Abraham One Pager: 6th Grade Language Arts

Abraham One Pager: 6th Grade Language Arts
Name:__________________________Period:_____Total Pts ____/7
Author:_________________________Genre: ________________
Date: started:__________ Pages read:______
Rating of books so far (1-10):________
Choose between two and three of the following sentence starters and write a
brief reflection for each on this paper. Give specific evidence from your book,
including page numbers. Refer to the rubric to see what is expected of you.
I wonder... (follow with what you think is the answer & why)
I was reminded of...(and explain why)
I’m surprised that...(and explain why you are surprised)
If I were....(put yourself in a character’s situation & tell what he/she
should do)
 If ___________________, then... (look at cause & effect, follow with your
reason and why)
Academic Honesty – By signing below, I am indicating that I read
the book and the information on this page is accurate.
I hearby acknowledge that my son/daughter has been doing their reading at
home and has completed this One Pager on their own. (2pts)
Readicide: How Schools Are Killing Reading and What You Can Do About It by Kelly