Buffalo Theatre Ensemble thoughtprovoking giving stories life ValuetoEducation Having BTE at the MAC made realities of everything I'd learned in classes. I was able to be a reader at auditions; sit in on rehearsals; work backstage during performances; meet a horde of professional actors and directors who came out to Glen Ellyn to work for this company; and ultimately be employed as a professional actor, even at the start of my career. Because by getting to learn as a student amid the operations of an actual, professional theatre--which was producing work that rivaled many venerable storefront and midsize Chicago theatres--I was actually receiving an apprenticeship that would provide a seamless transition into being a professional artist myself. Bryan Bosque Actor/ Teaching Artist COD’sInstitutionalPhilosophy CollegeofDuPagebelievesinthepowerofteaching&learning “Weendorsetherightofeachpersonto accessibleandaffordableopportunitiesto learnandaffirmtheinnatevalueofthe pursuitofknowledgeanditsapplicationto life.Ourprimary commitmentistofacilitate andsupportstudentsuccessinlearning.” • Not all learning is linear • Students require more than the traditional classroom in which to learn • BTE assists in providing education through the experience of live theatre • Live theatre provides broadening experiences that expose students to a diverse world populated with different people and ideas, making them more aware and accepting of those differences (educationnext.org/learning-live-theater/) This learning is not only specific to “Theatre students,” but to all students, faculty, staff and the community of DuPage County. “The performance that (the) audience just watched was captivating beyond words- I am sure I am proving this now. From your delivery- to the emotion- or lack ofdepending on the moment in time of the son’s reflections, and culminating with the stage presence—allowing everyone to see the tragedy through your soul- provided the best performance I should ever expect to watch. So, to you Mr. Smillie- Know you have made a difference to how this novice will compare performances in the future--- you have set the bar very high.” John and Debby Piha (about Nocturne) “The amount of practical training I received either through performing that many shows or working backstage for Buffalo Theatre Ensemble was huge! Where else do you get that? We had access to, and often worked side by side with, real professionals - real actors and directors and writers. There was so much available to anyone that wanted it. COD helped me and shaped me in ways I still feel today.” Matt Armstrong Cast of TV shows "Turks" and "American Dreams”; Recurring roles on "American Horror Story: Assylum” and “Heroes”; Guest appearances on such popular shows as “Scandal,” "The Mentalist," "CSI: Miami," "Bones" and "Supernatural.” COD’sInstitutionalPhilosophy CollegeofDuPageiscommittedtoexcellence “Weseekqualityinallthatwe do.Toensurequality,weare committedtocontinual assessmentandself-evaluation.” • AnythinglessthanBTEinresidenceattheCollegewouldbreachCOD's commitmenttoexcellence. • Theobjectivepursuitofanexcellentproduct,fromwhichthecollege community,aswellaswidercommunity,canvisitregularlyand conveniently,aswellasinteractwithandmodel,isexcellence. • IftheCollegehasitintheirpowertoprovidethehighestqualityof residenttheatre,theyshoulddoallintheirpowertodoso. I have seen every play produced by the Buffalo Theatre Ensemble (BTE) in its 27 year history at the College of DuPage. The ensemble has been a community treasure, not only because it has provided quality, professional theatre at a reasonable price in a convenient location, but because its provocative selections provided a wide range of theatre: comedy, drama, creative interpretations, and cutting edge treatment of social problems Don Westlake “BTE inspired me to do great work. Watching the shows always gave me the push I needed to pursue a career in acting. Without it, I'm not sure I'd be doing this.” Lamorne Morris Starring Role of Winston, on Fox network's blockbuster New Girl, in its 5th season Barbershop: The Next Cut, Jerrod, release date April 2016 BrainRush, Host, Cartoon Network COD’sInstitutionalPhilosophy CollegeofDuPagevaluesdiversity “We seek to reflect andmeet the educational needs ofthe residents ofourlarge, multicultural district. We recognize the importance ofembracing individual differences and cultures and value the contributions made to the College bypeople ofallethnic and cultural backgrounds. We affirmour roleasa catalystfor promoting dialogue and tolerance on issuessupporting the commongood.” • Livetheatreprovideslessons indiversityinapalpableformatthatfewother disciplines arecapableofdelivering. • Livetheatreallowsstudentstoseetheworldfromotherviewpoints. • Theperformanceofacharacterspeakingfromhis/herownexperience,“makes present—the waysthatcurrentconstructionsofraceandgenderareshaped throughhistory”inawaythattextualanalysisbasedonreadingcannot (Wannamaker339).Thereisimmediacytoperformancethatengagesaudience membersinanintellectual andemotional dialogue. (muse.jhu.edu/login?auth= 0&type =summa ry&url=/ journals/ theatre_ topics/v023/23.1.che rne.htm l /) Todd Mantell System Analyst, VizientInc. Shelley Jacobs Program Coordinator, UIC Addslidehere@“allowsstudents tosee theworldfromotherviewpoints” Isentsome messages outtoformerstudentstonight3.26 I fully support BTE. That theatre company was vital to my education at COD and exposed me to art in a way that wasn't an opportunity to me through other avenues. Theatre, as part of the arts, helps mold the way we think critically about the world and offers us unique perspectives on our environment and culture, a vital aspect of higher education and culture. I did not pursue a career in theatre or acting, but I definitely feel like I benefitted from BTE: It was great to see professional actors in residence as a model of what to aspire to. It was really helpful to see their approach to their craft. Now, as a community member, I feel that BTE is a great resource. I still love live theatre, but I don't always want to go to the city to see it and it's great knowing that there is professional, quality theatre right in my backyard. "At COD, I was surrounded by professionals, due to Buffalo Theatre Ensemble " she said. "I learned how to be a professional actor very early on so by the time I got to Columbia, it was clear I had been training among some of the best actors and teachers out there. I grew in every way possible -- professionally, artistically and personally.” Robyn Coffin Actor, NBC Chicago Fire Over 45 professional shows, multiple commercials, Factory Theater Ensemble – COD’sInstitutionalPhilosophy CollegeofDuPagepromotesparticipationinplanninganddecision-making “We support participatory governance and the involvement ofthe College community inthe development ofashared vision. We believe that allstudents, staff, andresidents canmake meaningful contributions within arespectful environment that encourages meaningful discourse. We strive to buildan organizational climate inwhichfreedom ofexpression is defended and civility isaffirmed.” • BTEpromotesparticipationinplanningbecause,astheCambridge dictionarydefinestheword“ensemble,”itismadeupof“agroup ofpeopleactingortakentogetherasawhole.” • Theveryvisionofensembledictatesthatwecontinuallyassesstheoverall missionofthetheatreandhowitenhancesthestudentandpatron experience,theArtsCenter,andtheCollege. “Buffalo Theatre Ensemble embodies delightful paradoxes: the cozy exhilaration of yet another stunning performance by a cast the community has come to know as friends, the respectful fearlessness of examining controversial issues in a way that encourages thoughtful examination rather than malicious provocation, and the transparent magic through which we see the artifice of theater transform individual experience into universal truth.” Peggy Connolly "COD also provided invaluable connections, both personally and professionally, that I wouldn't have gotten anywhere else… To this day, there are things I find myself regurgitating from classes I took what seems like forever ago from (COD professors).” Actor and Artistic Director Stray Cat Theater Ron May COD’sInstitutionalPhilosophy CollegeofDuPagewillbeabenefittostudentsandcommunity. “Theneedsof ourstudentsandcommunity arecentraltoallwedo.” • Ledbyfacultydirectors,committedtothecollegeprogramandstudents,as evidencedbytheoutpouringsupportbyalumni,BTEhastheneedsofour studentsandthiscommunityattheforefrontineverychoiceitmakes. • “Attheheartoftheaterliesuniversalhumanemotion,whichtranscends anyspecificlevelofeducation,income,race,orgeography.Itisso incrediblypowerfultoseeourselvesreflectedonastage,andknowthatwe arenotaloneinourexperience.Andit’sequallypowerfultoseean experiencethat’scompletelydifferentthanourown,andyetrecognizable.” NEAChairmanJaneChu I think our community is the worse if BTE is not brought back. It adds so much to the educational experience for students, and enriches our community by enabling us to attend professional theatre in the community. Please consider this when making your decision! Student and Community Member Impactof BTEon Students cc:D aniela H artmann (alles -s chlumpf) - https ://www.flickr.com/ pho tos /29 4877 67@ N02 EVERYstudentenrolledinthe departmenthad interface/involvementwith BuffaloTheatreEnsemble (500-600seatcountsper calendaryear,inthe department) BTEClass visitations across campus cc:Brendan Biele - https ://www.flickr.com/p ho tos /219 95882N 03 Dependingonthe particulartopicfora production,facultyacross campusinvitedus(or othermembersofthe production)tospeakwith theirstudents. StudentParticipation- BTEProductions BTEAuditions BTESubscriberNights InterfaceBackstage PaidPositions Possibilities for Season Rabbit Hole Amelia Barrett & Brad Walker LargerDemographicAppeal Cabaret Don’tDressforDinner HotelD’Amour YouCan’tTakeItWithYou Noises Off! IntoTheWoods ThePlayThatGoesWrong Pippin WomanInBlack FoxFire Comedy OneManTwoGuvners 39Steps Boeing,Boeing LostInYonkers Wally’sCafé OutsideMullinger Thoughtful Time Stands Still Disgraced Sex With Strangers The Big Meal Wolves Hysteria Dead Man’s Cell Phone Murder in Green Meadows The Humans The Busy World is Hushed Between Riverside and Crazy College of DuPage’s Mission ThemissionoftheCollege ofDuPageistobea centerforexcellencein teaching,learning,and culturalexperiencesby providingaccessible, affordableand comprehensive education. WhatDoesAResidentTheatreEnsemble ProvideToCOD? • BTEassiststhecollegeinitsbigpicturepursuitofexcellenceinteaching,learning andculturalexperiences • Theguestartistsofactors,directors,stagemanagersanddesignerssupplementthe educationalmissionandserveasincentivestobothattend,aswellasreturn,toour college ForaworldclassArtsCentertoexistatapremierecollegewithoutresidential, producedartundercutsitsincrediblepotential.BTEprovidesaSteppenwolf experienceontheCODcampus.BTEcanpresentanentireseasonofprofessional performancesthatsupportsandcomplimentsoureducationalprograms. “Subscribers for many seasons, we miss BTE. The careful selection of plays, the precise casting, and the quality of acting led to strong emotional responses to each performance. Seeing COD Theater students involved in the productions was a bonus. Please support the return of this unique community asset. We certainly will.” John and Nancy Rutledge • We’re here tonight because BTE is strongly supported by current and former students, members of the College community, the Community at large, and members of this Board. • BTE’s value goes far beyond classroom visits and talkbacks. BTE supports and furthers the College’s Institutional Philosophy and Mission. • Buffalo Theatre Ensemble is a community experience because this theatre is a part of the structure of the community – both the educational component of this great Community College and DuPage County. Bring Back Buffalo Theatre Ensemble with your vote.