UMSL SBA Meeting Minutes – September 23, 2014

UMSL SBA Meeting Minutes – September 23, 2014
SBA Meeting
Location: SBA Office
Present: Sam Aarab, Lindsey West, Tyler Dugger, Hannah Cail, Mike Pasque, Jeff Wilson, Peter
Schlemmer, Taylor Thompson, JR Bathum
Absent: Jason Collins
Called to order at 7:01 by President Sam Aarab.
Jeff Wilson moved to approve the August 25 and September 2 meeting minutes. Lindsey West seconded
the motion and it passed unanimously.
Sam presented a copy of our executive budget to the board, as presented at the last meeting. In regards
to the student group fair pizza expense, Hannah Cail reports that we will likely be getting some money
from student groups to help with this.
Jeff reported on the Oct 14 Pro Bono Fair, groups are RSVPing. Jeff doesn’t need any money yet from the
SBA but might need some money for posters. The school may help pay for lunch. We had budgeted $200
for the Pro Bono Fair. Tyler Dugger moved to authorize Jeff to spend up to $200 as needed from the Pro
Bono Fair. Lindsey seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Sam discussed Earth Week and how the SBA voted a few years back to make sustainability a priority of
the board. As such, $300 has been allocated for this purpose to assist the ELG in activities during the
week. Jeff moved to authorize Lindsey to spend up to $300 for Earth Week activities. Mike Pasque
seconded. Passes unanimously.
Hannah discussed the Oct State Bar presentation. It is an overview of the State Bar. Nov is how to fund
solo practice.
Sam discussed an possible new e-mail policy. One option is to limit access to the student group
presidents and the SBA Executive Board. Hannah suggested a school wide poll. Sam also proposed a
weekly SBA e-mail detailing events over the next week as well as SBA minutes, etc.
Sam also proposed an SBA event policy. He would like the priority of all proceeds from events to go
towards the scholarship/stipend fund. Jeff moved to make that the official policy of the board, Peter
Schlemmer seconded and it passed with unanimous approval.
Sam proposed that the Barrister’s Ball be at the DoubleTree. Tyler moved to authorize the Barrister’s
Ball committee to spend up to $2000 to organize the Ball and update the SBA Executive Committee as
they proceed. Mike seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Mike discussed the Halloween Party, we need to find a DJ, and no one has yet responded to Mike’s
requests for quotes; he will try again today to contact these people. It is anticipated to cost $400-600.
Lindsey reported that we have already paid $250 for the building rental. Lindsey will get costs for
beer/food. Committee will work out all the final details and report back.
Hannah discussed the study space issue. She proposed to hand it back to the administration. We have
no authority yet we have to organize it per the by-laws.
Mike reported on the Communications Huddle for UMSL marketing – Hannah Cail will be the
Lindsey reported that we are interviewing for Indian Law and Property professors.
Jeff moved to appoint Katelyn Hepburn and JR Bathum to be on the Student Affairs committee with Jeff.
Taylor Thompson seconded and it passed unanimously.
Jeff moved to adjourn and Lindsey seconded. Meeting adjourned at 8:02 am by consent of all members.
The new 1L representatives were sworn it after the meeting by Sam.
Submitted September 23, 2014
Michael Pasque
ABA Representative
Student Bar Association – University of Montana School of Law