An Engineers Approach to Irrigation Management in Oregon Pinot Noir . John Selker, (PI), Emilie Baer (Student) Department of Bioengineering, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. Abstract Vineyard managers must decide on the timing and amount of irrigation. In Oregon the need for irrigation differs greatly year to year and field to field based on micro climate, soil, root development, plant health, and root stock. We suggest the use of leafwater potential as a useful management tool . We show that for this test to provide consistent values, leaves should be wrapped prior to removal, should have consistent solar exposure, but need not have precisely the same age. We illustrate the use of this measure with data from the 2001 growing season taken in two Willamette valley fields . The data showed that irrigation was not required throughout the season, and helps explain the unexpectedly high yields noted by the vineyards. Introduction One goal of our study was to fmd tools which are able to evaluate soil moisture in vineyards. It is implied that the tools have to be able to take accurate measurements in dried soils and also that they can be used by the growers. We looked at the cost, the difficulties of installing them and at the time it takes to obtain a reading . The soil moisture sensors presently on the market make use of many different ways to measure soil water content. Some are based on water pressure (tensiometric measurements); others on electrical resistance in a block ofmaterial in contact with the soil (watermark and gypsum block sensors) ; heat dissipation, psychorometric measurement of water vapor pressure, and most recently the measurement of soil dielectric. Of these technologies, only dielectric provides the range of measurement required in Oregon s grape yards. Among the sensors using dielectric coefficient of the soil, popular tools include the ESI TDR Probe (http ://www.envsens .com/products/moisture/Mpoint/index.html) , the Decagon Echo Probe (http :// .httnl), the Campbell Scientific CS615/616 (http ://www.campbellsci .com/soilvol .html#cs6l5), the Vitel Probe manufactured by Stevens instruments (http :// logger.htm) and the Aquapro sensor (http ://www.aquapro-sensors .com/). This list could be tripled in length given the rapid expansion of tools based on dielectric measurement, many of which are very serviceable, with equipment spanning prices from $50 to $50,000. For reasons of price, availability at the time of the study, and flexibility, we included only the Aquapro tool in this study. We found that the Aquapro is appropriate for the vineyards because it allows observation ofthe entire soil profile, and can be employed with an investment of a few hundred dollars. The Decagon Echo probe has come out in the last year and has some potential advantages in it s radio telemetry options. Contrary to other crops, such as tomatoes or corn, irrigation in vineyards cannot be managed using soil moisture . There are several major reasons . First, with very deep root systems, shallow soil moisture measurements may not reflect the real needs of the plants . Further, unlike most agronomic crops which perform best with minimized water stress, obtaining optimal wine quality requires significant stress at key periods. To understand the changing water requirements, it is essential to use the plant water status itself. The most practical tool presently available in this context is the measurement of leaf water potential, which allows direct access to the water plant status. What does leaf water potential mean? How can the measurements be taken, and decisions be made to manage irrigation with them? Our study attempts to give some keys to the answers to these questions . Leaf Water Potential Use of a pressure bomb and Application for irrigation management in Pinot Noir Definition and measurements What does leaf water potential mean? The leaf water potential measures the water status of a plant. The basic principle is simple. As the plant is stressed the pressure required to extract liquid from a cut stem ofthe leaf increases . Ifthe leaf is put under an increasing pressure Pert, with the cut stem open to the atmosphere, at a certain pressure, liquid will be ejected from the stem. When Pert=- Psap, the sap leaves the leaf, and we identify this as the water potential How to measure leaf water potential The leafwater potential is measured with a commercial pressure bomb using a tank of compressed nitrogen gas (Figure 1). Figure 1 : Schematic of a pressure bomb. After it is cut, the leafis placed in the pressure chamber (l .). The pressure in the chamber is increased slowly (2.) while the cut surface ofthe sample is observed. When the first drop of sap appears, chamber pressure is recorded (3.) (Photos from PMS web site) . These techniques are employed in many crops (e.g., pine trees, mint, row crops) for almost any kind of leaf. The next section will describe how to take the measurements in a vineyard, and how they can help the growers in irrigation management . Midday measurements in vineyards When to take the measurements? Two patterns of measurement could be followed in characterizing leafwater potential . One is to take predawn measurements, and the other is to take midday measurements. Through the predawn, the plant transpires almost nothing . Plant water potential is in equilibrium with the soil. Moreover, leaf water potential measurements are more consistent because microclimatic conditions are relatively homogeneous . Midday measurements have to be taken on sunny days. They are less consistent, but they give an idea of the maximum amount of plant stress and are more practical for the growers, both for reasons of scheduling (taken between 12:00 and 2 :00 pm instead of 5 :00 am for predawn measurements!) and because they provide a measure of the stress the plant feels during its growth phase rather than telling the soil water conditions . For these reasons, we explored the use ofmidday measurements. Our goals were first, to find out how to take between a growing and an adult leaf). So, you can choose whatever adult leaf you want to take the measurements . Whatever the method you choose to take the measurements, you must be consistent in your sampling choice. It means that you have to choose leaves which look almost the same (color, size . . .) and which have almost the same solar exposure, without being overly concerned about the age of the leaf. How many measurements have to be taken? Throughout the day, the leafwater potential changes. Here is an example of the daily variability of leaf water potential with time. Change in pressure during the day for a vineyard . 17 .5 17 .0 16 .5 16 .0 H N a ME 'I jf---~~Ioud-> BillI 15 .5 15 .0 14 .5 14 .0 13 .5 11 :00 11 :58 12 :56 13 :53 14 :51 Time (hrs) th Figure 2. Equilibrium chamber pressure as measured with a portable pressure bomb on August 29 , 2000, two days after the final irrigation on this field (same date as shown in figure 6). A small but clear separation between irrigated and unirrigated plants is apparent, averaging 0.67 bars (4%) . This chart shows that clouds and irrigation influence the values. It shows also that the choice of the leaf is very important . There is a large variability among the readings on August 29 2000 . The leaf water potential is between -14.5 and -17.0 bars, i.e. 2.5 bars of difference for the same day, in the same plot! In fact, each leaf has its own environment and even though the samples seemed to be the same (color, size . . .), the stress level of th each is different because ofthis environment. To compensate for this variability and obtain a relatively correct average, a sample of 3 to 6 leaves is suggested. Summary of leaf Water Potential Measurement : Questions When take measurements? Recommendations Reasons the Between 12 :00 pm and 2 :00 Maximum stress, consistent pm value. Which leaf? Adult, healthy, exposed Method Plastic bag How many samples? Time required 3 to 6 Where? fully 10 to 20 min Take measurements in different laces across lot Limit leaf transpiration after removal Average closer to the real leaf water potential of the entire lot Soil, plant vigor, solar exposure all v Irrigation management using leaf water-potential When to begin irrigation? Irrigation management can be based on leafwater potential as an indicator of the stress level ofthe vineyard. In order to limit root extension and produce high quality grapes, vines need water stress, within limits . Which target stress level should be employed in Oregon? Unfortunately there is a paucity of literature on this subject, but we employed levels suggested in several previous studies of irrigation ofred wine varietals (see references l, 2, and 22). Based on our reading ofthe literature, we planned to start the irrigation when the _ went below -1 .5 MPa (-15 bars) thereafter maintaining between -12 and -15 bars. In the literature, -12 bars has been found to correspond to the initiation of significant stomatal closure. At -15 bars the stress level is sufficient to inhibit respiration, resulting in small fruits with low sugar content. Measurements were taken twice per week. We planned to test the wine produced with the grapes coming from irrigated vines and wine produced with grapes coming from unirrigated vines. As it turned out, no irrigation was required in the 2001 season on our test fields, so no wine comparison was undertaken. As is apparent from Figure 3, potentials were far below target levels without any irrigation. This may explain the unusually high fruit yields in the 2001 season. It would 65 appear that somewhat less rainfall or greater heat may have improved grape quality this year. This also shows the importance of selecting sites with shallow soils so that the grower may obtain high stress even in years ofrelatively high summer precipitation. Date 8-Jun-01 0 28-Jun-01 18-Jut-01 -2 7-Aug-01 @ --Lemelson 2001 -+-Archery Summit 2001 """' Expected is cd o -8 -10 Treatment 1 3 in our study ( without irrigation) -18 - LWP _,:15 bars ` Excess Stress (less sugar, smaller fruit) Treatment 2 in our study (with irrigation) -20 Figure 3 : Evolution of leaf water potential during the 2001 season . The stress of the plants continuously increased, but irrigation was not recommended as the -15 bar stress level was not achieved . The choice ofthe -15 bar level cannot be taken to be universal, depending greatly on root stock, climate, soil type and perhaps most of all the acclimatization ofthe field. With proper conditioning and root stock, grape vines are able to adapt to extended drought, and are able to support very high y without damaging fruit quality. On the contrary, a leafwater potential measurement might not indicate stress, while the plants show apparent distress . This was observed in our field trials where one sector had very poor soil, and thus significant nutrient stress with smaller plants and yellow leaves but concurrent low sap stress . Clearly overall plant stress can arise from a wide range of sources, some of which will be apparent in the sap potential (e.g., lack of water, root disease, poor root development) . Over-irrigation can cover up some ofthese stresses, but may further impact grape quality. Hence we recommend combining leaf water potential measurements and plant observations to determine the potential corresponding to a high plant stress level. R.E. Smart (reference 24), for instance, found that leaf angle is an easy and useful measurement. Summary Leaf water potential reflects plant water status, and therefore is a more robust and informative measure than soil moisture in scheduling irrigation. Low water stress will produce abundant watery low quality fruit, while excess stress produces low yield and low sugar content. Leaf water potential measurements strongly depend on the microenvironment of the leaves, so it is essential to employ a consistent and appropriate method of sampling . Use ofplastic bags to reduce transpiration after cutting, consistent solar exposure, and consistent time of day in leaf water monitoring is essential to obtain useful data . 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