ECE 421/599 Electric Energy Systems Final Project – Planning Study 1 IEEE 39-bus (New England) System 38 29 28 37 26 25 30 2 1 27 3 Equivalent of 39 NY System 4 9 17 8 18 7 31 21 22 19 13 6 24 15 14 5 16 11 10 32 12 33 35 20 34 Connecticut Load Center (CLC) 23 36 Tasks • System condition: CLC load = 2GW • Bus 39 is the slack bus (equivalent of NY) • 5 dispatchable generators: 31, 32, 36, 37 and 38 • Tasks for ECE421 1. Solve Economic Dispatch for 5 dispatchable generators and the others unchanged. The ED neglects losses but considers limits of dispatchable generators 2. Solve power flow (by N-R or F-D) using the ED result • Additional task for ECE599 3. Re-do Tasks 1-2 for two new conditions with CLC load=2.4GW and 2.8GW with the rest of loads unchanged. Let generator 39 change slightly to cover the increased loss. 4. Draw P-V curves on PCLC - |V8| and PCLC - |V4| in one plot and analyze the curves (ECE421 student will receive up to 20% more points if giving correct answers for Tasks 3&4) |V| P 3 System Data • Base-case power flow data in Excel and PSS/E version 30 – System Load: 9.3GW (CLC load: 2.0GW) – Common bases: 100MVA, 1kV • Fuel cost data on dispatched generators at 5 buses Ci =ai 0 + ai1 Pi + ai 2 Pi 2 ($/h) Pi (min) ≤ Pi ≤ Pi (max) Incremental cost ai0 ai1 ai2 Pi(min) Pi(max) P31 200 4.92 0.00240 500 1000 P32 200 4.65 0.00250 500 1000 P36 300 4.21 0.00263 500 1500 P37 400 2.00 0.00333 500 1500 P38 500 2.22 0.00278 500 1200 4 Software Tools •Option 1: Matlab code with the text book •Option 2: Powertech PSAT – Installed at server – Send a request for remote access if you cannot connect it. 5 Project Report • Organization 1. Project Requirements (brief statement on the system, data and tasks) 2. Project Results • Tasks 1-2 – ED result (listing λi and Pi of 5 generators and total cost Ct) – Power flow solution (listing Vi, δi, Pi, and Qi, or reporting divergence) • Tasks 3-4 (ECE599) – ED results and power-flow solutions on two new conditions – P-V curves and analysis 3. Conclusions • Email the project report by Dec 15 (Monday) 6 PSAT of Powertech’s DSA Tools 7 Import power-flow data from a PSS/E 30 RAW file 8 PSS/E 30 RAW Data Format: Bus Data and Shunt Data Fixed Shunt Shunts in Mvar at 1pu voltage AC Bus 1 – PQ bus, 2- PV bus, 3- Slack bus |Vi| in pu δi in deg. 9 PSS/E 30 RAW Data Format: Load Data Load Pi Qi 10 PSS/E 30 RAW Data Format: Generator Data Pi Qi Qimax Qimin Pimax Pimin Generator 11 PSS/E 30 RAW Data Format: Line Data Rij Xij Bch Line 12 PSS/E 30 RAW Data Format: Transformer Data Bus1 Bus2 Ratio XT Adjustable Transformer 13 Solve Power Flows • Change the method and settings 14 15 Edit generation or load at a specific bus 16 Define a sub-system Save as “Load Center” for the sub-system on the CLC region Save as “Generation” for the sub-system on 5 dispatched generators 17 Uniform load adjustment on a sub-system 2 1 3 18