PROPOSAL FORM: Cross-Listing Courses in Arts & Sciences

PROPOSAL FORM: Cross-Listing Courses in Arts & Sciences
RETURN TO: Associate Dean for Curricular Affairs, A&S, Campus Box 275
Current Dept.
And Course Number
Check One: Single-section course
Multi-section course
The 1983 Committee on Courses set down the following criteria that must be met for cross-listing a
course (at least one must be satisfied):
The course must be team-taught by faculty in both departments.
The faculty member must be rostered in both departments.
The course must be taught alternately by faculty rostered in different departments.
The course must be genuinely interdisciplinary.
The fourth criterion will be interpreted to mean a “collaboration of scholars from different programs
or departments in developing a unique curriculum or syllabus that could not exist in any one of the
units.” If it appears that the primary reason for requesting the cross-listing is to advertise the course
or to increase student credit hours, the request will be denied.
Chairs of departments involved in a request for cross-listing should note that such actions may have
implications for their student-credit-hour generation, major electives, or instructor selection. Crosslisted courses count in the 45-hour departmental limit; according to College policy, the hours are
credited to the department in which the student has accrued the most credit, irrespective of the
formal registration in the course. By signing below, the Chairs signify that they have discussed these
implications with their faculty or undergraduate committee.
Nominating Department:
Our department nominates the above course for cross-listing with
Dept. We believe that it satisfies criterion #
above for cross-listing.
(Provide a letter of justification for this statement.)
(Signature of Chair of Nominating Dept.)
Secondary Department:
Our department supports the cross-listing request. We have discussed the implications for credithour generation, instructor selection, major electives, and sharing of spaces in this course with both
(Signature of Chair of Secondary Dept.)
Approved by Associate Dean