
increase in the future, and it is important for the campus to be thinking and planning seriously now. The costs
(question below) are not negotiable - they are a cost of existing in the world.
If the campus is serious about offsetting carbon, they need to tear down inefficient buildings and replace them
with energy efficient buildings that have renewable energy generation in place. I know this takes money, and
the campus does not have it. But, this is the only way that the campus is going to be able to make a dent in
the carbon budget. And at the same time, you will make campus inhabitants much happier.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I think the ideas are forward thinking and need to be implemented
Renewable Energy
I think the solar and wind ideas are the best
Using alternative methods is always best policy and when not public transportation is key to decrease carbon
Carbon Offsets
Totally achievable
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Eh. I'd hate to suggest that we simply stop putting in bay windows.
Renewable Energy
I just don't want the costs to be passed down to the students. I don't use all the buildings and I don't live in
dorms. The U should take on the costs of updating buildings it built badly in the first place.
I use the busses a lot -- and so do other people. Especially in the winter, we should make the busses efficient
and the routes efficient -- not reduce the number of them. Maybe run fewer mini-busses around campus.
Carbon Offsets
No. You still produce the carbon.
More drastic -- technology alone will account for that.
The students can't take on all the cost -- not if the U expects to keep them.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I think it is a good plan. It is important to do the little things to help reduce GHG emissions on campus. I think
all the sections are good ideas. The only one I have any issue with is the implementation of a 4 day work week.
It is probably a good idea, but I would need more information about how it helps reduce greenhouse gas
emissions before I would completely support it.
Renewable Energy
I believe that the UM campus should plan to use completely renewable sources of energy in the next 5 years. I
think this is very technically possible and would not cost as much as some may think when coupled with
energy efficiency and conservation, transportation changes, and carbon offsets. Therefore, I think the
renewable energy strategies in the UM climate action plan are good, but I think we could be more aggressive
in this section.
All the proposed options look good to me. I think there should be more emphasis on lowering the amount of
air travel because it seems that the largest amount of emissions comes from it. It would be great to have UM
be one of the first campuses to not fly guest lecturers into Missoula, but have lectures that utilize technology
to bring great speakers to the students at UM through internet lectures and webinars.
Carbon Offsets
Yes, it is important to put your money where your mouth is, so to speak, and UM must do everything it can to
do that.
I think UM could reduce much more than that, but it is better than nothing.
I want to thank UM CAN for being so proactive in getting UM to adopt climate friendly practices. Way to go!
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
The plan is poor and incomplete. It does not address windows and doors. The addition of airlocks on some
buildings would make a huge difference. Does it matter that the cost of heat is cheaper if it is still flowing out
the windows.
Renewable Energy
I don't think these are good plans. A good plan would itemize the CO2 output created from the production of a
boiler. Biomass is still carbon, and I don't see where the carbon emitted by getting the biofuel to the site of
the generating plant has been accounted for. Electricity generated from solar power is not good money, but it
is a good idea. Wind is unreliable and ugly.
I think the hidden costs are being ignored. For example; over the lifetime of a car, a Dodge Neon will cost
more and produce more carbon than a Ford Taurus because a Neon is a POS that will burn oil and break down.
Replacing an SUV with a minivan could potentially cost more.
How about some LEADERSHIP; the President and other administrators travel way too much. If they show an
interest in reducing emissions, it will go a long way in changing people's behavior.
Carbon Offsets
No. That is smoke and mirrors. When the wheels fall off that program, we will still be producing too much
CO2. It is just a way to justify pollution.
I think 10% is realistic. 30% is not.
I don't think you are going to get anywhere if no one believes you are serious. Who can take you serious when
the wind whistles through the windows, and on breezy winter days the lobby in Main Hall (and others) doesn't
get above 40 degrees? Who is going to think you are serious when they see all of the single pane windows in
campus buildings? Yet your plan calls for no improvement. If people can see and feel improvements, they
might believe you are serious, and start changing their behavior.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Some options are more expensive than others, thus I would lean towards options with the lowest cost and the
highest benefit.
Renewable Energy
These options are very expensive and I personally would not want to pursue these options unless grants or
other funding was available.
I live in Lolo and limiting parking options or increasing parking costs would not enable me to reduce driving, it
would only cost me more money to work here. I do like the idea of providing affordable housing options
because that is one of the main reasons we live so far out of town.
Carbon Offsets
If cost effective methods proved to be unrealistic for emission reduction, offsets would be the next arena of
research in my mind.
They seem like realistic and obtainable goals, pending funding.
I am not a student, but I am strongly against increasing costs to students for carbon reduction.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I favor cost-effective energy savings.
Renewable Energy
I heat my house with biomass: high initial cost, low operating costs, uncertain lifespan.
I car-pool, and when I can get a little 4WD car, I will.
Carbon Offsets
Why not get good at it soon and sell carbon-offsets to others?
Those numbers mean nothing to me.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I think it's wonderful that UM is tackling sustainability in such creative, direct ways. I especially like the plans
that credit members of our campus for engaging in "green" behavior (ie, tuition credit for students who
Renewable Energy
I think it's great. I admit that I don't know a lot about the science behind biomass, but solar and wind projects
are a nice idea. We need to do this now!
I think this is KEY. We have to find a way to convince people to drive less. It's a daunting task...but I think we
can do it! We must find ways to make the bus more amenable to UM schedules since driving is tempting in
cold weather. We also really need to find a way to make housing near campus more affordable for all
members of the university campus.
Carbon Offsets
I admit that I am suspicious of this...seems a little strange that we could buy our way out rather than doing the
hard work of actually curbing and adjusting our behavior. I would rather see UM focus on setting truly local
directives rather than "counterbalancing" our bad habits!
I think these goals are absolutely achievable.
Keep up the good work. I am really hopeful we can achieve a lot of these goals. I would like to see some of the
objectives more clearly stated (for instance, "minimize water as much as possible"...let's commit to a certain
percentage reduction instead) in order to make them more achievable.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I think that the UM is making good steps towards becoming less of an energy hog.
Renewable Energy
I think that using alternative forms of energy is a good thing. The priority would be to use them in the most
cost effective manner that we can, though.
I like the concept of using Bio-dies.
Carbon Offsets
Depends on the price.
I think that those are attainable levels.
The big idea here is to make sure that the upgrades are the most cost effective that they can be while making
the campus more energy efficient. If you can pull that off, then we've got it made!
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I think they are great - small and large changes are thoroughly assessed - I love the idea of solar and wind
energy! Certainly the turning off of lights, lowering thermostats etc..should become habit with everyone
Renewable Energy
Good - people are a bit married to convenience, but I think we are doing a pretty good job making public
transit more available, and should keep on doing that - if it's convenient and available, people will use it - esp.
it it's presented to students as a money saver and parking hassle saver
Carbon Offsets
A little but I'm less in favor of using money this way then trying to fix things another way.
Too modest, we should push for more
Exciting - I would like to see UM take a lead in developing uses for recycled material: it's a frustration to me
that certain plastics and glass for ex, aren't taken here...it doesn't matter how recyclable things are if no one
will recycle them and USE them.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
This should definitely be done. Computer lab PCs should be shut off at night at least.
Renewable Energy
I don't know how I feel about Biomass, but solar and wind are great sources of energy.
Good idea.
Carbon Offsets
No. Put money into renewable energy sources on campus.
I think they are modest.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I like the ideas, but I think the cost to do so comes at an inappropriate time for the State Budget
Renewable Energy
I love all of these ideas and would like to see them implemented as soon as possible.
I love all of these ideas and would like to see them implemented as soon as possible.
Carbon Offsets
I think these are reasonable goals.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Bring on the 4-day work weeks. Students don't want to be here Fridays, neither do I (and I'd guess many of
my fellow employees). Or Mondays. Let's make it a 3 day work week, I hate Mondays too. Change out all the
lights, yesterday. Lower temps more in the winter, higher in the summer. More trees on campus can't be a
bad thing. Energy efficiency and conservation should be part of a student's (and employee's) introduction to
the university.
Renewable Energy
Biomass burns wood for heat or to make gas to burn as heat. That's just a different source of pollution. And
it's expensive. The university should take a leadership role in convincing the state to build a large scale wind
farm. Include it in the curriculum. COT courses on repair and maintenance. More emphasis on solar. The
sun's not going anywhere soon. If we can decrease emissions maybe we'll see the sun more in the winter.
Good luck. More buses may help but the increase in ridership I feel will not be that great. Increase
opportunities for carpooling with carpool parking areas in southern Missoula and Reserve Street area. Van
service instead of more buses (can someone make a hybrid van already please?). A definite yes on the bike
hub with showers. You can take the parking garage to the east of Mansfield Library for this purpose.
Carbon Offsets
No. We all need to change our ways, not buy our way out of changing our ways.
You have to start somewhere. We will be lucky to hit zero emissions before 2100 and by then I'll be beyond
Conservation and renewable resources need more prevalence.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Great ideas. I work in an old campus building where the HVAC regulation is intermittent and imbalanced.
Improving performance of these existing HVAC systems could greatly reduce energy consumption. I especially
like the behavior modification ideas.
Renewable Energy
Biomass idea is intriguing, but I would want the University to fully examine its strengths, weaknesses, and
long-term viability before investing significantly in this.
More bus, including a Bitterroot bus line (the University could run its own commuter bus from somewhere in
the Bitterroot like Florence directly to campus)
Carbon Offsets
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I think that it is very important. All of the buildings on campus are so big. I think that using different strategies
could cut down on UM's energy consumption immensely.
Renewable Energy
I think that all of the ideas are a good start. It is good to diversify strategies to what works best or what work
best together
I think that the ideas for transportation are a good start. Electric cars and hybrids are both energy intensive
and have their downfalls. I think that there should be a bigger emphasis put on non motorized transportation.
UM could use a new fleet of two-day use bikes. There should be more effort for promoting biking from
campus, incentives for biking and campus sponsored bike events such as basic maintenance, etc.
Carbon Offsets
Not sure
I think that is definitely do-able. I think the goals should be higher.
I think that all of the ideas to "green" UM are a good start. It is nice to see initiative.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
pg. 8:
The contribution of grounds maintenance to climate change (through greenhouse gas production) may be
small, but the effect of grounds maintenance on Montana's native aquatic species is LARGE compared to the
effect of greenhouse gas production by the university. Although grounds maintenance may not contribute to
the release of carbon dioxide, it does contribute to ENVIRONMENTAL change. Irresponsible use of water in
the dry Montana climate is actually much more harmful to native aquatic species than climate change is.
Although stream temperature is determined in part by air temperature, water volume and forested riparian
areas are the major limitations for fish seeking thermal refuge.
Please avoid letting the issue of climate change replace more pressing - and more readily remediated concerns. Stop watering when it rains, and help remind everyone that no one need be ashamed of a brown
pg. 13:
Please do not replace existing lights until they burn out, or offer used but still-working light bulbs to lowincome families in the community. CFLs are only cost- and energy-efficient if they will be used for relatively
long periods of a time and in the correct light fixture, so there's no reason to throw away standard light bulbs
that could be used in light fixtures that are incompatible with CFLs. It's not often environmentally friendly to
put something in a landfill if it's needed and still works.
pg. 17:
10-hour work days work for some people. For UM employees who type most of the day, a 10-hour work day
(4-hour work week with 40 hours as full time) might lead to more cases of carpal tunnel or other repetitive
stress injuries. Although computers can respond to voice commands, using these assistive technologies in a
shared or public office is difficult. You might make it a policy that full-time computer users can use sick leave
to install and train assistive technologies.
I have a few alternative suggestions for reducing commutes:
1) 4-day work week as described, but with option of completing hours through telecommuting when
available/appropriate (such as working that 5th day from home)
2) Make 35 hours full time and alternate 5-day and 4-day work weeks (everyone gets every other Friday off;
reduce commuting by 2 days/month and lower stress levels by providing more family time) (West Virginia did
this to deal with a budget crisis)
3) Make 32 hours full time, move to 4-day work weeks, continue to pay people what they would've made for a
40-hour work week (but skip annual pay raises/cost-of-living raises for a few years), and allow people more
time at home (= less time commuting)
pg. 29: A lack of a safe bike path from Bonner and the strength of Hellgate winds make me uncomfortable
biking to work. One of these could be addressed by the county. I used to ride the bus, but it took 70 minutes
to get to campus - I couldn't bring my bike with me to reduce that time because the rack was usually full on
the way home, and afternoon traffic along 200 is frightening. Now I carpool, but by parking at the free lot
(because there are only 2 of us, and we don't qualify for a permit), it adds nearly as much to my commute as
biking does. Providing free lockers, shower, & towel service to people who bike to work would contribute to
commuting by bicycle, I think.
pg. 30: Compact cars are unsuitable for some research. Universities that ignored this concern ended up with
very unhappy researchers. Train travel is rarely encouraged or even allowed in my experience at several
universities because it takes too long, although upgrading Amtrak tickets provides the traveler with a laptop
plug that would enable work while traveling.
pg. 42: Again, ground clearance is a necessity for some field research. Consider used compact SUVs, as those
have much better clearance than most vehicles currently sold, they're cheaper, and they make better gas
mileage than larger SUVs, most minivans, and some standard-sized cars. Some field work requires holding
more people or more gear, so these would not always be suitable.
I have not read the Appendices.
Renewable Energy
Using forest resources in Montana makes sense. Solar power and wind power are also both abundant here
relative to many other places in the U.S., so using them here makes sense to me.
Carbon Offsets
I generally disapprove of the methods used to calculate carbon offsets, and until they are improved, I
disapprove of the development of a carbon market and think it is a rip-off.
Sure, but make sure you think about your impact on the environment - not just on emissions!
My willingness to pay is dependent on you not buying carbon credits and not maintaining a manicured green
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
What a wonderful idea! So timely!
Renewable Energy
They seem to be worthwhile and viable, I'm glad to see UM Move in this direction.
I think that you will receive resistance on this, but since I am an avid bicyclist, I'm glad to see this go into
Carbon Offsets
I don't agree with the practice of purchasing offsets...I would rather see UM work harder to reduce their own
I think that they are conservative and would like to see UM take a stronger, more radical approach.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Very favorable
Renewable Energy
Very favorable
Very favorable
Carbon Offsets
If economically feasible
Very favorable
Suggestion: Assign Transportation Services responsibility of noticing when vehicle rentals require traveling to
the same city on same day and coordinating carpooling efforts.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Good, the biggest saving would be if each dorm room could set their own temperature in their room. I see the
windows open when it is ten below zero outside.
Renewable Energy
I think that we really have to look at using other forms of energy. If bigger venues don't make it mainstream
then the government won't make it main stream for the public.
It is good looking at fuel efficient vehicles, but then the mechanics will have to undergo more training on how
to fix these vehicles and what is the cost associated with that.
Carbon Offsets
I think that this is crap and it shouldn't be used. It is just a capitalistic way of not feeling so guilty about the
energy that you consume.
It is a great goal. But should be continually monitored, and changed if needed.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I think it is important and I appreciate the University taking action.
Renewable Energy
I think it is a wonderful idea
Carbon Offsets
I think they could be a little bigger, why take baby steps?
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Many UM buildings are poorly insulated and heating / cooling systems are antiquated.
Here is an example of one problem that would be easy to solve: In the summer heat builds up in older
buildings during the day and somehow there is no way to allow that heat to escape at night. Then the next day
we find that we have not taken advantage of the cool evening and we cool that air again. There must be a way
to vent that hot air out the top of the buildings at night without compromising security. In a University of
course hot air is an even bigger problem than it is outside the academic community.
Renewable Energy
Excellent ideas. We should invest in renewable energy sources.
A small benefit. The basic problem is that public transportation is so limited in Missoula generally that it
doesn't work for many people. It is not so much that the stops are too far away as it is that the routes are
often circuitous and time consuming for commuters. A 4 day work week would not be practical for those of us
who need to be available to students or faculty and staff every day. In most cases there is not enough staff for
redundancy. In many offices there is only one person who can perform specific functions. When that person is
absent those services might be available to nobody on campus. If that happens one day a week that will be a
serious problem.
Carbon Offsets
Sounds realistic if the Federal Government provides funds for green energy technology development that are
sufficient to meet the challenge.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Renewable Energy
Carbon Offsets
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Great for the university and community
Renewable Energy
I support all these options. Biomass should be good.
Not as big as an issue as recycling and renewable energy.
Carbon Offsets
Absolutely, is a responsibility of the university to do it
More aggressive goals!
Do it
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Energy Efficiency is very important. Insulation is the biggest key for this problem. Also switching to natural gas
can be very important as well.
Renewable Energy
Stupid. They are a waste of money investing in poor systems that have horrible efficiency for a "problem" that
is being introduced, supported, and perpetuated by the people who profit from the problem and its solution.
Check out Climategate finally the truth isn't being clouded by political people.
If America banned gasoline it would only reduce carbon emissions by 3.5%. Targeting transportation as cause
of anthropogenic global warming: stupid
Carbon Offsets
NO. It's a waste of money in a very critical time.
Again, ban gas -> 3.5% go back to living like cavemen and you get your 30%. I like my computer too much.
If you are actually planning on raising my tuition for this crap then at least examine the facts before you start
making me throw my money into all this. And PLEASE PLEASE make it optional because I really spend too
much money on this university already.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I think it’s a great idea.
Renewable Energy
I think that is the responsible thing to do.
I think that's what we need to do.
Carbon Offsets
It’s going to take some work but it needs to be done.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Renewable Energy
It’s mostly a waste of time. Granted the ideas themselves are great it’s just that technology is not good
enough yet (green technology) to really power anything sufficiently well (unless we're talking about small
kitchen appliances). Plus some green technology makes the environment ugly such as electric windmills and
solar panels.
Carbon Offsets
No. That is absolutely ridiculous. The UM and Missoula in general doesn't even compare to most big colleges
and cities.
This really all seems like a fad honestly. Everybody's getting whipped up about this stuff too much. I
understand we do need to change to a more reliable and alternative fuel source(s) but this all seems like it’s
being pushed way to fast by environmental groups and people in the alternative energy industry. The later
seems to be more focused on raising capital than saving the environment honestly because if they really cared
I think they'd wait a while longer when we actually have good environmental technology before they started
trying to shove it down every governmental institutions throat. This "reducing carbon emissions" thing so
drastically in such a short period of time will turn out to be very bad because it’s happening so fast. Good
things aren't rushed is an old and very true saying. I also really don't want to pay more for bio diesel or any of
that stuff (that coincidentally raises food prices and makes it harder for people and poor people especially to
live) because we are not a coal plant and we seriously don't put off almost any pollution at all. I can still see
the stars at night even in the city. There is really no haze or anything in Missoula at all. I know what real haze
and smog is too, I'm from that kind of area. So when Missoula gets one tenth as bad as smog areas I think it
would be important to reduce our output but I don't think it’s necessary at all. To sum this up I think
environmental groups and clean energy companies are pushing this thing way too hard. They should stop
wasting their time in Missoula and go to a bigger city or better yet, a developing country (China for one) and
lobby for environmental change there.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
The most important component of the reduction of building-related energy consumption is behavioral
changes. One idea for educating the student body is through competitions or something like Energy Efficiency
Awareness Week. During this week every classroom would have to use 50% of their usual lights or perform
other small actions that serve as a reminder that we are constantly wasting energy. Ensuring that students
know to shut off their computers, unplug appliance not in use and turning off lights, is essential to reducing
energy use. The program that shuts down computers after 30min should be installed on every computer. Also
increasing awareness about LEED certifications would be excellent. UM could give specific tours to students
for classes, tour the buildings during orientation/new student tours. Also working with the new LEED program
to retrofit older buildings is a great way to reduce energy. Perhaps the campus could high an engineer
specifically focused on green building.
Renewable Energy
Wind is the best option in my opinion. One wind farm of 10 turbines could produce enough to account for
UM's energy use. This would cost almost half as much as the biomass plant, and is an investment with a good
return. With wind some kind of firming energy production, perhaps a very small, sustainable biomass plant
(getting materials from a maximum of 40 miles).
The fleet and buses could be fitted with low rolling resistance tires that would increase each vehicles efficiency
by 4-5 miles per gallon. Promoting sustainable transportation like biking, walking and busing is very important.
To do this support (either financially or otherwise) should be given to ASUM Office of Transportation. Their
Walk and Roll week is always a big success. Also the idea of a bike hub appealed to me to support the biking
community, with bike repair tools, workshops and events. Also brining AMTRAK to Missoula would greatly
reduce emissions from air travel for athletes and the general student body.
Carbon Offsets
I think that at some point offsets will be necessary. I think that if a goal of 2020 was chosen I would be more
accepting of offsets, because it would be a lot harder to achieve the goal without them. Also if we purchase
offsets to meet a 2020 goal, the funds going towards the offsets would act as incentive to discover more ways
to reduce our energy use and emissions.
The interim goals should be created so that we can reach a carbon neutrality deadline of 2020. This is not a
goal I am merely throwing out there idealistically, but one I think we can actually achieve. I and many other
students are willing to make contributions of time and effort to help the university reach this goal. We expect
to be involved in this process, to help campus reach its goal. I also believe that even if we put 2020 on the CAP,
and do not actually achieve it, his would create progress faster than any other deadline. Even if we did not
reach the deadline, we would still be much closer to carbon neutrality than if we chose a 2030 deadline or
2050 deadline. I think we must place pressure on ourselves to reach carbon neutrality. If the deadline on the
draft or final CAP is not 2020 when first submitted, I would prefer the deadline to be TBA rather than 2030 or
I think a deadline of 2020 is necessary, as climate change is occurring so rapidly. Every one of our actions to
reduce our impact makes an impact (however small.) The most important aspect in my mind is that we
approach this from the most aggressive deadline possible. In this way we become an example for other
universities across the nation. As a leader in the green movement, UM could market itself to new students
interested in sustainability. Also most of the schools that have reach carbon neutrality already are smaller
private schools. It is important to show the nation that larger public schools, with even more emissions, can
also reach this aggressive goal. As such a large, creative and intelligent student body, we should be seen a
resource in the Climate Action Plan. In addition, changing behaviors and creating awareness of students while
at the university will spread green thinking, as students carry this with them into the future.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
There are many buildings on campus. Instead of building more, we should retro fit the existing ones. Also,
behavior education is incredibly necessary.
Renewable Energy
I eat at the Food Zoo, and I would rather see a biomass plant involving food waste than wood chips. But I
support solar and wind renewable options.
Transportation is huge. I support the tire change initiative. By eliminating parking spots on campus, it will force
students and faculty to pursue other options. A well funded ASUM transportation office is necessary for this.
Carbon Offsets
Ideally, we should keep this environmental movement local. I do not support foreign carbon offsets, because
there are plenty of places we can throw students money that will support a Missoula economy.
I support them, as long as they do not involve Carbon Offsets.
I am very encouraged by this plan, but greater student awareness is necessary. I have felt left out of this
process (as a student) even though I pay for most of these meetings to happen. More transparency would be
nice. Very inspiring though.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
It seems like they will be very affective and environmentally safe.
Renewable Energy
I believe that nature is given to us to utilize and not destroy. Using renewable energy is the future.
I already believe that our transportation system is a waste, so I hope that this plan will work out well.
Carbon Offsets
I think they are great, but we could always do better if we wanted too.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
It is great to see we have started to move in the direction towards green buildings. Sounds like the Native
American studies building are taking the lead and hopefully there will be many other buildings to follow.
Keeping business local by using products from around the area is great for the Missoula economy. Changing all
of the lighting at UM is a great, simple start to more energy efficiency.
Renewable Energy
It is logical to use renewable energy and getting a head start on it is even better. Becoming climate neutral is a
great goal and I hope to see this come true. The biomass on campus wood-boiler does not seem like the
greatest strategy due to the pollution from the wood. It seems Missoula already struggles with clean air due to
the fact we are in the valley. Solar energy seems great but could possibly be too expensive. Purchasing wind
turbines in other parts of the state could be a good idea to offset UM emissions.
It seems we have a good start to reducing emissions due to transportation. There is an electric truck, and
buses being fueled with alternative energy. Making the switch over to hybrids is a smart choice economically.
It is impossible to find parking on campus anyways so adding one more bus to the route makes sense.
Especially in the wintertime the bus is packed with students who need a ride. Switching to a four day work
week seems like a good strategy but might be a little far off still. There are so many people who bike to school
or around town each day and I think it is great that there are programs such as Freecycles and Missoula in
Motion to help that along.
Carbon Offsets
The University of Montana should strive to achieve carbon neutrality, but I do not know if buying Carbon
Offsets is the best way to do this. It will likely prolong the carbon neutrality process and if we did reach that
goal, where would those offsets go after that?
This seems like a great goal, but is there any enforcement going into this goal? And who is paying for all of
this? The goals may be a little high but I think this is better than nothing. Some of the switches such as
changing out light bulbs are easy to do while others such as a four-day work week may be a bit farfetched.
I think it is great that we are going forward with reducing emissions and building green buildings. It may take a
while but it seems to me we are off to a good start and need to stay positive when it comes to global climate.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
There is also a way in which you can turn the heating/cooling on/off in particular rooms using either motion
detectors or light switches that run the temp control. So when there is no one in a room, which usually means
the door is shut and locked, you are not wasting energy modifying its temp.
Renewable Energy
Excellent, but I think we should go even further.
I would also add that we should raise the cost of parking permits overall but also dependant on the type of
vehicle one drives. Also, let’s really push to get the train back in Missoula. I think that could be utilized once
people become accustomed to it.
Carbon Offsets
I don't believe that UM should purchase Carbon Offsets. As a person who is studying climate change at the
graduate level and has worked with people who monitor global carbon I don't trust that offsets actually
perform the function to which the economists would like to believe. However, if there was an offset program
I would like to see some of that go into directly "greening" the lives of the UM students/staff/faculty. Perhaps
giving tuition rebates or pay backs for upgrading one's insulation or buying solar power or building a gray
water system or how about giving incentives for riding your bike; like a certain section at football games and
other events or books discounts or separate lines to get in places or registration preference or coffee/food or
how about purchasing a larger amount of locally grown food.
People are always resistant to change but once that change is implemented thoughtfully they immediately
forget what it used to be like.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I fully support this change. It would be the most intelligent idea to help reduce our carbon footprint.
Renewable Energy
This should have been done years ago all over the planet. It's about time we reduced our dependency on
harmful and wasteful forms of energy.
Excellent. I support the reduction, fully.
Carbon Offsets
Yes. In the long run, it is the most caring option, when it comes to the future of our planet.
I believe it could be possible, but it would require more people getting involved, and making more people
aware of our dangerous wasteful ways of life.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I would like to see the University commit to LEED Gold or Platinum certification for all new buildings, as well as
to reach LEED EBOM standards for existing structures. Closing buildings over breaks, instituting a 4 day work
week, reducing vending machines, retro-commissioning HVAC systems and offering high efficiency light bulbs
all appeal to me. However, I'd like to see use of geothermal heat, and a commitment to improving the
insulation of buildings. Furthermore, while behavior modification is important, we cannot assume that it will
cut our emissions very much overall - it should only be treated as the educational component of energy
efficiency measures.
Renewable Energy
I am excited at the prospect of using multiple sources of renewable energy, and I believe that we'll be best off
if we diversify our energy sources. That being said, I'd like to see a change in the graph depicting potential
solutions. Biomass is an important potential energy source, but I believe that because of air pollution, fuel
availability issues, and cost, it should be done on a small scale only, and its purpose should be both
educational and as firming power for wind energy.
Wind power should be our focus. With the second highest wind potential in the nation, Montana is poised to
lead the US in wind development, and UM should get the ball rolling. Wind energy is a proven technology, it is
significantly cheaper than biomass (10 1.5 MW turbines to offset UM's purchased electricity from
NorthWestern Energy cost 27.5 million dollars, as opposed to 50 million for a biomass plant), it results in net
annual returns for UM, there are no emissions, and it could be developed to power all public colleges and
universities in Montana. What's more, wind power can be developed one turbine at a time, allowing for
turbines to be built as funding becomes available (and therefore helping us get past the hump of not having
enough capital to begin with). Solar and geothermal should also be used. Geothermal energy, especially for
heat maintenance, would help UM reduce its heating bills substantially.
The aspects of the transportation section that most appeal to me include greening the UM automobile fleet
(especially by making all vehicles used on campus into electric plug-ins), providing more incentives to bike and
helping to make Missoula more bike friendly, and improving bus service (both in terms of routes and in the
number of buses in use at rush hour). Restoring an Amtrak line through Missoula may not be the best use of
CAP funds, but it would do wonders in reducing travel costs for athletics and school departments.
Carbon Offsets
I would prefer that we do everything possible to avoid purchasing carbon offsets to balance our energy use on
campus. However, with the understanding that an off-site wind or biomass project would essentially be
offsetting our emissions, a distinction needs to be made between those kinds of green infrastructure
investments, and carbon offsets purchased on the open market. If it became necessary to purchase offsets on
the market to eventually get down to zero emissions, I would encourage UM to invest locally in forest and
grassland restoration or conservation projects, as well as in maintaining local agriculture. A UM wind farm
could offset air travel and other carbon sources, as well. I would like to see UM develop a program where the
school funded the purchase of conservation easements on critical properties in Western Montana. The
easements could be held by a local non-profit land trust.
I would ideally like to see UM go carbon neutral by 2020, and I think it's important that we challenge the
school administration to take this CAP seriously. In order to break through institutional inertia, we have to
aim high. On the other hand, I would be satisfied if UM committed to 50% reductions in current emissions by
2020, and 100% by 2030. Anything less than 100% by 2030 should be considered a cop-out. UM has
committed itself to the ACUPCC, and it is our duty to fulfill our obligations.
This is a chance for the University to become a national leader in sustainability, attracting funding and
exceptional students from around the US and the world. UM must see itself in context - it is a large carbon
emitter in a state that has committed itself to lowering its emissions. What's more, UM can help spur a badlyneeded green economy. UM should be aiming high with this opportunity. Since every public college and
university in MT signed onto the ACUPCC, we should build wind power for all schools. A project of that size
would draw unprecedented media coverage, attract congressional and non-profit funding, and be more
financially sound than a smaller project by reducing the cost per turbine. The only way we can challenge the
administration to do what's best for the environment and our economy is to be aggressive with our CAP. Let's
push President Dennison and others to do what's right for UM's largest investors - students - and for future
generations of Montanans.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
This is where you have your biggest uses, so it should receive the most investment. I would accelerate your
energy audits so that all buildings are audited by 2012. Make now assumptions - make it happen. It is very
possible that Federal money will be available SOON to conduct building envelope work and this needs to be a
VERY high priority. Make behavior modification much more proactive (carrots AND sticks)! Stop using the
word if and use the word when. Faculty and Staff are employees and don't have to enticed to do some things,
they can be TOLD TO DO THEM (like recycling and turning off lights). Shrubs planted up against buildings also
provide insulation in the winter. Much of the good work of making existing buildings more energy efficient will
be undone by building more buildings. We need to STOP building small separate buildings. Not only does
their footprint use up precious space for trees and open space, they are inherently inefficient (simple math surface area to volume). We also need to stop building more classrooms until we utilize our current
classrooms for the whole day. Yes students and faculty, that means late afternoon or evening classes and
perhaps walking further across campus to take or teach a class.
Renewable Energy
Wind is the low hanging fruit here. The entire STATE GOVERNMENT including higher education should
negotiate with Northwest Energy and others providers as appropriate to buy a significant percentage of wind
generated electricity.
Start reducing the number of parking places on campus. Simple, VERY effective, and reduces long term costs
as well. Charging to parking daily is GREAT, but develop a cost effective means of collecting so you don't have
lines of cars waiting to pay. Maybe swiping Griz Card or ???
Carbon Offsets
Yes - but let's start by finalizing the Arboretum plan and planting trees and shrubs on campus and reducing the
amount of water guzzling grass.
The percentage goals mean little or nothing without tying them to specific action items and costs. The
information can be teased out of the report, but this needs to be made CRYSTAL CLEAR. 30% below 2007
levels by 2020 should be a minimum.
The plan has a lot of good analysis and ideas. But the plan clearly lacks a list of RECOMMENDED alternatives.
Is page 53 the recommended plan, or page 55 or ????
BE BOLD. Stick your necks out. Failure is not an option.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I think it's something we need to do not just something we should do. As a university we need to take a
leadership role in setting the example.
Renewable Energy
Again, this is an opportunity to lead by example and work out the kinks so the rest of the community can
eventually jump on board as well.
I feel the number one thing that can be done to reduce transportation emissions is to not go anywhere in the
first place. If we were to utilize more video conferencing and other virtual presence technologies we could
dramatically cut down on emissions.
Carbon Offsets
Carbon offsets are just an excuse to continue emitting carbon. No.
Those goals seem reasonable.
Good ideas.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Renewable Energy
Using multiple solutions to meet the energy needs of the school is essential. Go ahead with as many projects
as is feasible.
Carbon Offsets
Worthwhile if purchasing credits does not affect the pace at which actual reduction occurs, or impede
innovations which may promote actual reductions.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
There are some serious issues to address with some of our buildings, particularly Rankin Hall. In a broader
context we should be working with State legislators to develop a program for the University to capture and
retain energy savings.
Renewable Energy
Biomass presents serious environmental and social issues and should be considered only if we have no other
options. Solar-voltaic for the campus is kind of a non-starter as we don't get that much sun, but solar thermal
should be considered strongly, especially for the steam plant. Wind is plentiful in MT and ought to be the
primary focus of renewable provisions in the CAP.
I have a hard time believing that consolidating flights for the athletics dept. or faculty will result in fewer
flights overall - it's not like they're flying on planes that would otherwise be empty. I do, however, think we
should be promoting 1. Bike-friendly initiatives such as covered bike parking, 2. the best in efficient vehicles
(perhaps hybrid vehicles?) for campus auto fleet, 3. Electric trucks for maintenance staff, and 4. Electric buses
for ASUM, such as the ones currently used in Denver, CO.
Carbon Offsets
It will be extremely difficult to achieve a quick carbon neutrality date without offsets of some kind. That said,
the campus should consider green tags rather than straight offsets - we ought to be investing in renewable
installations in MT, not just buying our way out of the problem. Once we have an annual green tag purchase in
place it will provide a financial incentive for UM to pursue its own renewable installations rather than pay a
premium on the energy it is using.
I would have to see the data on what 2007 emissions were before deciding on that issue. However, I think we
can do better than 30% below 2007 levels by 2020. If we buckle down we can achieve 100% carbon reduction
by 2020, and that is what we should strive for.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Energy efficiency is the cheapest way to reduce emissions and almost all of the methods stated seem
reasonable with the exception of the 4 day work week and closing buildings.
Renewable Energy
Biomass and wind appear to be the best return on investment. Maybe reevaluate as costs change in
More bike, bus and walk promotion and infrastructure. Daily parking passes would be soundly opposed by
most people, I would imagine.
Carbon Offsets
I think it is a good idea, although I think most people outside of the 'know' of carbon sinks and the 'carbon
balance' would not understand. More education of the public is required on this topic.
Ambitious goals, but it's good to set a high goal so that inertia toward that goal begins.
I am glad that Missoula and the University are actively trying to curb their carbon emissions. Maybe this will
also help show the politicians and pundits that people on the local level care about this issue.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Energy efficiency is absolutely essential to the success of the plan. I would like to see estimates of the amount
of money the implementation of these strategies will save over the life of the project along with all the other
figures provided in the Climate Action Plan. It is absolutely essential that it is completely clear to everyone
who observes the Plan that energy efficiency pays for itself overtime. The upfront costs will be recovered.
Renewable Energy
I share the concerns about both biomass plants listed in the Climate Action Plan. I am completely against a
biomass plant on campus because of air quality concerns. I do not think solar voltaic energy can be seriously
considered at this time because it is simply too expensive. Solar water heating should continue to have a role
in the Plan, however. The Plan should include information about a wind farm in addition to the single turbine
that is currently discussed. Wind energy is the best renewable source of energy we have available to us. The
startup costs of even multiple turbines are much lower than those of the biomass plant and wind turbines
produce net returns while the biomass plant produces a net loss. Additionally, wind turbines can be
implemented individually to spread the start up cost out if necessary. Further study is being done for the
possibilities of implementing a biomass plant. We need to see the same kind of research going into the
possibilities of implementing a wind farm.
All the planned strategies are good. I especially support increasing ease of access to the ride sharing site and
putting ride share boards up in the UC and the dorms. Also, the research opportunities regarding bio-diesel
should be publicized and taken advantage of.
Carbon Offsets
Carbon offsets should be the absolute last strategy we employ to reach carbon neutrality. One idea would be
to develop more clean energy than we use as a type of offset that the University could earn money from. If
we have no choice but to purchase carbon offsets, we should purchase offsets that invest in projects in
Montana and the local community.
These interim goals are not nearly aggressive enough. We need to set 2020 as the date for carbon neutrality.
It is an extremely aggressive goal but it is the only appropriate response to the situation we are entering. As a
university producing the leaders of tomorrow we need to demonstrate what we want tomorrow to look like.
That future does not involve energy that releases carbon dioxide.
I cannot stress enough how important the inclusion of the 2020 deadline for carbon neutrality in the Climate
Action Plan is. I really appreciate the diverse look at many ways to reduce energy use including reducing the
number of vending machines and planting shading trees on the south side of buildings. These both have other
environmental benefits. Less vending machines will reduce garbage or recycling production. Trees
themselves store carbon although the number we are discussing is not enough to make an impact on the
emissions of the UM.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I think that is this an amazing idea. Like most great ideas implementation will be expensive. Regardless,
looking towards the future is always the best policy.
Renewable Energy
I am a strong supporter of all of these actions. The father we can remove ourselves from a reliance on
petroleum the better.
I agree with them all.
Carbon Offsets
I think that this is a great goal.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
I think that encouraging students to change their habits would be very effective and affordable. Cutting out
Fridays will be a difficult adjustment but, ultimately, worthwhile.
Renewable Energy
I don't understand the technologies enough to be able to make a determination but from what I heard they
seem like positive changes.
YES.YES.YES, it's always good to encourage people to change their transportation habits and increase public
Carbon Offsets
If funding is going into carbon offsets it's crucial that the type of offset and the details of it be known and
examined to make sure it's a valid offset and not just a loophole.
I think that with the right policy it's totally possible; you just have to force people to make adjustments and
deal with the changes.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
Sounds good to me
Renewable Energy
Fantastic idea, I like clean air
Always good to reduce emissions and save money
Carbon Offsets
They should put these carbon offsets on the campus. Good idea
I think the goal should be higher. We should be a leader of leaders
A windmill would be cool and inspiring to have on campus.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
In general, there are many good options in this section of the plan. Particularly upgrades and retrocommissioning, behavior modification, and the drinking fountain coolers seem like great options. Possibilities
that do not seem nearly as effective or important are 4 day work week (due to its uncertainty of results and
complications of implementation), the vending machine option, and giving residents CFLs (can they not simply
be installed in rooms to begin with?).
My largest criticism however is the LEED building standard. Firstly, I do not think that it is strong enough.
Setting the level at silver does not provide the University with enough incentive to find alternatives to new
construction. Buildings are the largest section of the greenhouse gas emissions, and continued growth will
only maintain the status quo. Renovation alternatives must be promoted above any new growth. Secondly,
why do we need a LEED certification? It is a costly program that seems to be a waste of money. Since we
have a sustainability office and have begun monitoring carbon emissions, why can we not build to LEED
standards without the certification? I fully support the standards of the LEED certifications, but it seems like a
waste of money to me.
Renewable Energy
I feel that biomass and wind energy should be pursued, while the University should wait on solar until prices
become more cost effective. I think the idea of trying to join with other groups (other universities, the city,
other interests groups) to create a new wind farm would be a terrific idea and would bring a lot of positive
media coverage to the area, not to mention the economic and emissions benefits. Biomass should also be
strongly pursued because of its large capacity to reduce emissions. Upfront costs are a major issue, but
funding should be looked for on the state and national levels.
I think the transportation sector needs a carrot and stick approach. Increasing availability and affordability of
busing and biking should occur, but I also think that all lots should become pay by the hour or many could be
simply eliminated. This could provide a source of income to pay for emissions reductions. On top of that I
think the University should play a role in increasing regional transportation methods that are less carbon
intensive. A simple place to start would be the Missoula to Helena Amtrak line. The University itself should
publicly support options like this one that would allow for a greater use of non-air travel. If a system is then in
place for these types of travel, the school should promote their use by the faculty and staff for University
related trips.
Carbon Offsets
I think carbon offsets are a great idea for the University. There is only so much that can be done on campus to
reduce emissions without compromising the institution. Carbon offsets allow for our carbon savings to be
outsourced. That there are companies here in Missoula is a double benefit because we can support local
businesses while offsetting. I feel strongly that the first offsets purchased should go to support regional
projects. As a PR choice for the University I think that creating local offset projects would be extremely
beneficial. That is not to say that the only money used in offsets should stay within the state, because it may
not be at all cost effective. This area also provides opportunities for students to get involved. Classes and
study abroad trips should be developed that focus on implementation of these projects. The University would
enjoy the benefits of free labor, while the students get resume building experience in conservation
development. Business, EVST, Forestry, and all other science majors could contribute to and benefit from
different aspects of the creation of these projects.
I think that the goals should be stricter. It is my personal opinion that to miss an admirable goal is better than
to accomplish an inferior one.
The most important aspect of this climate action plan for me is to have student involvement in all
implementation. As stated in my comments on offsets, the opportunities for students to learn and for the
school to gain are enormous in all of these fields. Marketing classes could work on behavioral change,
conservation majors could develop wind farm proposals alongside economics majors, COT students could
work on creation and installation along with monitoring, to name just a few examples. This reasoning would
also allow the University to raise tuition more to fund it. If we benefit not only from less emissions but
increased relevant education, then it is justifiable. Students should always remain the focus of the University.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation:
The energy audit was a great beginning. Yes, reduce unneeded or less needed lighting, and update the
efficiency of our central steam plant. We should focus heavily on the suggested ideas to influence behavioral
changes on the Campus. We need be aggressive here and make it fashionable to be energy savvy.
Renewable Energy
This is a long, slow, and expensive process. The University should be pursuing a feasibility plan to study the
potential for a large scale wind farm that can be utilized by all MT schools, state buildings, and possibly even
more. The biomass option does not appear to be as exciting with such a high investment cost. True, this option
uses the existing distribution infrastructure, but this is not where our future investment should be levied. I
believe solar should be used for solar hot water applications.
Air travel should be restricted to necessary flights. If only we could reduce the air travel /footprint of the
athletic department UM sports teams. I agree with the suggestions to increase bus service. Make it more
savvy with GPS so people can interact with the buses with their phones, internet, kiosks (like a game). Yes,
improve the existing UM fleet, but slowly. Get rid of leaf blowers. Those are related to transportation about as
much as they are to being a useful tool for blowing / cleaning up the leaves.
Carbon Offsets
I don't think carbon offsets adequately offset the cost/expense/effects of producing CO2. We need an
investment system that helps to fund energy efficiency and renewable energies at UM.
I believe we need an aggressive goal at UM for reaching carbon neutrality by 2020. Our society does not have
time to wait for 2030 or other dates that excuse aggressive climate action policies and conservation measures.
UM and other Universities need lead by example and push sustainable initiatives in our communities.
I am thankful for the many great initiatives promoting sustainability at UM. Let this be the beginning and the
inspiration to keep the ball moving and help us make UM a leader in promoting sustainable initiatives.
Congratulations to Cherie Peacock, the SCC, and all the many others who have been involved in making UM
greener than we used to be. Keep it up.