Sustainable Campus Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sustainable Campus Committee Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Facilities Services Conference Room 3.10pm – 4.45pm
Members Present: Mike Panisko, Curtis Noonan, Kelly Chadwick, Phil Condon, Jessie Davie, Derek
Kanwischer, Mark LoParco, Cherie Peacock, Paul Williamson, Charles Couture
Others Present: Laura Howe, Martha Sample, Christina Voyles, Alex Zimmerman
Old Business:
The minutes from the last SCC meeting (February 4, 2009) were approved.
Discussion of Climate Action Planning Process (Cherie):
Cherie passed out a monthly progress report and a draft climate action plan (emailed previously) for the SCC’s input.
Conversation ensued on bringing stakeholders on board, how that could work and what their role would be. Cherie said
that target dates typically get recommended through the planning process by evaluating a range of strategies against
criteria like carbon-reduction potential and cost. The range of carbon-reduction strategies comes from suggestions by
stakeholders. Certain stakeholders, like the executive officers, would need to be kept in the loop throughout the planning
process. Mike Panisko stressed the importance of brining in a variety of entities for “buy in” and support such as academia,
operations, and various departments like athletics, to gain more widespread support.
Vicki Watson was mentioned as someone who had contact with various people within the Missoula community who’d
expressed interest in becoming stakeholders (Cherie will contact Vicki for names). The committee agreed that stakeholder
buy in was key to achieving goals; discussion ensued on goal setting:
Cherie asked for specifics on what the SCC felt aggressive goals could be. Mark LoParco cited the recent “Griz Green”
basket ball game held, and said an aggressive goal could be to make all basketball games green by next semester. Phil
Condon questioned whether the SCC should set aggressive goals, knowing the accomplishment may be lower – and how
that may affect perception of achievement and motivation to continue. Laura Howe felt the governor’s 20/10 goal resulted
in more action due to its aggressive targets. Mark agreed, stating that because the goal was so high, the University likely
considered more options than it would have, had the goal been lower. Cherie mentioned that many universities utilize a
range of carbon-reduction scenarios. Jessie stressed the importance of the entire process – that even if a goal isn’t met, the
process is still part of the goal (funding, beginning implementation, etc.). The committee felt setting higher and aggressive
goals should be one of the preferred scenarios.
There will be another meeting in two weeks to identify potential stakeholders and determine how to involve them. Prior to
this additional meeting, Cherie will compile a detailed list of what needs to be accomplished at the meeting. Mike
suggested the committee study the ‘chapters’ on Cherie’s “Draft Climate Action Plan Outline” (attached).
Cherie reported on affiliate campus; Dillon has embraced sustainable measure, completing their GHG inventory, and
starting their own climate action planning. They developed their own Sustainable Committee and would like to coordinate
with ours. Dean Bingham of COT Helena met with Phil and Jessie and they are beginning to implement some sustainable
measures. MT Tech is utilizing sustainable practices in Dining Services (Mark LoParco runs dining services there as well).
The SCC’s Climate Action Planning is due in September. Cherie recommends continuing to work with our GHG inventory to
get some missing pieces in, possibly getting it third party verified. Energy audits are currently being conducted.
**ACTION LAURA HOWE: to report on the energy audits at the next SCC meeting.
Subcommittees / Work Groups (Mike / Cherie):
The Recycling Oversight Committee (ROC which was in existence many years before the SCC was created) has become a
subcommittee of the SCC. A new charge for the ROC has been approved by VP Duringer, very similar to its old charge, but
noting the relationship to the SCC. In addition, the ROC voted to adopt the co-chair model used by the SCC -- so that
Recycling Coordinator Edi Stan will be one co-chair and the other will be elected by the committee from its members. Vicki
Watson, the current chair will serve in that role until an election can be held. One of the 2 co-chairs or their designee will
attend SCC meetings.
Mike brought up the idea of task oriented “work groups” vs. subcommittees. For example, an energy work group would go
to Laura Howe for guidance, information, audits, etc. vs. a subcommittee that would spend time researching information.
Cherie sees the “Office of Sustainability” potentially guiding the work groups. Phil would like to see the work groups as very
task oriented. L aura and Kelly suggested a work group that focuses on getting grants and funding.
**ACTION ALL: The committee was asked to email suggestions for work groups to Mike and Cherie.
Earth Week (Jessie):
Events based on the film by Annie Leonard’s “The Story of Stuff.” There will be five days of activities, each day reflecting a
theme from the film, the final day will conclude with a Farm to College BBQ at the UM FLAT house. Derek and Jessie may
ask staff about screening parts of the “Story of Stuff” in classes. Other ideas include a day stenciling t-shirts (reuse/renew
the things we have), getting people to sign a pledge (using the films categories to come up with different pledges such as
not using bottled water, etc.).
It was suggested that Cherie / The Office of Sustainability be introduced during earth week, as well as getting ideas on the
Climate Action Plan. Jessie requested $500 from the SCC to split between the two interns working on this.
**ACTION SCC: The committee voted unanimously to donate up to $500 for Earth Week events, and $250 each ($500
total) for two student interns.
Letter to Athletic Department re: Griz Green Game (Jessie):
Jessie passed out copies of her letter to Athletics and Phil’s a shorter version (emailed previously). The letter thanks
athletics for holding a green game and encourages them to embrace more sustainable measures in the future.
The committee felt that specifics of what the SCC is asking athletics to do should be made very clear. Paul suggested asking
for a meeting between the Athletic Department and Cherie to develop a relationship. (Cherie will contact them about a
meeting). The committee agreed to send Phil’s shorter version of the letter, and will consider the letter an invitation for
athletics to adopt more sustainable measures.
**ACTION ALL: The letter will be sent again via email for input prior to sending
Website Update (Jessie / Curtis / Vicki):
Jessie and Vicki met with a friend of Curtis Noonan’s who will do the entire website for $1500. The site has been redesigned
by UM employee Tim Daniels, will be built it in Content Manager, (the new software IT is using), and Vicki will be trained to
maintain the site. It is currently being reorganized and will have many links to various existing UM pages. The site will be
launched April 8th, a second deadline for the launch is April 15th (to ensure it’s up for Earth Week). The site development
will be reviewed every Wednesday by Jessie, Vicki and Cherie.
**ACTION JESSIE: Jessie is to send an email to the SCC when the site can be viewed for feedback.
Green Purchasing Update (Martha Sample):
Last semester Martha Sample and Erica Bloom held a seminar for UM janitorial staff on Green Cleaning products. Moving
forward, Martha will form a work group to help draft a new Green Cleaning Products Purchasing Policy, to present to the
administration for adoption. Martha has based her work thus far on what other Universities have done, and feels penning a
new purchasing policy for the UM should go quickly. She will tailor the policy to reflect the feedback she’s gotten. Martha
will approach two custodians to be on the working group, and any SCC members who may be interested. It was suggested
Martha contact Lu Terry and Carol Buerman, (VP Duringer’s assistant), for guidance and support.
**ACTION: Martha will send Mike an email with more information or questions which his will pass on to the SCC.
Outstanding Items: (all):
Student Vacancy on committee – Jessie had ideas of students she would like to put forward and hopes to bring them to the
next SCC meeting. Curtis suggested getting a student athlete on the group. (Cherie suggested adding that to the letter that
will go to athletics).
Financial Discussion by UM Foundation – on next meeting agenda.
Update by-laws for approval – Mike will send this via email.
Public / Student comments – on next meeting agenda.
April 8th – UH004 (Main Hall downstairs)