Helpful Snack Information

Helpful Snack Information
If it is your week for snack, please send in enough for 16
children per day.
Here are some good suggestions for snack week: goldfish,
any type of crackers, muffins, veggies and dip, fruit, pudding,
yogurt, cheese, fruit snacks, granola bars, cereal, and pretzels.
Please do not send in items such as chips, cupcakes, or candy.
Here is a sample of what you could send in for snack week:
Monday- bananas and graham crackers
Tuesday- string cheese and pretzels
Wednesday- yogurt and granola bars
Thursday- grapes and cheese/crackers
Friday- veggies and dip
Shopping for snack week can be a great experience with
your child. Let them help you pick out the items. If your child
has a favorite food please include that in your snack week. The
children are so proud when they know that they have sent in
snack for the week.
We do have a refrigerator in the classroom so items that
need refrigeration can be properly stored. The bus drivers are
used to having parents send snack on the bus. Please clearly mark
your child’s name on the bag of snacks. Please send the snacks in
either the Friday before or on the Monday of your snack week.
Thank you so much for all of your help with snacks!