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Stress Management: Understanding & Preventing Burnout

How do you handle stress?
• The stresses of project management may seem excessive for
whatever rewards the position may offer.
• However, the manager who is aware of the stress inherent in the job
and knows stress management techniques can face this challenge
objectively and make it a rewarding experience.
• • Have you ever been stressed on the job?
• What did you do to resolve/manage your stress?
Factors that make a job stressful
• Responsibility without authority
• Pressure of deadlines
• Role ambiguity
• Role conflict
• Role overload
• Crossing organizational boundaries
• Responsibility for actions of others
• Necessity to keep up with information/breakthroughs
Types of Stress
• • Distress – the commonly known stress which has negative
• • Eustress – good stress derived from stimulating circumstances or
challenges Identify Risks
• • Psychologists have demonstrated that when a person is deprived of
eustress, he/she will find alternative routes for generating eustress or
suffer intense psychological pain
• An example of Eustress, would be a challenging work assignment that
is perceived to be neither too difficult nor too easy. Another example,
would be a strength training workout. 2. Distress on the other hand,
is a negative form of stress– the one that we most commonly
associate with stress
What is burnout?
• Burnout - A state of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion
caused by excessive and prolonged stress
Causes of Burnout•
• Care too deeply about the people we are serving and suffer either a
loss or those people are not considerate, grateful, or responsive
(Pines & Aronson, 1981)
• • The fact that they are experiencing less attachment (for their own
protection) to clients who are quite demanding leads to resenting the
very people whom they are supposed to be helping (Pines & Aronson,
• • The hard work, resentment, helplessness, hopelessness, being
tapped, as well as guilt and shame, are continually recycled and lead
to feelings of exhaustion and malaise, which in turn increase the
feelings of resentment – and the cycle continues
• Some Tips for preventing burnout•
• Start the day with a relaxing ritual
• • Adopting healthy eating, exercising, and sleeping habits
• • Set boundaries
• • Take a daily break from technology
• • Nourish your creative side•