Aiea Elementary Community Council Meeting August 20, 2012 Administration Office Meeting Room 99-370 Moanalua Road Aiea, Hawaii 96701 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. AGENDA Call to Order Review of Minutes Public Input/Comments Unfinished Business: New Business: 1. Introduction of new members 2. Election of Officers SY 2012-2013 3. Review SCC Timeline 4. Review of the By-laws 5. SCC Orientation 6. Review SCC Self Assessment – Set goals 7. HSA/AYP: Begin review of school data for Ac/Fin Plan revisions 8. Principal’s Report – School/Complex/State Focus Announcements: Next Meeting Refreshment Schedule Events Agenda Items for Next Meeting Adjournment Time: *Note: This is an open meeting where anyone may address the council with concerns, questions, or comments. Persons requiring special assistance or services, such as a sign language interpreter, should call 483-7200 three (3) business days before the meeting.