UMSL SBA Meeting Minutes – May 5, 2014

UMSL SBA Meeting Minutes – May 5, 2014
Location: UMSL Room 101
Attendance: Sam Aarab, Tyler Dugger, Jeff Wilson, Jason Collins, Mike Pasque, Lindsey West, Peter
Schlemmer, Hannah Cail
Minutes: The meeting was called to order at 3:02 PM by President Sam Aarab.
Tyler Dugger moved to approve the previous meeting’s minutes (May 1, 2014) and Jeff Wilson seconded
the motion, which passed unanimously.
Officer Reports
Jeff discussed the opportunity for anyone with second language skills to work with Montana Legal
Lindsey West had no report.
Tyler discussed the bylaw amendments and that it was to proceed to a vote.
Peter Schlemmer had no report.
Mike Pasque discussed working on the website with Sam and that it should be ready for publishing
Jason Collins discussed getting an update on Business Manager details from last year. He has also
created a spreadsheet for ledger entries.
Hannah Cail asked if we could have a similar function as Craigslist on our website. She will be attending a
stipend fund meeting with faculty tomorrow. Dr. Raymond Cross will be retiring this summer and the
Indian Law program will change.
Sam Aarab stated that he will try to adhere to parliamentary procedure during meetings so that we can
be efficient. He also presented a standard meeting agenda that we will generally follow.
Officer Reports concluded.
Tyler discussed the proposed bylaw revisions briefly. After discussing with Sam previously, Tyler moved
to change Article V Section 12(e) by striking everything after the words “social committee.” Jeff
seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Sam discussed the SBA Handbook that he is putting together. It is essentially identical to what everyone
received at the dinner Sam hosted. Hannah suggested that he call it a “Policies & Procedures” manual
instead of a handbook to reduce the confusion between this document and the UMSL Student
Handbook. Jeff suggested we put it on Google Docs so we can edit and put in suggestion throughout the
summer. Sam will do this and requested we view/edit by May 31.
Sam discussed committees. While being presented in the new bylaws, he wanted to get started on the
new Rules Committee. Mike moved, and Tyler seconded, to create a Rules Committee in line with the
proposed bylaw amendments. This motion passed unanimously. Tyler, Mike, and Peter were appointed
to the Rules Committee by Sam.
Lindsey discussed progress with planning the Halloween Party. In regards to the Crystal Theater, the
Rocky Horror Picture Show booked the theater for the entire week. The manager is going to try to get
them to move to the Wilma at which point we would be able to secure the venue.
Sam discussed social marketing strategies. New ideas were presented by everyone including: producing
short, interesting video clips; class representatives posting SBA materials to their class Facebook page;
raffling tickets for events; having official after parties; providing a Moodle login from the SBA page; and
having family friendly events (BBQ with families, bouncy house at Friday @ 5). Abundant e-mails were
discussed and the need to curb them while still providing information to students.
Sam discussed the SBA website. While discussed earlier, he wanted to make sure that when we get it up
and running that everybody look at it and provide suggestions.
Sam discussed orientation week. He will talk to Lori about when we need to be there. He wants to do a
30 minute introduction about the SBA. The intro program is during the week of August 20-26.
Sam discussed rewarding membership in SBA. A few ideas were discussed including: providing early
registration, having some form of free printing, providing free admission to SBA events, getting stipends
(possibly from the State Bar), recognition at graduation, and academic credit. Tyler suggested that, if we
get academic credit, to make sure it doesn’t form a connection with the administration in which we
would have to serve under them – it would impede our autonomy.
Our next meeting will be Thursday, May 22 at 9 am.
Jeff moved to adjourn, Mike seconded and the motion passed with all voting in the affirmative and Tyler
abstaining due to being absent.
Submitted May 29, 2014
Michael Pasque
ABA Representative
Student Bar Association – University of Montana School of Law