I S C  

Information Systems Stewardship Model INFORMATION SYSTEMS STEERING COMMITTEE TERMS OF REFERENCE Informa on Systems
Steering Commi ee
Purpose The ISSC is central to the successful functioning of the stewardship process. It is an executive level committee reporting to PCIP. Setting strategic objectives and establishing institutional criteria for prioritizing systems initiatives will be done by this committee. The ISSC is accountable for overarching information systems policies, strategies, and stewardship. This committee provides stewardship for the information systems project portfolio and it ensures information systems decisions have strategic fit, functional utility, and balanced investment across the institution. It will also address benefits realization of implemented projects. Enterprise architecture standards and acceptable levels of residual risk are approved by this group. The ASSC, WSSC, and ESSC will inform the ISSC of key their issues and decisions. Objectives  Administer the information systems stewardship process  Represent all information systems stakeholders across the university  Recommend priorities for information systems initiatives  Assess degree of fit for information systems initiatives within the university strategic plan  Provide advice for allocating resources and funding for information systems initiatives  Monitor progress of information systems initiatives  Assess benefits realization of information systems initiatives  Recommend university‐wide information systems policies and standards  Assess information systems risk  Link to other senior level university committees  Provide guidance to the development of information systems strategic planning Logistics The Information Systems Steering Committee will meet regularly every two months. Committee members cannot delegate their role to a subordinate. The CIO and Associate Vice‐President ICT chairs the meeting and prepares the agenda. Information Systems Stewardship Model Members Title CIO and Associate Vice‐President ICT Assistant Provost, Institutional Planning and Assessment Vice‐Provost Teaching and Learning Dean University Library Dean Arts and Sciences Dean (from health sciences – to be rotated every 3 years) Dean (from social sciences ‐ to be rotated every 3 years) Dean (from applied science ‐ to be rotated every 3 years) Faculty Representative Student Representative Associate Vice‐President Research Associate Vice‐President Communications Associate Vice‐President Human Resources Associate Vice‐President Financial Services Associate Vice‐President Facilities Management Director, Information Technology Audits Chair, Planning and Priorities Committee Chair, Teaching Learning & Academic Resources Committee ICT Project Portfolio Office Manager ICT Directors Role Voting (Chair & Agenda) Voting Voting Voting Voting Voting Voting Voting Voting Voting Voting Voting Voting Voting Voting Voting Voting Voting Non‐voting Non‐voting (as needed) CIO will solicit Deans and Faculty Representative for membership. USSU will recommend Student Representative. Scope Stewardship of this committee applies to all information systems and technologies developed and managed anywhere at the university. 