Reading Reflection Sentence Starters:

Reading Reflection Sentence Starters
Choose one of these sentence starters to help you think deeply about what
you are reading. To be answered in your Idea Section of your window notes.
1. I began to think…
2. I love the way…
3. I felt surprised, angry, or satisfied when…
4. If I were (name of character), I would…
5. It seems like…
6. I’m not sure why…
7. I predict that…
8. I wonder…
9. I noticed…
10. This made me think of…
11. I can’t believe…
12. If I wrote this book, I would…
For Non-Fiction: you may use one of the above if it is appropriate, but use
the ones bellow if they fit what you are reading:
1. This subject is important to me because…
2. I can use this information to…
3. The author wrote this to (explain, describe)…
4. A problem described in the text is…
and it effects me because…
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