Blac ckboard Co ontent Col llection  

 Blacckboard Co
ontent Colllection Blackkboard Conttent Collection is a repossitory for college, organ ization, and institution ffiles. The Deepartment off AAAS has create
ed a set of sh
hared folderss so that you
u can easily access and d
download filles from thiss secure locattion. This “in
ntranet” will replace the
e Secure Filess/login portiion of the W
WU Facts and
d Information web page and will be AAASS’s means off conveying reports and data not inttended for in
nternet publlication, such as: 
Grade Distributions Faculty LLoad and Cre
edit Hour Pro
oduction rep
ports Retention reports Output frrom ad hoc data requests Whyy use Blackkboard Co
ontent Collection? Conttent Collection lets you aaccess files ffrom any networked com
mputer – anytime, anyw
where. With Blackboard Conttent Collection, we can sshare files w
with controlle
ed individua ls and group
ps while avoiding emailing and receiving large fiiles, store do
ocuments se
ecurely, makke documentts and files ssearchable, aand back up work again
nst technolo
ogy failure. Acceessing Blacckboard Co
ontent Collection 1. Go
o to https:///bb‐winthrop
p.blackboard 2. Lo
og into Blackkboard with tthe same ussername and
d password aas you use to
o log into W
Winthrop emaail. For exam
mple: Username: scottks Passwo
ord: Enter YYour Winthroop Email Passsword 3. Affter you log in, on the rigght side of th
he screen, click on the CContent Collection (1) taab (see below
w). 4. Usse the menu
u on the left side of the sscreen to navigate throuugh the foldeers. Click on
n the main ffolder Institution Content (2) to re
eveal the Institution (3) ffolder. Wheen you click on the Instittution folder, the ulate to the right and m iddle of the screen. Notte: If you do
o not see the
e foldeers that you have accesss to will popu
menu on the leftt side of the screen, it m
may be hidde
en, or you m ay be in Sho
ortcut view rrather than FFolder view.
ow on the lefft side of the
e screen to rreveal the m
menu. This is an example of Folder View: Clickk on the arro
AAAS 20150601 Page 1 This is an examp
ple of Shortccut View: 5. On
n this screen
n, you have tthe option o
of viewing th
he folders in a List OR as a Thumbnail. a. Th
his is an exam
mple of a Lisst View. b. Th
his is an exam
mple of a Th
humbnail Vie
ew: AAAS 20150601 Page 2
2 6. Deepending on
n your level o
of access, yo
ou should haave three (orr more) main
n folders to cchoose from
m. Click on Accrreditation, A
Accountabilitty, & Academic Servicess Data to acccess subjectt‐based foldeers from AAA
AS. 7. Seee below forr a list of current folders set up unde
er Accreditattion, Accoun
ntability, & A
Academic Seervices Data.
The specific folders you see will depend on your levvel of access.. 8. W
When you clicck on a speciific folder, yo
ou may see vvarious subffolder(s) and
d files, depending on your level of acceess. You can see the file ssize and a daate for each file, which rreflects wheen the most rrecent changge was made to the file (not necessarily the datte the file waas uploadedd). Remembeer that Blackkboard is seaarchable, so if you are not sure where a ccertain file m
might be locaated, use thee search boxx on the left‐hand side o
of the page:
AAAS 20150601 Page 3
3 9. To
o download a file, click o
on the file naame once. Th
he file will d ownload an
nd you will seee it at the b
bottom left of yo
our screen to
o Open. 10. If you need to go back to another su
ub‐folder or the main foolder of yourr college, you
u can click on the “bread crumbs” at the top o
of the menu to go back.
n the top righ
ht hand cornner. 11. TTo log out, cclick on the ssmall icon in
d Blackboard
d Content Co
ollection Help? 1
1. For login iissues or to b
be given accesss to a folder below Acadeemic Affairs, p
please contacct Kelly Scott aat 323‐ 4857 or e‐mail 2
2. For other issues with the performan
nce of Blackboard Contentt Collection, ccontact Director of Online Learning, Kimarie W
Whetstone at 323‐2551 or e‐mail AAAS 20150601 Page 4