3/23/2010 Dr. B.D. Gowreesunkur Director Green Cross Medical Laboratory 1 3/23/2010 Duchenne / Becker Muscular Dystrophy ¾Highly elevated CK in young children ¾X X-linked linked – Dystrophin Gene y 2.4Mb - 79 Exons ¾Females are carriers, Boys are affected ¾Vast mutation spectrum 2 3/23/2010 DMD/ BMD ¾Mutations y Point mutations y Whole exon deletions/duplications y Small insertions/deletion y Non sense, frameshift (truncating protein) ¾Upto p 10% Mosaicism y No mutation detected in Mother of boys with known mutations 3 3/23/2010 Screening – QF PCR y DNA Quality y Test y 2 Multiplexes of14 Exons y ABI 3100 Genetic Analyser y Analysed on Software and Excel sheet y Detect female f l carrier status, duplicated d l d males/ females ¾Detects 99% del, 96% Dup & >1bp ins/del ¾However, only accounts for ~ 65-70% dystrophin mutations 4 3/23/2010 5 3/23/2010 6 3/23/2010 7 3/23/2010 ¾Full Screen Full Screen y Full DMD gene screening (12 multiplexes, 7 exons each) y Heteroduplex analysis y QF PCR all exons y Both done on ABI 3100 Genetic Analyser ¾Gene Sequencing ¾PTT (Muscle biopsy - mosaicism) 8 3/23/2010 Fragile X Syndrome ¾ Mutation on FMR1 y CGG Repeat > 200 ¾ Elongated face, large or protruding ears, ears flat feet, feet MR, speech problems ¾ Affects 1 in 3600 males and 1 in 4000-6000 Females ¾ PCR for up to 200 repeats and Southern Blot 9 3/23/2010 10 3/23/2010 Down’s Syndrome ¾1 in 800 to 1000 births worldwide ¾Trisomy 21 (full or part) y Meiotic Non-dysjunction y Full Trisomy 21 – 95% of Down’s y 88% - maternal ¾Maternal Age Risk ¾Amniocentesis, CVS y Karyotyping, y yp g, FISH y QF-PCR ¾Triple Test y bHCG AFP, E2 11 3/23/2010 PCR –GOLD STANDARD BY WHO AND CDC ¾Rapid, Ultra Sensitive and Specific ¾CHIK, H1N1, MTB, Chlamydia etc., ¾Detects DNA unique to pathogen ¾Accurately pick-up virus even in mild infections ¾Used for Viral Loads (Hep B B, C C, HIV) ¾Human Papilloma Virus- cervical cancer ¾Septicaemia 12 3/23/2010 13