UMSL SBA Meeting Minutes – August 25, 2014

UMSL SBA Meeting Minutes – August 25, 2014
SBA Meeting
Location: SBA Office
Present: Sam Aarab, Jeff Wilson, Lindsey West, Jason Collins, Peter Schlemmer, Hannah Cail, Mike
Absent: Tyler Dugger
Called to order at 15:12 by President Sam Aarab.
The Social Events Committee (Lindsey West/Mike Pasque) will arrange the Friday at 5 for this coming
Friday. The committee will look into Kettlehouse. An alternative is finding another downtown bar. Third
option is Jeff Wilson’s house. The Committee will look into these options and report back. This event will
coincide with the launch of our website.
Mike moved to authorize up to $350 for Friday at 5 with Hannah Cail seconding the motion. It was
approved unanimously. Sam asked that the following statement be read into the minutes, “Tyler
abstained by absence.”
The Student Group fair is August 26th, which is tomorrow, at noon in the 1L lobby. Sam would like to
have an SBA table.
1L Rep elections were discussed. Sam will send an e-mail out about the elections and the Friday at 5.
Sam will talk to Tyler about getting the timeline for the election process as he is in charge of that.
Mike reported that the SBA Website is almost ready to go. He just needs to update the FAQ and
Traditions page and create the Fast Links page. He will send out a link tonight to everyone to review
before Friday.
Sam reported that the By-laws were officially adopted via the summer vote. Mike will send out a copy of
these to the Board.
Sam discussed seniority as far as meetings go. At the appointed time for a meeting to start, the most
senior person, per the by-laws, will call the meeting to order.
Sam started to discuss money with the SBA. Jason does not have a current report from Becky yet as to
our financial status. Sam reported that we have $14,000 to use, from previous savings, that doesn’t have
to go to student groups. Sam talked about the 8% admin fee. It is calculated based on the total
expenditures by the SBA and student groups from last year. It is assessed the next fiscal year. The total
from last year that is due is $2,229. Typically the SBA takes that off the top of the entire budget and pays
for it. Sam suggested that we shouldn’t hide the tax and that we make each group pay their portion.
Sam also wants to pursue fighting the admin fee as it relates to charitable donations. Sam and Jason will
meet with Becky to reconcile this.
Sam reported that the SBA has been keeping an extra amount of money from the budget each year to
cover liability expenses (example of horse being stolen from 3rd Floor when the Forrester’s trashed the
place and SBA had to pay for it). In regards to the liability issue, Sam wants to form an MOU with the
Forrester’s assigning liability to the group that causes the damage.
The State Bar Presentations were discussed. We will be hosting them in October, November, February,
March, & April. The rooms have been booked. Panelists and topics are being brainstormed, we should
complete the brainstorming task by our next meeting.
A motion was made by Peter to adjourn the meeting, Lindsey seconded, and the motion passed
Submitted September 10, 2014
Michael Pasque
ABA Representative
Student Bar Association – University of Montana School of Law