Does Innovation Policy Attract International Competition? Evidence from Energy Storage Kira R. Fabrizio Questrom School of Business Boston University Sharon Poczter Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management Cornell University Bennet Zelner Robert H. Smith School of Business University of Maryland ABSTRACT Though existing studies suggest that innovation-promoting public policies are associated with increases in the number of inventions generated, these studies do not explore the geographic origin of such inventions. Do domestic policies aimed at developing innovation capabilities in a particular technological area result in greater domestic competitiveness, or do they instead invite more competition from technologies developed abroad? In this paper, we describe the impact of two categories of innovation-supporting policies: those focused on the supply of a given set of technologies, and those focused on the demand for products based on these technologies. We argue that demand-pull policies will result in more technology transfer into a given country from abroad, relative to supply-push policies. We test this prediction using panel data on the international transfer of patented energy storage technologies between country-pairs. Our results indicate that the transfer of such technologies into a given country increased significantly after demand-pull policies were put into place, but the same pattern does not hold for supply-push policies. Keywords: Innovation policy, international technology transfer, competitive advantage 1 1. Introduction Political leaders often promote policies that seek to bolster a country’s technological or industrial leadership by fostering national competitive advantage in an area of special economic or technological significance. For example, U.S. President Barak Obama declared that the development and deployment of “green” technologies in areas such as energy production would create a foundation on which the United States could “build the clean energy economy that is key to our competitiveness in the 21st century” (Finance Wire, 2009). Existing studies provide partial support for this assertion by demonstrating that firms increase their R&D expenditures and patenting rates in response to public policies intended to stimulate innovation (Hall and Van Reenen 2000, Bloom et al. 2002, Popp 2002, Newell et al. 1999, Jaffe et al. 2002, Johnstone et al. 2010, Horbach 2008). These studies do not investigate, however, whether such increases are attributable to domestic inventors— which would be consistent with the objective of building a country’s technological and industrial leadership—or alternatively, whether they represent inventions developed outside of the country that are transferred into the domestic market. This distinction is critical because policies that attract technologies from abroad may incite increased product competition at the expense of local innovators, potentially undermining the goal of the policy. In the analysis below, we illuminate this topic by examining whether national policies intended to promote local innovation actually result in the domestic deployment of technologies developed abroad. Innovation-promoting public policies are commonly justified as a solution to a market failure inherent in the innovation process. Because companies investing in research and development are unable to fully capture the gains from knowledge creation, the incentive to invest in innovation remains below the socially optimal level (Geroski 1995). In the broad context that we examine below—renewable energy production—there also exists a second market failure that impedes innovation: companies whose inventions provide an environmental benefit (or reduce a negative environmental impact) do not fully capture their invention’s value, because the environmental impact is an externality that is not priced in the market. The rationale for innovation-promoting public policies in the 2 renewable energy space, therefore, is to compensate businesses for these two innovationreducing market failures. Innovation-promoting public policies can be broadly categorized into those that directly promote R&D investments, and those that indirectly promote innovation by increasing the demand for environmentally favorable products. The first category, which we label “supply-push” is intended to increase the market supply of a particular type of technology, include measures such as direct R&D subsidies, tax credits for R&D, and financial support for R&D personnel. The aim of the second category, which we label “demand-pull” is to prop up demand for environmentally favorable products, and includes mandated purchases, minimum purchase requirements, and targeted subsidies. We argue that supply-push and demand-pull policies have different effects on the international transfer of technology. Specifically, we contend that, relative to supply-push policies, demand-pull policies will lead to a larger rise in the transfer of foreign technologies into the country implementing the policy. The well-publicized recent bankruptcy of several federally-subsidized American solar energy firms like Solyndra provides a suggestive example. While the Obama administration implemented a suite of policies intended to promote “green” energy innovation, including providing low interest rate loans to suppliers and requiring electric utilities to increase the provision of power generated using solar technologies, energy firms failed. The U.S. Congress attributed the failure of these firms in the spite of the supportive government to increased competition from Chinese solar panel manufacturers (Sweet and Tracy, 2011). Data from the Earth Policy Institute are broadly consistent with this claim: during the period 2000 – 2010, Chinese solar panel production grew by nearly 11,000 MW and U.S. production grew by only 1,000 MW, despite the fact that installed solar generation capacity in the U.S. increased 65% more than capacity in China during this time. 1 This is consistent with the Chinese solar panel manufacturers gaining from the policies promoting adoption of solar generation in the United States. 1 Installed solar generation in the U.S. increased by 856 MW and that in China grew by 520 MW. 3 Building on this example, we examine the international transfer of energy storage technologies, which are regarded as key to ending the world’s reliance on fossil fuels (The Economist, December 6, 2014). Advances in energy storage are considered necessary for the deployment of large-scale renewable energy facilities (Denholm et al. 2010), and they also represent “the most important thing we can do to make electric vehicles more prevalent,” according to Tesla’s Chief Technology Officer (The Economist, December 6, 2014). Technological uncertainty, the need for significant financial investment, and the market failures discussed above have led governments around the world to promulgate both supply-push and demand-pull policies intended to stimulate innovation in this area. To examine whether demand-pull policies do, in fact, produce a larger increase in the transfer of technologies developed abroad than supply-push policies do, we examine 36 national policies related to energy storage passed in 11 OECD countries during the period 1974 – 2010, categorizing 16 as demand-pull, 19 as supply-push, and one as having both supply and demand components. We then combine the policy data with panel data on energy storage patents granted in 21 countries during the period 1970 – 2011 to estimate the impact of policy on the transfer of patented energy storage technologies using a difference-in-differences methodology. We found that, consistent with our expectations, the adoption of a demand-pull policy was followed by a significant increase in the importation of technology developed abroad. We found no such pattern for supply-push policies, however. From a public policy perspective, these results are valuable because they suggest that it may be incorrect to interpret an increase in the number of patented innovations following an innovation-promoting policy’s adoption as evidence that the policy is “working.” In the empirical context of energy storage, the number of energy storage patents in a given country may grow following the adoption of a demand-pull policy, but a significant proportion of this increase is attributable to technologies invented (and initially patented) abroad. Thus, a domestic innovation-promoting policy may encourage competition from abroad even as it succeeds in spurring innovation overall. If the policy’s central objective is to create domestic competitive advantage in the global market for green technologies, then the policy’s unintended consequence may hinder achievement of this goal. Furthermore, 4 the method that we used to trace the international movement of patented technology has not been widely exploited in innovation management research, and it holds great promise for examining a range of research questions related to global innovation and the flow of knowledge and technology across countries. 2. Theory and Hypotheses Public policies to promote innovation in renewable energy technologies seek to address two types of market failure: environmental externalities and knowledge spillovers (Popp 2006). Environmental externalities occur because the market does not accurately price the improvements in environmental conditions that such technologies create. Namely, in contrast to electricity generated using traditional technologies (such as coal- and natural gas-fired), which produces a significant fraction of atmospheric greenhouse gases, electricity generated using renewable energy technologies (such as wind- and solar- powered) produces almost no greenhouse gases. In the absence of policy intervention, however, the latter’s superior environmental characteristics go uncompensated (or equivalently, the former’s negative environmental are not priced) because electricity is a homogenous good, competing with little differentiation to the end user. Consequently, the amount of environmentally preferable goods produced is below than the socially optimal level. The second market failure is more general, and involves the weak appropriability of knowledge generated by R&D. When the knowledge generated becomes public as a result of new products or services embodying the knowledge being made available for sale, inventors typically fail to appropriate the full social value of such knowledge because it is difficult to exclude others from acquiring and using it (Arrow, 1962). This results in “spillovers” that accrue to competing firms, downstream firms, and consumers (Griliches 1979, 1992; Jaffe 1986). As a result, private firms invest less than the socially optimal level of R&D (Geroski 1995, Martin and Scott, 2000). 5 Policies to address these market failures take multiple forms. Though there is no universally accepted scheme for classifying such policies, 2 we draw on elemental research in innovation theory to develop a meaningful categorization based on a policy’s operative mechanism for promoting innovation. Such research emphasizes innovation’s multifactorial origins, including targeted R&D, firms’ prior experience, and customer demands (Mowery and Rosenberg, 1979; Kline and Rosenberg 1986). Research on “demand-pull” innovation holds that firms invest more to produce inventions that they expect to serve larger markets. Such research traces to Schmookler’s seminal study (1966), which demonstrated that increased purchases of railroad equipment led to greater inventive activity by railway equipment manufacturers. Subsequent theoretical and empirical work has established that innovation investment responds positively to increases in anticipated demand (Schmookler, 1966; Romer, 1990; Grossman and Helpman, 1991; Aghion and Howitt, 1992; Newell, Jaffe, and Stavins 1999; Popp 2002, Acemoglu and Linn 2004, Acemoglu et al. 2006, Adner and Levinthal 2001). Research on “supply-push” innovation supports the commonsense notion that inventions result from the development of technological knowledge. Such knowledge may accumulate within the firm as the result of either R&D or prior experience in design, manufacturing, marketing, and distribution; or outside the firm, as the result of basic science and the innovative activities of other firms. Accordingly, providing incentives directly to suppliers to increase the technological knowledge that defines the opportunity frontier for new discoveries and conditions the investment choices of firms across potential research areas (Dosi, 1982; Griliches, 1979, 1995; Nelson, 1982). The conclusion of this literature is that the development of technological knowledge, within and outside the boundary of the firm, will lead to more innovation (Dosi, 1982; Griliches, 1979, 1995; Nelson, 1982). Alic et al. (2003) classified innovation-supporting policies into three groups: (1) direct government funding of research and development; (2) policies that directly or indirectly support commercialization and adoption, and thus development; and (3) policies that support diffusion through education. The first two categories map roughly (though not perfectly) to the supply-push and demand-pull categorization developed in this paper. Education-related policies in third category could be demand- or supply-push in nature, but we observe no such policies in the empirical context that we examine. 2 6 Geography moderates the impact of both demand-pull and supply-push influences on innovation. In terms of demand-pull, local firms have an advantage in terms of both understanding and meeting proximate demand. Demand for new products often depends on context-specific norms, culture, and expectations, making demand hard to anticipate for distant firms (Fabrizio and Thomas 2012). In addition, established distribution networks of local firms provide advantage in terms of serving growing demand. The limited empirical work that exists examining the geographic variation in the impact of anticipated demand on innovation supports the advantage of local firms (Fabrizio and Thomas 2012). In terms of supply-push, local firms may benefit more from knowledge spillovers because technological knowledge may be tacit, impeding its transferability (Polanyi, 1966; Baumaud, 1999). Empirical research has supported this contention, demonstrating both a pattern of geographical agglomeration of innovations across multiple industries (Marshall, 1920; Krugman, 1991; Audretsch and Feldman, 1996; Feldman, 2000; Porter, 1998), as well as geographically mediated knowledge spillovers between firms and nearby public institutions such as universities (Jaffe 1986; Jaffe 1989; Jaffe et al. 1993; Jaffe and Trajtenberg 1996). Research on national innovation systems builds on these core insights, examining the institutional structures that shape and augment underlying supply-push and demand-pull influences on the rate and direction of innovation (Nelson, 1993; Mowery and Oxley, 1995; Freeman, 1995). Institutional structures that condition supply-push initiatives include government policies, funding, and regulations; the educational and research activities housed in a nation’s universities and laboratories; and the expectations and attitudes of workers and investors. Clusters of interconnected firms, suppliers, related industries, and specialized entities arise to create regional or national competitive advantage in a given industry (Porter 1990, 1998). A country’s “demand conditions” may augment these supply- push factors to shape “national innovative capacity” (Furman, Porter, and Stern, 2002). For example, pharmaceutical companies have been shown to produce innovations that match their home-country demand patterns (Fabrizio and Thomas, 2012). Because the entire network of national institutions interacts to shape the conditions for innovation, domestic 7 firms embedded in this network might be expected to be more influenced by the policies implemented in their home countries. Building on these theoretical foundations, we conceptualize two categories of public policies based on their operative mechanism for promoting innovation: (1) “supply-push” policies that provide incentives to invest in technology-related R&D, and (2) “demand-pull” policies that stimulate innovation in a particular area by propping up demand for a given product or category. The former include direct government funding of R&D, R&D tax credits, and tax credits or subsidies for firms that bring particular technologies to market. By lowering the private cost of investing in R&D, supply-push policies create incentives for firms to increase their R&D expenditures in targeted areas. Empirical research supports the expected positive impact of supply-push policies on innovation. In a review piece on the effectiveness of fiscal incentives for R&D, Hall and Van Reenen (2000) found that each tax credit dollar produced, on average, one dollar of R&D (i.e., the elasticity of R&D with respect to tax credits is unity). Bloom et al. (2002) also found evidence that tax credits stimulate R&D spending in a panel dataset of nine OECD countries, and Horbach (2008) found that “investment subsidies” were associated with increased environmental innovation in a study based on survey data from German manufacturers. Dechezlepretre et al. (2011) document the relationship between environmental policies and innovation, as well as the global dispersion of environmental innovation. Though suggestive of a link between supply-push policies and innovation, these studies do not consider the nature or location of actual innovation outcomes. Johnstone et al. (2010) took a step in this direction emphasizing a cross-country focus in examining the relationship between supply-push policies and the number of patented inventions in renewable energy generation technologies in 25 countries during the period 1978–2003. In contrast to supply-push policies, which steer innovation efforts toward a targeted area, demand-pull policies use mechanisms such as rebates, consumer tax credits, government procurement, and mandated purchases to boost the prices for environmentally beneficial products, causing the externalities previously discussed to be internalized. Such policies effectively differentiate environmentally beneficial products from rival goods that are less 8 environmentally friendly. During the 1990s, for example, many U.S. states passed Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) policies requiring utilities to source a minimum percentage of their electricity from renewable generation sources. By increasing the demand for renewable electricity, RPS policies effectively established a differentiated market that could support higher prices for electricity generated from such sources. Such differentiation is critical for stimulating innovation, particularly in the early development phases. During development and early deployment, costs of new technologies are typically higher, making it difficult for them to compete with entrenched technologies benefitting from economies of scale. Demand-pull policies targeting new technology allows firms to move down the learning curve, making improvements in the technology and its production process, and reducing costs. Ultimately, demand-pull policies enable firms focused on new technologies to reduce costs enough to compete with established technologies even after policy support subsides. Empirical research on “demand-induced innovation” recognizes that R&D is a profit- motivated investment activity, and that the direction of innovation should respond to the pattern of relative prices (Hicks 1932). Several empirical studies in the renewable energy space have supported this prediction (Newell et al. 1999, Jaffe et al. 2002, Popp 2002). Most recently, Johnstone et al. (2010) found that the number of patent applications for renewable energy generation technologies increased following the adoption of demand- pull policies intended to increase deployment, such as purchase obligations and renewable energy credits. Impact on technology transfer Prior research on the link between environmental policy and the international transfer of technology is limited. Studies examining the relationship between policies and innovation outcomes have not considered the geographic location of inventions (Johnston 2010, Aghion 2011), while studies of international technology diffusion have failed to account for policy influences (Dechezlepretre et al. 2011). The prior study that is closest in spirit to the current one is by Lanjouw and Moody (1996), who examined the effects of increased pollution regulation on the deployment of pollution control technologies from both 9 domestic inventors as well as those domiciled elsewhere. They found that, even in developed countries, a large portion of pollution control technology was developed by foreign inventors. No prior study of which we are aware has considered how different types of policies, such as supply-push versus demand-pull, influence the international transfer of technologies. Without knowledge of how different policies affect technology transfer, it is not possible to draw sound conclusions about the impact of green energy technology policies on domestic economic development and competitiveness, a topic of substantial interest to both policymakers and private investors. We consider this question directly, examining the differential impact of supply-push and demand-pull policies on the location of innovation. We anticipate that the two different types of policies will have different effects on the amount of the targeted technology transferred into the country adopting the policy. Relative to supply-push policies, we expect demand-pull policies to increase the amount of inward technology transfer. As policy-motivated demand increases in a given geographic market increases, so too does the expected payoff of entering that market, leading foreign firms that have developed relevant technology elsewhere to enter and compete with domestic firms. The ultimate result is greater foreign competition in the industry supported by the demand-pull policy. The increased importation of Chinese solar panels in response to U.S. demand-pull renewable energy policies exemplifies this logic. We expect supply-push policies to attract less inward technology transfer for several reasons. First, government funding and R&D support are more likely to be restricted to domestic firms in the country implementing the policy for the express purpose of developing a local innovation ecosystem. Second, incentives provided through the corporate tax system only affect firms with taxable operations in the country implementing the policy. Third, government-sponsored investment in knowledge development may create knowledge spillovers, favoring proximate domestic firms. It is still possible that the favorable innovation climate created by supply-push policies will provide incentives for foreign firms to reorganize R&D activities geographically and 10 transfer previously patented technologies into the policy-implementing country. Several reasons exist, however, as to why we expect supply-push policies to elicit less inward transfer than demand-pull policies. First, this effect is less direct than in the case of demand-pull policies, requiring several steps from the policy implementation to transferring patenting technologies into the country. Furthermore, this impact is limited only to a subset of supply-push policies that do not target domestic producers exclusively, Finally, as reorganizing activities globally represent a significant cost, foreign firms may be more reluctant to respond to supply-push policies by relocating R&D activities than they are to respond to demand-pull policies by entering new product markets, which is relatively less costly. 3. Empirical Context: Energy Storage Policy Technology During the past three decades, many countries have passed policies intended to promote the development and deployment of “clean” energy technologies. These technologies include renewable power generation, enhanced electricity generation and use energy efficiency, and energy storage. We take a purposefully narrow lens in our analysis, examining only those policies intended to stimulate innovation in energy storage. This approach is beneficial for two reasons. First, with fewer policies, we can identify the time period when each policy is in effect, avoiding the overlap that would occur when examining, for example, all renewable energy policies. Second, many countries have enacted multiple energy storage policies at different points in time as awareness of the environmental and economic importance of this technology has grown. The resultant cross-sectional and inter-temporal variation in policy environments supports our empirical approach and bolsters the generalizability of our results. Several OECD countries have implemented supply-push or demand-pull policies to increase innovation in and deployment of energy storage technologies. In 2000, for example, Australia implemented a demand-pull policy known as the “Alternative Fuels Conversion Program,” which was intended to increase the demand for hybrid and electric vehicles. This program provided a subsidy of up to 50% of the extra cost incurred by fleet operators to purchase or convert their existing fleets to diesel-fueled hybrids or fully electric vehicles. 11 The U.S. implemented a supply-push policy in 2002. The “Advanced Energy Storage Program” provided financial support from the U.S. Department of Energy [DOE] for R&D in energy storage performed by both the DOE alone and by the DOE in cooperation with the private sector. Similarly, Germany’s “Sixth Energy Research Program” subsidized €3.4 billion of R&D in “innovative energy technologies,” including renewables, efficiency enhancements, and energy storage. 4. Descriptive Statistics and Empirical Methodology To assess the impact of innovation-promoting energy storage policies on international technology transfer, we examine whether the number of patents transferred into a given country changed after the country adopted a supply-push or demand-pull energy storage policy. We consider such changes relative to the amount of international technology transferred into countries without innovation-promoting energy storage policies. We perform the analysis at the origin-destination country pair level. “Destination” countries include those that passed relevant policies as well as the control countries that did not. “Origin” countries included those where the patented inventions subsequently transferred to destination countries were initially developed. This structure allows us to control for relevant attributes of the origin countries, the destination countries, and origindestination dyads. We compiled policy data from the International Energy Agency’s Global Renewable Energy Policies and Measures database (IEA) (IEA 2007), which records energy policy initiatives in 40 countries over the period 1970 – 2010. The database includes detailed information that allowed us to classify polices as supply-push or demand-pull. For example, we categorized R&D subsidies and tax breaks as supply-push policies, and requirements or incentives to procure specific amounts of “clean” energy as demand-pull initiatives. We identified a total of 11 OECD countries that passed policies intended to promote innovation in energy storage technologies. These countries constitute the “treated” set of observations in our analysis, though the year in which a country received a policy treatment and the type of treatment (i.e., supply-push versus demand-pull) varied. 12 The canonical difference-in-differences approach uses a large sample from a population to estimate the impact of a policy treatment on the treated subset of observations. In the current context, such an approach would consist of comparing the change in the amount of energy storage technology transferred into a country that had adopted a policy, with the change in the amount of such technology transferred into countries that did not pass any such policy during the same time period. Because policies were not randomly assigned, members of the control group might differ systematically from those of the “treated” group, however, requiring the addition of control variables among other analyses that help justify this empirical approach. Table 1 displays differences in means tests for salient attributes of the 11 OECD countries that passed energy storage policies in 1973 or later, and the 144 countries that did not. Based on nearly all of the attributes examined, the countries in the former group have larger economies (higher GDP) and are more innovative (more patents and energy storage patents) than those in the control group. Between-group differences in the value of the dependent variable just before treatment (i.e., policy implementation) are of special interest in a difference-in-differences analysis. The identifying assumption of this empirical method is that prior to the treatment, the change over time of the outcome variable of interest does not differ between the treatment and control group. If this is the case, then the assumption that post-treatment changes in the outcome variable for the control group are a good representation of how the outcome variable would have evolved for the treated countries if the treatment had not occurred. Here, immediately prior to implementation of the first supply-push policy, the number of energy storage patents transferred into the countries that passed relevant policies was decreasing at a slightly greater rate than in the control countries. The trend in the number of transfers immediately prior to implementation of the first demand-pull policy was not statistically distinguishable between the two sets of countries. In order to minimize the differences between the countries that passed policies and those in the control group, we use the Mahalanobis distance algorithm to identify the most closely-matched control observations based on a set of country-level attributes, including 13 the number of patents generated in a country, the number of energy storage patents generated in the country, and GDP level, all in 1973. 3 Because the Mahalanobis algorithm selects controls with replacement, some countries were chosen as the best controls for more than one of the treated countries. Out of the 63 possible countries for which we have requisite data, the algorithm identified 10 matching countries. We include these countries in the control group in the main analysis, and for robustness we also conduct analyses using a control group comprising all 63 countries that failed to pass a relevant policy. Table 2 displays differences in means tests for country-level attributes of the treatment group and the matched control group. On average, the countries in the matched control group are more similar to the policy-passing countries in the year prior to adoption than the countries in the unrestricted control group are, though there are still notable differences. Importantly, the pre-adoption trends in transfers of energy storage technologies bias our analysis against finding a positive effect of policy (based on the 1973 data) or indicate that the two groups display a similar pre-trend (based on the 1998 data). To construct the patent-based measures, we use data from the EPO Worldwide Patent Statistical Database (PatStat), which categorizes patents generated by inventors in over 80 countries using the international patent class (IPC) scheme. Following recent studies such as Johnstone et al. (2010), we exploit the extensive categorization of “green” patent classes produced by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in the green patent inventory ( to identify IPC classes for energy storage. The WIPO green patent inventory identifies the international patent classes (IPCs) associated with “environmentally sound technologies” as delineated by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Specifically, we identify patents related to energy storage as those belonging to the “storage of electrical energy” category. The PatStat data also include information for tracking a patent’s country of origin and its international transfer, including the country of the inventor, the initial or “priority” country 3 The Mahalanobis distance measure is the matrix product d'Xd, where d is a vector of differences (between two countries) in the set of variables and X is the inverse of the covariance matrix of the vector of variables selected for the match. We implemented the algorithm using Stata’s “Mahapick” command. Doing so yielded an identical set of control countries as did propensity score matching, implemented using Stata’s “psmatch2” command with the Mahalanobis option, which accounts for the covariance among variables. 14 of patent application, and the recipient countries of patent duplication. The dependent variable in the analysis, #ππππππππππππππππππππ,ππ,π‘π‘ represents the number of patented energy storage technologies invented in origin country ππ that are granted a patent in destination country ππ in year π‘π‘. This method of using patent data to identify the movement of technologies across international borders was pioneered by Eaton and Kortum (1996). Johnstone and Hascic (2009) describe the use of patent data to trace the transfer of technologies across patent jurisdictions; Hascic and Johnstone (2011) and Johnstone (2010) constructed similar variables to trace the diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies among OECD countries. We estimate the following empirical model to predict the number of energy storage technology transfers from origin country to destination country: #ππππππππππππππππππππ,ππ,π‘π‘ = πΌπΌππ,ππ + π½π½1 π·π·π·π·π·π·π·π·π·π·π·π·π·π·π·π·π·π·π·π·π·π·π·π·ππ + π½π½2 ππππππππππππππππππππππππππ +π½π½3 ππππ + π½π½4 ππππ + π½π½5 ππππππππ + οΏ½ πΏπΏπ‘π‘ + οΏ½ ππππππ On the model’s right-hand side, DemandPolicy and SupplyPolicy are indicator variables equal to one when the destination country had a demand or supply-push policy in place during year π‘π‘, and zero otherwise. Additionally, the model includes dyadic dummy variables, πΌπΌππ,ππ , to control for any unobserved conditions specific to the country-pair, such as the proximity of the countries, whether residents speak a common language, colonial ties, etc. The dyadic dummy variables indicators account for many of the correlates of international trade included in so-called gravity models (Santos Silva and Silvana 2006). We also included year dummy variables πΏπΏπ‘π‘ to account for sample-wide changes in the amount of international technology transfer over time. The vectors ππππ and ππππ respectively represent destination and origin country variables that change over time. The former includes the count of energy-storage patents to control for the origin-country stock of intellectual property. Additionally, we experiment with different control variables for the total number of patents and the number of “green” technology patents in the origin and destination countries. As in gravity models of international trade, we also include GDP levels for the origin and destination countries (Santos Silva and Silvana 2011). 15 To account for intertemporal differences in bilateral trade that are not captured by these controls, we include the value of imports from the origin to the destination country. 4 We also included the number of energy storage patents in the destination country to account for any competitive effects that might influence the decision to transfer technology into the country. Finally, we account for the overall innovation landscape in both the origin and destination countries by including each country’s total number of patented innovations. Because the dependent variable is a non-negative integer, we estimate the model using the Poisson quasi-maximum likelihood estimator, which does not rely on the assumption of mean variance equality. Recent evidence indicates that this type of model is particularly well-suited for estimating gravity equations (Santos Silva and Silvana, 2006, 2011). A positive coefficient on B1 or B2 would indicate an increase in technology transferred into a country following a policy’s implementation, and a larger value of B1 than B2 would support our hypothesis that demand-pull policies are associated with a greater increase in international technology transfer than supply-push policies. Table 3 displays summary statistics for the variables in the model. The average annual number of international transfers of patented energy storage technologies per country-pair ranges from zero to 1272, with a mean value of 0.73. Approximately 10% of the observations reflect an active demand-pull policy in the destination country, and 14% reflect an active supply-push policy. Table 4 provides the correlations among the variables of interest and the controls. Unsurprisingly, the number of patents generated in an origin country is highly correlated with the number of energy storage patents in a country, the country’s GDP, and the total number of technology transfers from an origin country. 5. Results Table 5 displays the main empirical results using the unrestricted control group, and Table 6 displays analogous results using the matched control group. Table 7 displays results from an analysis including additional control variables that reduce the estimation sample size due to data availability limitations. All models for which estimates are reported include 4 These data are publicly available from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). 16 country-pair and year dummies, with robust standard errors clustered by country pair to account for dependence among the multiple observations for each such dyad. The results are similar regardless of the control group used. According to both Table 5 and Table 6, the adoption of a demand-pull policy was associated with a 67 percent increase in energy storage technologies transferred into a country. Supply-push policies were not associated with such an increase. Table 7 reports results for a model that includes additional controls for origin country GDP and trade between the origin and destination country, at the cost of excluding smaller countries for which such data were unavailable. The results in models 1, 2, and 3 are comparable to those reported above: demand-pull policies were associated with a subsequent increase in technology transfer, whereas supply-push policies were not. The final model in Table 7 includes an additional control for the total annual number of technology transfers from the origin country to any destination country, in any technological area. This variable, which accounts for the origin country’s general “openness” in technology transfer, is statistically significant, but its inclusion has little effect on the estimated coefficients for the demand- and supply-push policy indicators. Several of the control variables merit brief discussion. The number of energy storage patents invented in an origin country strongly predicted the number of patented inventions transferred from that country to a given destination country, confirming ex ante expectations that the former represents the set of patents “at risk” for transfer. Further, the total number of patents in a destination country was also positively associated with the number of transferred inventions, which aligns with the fact that the transferred inventions must themselves have been approved as patented inventions to appear in the data. However, the number of energy storage patents in the destination country was not predictive, which may reflect competing effects of inward technology transfer due to market growth (positive) and increased competition (negative). Finally, the negative coefficient on destination country GDP was due to the high correlation between a country’s GDP and the total number of patents granted in the country over time. 17 Table 8 provides additional robustness checks. First, to focus on a period of time more congruent with the implementation of demand-pull policies, we replicate our baseline analysis for demand-pull polices only, using data from 1990 – 2011. The first demand-pull policies were not adopted until 1999. Because fewer unobserved differences across country-pairs are time invariant over a longer time horizon, the country-pair dummies may better control for unobserved differences in the shorter panel. The first column in Table 8 reports results from this model. Consistent with the results from the full panel, these results also indicate a significant increase in technology transfer into a country following the implementation of a demand-pull policy. The final sets of robustness checks address the possibility of influential origin or destination countries. Specifically, we examined whether the results reported above were driven mainly by policies passed in the U.S., the largest country in the sample to have adopted relevant policies; or by technology transfers from China, which has been the focus of many of trade policies and sanctions associated with technology trade. Models 2 and 3 in Table 8 report results for models that respectively exclude China from the origin country group, and the U.S. from the destination country group. Despite the lower power of Model 3 in particular, the estimated coefficients on the demand-pull policy variables in both models remain positive and significant, albeit somewhat smaller in magnitude than those reported above. 6. Conclusion Though political leaders often extol the competitive benefits of policies aimed at promoting innovation, there has existed limited empirical evidence of such benefits. In the clean energy technology space in particular, many countries have promoted innovation and deployment using a variety of policy mechanisms, bur prior research has not examined the patterns of international competition associated with the use of different mechanisms. We have sought to fill this gap. In unreported analyses, we find that the policies investigated here were met with subsequent increases innovation, as typically measured in existing studies. Relative to the 65 countries that did not pass policies, the number of energy storage patents increased in 18 the 11 countries that passed innovation-promoting policies. 5 Other studies have interpreted this as evidence that the policies increase innovation; The purpose of this paper is to probe further, and assess whether these policies have an impact on international technology transfer in particular and whether there exists a differential impact of demand- and supply-push policies on this international technology transfer. The evidence presented above suggests that, while both demand- and supply-push policies may increase domestic innovation rates, their effects on domestics players’ international competitiveness varies. By rendering the domestic market more attractive, demand-pull policies attract competition from abroad, but supply-push policies do not have this effect. Thus, while prior evidence that innovation-supporting policies lead to greater innovation may be correct, the observed increase may be due to the transfer of technology developed abroad rather than from domestic innovation in the country that adopted the policy. Our study serves as a counterpoint to Popp’s (2006) analysis of innovation and technological diffusion following the adoption of NOx and SO2 regulations by the United States, Japan, and Germany in the 1970s and early 1980s. Popp found that these policies were associated with an increase in domestic innovation, but not with increased innovation in other countries. However, Popp’s study did not directly investigate the transfer of technologies across countries. 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Dev. Min Max #ES transfers 0.73 13.57 0 1272 DemandPolicy 0.09 0.28 0 1 SupplyPolicy 0.14 0.35 0 1 #ES Pats_origin 54.13 46.10 0 8536 #Pats_origin 8094.16 39639.22 1 466637 #ES Pats_ destination 271.64 1007.55 0 8536 #Pats_ destination 36838.30 84499.34 1 466637 GDP_ origin 251925.20 973675.50 18.43 15000000 GDP_destination 1001873.00 2094610 4317.04 15000000 Imports 1.46e+09 7.84e+09 0 3.40e+11 # Transfers_origin 4086.685 16334.450 0 170173 NOTE that in the variable names, “destination” refers to the destination country of the transfer and “origin” refers to the origin of the transferred technology. Table 4: Correlations (N=66,664 country-pair observations) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 DemandPolicy 2 SupplyPolicy 0.34 3 #ES transfers 0.08 0.07 4 #ES Pats_origin 0.02 0.02 0.31 5 #Pats_origin 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.86 6 #ES Pats_ destination 0.46 0.11 0.06 -0.00 -0.01 7 #Pats_ destination 0.38 0.23 0.08 -0.01 -0.01 0.86 8 # Transfers_origin 0.01 0.00 0.26 0.66 0.81 -0.00 -0.00 9 GDP_ origin 0.04 0.02 0.20 0.54 0.74 0.01 -0.00 0.78 10 GDP_destination 0.48 0.53 0.12 0.01 -0.01 0.52 0.72 0.00 0.01 11 Imports 0.12 0.16 0.40 0.19 0.26 0.10 0.15 0.33 0.35 0.24 NOTE that in the variable names, “destination” refers to the destination country of the transfer and “origin” refers to the origin of the transferred technology. 27 Table 5: Energy Storage International Technology Transfer as a Function of Destination Country Policies, using all available control countries, 1970-2011 (3) 0.663 (0.133)** SupplyPolicy -0.057 0.020 (0.173) (0.145) ln_#ES Pats _origin 1.114 1.147 1.115 (0.063)** (0.085)** (0.063)** ln_#Pats _origin -0.180 -0.180 -0.181 (0.087)* (0.119) (0.087)* ln_#ES Pats_ country 0.065 0.082 0.064 (0.066) (0.067) (0.067) ln_#Pats _country 0.905 0.891 0.909 (0.091)** (0.095)** (0.090)** ln_GDP_country -0.528 -0.715 -0.528 (0.153)** (0.163)** (0.152)** # Country Pairs 1018 1018 1018 N 40,649 40,649 40,649 * p<0.05; ** p<0.01 Robust standard errors, clustered by country pair, in parentheses NOTE that in the variable names, “destination” refers to the destination country of the transfer and “origin” refers to the origin of the transferred technology. All regressions include country pair fixed effects and year fixed effects. DemandPolicy (1) 0.661 (0.134)** (2) 28 Table 6: Energy Storage Technology Transfer as a Function of Destination Country Policies, using selected comparable control countries, 1970-2011 DemandPolicy SupplyPolicy ln_#ES Pats_ origin ln_#Pats _origin ln_#ES Pats _country ln_#Pats_ country ln_GDP_country # Country Pairs N (1) 0.659 (0.132)** 1.093 (0.066)** -0.146 (0.094) -0.001 (0.081) 0.979 (0.144)** -0.532 (0.214)* 591 24,822 (2) -0.068 (0.178) 1.117 (0.085)** -0.141 (0.122) -0.044 (0.100) 1.092 (0.175)** -0.814 (0.242)** 591 24,822 (3) 0.664 (0.132)** 0.037 (0.153) 1.094 (0.066)** -0.147 (0.095) -0.002 (0.081) 0.987 (0.137)** -0.536 (0.209)* 591 24,822 * p<0.05; ** p<0.01 Robust standard errors, clustered by country pair, in parentheses NOTE that in the variable names, “destination” refers to the destination country of the transfer and “origin” refers to the origin of the transferred technology. All regressions include country pair fixed effects and year fixed effects. 29 Table 7: Energy Storage Technology Transfer as a Function of Destination Country Policies, using selected comparable control countries, with additional controls, 1970-2011 (1) (2) (3) (4) DemandPolicy 0.709 0.718 0.670 (0.146)** (0.147)** (0.126)** SupplyPolicy -0.066 0.063 0.055 (0.174) (0.150) (0.159) ln_#ESPats _origin 1.113 1.141 1.114 1.019 (0.082)** (0.100)** (0.081)** (0.062)** ln_#Pats _origin -0.256 -0.248 -0.258 -0.814 (0.124)* (0.139) (0.123)* (0.165)** ln_#ESPats _country -0.067 -0.127 -0.070 -0.036 (0.093) (0.114) (0.092) (0.072) ln_#Pats_ country 1.180 1.423 1.199 1.102 (0.235)** (0.287)** (0.228)** (0.203)** ln_GDP_country -0.944 -1.270 -0.946 -0.924 (0.223)** (0.218)** (0.224)** (0.227)** ln_GDP_origin -0.016 -0.067 -0.017 0.018 (0.256) (0.290) (0.260) (0.262) ln_imports 0.148 0.185 0.141 0.229 (0.211) (0.245) (0.205) (0.208) ln_#Transfers_origin 0.955 (0.196)** # Country Pairs 402 402 402 402 N 15,489 15,489 15,489 15,489 * p<0.05; ** p<0.01 Robust standard errors, clustered by country pair, in parentheses NOTE that in the variable names, “destination” refers to the destination country of the transfer and “origin” refers to the origin of the transferred technology. All regressions include country pair fixed effects and year fixed effects. 30 Table 8: Energy Storage Technology Transfer as a Function of Destination Country Policies, Robustness tests 1990-2011 (1) 0.439 (0.092)** Excluding China Excluding U.S. (2) (3) DemandPolicy 0.622 0.241 (0.122)** (0.105)* SupplyPolicy 0.042 0.012 (0.158) (0.137) ln_#ESPats _origin 0.967 1.008 1.042 (0.066)** (0.055)** (0.059)** ln_#Pats _origin -0.545 -0.658 -0.487 (0.204)** (0.138)** (0.138)** ln_#ESPats _country 0.036 0.028 0.182 (0.085) (0.063) (0.066)** ln_#Pats_ country 0.775 0.908 0.814 (0.250)** (0.134)** (0.153)** ln_#Transfers_origin 0.659 0.851 0.609 (0.153)** (0.159)** (0.138)** ln_GDP_country -0.340 -0.468 -0.428 (0.226) (0.185)* (0.212)* Country-pairs 454 583 529 N 9,988 24,486 22,218 * p<0.05; ** p<0.01 Robust standard errors, clustered by country pair, in parentheses NOTE that in the variable names, “destination” refers to the destination country of the transfer and “origin” refers to the origin of the transferred technology. All regressions include country pair fixed effects and year fixed effects. 31