P INNEY post

Pinney Website
2013 November Newsletter
9989 Concord Road * Dublin, OH * 43017 * 614.798.3570 * Fax 614.718.8961
Please check out the Eli Pinney website for school calendar events and other important
information. Scan the QR code above to access.
Greetings Pinney families,
I can’t believe it’s almost the end of the 1st trimester. We are moving right through this school year
as the end of the first twelve weeks is just around the corner (Nov. 15th). Thank you to all of the
room parent coordinators who helped plan the Harvest Parties this week. There was quite a buzz in
the building on Thursday!
This week is Family Reading Night at Pinney. We hope to have a good turnout for our “Curious Critters” theme. Bring a blanket to sit on, books to read with your family and swap with other families,
and a donation to the Ohio Wildlife Center. An informational flyer was sent home by hard copy and
via email this past week. “Spirit Week” is coming up towards the end of the month. Our student
council representatives will help choose exciting themes for this year. Look for information to come
home about “Spirit Week” in the next few weeks.
Our lost and found is overflowing, so I encourage you to check out the hooks by the kitchen while
you’re in school. All remaining items will be donated to Welcome Warehouse over Thanksgiving break.
Remember that there is NO SCHOOL on Tuesday, November
12th due to “Waiver Day” which is a day designated for
teacher professional development.
Go Panthers!
Troy Ehrsam, Principal
Notes from
the Pinney Office
Office Communication
• Students may not enter the building until 9:00 a.m. daily.
• Be patient in the pick-up line at the end of the day. Cars need to remain in a single file line to
pick up students. Also, please drop off your child at the sidewalk or side door in the morning.
A Pinney staff member will monitor the side door beginning at 9:00 a.m. daily. We do not want
children walking through cars and/or traffic. Student safety is our priority.
• Give the buses the right of way during arrival and dismissal. No cars in the bus loop during the
following times: 8:45-9:15 a.m. & 3:15-3:45 p.m.
• Call the office or the automated attendance line (718-8960) if your child is going to be absent
or late. Please send in a note if your child is signing out early for an appointment.
• If your child is going to be absent from school, we would appreciate a phone call before 9:30
a.m. of that day. Ohio state law does require us to now have a written note upon a child’s
return to school after an absence of any kind. An absence form can be found in the downloads
section of our Pinney website (Absence Notification Form). We would appreciate your help by
sending in this form or a note explaining the absence upon your child’s return to school. It is
also important that you know that absences due to a family-planned vacation are no longer
excused absences.
• All phone number changes should take place at the building level. Please do not call the
district office to change your contact information. Please call the Pinney office for questions
• Send in a note if your child’s end of the day arrangements change. Without a note, we will
follow typical end of day routine.
• Both students need a note giving parent permission when bringing home a friend. New “Note
to School” pads can be picked up in the office.
• Write your child’s first and last name on the inside of lunch boxes, backpacks, jackets and
other items so that we can return them if lost. All lost and found items will be donated to
Welcome Warehouse at the end of each trimester.
• The archived “Pinney Post” can be found in the “Newsletters” link on our website.
• Check your child’s backpack frequently.
School Day
AM Preschool
8:45-11:15 am
PM Preschool
AM Kindergarten 9:10-11:40 am
PM Kindergarten
Grades 1-5
9:10-3:40 pm
Latchkey (7:05 a.m. start & 6:00 p.m. end)
12:45-3:15 pm
1:10-3:40 pm
12:05-1:05 pm
Clinic Communication with Mrs. Slack & Mrs. Pagan
Clinic Communication
The Dublin City School District has developed policies to help insure the health and safety of all
our students. These policies have been developed in direct correlation with the recommendations of both Nationwide Children’s Hospital and the Centers for Disease Control. It is even more
important that parents familiarize themselves with these policies and adhere to them as we
move into the time of year when flu and other contagious illnesses become more prevalent.
Please take time now to review the following information. If all of our parents follow these policies, we can reduce illness and absences for your child.
• It is important to keep any child home exhibiting signs of illness. Signs of illness include fever
of 100 degrees or higher, vomiting, diarrhea, sore throat, chills, irritability, or unusual skin rash.
Other signs of illness are red and crusty eyes, as well as, other symptoms that are unusual for
your child. If your child has been home ill, they must be symptom free without medication for
24 hours before returning to school. If they have been placed on an antibiotic for a contagious
illness, they must be on the antibiotic for 24 hours before returning to school.
• Please remember that parents are responsible for supplying the school with any medication
(prescription and over-the-counter) that needs to be given during school hours. The appropriate
forms(s) must be completed for clinic staff to be able to administer the medication. Prescription
and non-prescription forms are available on the district web site at www.dublinschools.net or
from the clinic. The clinic staff is happy to help you determine which forms are needed for your
• Please make sure to call the school if you change phone numbers. This information is vital as
we often need to contact a parent(s) if there is an injury or illness. When listing someone as an
emergency contact, please make sure it is a local person who would be able to pick up an ill
• Remember that cough drops are considered a medication. They must be kept in the clinic and
must be sent in with a non-prescription medication form that has been completed by a parent.
Students are not permitted to carry cough drops with them during the school day.
• When leaving a message on the attendance line, please provide any symptoms your child has
such as student's temperature, cough, sore throat, headache, muscle aches, vomiting, diarrhea,
etc. Please also include if your child has been seen by a doctor or travelled abroad.
Please feel free to call the clinic and speak with the
clinic aide or school nurse regarding any questions or
concerns you have. Thank you for your help keeping
all of our students healthy and safe this season.
Clinic phone # - (614) 718-8955
During the month of November, I will visit each classroom grades K-5 for a
guidance lesson. In kindergarten, we will read Maya Was Grumpy by Courtney
Pippin-Mathur to focus on self-awareness and emotional regulation.
In first grade, we will read Elmer by David McKee. Students will participate in a
discussion and activity called “I like being me.” The objectives of this lesson are
for students to identify what they like about themselves and develop an attitude of self-acceptance.
In second grade, students will participate in an activity called “It’s Me!” The
objectives of this lesson are for students to recognize strengths and limitations
are part of one’s self-definition and learn not to put themselves down because
of limitations.
In third grade, students will participate in an activity called “Being Perfectly
Perfect.” The objectives of this lesson are to learn that nobody is perfect and
learn to accept oneself as less than perfect.
In fourth grade, students will participate in an activity called “All About Me.”
The objectives of this lesson are to identify strengths and weaknesses and to
learn not to base one’s worth on a single aspect of performance.
In fifth grade, students will participate in an activity called
“Wanted: A kid Like Me.” The objective of this lesson is for
students to be able to identify their own positive attributes.
LEAP Lounge
Logic, Enrichment and Pursuit • Mrs. Amy Neader
Given our first snowfall of the school year has already come and gone, the
students in the LEAP room thought parents and kids might be looking for
some new indoor activities. So they compiled a list of their favorite games
and apps! Each of the games below can be purchased at most educational
stores or online. There are ‘apps’ available for each as well.
24: This game challenges the computation skills of even the most fluent
mathematician. Most appropriate for grade 3 and up.
“It helps strengthens your math facts! We love playing it in our free time!
” ~ Crossen & Dennis
Rush Hour: The puzzle lovers new favorite game! This logic puzzle is fun
for all ages. Younger students may also enjoy Rush Hour Jr.
“It is a very fun game! When you finish a puzzle it gives you music to dance
to!” ~ Harrison & AJ
Set: This game is most appropriate for grades 3 and up, but
younger children will also enjoy this game if they play against their
peers or with their parents.
“It is a great game, we love playing it with friends!” ~ Ashley & Katie
Technology Tidbits
Since school has started, many teachers have spent time in the Tiger Lab or on the
mobile labs allowing students to practice logging in and exploring various technology
Also, there is some exciting news about the recent purchase of iPads for all classrooms
in the school, including Related Arts, Special Education, both Reading specialists and
Enrichment. With the funds raised from the 2012 Dance-A-Thon, all classrooms will be
receiving an iPad for student use, and the 1st and 2nd grade classrooms will be receiving 2 iPads. In the future, teachers will also have the opportunity to download various
apps to support the curriculum and instruction for students within the classroom.
Instructional Support
Mrs. Lauren Barr
Hello Pinney Famlies! My name is Lauren Barr and I’m excited to be the Instructional Support Teacher (IST) this
year. Before coming to Pinney I taught in the classroom for nine years, with seven of those years being at Daniel Wright Elementary in Dublin. Below is an overview of the SST process. Please contact me if you have any
questions. Mrs. Barr ! E-Mail: barr_lauren@dublinschools.net
Student Success Team (SST)
What is a Student Success Team? The Dublin City School District endorses the use of building level Student
Success Teams (SST). A Student Success Team is a resource that will help provide thoughtful reflection on the
implementation of best practices, educational environment, alternative strategies, extensions of curriculum and/
or focused interventions in order to teach new skills and develop success in learning. It is also a system designed to support monitoring progress as the team tests various hypotheses about how a student learns most
efficiently. The positive, problem solving nature of the teaming process is meant to help students, parents, and
staff build an expanding tool box of ideas to address current and future problems.
Who is on the team? The team will consist of parents, students, and school personnel. The school personnel
on a SST may vary according to the particular needs of the student. The IST coordinates the SST process.
Why is a child referred? Referrals to the SST occur for many different reasons. Referrals for the SST typically
occur when a child is continuing to struggle despite interventions that teachers and parents put in place. The
team process allows for greater exploration of potential causes and solutions to address the area of need to help
the child experience greater success.
What are Interventions? Interventions are strategies identified to help a child experience greater success.
They may include utilizing different instructional approaches, creating supports and extensions, providing opportunities to meet with school personnel, or the development of a behavioral support plan.
What will occur during the SST meeting? The SST meeting serves as a problem- solving session in which
the team can develop potential ways to support the student. It is through this process that effective strategies
and interventions can be suggested, tested, and monitored.
Panther Pics
* November - December * ELI PINNEY ELEMENTARY
* You can also check out the Pinney calendar on the website for updated events and times.
Tues., Nov. 5
Election Day (Delaware County Sheriff Deputy Present) Gym
Wed., Nov. 6
Healthy Community/Healthy Youth Family Night
Wed., Nov. 6
PTO Family Reading Night
Tues., Nov. 12
Wed., Nov. 13
Market Day pick-up
Fri., Nov. 15
End of first trimester
Mon., Nov. 18-Fri., Nov. 22
Spirit Week
Tues., Nov. 19
Student Council meeting
Music Rm.
Wed., Nov. 20
Celebration of the Arts
Thurs., Nov. 21
APE Field Trip (bowling)
Hilliard Ten Pins
Thurs., Nov. 21
PTO General Meeting
Tues., Nov. 26
Grade cards go home
Tues., Nov. 26
1st Gr. field trip - “Honk!”
Jerome HS
Wed., Nov. 27-Fri., Nov. 29 NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
Thurs., Dec. 5
PTO Kinder Key Caroling
Mon., Dec. 9
5th Gr. Strings Concert
Tues., Dec. 10
Student Council meeting
Wed., Dec. 11
Market Day pick-up
Fri., Dec. 13
1st Gr. Field Trip - “Nutcracker”
Fri., Dec. 13
Adopt-a-Family Wrap Party (AM-K/1&2)
Fri., Dec. 13
Adopt-a-Family Wrap Party (PM-K/3-5)
Thurs., Dec. 19
Holiday Party (AM-PS/AM-K/1&2)
Thurs., Dec. 19
Holiday Party (PM-PS/PM-K/3-5)
Fri., Dec. 20
Mon., Dec. 23-Fri., Jan. 3
NO SCHOOL - Winter Break
Grizzell MS
Music Rm.
Ohio Theatre
All Day
Pinney Gives Back
The “Pinney Gives Back” Monthly Food/Supply Drive is a great way to give back to our community!
Drop off your donation in the special shopping cart in the cafeteria anytime during the first two (2)
weeks of each month. Everything will be donated to the Dublin Food Pantry. We will keep track
of donations and let everyone know each month’s total. Questions? anjwolshire@att.net
boxed potatoes (THANK YOU!)
Total: 44 boxed potatoes
baby food & boxed potatoes (THANK YOU!)
Total: 55 baby food jars
toilet paper & boxed potatoes
Total: ?
canned fruits
boxed mac n’ cheese
canned tuna or chicken
peanut butter or jelly
white or brown rice
canned stew or ravioli
Thank you for your donations!
Other News & Notes
The intercom instructions to enter the building have been revised. After you have pressed the button,
please stand on the red "X" on the floor and face the camera. Once you have been granted access, then
Other visitors behind you should wait until the door has closed. If they should follow you, we would appreciate it if you kindly inform them of our entrance procedure. Thank you for your effort in keeping our
students and staff safe.
Pinney Elementary's Celebration of the Arts will be Wednesday, November 20 from 6:30-8:00 p.m. in the
Pinney Commons. We hope to see many of you there!
We collected an amazing 65 coats this year! We were the 2nd highest school collection site in Dublin!
Way to go Pinney! Great job goes out to our local Girl Scouts for leading this worthy activity at our school.
Special thanks goes out to Mrs. Hamby’s students for their fall book collection. This was the 2nd annual Read To
Cure book drive at Indian Run Preschool and 1st year Busy Bee book drive at Pinney. It is truly a pleasure running these drives! With so many patient care units, there is just not enough children's books to go around. But,
this year, because of our Pinney families, we were able to make it happen and provide two of the largest units,
Oncology & Heart patients, with many wonderful stories.
This year, with both classes joining force, we have collected 394 books (Busy Bee -264; Rainbow -130).
On behalf of the Heart & Oncology patients, we want to thank you so much for getting your child involved
and donating some of their beloved children's books. Through books, you and your child have made a
HUGE difference in the life of another child! So THANK YOU!
“Child Find” is the process of locating, evaluating, and identifying children with disabilities who may be in need of
special education and related services. Parents, relatives, public and private agency employees, childcare providers, physicians, and concerned citizens are encouraged to help school districts find any child, ages birth – 21,
who may have a disability and are in need of special education and related services. If you suspect a child may
have a disability, help is available. Please contact:
Department of Student Services, Dublin City Schools 7030 Coffman Road Dublin, OH 43017-1068
Phone: 614-764-5913 Fax: 614-761-5899 <www.dublinschools.net>