This Week in Room 108…

Mrs. W’s Weekly
Scottish Corners Elementary
Teacher Web Page:
Next Week
Monday 9/14
Dublin Family Night: We
encourage you to spend time
together as a family. Relax and have
some fun! J
Tuesday 9/15
Library Day! Due to picture day
on Thursday, students will go to
library on Tuesday this week.
Please return all library books to
Elementary Enrichment –
Informational Meeting: 7pm @
Dublin Scioto High School
Wednesday 9/16
PTO – Donato’s Dough Night
Thursday 9/17
Picture Day
Note: Please send forms to
school with your child inside his or
her Take Home Folder. I will look
inside everyone’s folder to make
sure I have all picture day forms. I
won’t have time to look through
everyone’s backpack to find the
Friday 9/18
*Scholastic Book Orders Due
àIf you would like to keep your
order a surprise, just let me know.
You can come pick up the books in
the school office when they arrive!
Book-in-a-bag homework will start in
October. I am still working hard to
identify each student’s individual reading
level so the students can come home with
“just right” books in their book-in-a-bags.
Please continue to read stories with and
to your child at home in the meantime.
Thank you for your support at home!
Let me know if you have any questions.
September 11, 2015
This Week in Room 108…
We spent a lot of time this week talking about
names. Names are important and special, so they
always start with an uppercase letter. The kids
are learning about syllables, and we practiced
clapping and counting how many syllables are in
everyone’s name. We read Chrysanthemum by
Kevin Henkes and discussed why it would hurt a
friend’s feelings if we made fun of his or her
name. During word study we started to create a
class Name Wall. We are reading A, My Name is
Alice by Jane Bayer and are working
collaboratively to put everyone’s name in
alphabetical order. The students are noticing
things like what letter everyone’s name starts
with, how many letters are in their friends’
names, whether or not the same letter appears
more than once in someone’s name, and so on. The
Name Wall for each class will hang in our
classroom for the rest of the year so we can spell
our friends’ names correctly in our stories and
Today the students took a math pre-assessment.
They each counted different amounts of circles (010) and wrote the number to show how many.
The information I learn from this pre-assessment
will guide my instruction and the focus of our
math work in the next couple of weeks. A lot of
kindergartners are able to count groups of objects,
but struggle with quickly and efficiently forming
numbers in a legible way.
I am pleased with the progress we have made
towards establishing a wonderful classroom
community! We have been focusing on the word
“RESPONSIBILITY” in Room 108. We’ve talked
about how kids can be responsible by listening,
helping a friend, pushing in chairs, cleaning up
messes, and trying their best. Check in with your
child and see if he or she is learning what
“RESPONSIBILITY” means. Encourage your child to
be responsible at home by making his or her bed,
cleaning up toys, etc. Have a great weekend!