Sustainable Campus Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Sustainable Campus Committee Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
UH 004 3.10pm – 4.45pm
Members Present: Mike Panisko, Curtis Noonan, Phil Condon, Jessie Davie, Derek Kanwischer, Cherie
Peacock, Charles Couture, Paul Williamson
Others Present: Christina Voyles, Whitney Hobbs, Lindsay Becker
Old Business:
The minutes from the last SCC meeting (March 4, 2009) were approved.
Student Candidate Introductions (Mike):
Mike introduced two students who would like to join the SCC:
• Whitney Hobbs, junior, double major in wildlife biology and environmental studies with a focus on sustainability,
was recommended by Jim O’Day of Athletics for the open position on the SCC.
Lindsay Becker, sophomore, resource conservation major, interested in being part of the SCC and tying community
interests into environmental needs. Has worked with UM Climate Action Now since Fall 08 an educational project
with UM CAN, educating students in the dorms.
SCC has one vacancy now, but will have two next month. Mike suggests Whitney and Lindsay continue to come to the
meetings, and when the vacancies are open, the SCC vote on both at that time.
(Follow-up: the SCC voted via email and both students were recommended to the President for appointment to the SCC.
The President appointed Whitney to the current vacant position and Lindsay to the position opening when Jessie Davie
**ACTION ALL: Discussion to ensue and voting on the candidates to take place via email.
Climate Action Planning Update (Cherie):
At the suggestion of Hugh Jessie, Cherie contacted WGM, (a local consulting firm specializing in community projects); to
help facilitate the SCC involving the public in the Climate Action Planning process. It was mentioned that WGM would have
the expertise the SCC may need to move forward, and that they understand both the Missoula community and the UM
community from previous projects (have done a traffic analysis study for the UM, they know the UM water system, and
have a good understanding of green house gasses). WGM will only be involved in how the public involvement process, not
in developing the Climate Action Plan.
The WGM proposal included the following services, within a month timeline for $2500.00 (half of which could come from
Cherie’s “slush fund”):
Information Gathering
Public Involvement Plan
Meeting Facilitation
Planning Process
Concerns were expressed, such as how President Dennison and administration may view WGM coming in, that Jim Foley be
contacted if the SCC hire WGM, and concern that including WGM could make the process more circular than linear.
It was suggested the SCC contact the Communications Department to see if anyone would volunteer their time to do the
kind of work WGM would provide, and the committee may contact Rita Munzenrider, however it was also suggested an
outside entity could move this phase forward faster.
**ACTION ALL: Please send comments to Cherie, discussion to ensue via email.
Energy Audits Update (Laura):
Sixteen buildings on campus have been audited for their energy use and measures recommended reducing that use. Laura
Howe has the final report which was done by consultant CTA and will report on it at the next meeting. Montana State
Legislature passed an amendment that allows the UM to enter into “performance contracting.”
Discussion of By-Laws/Term Limits (Mike):
The up-dated by-laws will reflect the 13 members of the SCC and included the two co-chairs. Currently everyone except
Cherie serves a two year period which can be renewed two additional terms (6 year term total).
It was suggested to allow many different people (including students) to attend SCC meetings; the group was reminded that
meetings are ‘open.’ Phil felt a longer term would be preferable and suggested finding three nominees (two faculty, one
staff) before summer to replace himself, Curtis Noonan and Paul Williamson whose terms expire soon. Curtis stressed that
open positions may draw more people in.
**ACTION MIKE: to compile a list of all members and where they are in their terms.
**ACTION ALL: the committee will suggest nominees.
Earth Day Update (Jessie & Derek):
Jessie discussed events for Earth Week:
• Wednesday, April 22 – Making t-shirts on the oval, 11am - 2pm.
• Thursday, April 23 – Sustainability Fair in the UC Atrium 12noon – 2pm (in conjunctions with the Farm To College
cooking demo put on by Dining Services, Governor Schweitzer to join).
• Friday, April 24 – BBQ at UM Flat, 11am – 2pm, live music, renewable energy demonstration, a zero waste event.
• Monday – Friday - Info. at tables all day in the UC, information based on themes and information from the film, “The
Story of Stuff” by Annie Leonard.
Jessie passed out a copy of a “UM Sustainability Pledge” which will be available all week, the pledge gives students and
faculty choices on various practices they can adopt. Those who sign the pledge will get a “Greening UM” button and
In the past for Earth Week, the SCC submitted a “State of Sustainability” report to President Dennison, and posted it on the
website. Phil suggested the SCC consider submitting the report again, or posting it on the website.
Website Update (Jessie):
Official website launch will be Wednesday April 15th and will utilize Earth week to market the new website.
Administrators of the site will be Vicki Watson, Cherie Peacock and Jessie Davie.
Budget Update (Mike):
SCC budget is currently $2159.80
Student Interns (Phil)
Phil asked the committee to discuss asking VP Duringer about reinstating the part time graduate student intern position that
Emily Peter’s used to hold, while maintaining the ASUM Sustainable Coordinator position currently held by Jessie Davie.
Cherie said she believes the intern position is no longer available, and that funding (via Facilities Services) is also not
available. Cherie stressed that the ASUM Sustainable Coordinator position is needed, especially considering the Climate
Action Plan is due soon.
The committee discussed knowing the difference between the ASUM Sustainability Coordinator Position and the student
intern position, and coming up with cost and tasks to justify bringing back the student intern position.
Mike will bring VP Duringer to the next meeting to discuss this further. The committee voted and agreed unanimously to
keep the ASUM Sustainable Coordinator position at the same funding and hours that it’s had this year. (Cherie and Jessie
will bring this up when they meet with VP Duringer next week to discuss that position).
**ACTION ALL: For the next meeting, come up with a list of needs that would fulfill the student intern position.
Other Business:
The committee voted unanimously to support the RELF initiative and to authorize Derek Kanwischer and Jessie Davie to
speak at ASUM on behalf of the SCC in support of the same.
May 8th – Facilities Services Main Conference Room