Together we learn, together we succeed, and together we will

Together we learn, together we succeed, and together we will
make a positive difference!
Second Grade News​
Friday, February 12, 2016
Feb.12 - PTO‛s Sweetheart Dance - 6pm
Feb.15 - NO SCHOOL - President‛s Day
Reading/Writing Workshop ​
Once upon a time, in a school far far away there were a group of second
graders that were learning about the magic and importance of fairy tales. As we read different versions of the
classic Cinderella, the children are noticing many aspects—(problem & solution, beginning & end, good & evil, as well
as factors that make fairy tales unique.) We will be using the storyline of the many adaptations to write our own
interpretations. Students will be able to be creative with character names, setting, and the details that will make
his/her own story personalized and unique. This week students have been imaginative with writing prompts this
week such as … “If I had a fairy godmother, I would ask for.” or designing a shoe for Cinderella that won‛t fall off.
We are also practicing 5 part retellings using the transitions: F
​irst, Next, Then, After that, and Finally.
Math ​
Students completed the 3 digit and 4 digit addition and subtraction unit. They completed an assessment
over this on Thursday. They enjoyed celebrating Valentine's Day by playing a Valentines game that involved addition
and subtraction. We will be moving into measurement next week. Students will be measuring different objects in
the classroom using different units of measurement.
Word Study:​
Second graders have begun a new Word Study rotation this week.
Throughout this unit, we will be
focusing on commonly misspelled high frequency words, vowel teams (ea, ai), and common suffixes (-ion, -er). Your child will be
tested over these 12 words, as well as connection words, on ​
Friday, February 19​
Word Study words:​
want, which, pretty, only, been, leader, happen, answer, fable, fairy, oppose, personification
Social Studies:​
Students enjoyed sharing their Home to School maps this week with their classmates.
The kiddos did
an excellent job explaining their maps, as well as describing how to get from home to school using directional words (north,
south, east, and west). These maps will be on display in our second grade hallway! We also enjoyed learning about Chinese New
Year with a Scholastic News titled “Lit Up By Lanterns.” Finally, we celebrated Valentine‛s Day on Friday with a card exchange
and healthy snack. ​
Happy Valentine‛s Day to you all! We ​
being your child‛s teacher!
Tuesday - B (PE)
Wednesday - C (Art)
Thursday -D (Music)
Friday - A (Library)
We, the students of Thomas Elementary, proudly practice the 7 Habits of Happy Kids. 1. Be Proactive
Think Win WIn ​
Synergize 2. Begin with the End in Mind ​
Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood 3. Put First Things First ​