Engineering Standards Benchmarking COP Survey Analysis Task Team Position Description Updated on 7-Feb-12 Engineering Standards Benchmarking Overview: The goal of the Engineering Standards Benchmarking COP is to improve the processes for creation/approval/maintenance and use of corporate engineering standards and specifications in the pharmaceutical industry. The COP also considers the hierarchy of documents, variance processes, and alignment on how A/E firms use standards and specifications. The expected benefits include consistently approaching project delivery, effectively using limited resources, leveraging outside resources, and ensuring cGMP and EHS requirements Position Purpose and Objectives: Work with Volunteers to analyze benchmarking data and identify trends and conclusions from the data. Share with Steering Committee for considerations of additional Benchmarking topics. Appointed by: ESB COP Steering Committee Responsibilities of this Position: Lead efforts to review the Benchmarking data Meet regularly with Steering Committee Develop presentations to share with the COP Skills/Experience Requirements for this Position: Very strong computer skills. Experience creating and deploying similar systems, especially those using common office automation as the engine, and deployed across a diverse population. Experience collecting and analyzing information, especially using graphical displays of the information to speed analysis. Length of Service: 1 Year Time Commitment: Approximate hours per month: 2-4 hours Work will be intermittent regular regular with peaks requiring additional effort. Meeting Schedule: Monthly teleconferences. Approximate once weekly calls to individuals to discuss activities, get feedback, etc. Attendance Requirement: Possible attendance at a Board Meeting (in person, or virtually) to demo the system and get feedback. Volunteer Expectations Actively participate in meetings Read materials and come prepared to each meeting Listen to people and ideas Become knowledgeable of the Society’s policies and procedures Complete assignments on time Respond to communications in a timely manner Develop a good relationship with Staff Respect confidentiality Fully support all decisions of the Board and Committee Always act in the best interests of ISPE `If you are interested in volunteering for this position please click the link to complete a Volunteer Profile