ECE 421/521 Electric Energy Systems Power Systems Analysis I Final Project 1 IEEE 39-bus (New England) System 38 29 28 37 26 25 30 2 1 27 3 Equivalent of 39 NY System 4 9 17 8 18 7 31 21 22 19 13 6 24 15 14 5 16 11 10 32 12 33 35 20 34 Connecticut Load Center (CLC) 23 36 Tasks • Task 1: Study three loading conditions: – CLC load: 2000MW (base case) – CLC load is scaled uniformly to 2400MW and 2800MW • Task 2: Study the same loading conditions with line 8-9 out of service (N-1 scenario) • Conduct the following study in each task: 1. For each loading condition, solve the optimal dispatch for generators at buses 31, 32, 36, 37 and 38 with the outputs of other generators unchanged. • Consider generator limits of the dispatched generators • Neglect transmission losses (balanced by the slack bus) 2. For each loading condition, solve power flows using the optimal dispatch • Bus 39 is the slack bus • Use the N-R or F-D method (note: N-1 power flows may or may not converge at 2800MW) 3. Using the power flow solutions from different loading conditions, draw P-V curves in one plot: • PCLC ~ |V8|, PCLC ~ |V4|, PCLC ~ |V14|, P34~|V4| |V| P 3 System Data • Base-case power flow data in Excel or PSS/E version 30 – System Load: 9.3GW (CLC load: 2.00GW) – Common bases: 100MVA, 1kV • Fuel cost data on dispatched generators at 5 buses Ci =ai 0 + ai1 Pi + ai 2 Pi 2 Pi (min) ≤ Pi ≤ Pi (max) ai0 ai1 ai2 Pi(min) Pi(max) P31 200 4.92 0.00240 500 1000 P32 200 4.65 0.00250 500 1000 P36 300 4.21 0.00263 500 1500 P37 400 2.00 0.00333 500 1500 P38 500 2.22 0.00278 500 1500 4 Deliverables 1. (50/55) MATLAB program that can automatically generate: for each condition of tasks 1 and 2: • optimal dispatch results (listing λi and Pi of 5 generators and total cost Ct) • power flow solution (listing Vi, δi, Pi, and Qi, or reporting divergence) for each of tasks 1 and 2, • P-V curves drawn in one plot 2. (50/55) Project report (no more than 4 pages) with the following sections: – Project Requirements (brief statement on the system, data and tasks) – Project Results (tabular outputs from the MATLAB program as required in “1”) – Analysis on the Results • Conclusions or findings from each task • Comparison between the results of two tasks Email the MATLAB code (m-file) and project report to me and GTAs by Dec 9 (Monday) 5 Others • Grading: – ECE 421 Students: 55+55 points – ECE 521 Students: 50+50 points • You may discuss with others but you should individually finish the project • I encourage you to make YOUR code for the project using what you learned. – It is ok to learn from the code with Saadat’s book and revise related code for your program – Your delivered program should be a stand-alone program with code only for this project • You may double check your results using a commercialized tool for benchmarking purpose – Powertech Lab’s PSAT – Siemens PTI PSS/E • You may schedule 10 min with me to go through your results in the week of Dec 9 or AFTER you submit your deliverables 6 PSS/E 30 RAW Data Format: Bus Data Shunt capacitor in Mvar at 1pu voltage 1 – PQ bus, 2- PV bus, 3- Slack bus |Vi| in pu δi in deg. 7 PSS/E 30 RAW Data Format: Load Data Pi Qi 8 PSS/E 30 RAW Data Format: Generator Data Pi Qi Qimax Qimin 9 PSS/E 30 RAW Data Format: Branch Data Rij Xij Bch 10 PSS/E 30 RAW Data Format: Transformer Data Bus1 Bus2 Ratio XT 11 PSAT of Powertech’s DSA Tools • Powertech’s DSA Tools are installed at server • Send a request for remote access if you cannot connect it. 12 Import power-flow data from a PSS/E RAW file 13 Solve Power Flows 14 Edit generation or load at a specific bus 15 Define a sub-system Save as “Load Center” for the sub-system on the CLC region Save as “Generation” for the sub-system on 5 dispatched generators 16 Edit load uniformly on a sub-system 17