SBA Meeting Minutes – March 17, 2016

SBA Meeting Minutes – March 17, 2016
Location: SBA Office
Present: Mike Pasque, Jeff Wilson, Layla Turman, Kevin Rechkoff, JR Bathum, Ben Langford, Lillian
Alvernaz, Ashlee Archer, Hannah Cail, Rosanne Balasabas.
Absent: None.
Called to order at 12:08 pm by President Hannah Cail.
Public Comment
Jason Collins, President of Law and Film Society (LAFS) – requested that the SBA provide $50 of
additional funding to have a 120 audience theater versus a 60 audience theater for their film. They were
original given $500 in their budget. Jeff Wilson moved to approve a $50 addition to LAFS budget, and
Lillian Alvernaz seconded, the motion was approved unanimously.
Previous Meeting Minutes
Jeff moved to approve and Lillian seconded the motion, approved unanimously.
Committee Reports
JR Bathum – presented his draft document for planning student events.
Hannah Cail – reminded the SBA that we need to start preparing for elections during law week.
Discussed the revised transactions form and solicited suggestions. Hannah is sending out an e-mail to
the 3L class regarding MBE materials. Reminded everyone about the LSSSE survey.
Lillian – the Payne Center is now not available for the Barrister’s Ball. Layla Turman stated that she still
has the Doubletree reserved for Friday night as a backup.
Old Business
New Business
T-shirt contest was discussed. SBA will pick the top three and student body then votes. Designs
submitted by the end of Spring Break. Kevin was assigned oversight of the T-shirt project.
Kevin requested money to laminate new signs for the recycling.
NALSA request to donate two frames for silent auction event ($10/frame). Jeff made a motion to
approve $20 to donate frames to NALSA, seconded by Ashley. The motion was approved unanimously.
Jeff moved to adjourn, seconded by Ashley. The motion was approved unanimously.
Submitted March 28, 2016.
Michael Pasque
ABA Representative
Student Bar Association – Alexander Blewett III School of Law at the University of Montana