P INNEY post

Pinney Website
2013 January Newsletter
9989 Concord Road * Dublin, OH * 43017 * 614.798.3570 * Fax 614.718.8961
Please check out the Eli Pinney website for school calendar events and other important
information. Scan the QR code above to access.
Greetings Pinney families!
Happy New Year to all of our Pinney families. I hope everyone enjoyed a restful break with friends
and family.
We begin the new year with several fun events coming up this winter. First, our annual Skate Night
will take place on Saturday, January 12th at the Dublin Chiller. The event is FREE and skate rentals
are only $2.00. We hope to see you there!
The ever-popular Movie Night will be Friday, February 1st with the showing of Hotel Transylvania.
Look for a separate email and flyer to go home to families during the next few weeks.
Check out the enclosed calendar with other events coming up in January and February.
Go Panthers!
Troy Ehrsam, Principal
the Pinney Office
• Students may not enter the building until 9:00 a.m. daily.
• Be patient in the pick-up line at the end of the day. Cars need to remain in a single file line to
pick up students. Also, please drop off your child at the sidewalk or side door in the
morning. A Pinney staff member will monitor the side door beginning at 9:00 a.m. daily. We
do not want children walking through cars and/or traffic. Student safety is our priority.
• Give the buses the right of way during arrival and dismissal. No cars in the bus loop during
the following times: 8:45-9:15 a.m. & 3:15-3:45 p.m.
• Call the office or the automated attendance line (718-8960) if your child is going to be absent
or late. Please send in a note if your child is signing out early for an appointment.
• If your child is going to be absent from school, we would appreciate a phone call before 9:30
a.m. of that day. Ohio state law does require us to now have a written note upon a child’s
return to school after an absence of any kind. An absence form can be found in the
downloads section of our Pinney website (Absence Notification Form). We would appreciate
your help by sending in this form or a note explaining the absence upon your child’s return to
school. It is also important that you know that absences due to a family-planned vacation
are no longer excused absences.
• All phone number changes should take place at the building level. Please do not call the
district office to change your contact information. Please call the Pinney office for questions
• Send in a note if your child’s end of the day arrangements change. Without a note, we will
follow typical end of day routine.
• Both students need a note giving parent permission when bringing home a friend. New
“Note to School” pads can be picked up in the office.
• Write your child’s first and last name on the inside of lunch boxes, backpacks, jackets and
other items so that we can return them if lost. All lost and found items will be donated to
Welcome Warehouse at the end of each trimester.
• Check your child’s backpack frequently.
School Day
AM Preschool
8:45-11:15 am
PM Preschool
AM Kindergarten 9:10-11:40 am
PM Kindergarten
Grades 1-5
9:10-3:40 pm
Latchkey (7:05 a.m. start & 6:00 p.m. end)
12:45-3:15 pm
1:10-3:40 pm
12:05-1:05 pm
Clinic Communication with Mrs. Slack & Mrs. Pagan
Clinic Communication
The Dublin City School District has developed policies to help insure the health and safety of
all our students. These policies have been developed in direct correlation with the recommendations of both Nationwide Children’s Hospital and the Centers for Disease Control. It is even
more important that parents familiarize themselves with these policies and adhere to them as
we move into the time of year when flu and other contagious illnesses become more prevalent. Please take time now to review the following information. If all of our parents follow
these policies, we can reduce illness and absences for your child.
• It is important to keep any child home exhibiting signs of illness. Signs of illness include fever
of 100 degrees or higher, vomiting, diarrhea, sore throat, chills, irritability, or unusual skin
rash. Other signs of illness are red and crusty eyes, as well as, other symptoms that are unusual for your child. If your child has been home ill, they must be symptom free without medication for 24 hours before returning to school. If they have been placed on an antibiotic for a
contagious illness, they must be on the antibiotic for 24 hours before returning to school.
• Please remember that parents are responsible for supplying the school with any medication
(prescription and over-the-counter) that needs to be given during school hours. The appropriate forms(s) must be completed for clinic staff to be able to administer the medication. Prescription and non-prescription forms are available on the district web site at
www.dublinschools.net or from the clinic. The clinic staff is happy to help you determine which
forms are needed for your child.
• Please make sure to call the school if you change phone numbers. This information is vital
as we often need to contact a parent(s) if there is an injury or illness. When listing someone
as an emergency contact, please make sure it is a local person who would be able to pick up
an ill child.
• Remember that cough drops are considered a medication. They must be kept in the clinic
and must be sent in with a non-prescription medication form that has been completed by a
parent. Students are not permitted to carry cough drops with them during the school day.
• When leaving a message on the attendance line, please
provide any symptoms your child has such as student's
temperature, cough, sore throat, headache, muscle
aches, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. Please also include if your
child has been seen by a doctor or travelled abroad.
Please feel free to call the clinic and speak with the clinic
aide or school nurse regarding any questions or concerns
you have. Thank you for your helping to keep all of our
students healthy and safe this season.
Clinic phone #
- (614) 718-8955
During the month of January, I will visit
each classroom, grades K-5, for one guidance lesson. The lessons will focus on Individual Differences (K-2), Cooperative
Learning (3rd), Social Media (4th) and Goal
Setting and Decision Making (5th).
In kindergarten, we will read and discuss
Giraffes Can't Dance, by Giles Andrede.
After discussing the importance of differences and respect for one another's differences, students will be asked to draw a
self-portrait, including some of the things that make them different, unique and
In first grade, we will read and discuss The Crayon Box That Talked, by Shane
DeRolf. We will discuss how our differences keep life interesting. If we were all
the exact same, wouldn't life be boring? Students will then participate in an activity that requires them to work together to create an interesting picture. Each student is allowed to use just one crayon, giving them something unique to offer the
In second grade, students will participate in an activity that requires them to put
themselves in different groups by similarities and differences. We will then read
and discuss Elmer, by David McKee. We are all different, but special in our own
In third grade, students will participate in an activity that requires them to work
together in small groups to build the tallest tower with the supplies given. If students are uncooperative and do not work respectfully, they will lose some of their
building supplies as a penalty. We will then discuss what groups were more successful and why.
In fourth grade, students will discuss social media, what it is, benefits, challenges
and safety. They will then participate in an activity that requires them to think
about their responsibilities in a digital community. Students will then create their
own digital superhero and write a comic strip where the superhero steps in when
they see an act of poor digital citizenship and saves the day!
In fifth grade, we will read The Man Who Walked Between the Towers, by Mordicai Gerstein. We will discuss the importance of setting goals and making decisions
that will help us achieve our goals. Students will then be asked to set two goals
and list the steps they will take to achieve those goals.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns at
cellar_leslie@dublinschools.net or 718-8953.
Logic, Enrichment and Pursuit
Amy Neader - Gifted Intervention Specialist
4th Grade Math LEAP:
Students have been exploring area, perimeter, translations, symmetry and patterns through
the use of pentaminoes. For a part of the day, as students manipulate pentaminoes and
analyze the changing area and perimeters of these shapes, looking for patterns, I am also
reading aloud The Write 3, by Blue Balliett. The book is a mystery that involves real world
applications of our studies.
As a class we are also continuing our study of algebraic concepts, logical reasoning, and
building our number sense.
4th Grade Reading LEAP:
As a class we are reading The Little Prince, by Antoice de Saint-Exupéry. Together the class
is exploring the symbolism found throughout the book and analyzing the theme of the
book. This is a classic story that students can read again and again, each time discovering
new interpretations.
Students are also reading and writing informational texts. Soon students will take their researching skills and apply them to an in depth study of a great historical figure. The kids
will be challenged to not only gather information about their chosen historical figure, but to
argue and defend WHY this person should be classified as “great”.
5th Grade LEAP:
Students have been engrossed in their “Book Clubs”. The clubs were created based on a
variety of items, including student preference, reading level and student book choice. Each
group is reading, discussing, and analyzing the theme of their ‘clubs’ chosen novel. The
students have really enjoyed not only reading great books, but also sharing and discussing
these books with their classmates. It is wonderful seeing students reading, sharing, discussing and simply loving great literature. After students finish a book they create a website, which will soon be posted on the intranet (ask you son or daughter how this is different from the internet) for other Pinney students, and other LEAP classes around the district, to view when they are looking for a good book recommendation.
Testing Information
OLSAT / Stanford Assessment Information
The week of January 16th, students in Grades 2 and 4 will be taking two assessments that will
be used by our classroom teachers to evaluate a student’s overall academic performance.
The Otis-Lennon School Ability Test (OLSAT) is an ability assessment that will focus on a student’s reasoning skills. The Stanford Tests are achievement assessments that will focus on a
student’s reading, math, science and social studies skills.
The OLSAT assesses a student’s abstract thinking and reasoning ability through a School Ability Index (SAI). The results from this assessment will allow us to look at how your child
compares to a representative sample of students who are the same age and grade level in
The Stanford Tests measure student performance in specific content areas at a particular
grade level. Students in Grades 4 will take the complete battery of assessments, which includes Word Study/Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, Math Problem Solving, Math Procedures, Science and Social Studies. The results from these tests will allow us to see how your
child is progressing through the curriculum in the core content areas in each of our buildings.
If you would like additional information regarding these assessments, please contact Craig
Heath, Director of Data and Assessment, at 764-5913.
Congratulations to 4th grader Raghav Kallur
along with several students from Deer Run and
Wyandot Elementary. Their team participated in
the Exotic Robo Monkeys in the First Lego
League Robotics Competition at Columbus State.
Their team won a trophy award for Core Values:
Best Teamwork. They received one of only 6
Trophy Awards given, out of 26 teams in attendance. These 4th & 5th Graders have been doing research, programing and building a robot
since August in addition to their school work and
school attendance. Using math and analytical
thinking above their grade level.
The theme for this year's challenge was "Senior
Solutions: How to Keep Seniors Independent, Engaged and Connected". Their participation on the team required a commitment 6-8 hours/week.
Their hard work paid off and they were recognized in the award at the competition. The First Lego
League defines Core Values equal to the Robotic Component.
Instructional Suport
Mrs. Stacy Armengau
I hope that everyone had a fabulous holiday season and that everyone is excited to be back
at Pinney with their teachers and friends.
Team Pinney has been quite busy collecting data and monitoring the progress of all our students. We are so proud of the growth the student body as a whole has accomplished!
To continue on such a successful path, I am listing two websites, one that focuses on reading and another that focuses on math. They are both teacher and parent friendly.
I hope you give these sites a test drive. I believe the children will especially enjoy playing a
variety of the math games.
Stay warm….and enjoy!!!
Stacy Armengau ( IST)
District Information
• “Child Find” is the process of locating, evaluating, and identifying children with disabilities who may
be in need of special education and related services. Parents, relatives, public and private agency
employees, childcare providers, physicians, and concerned citizens are encouraged to help school districts find any child, ages birth – 21, who may have a disability and are in need of special education
and related services. If you suspect a child may have a disability, help is available. Please contact:
Department of Student Services, Dublin City Schools 7030 Coffman Road Dublin, OH 43017-1068
Phone: 614-764-5913 Fax: 614-761-5899 <www.dublinschools.net>
<http://www.dublinschools.net/communityeducation.aspx> is offering programs for the 2012-2013
school year. Contact Mary Ann Grimes <grimes_maryann@dublinschools.net> with details.
Panther Pics
“Grand Old Flag”...Kindergarten
classes perform in front of their
^ Our Pinney Kinder Key Carolers. We raised $1,192.00
for the Heart Lab at Nationwide Children’s Hospital.
Annual gingerbread project with Buddies!
* January - February * ELI PINNEY ELEMENTARY
* You can also check out the Pinney calendar on the website for updated events and times.
Sat., Jan. 12
Wed., Jan. 16
Thurs., Jan. 17
Thurs., Jan. 17
Fri., Jan. 18
Mon., Jan. 21
Tues., Jan. 22
Wed., Jan. 23
Wed., Jan. 23
Thurs., Jan. 24
Thurs., Jan. 24
Fri., Jan. 25
PTO Skate Night
Dublin Chiller
2nd & 4th Grade OLSAT testing
General PTO Meeting
4th Grrade Stanford Testing (Word Study/Vocabulary)
NO SCHOOL - Teacher Work Day
4th Gr. Stanford Testing (Reading Comprehension)
4th Gr. Stanford Testing (Math Problem Solving)
Market Day pick-up
4th Gr. Stanford Testing (Math Procedures)
APE Field Trip
Dublin Chiller
4th Gr. Stanford Testing (Science/Social Studies)
Fri., Feb. 1
Movie Night - Hotel Transylvania
Tue., Feb. 5
Parent-Teacher Conference Night
Thurs., Feb. 7
Parent-Teacher Conference Night
Thurs., Feb. 14
APE Field Trip (Bowling)
Thurs., Feb. 14
Valentine Parties (AM-PS/AM-K/3-5)
Thurs., Feb. 14
Valentine Parties (PM-PS/PM-K/1&2)
Fri., Feb. 15
NO SCHOOL - Staff PD Day
Mon., Feb. 18
NO SCHOOL - Presidents’ Day
Wed., Feb. 20
Market Day pick-up
Thurs., Feb. 21
General PTO Meeting
Fri., Feb. 22
PTO Dance-A-Thon
Mon., Feb. 25-Fri., Mar. 1
Read Across America Week
Tues., Feb. 26
4th Gr. NAEP Test
Fri., Mar. 1
Fri., Mar. 1
Fri., Mar. 1
End of 2nd Trimester
Read Across America Assembly (PS/K/1&2)
Read Across America Assembly (3-5)
Pinney Gym
Hilliard Ten Pins
All Day