MSU Arts and Humanities Council Special Events Final Report This report may be neatly handwritten! Fill out BOTH SIDES/PAGES. Please mail or deliver a copy of this report to Mary Jerde, 003A Breckenridge. Thank you! Event Managers: Event Title: Guest(s): Event Schedule Activity Title Description Event Costs Expenditures Fees: Travel: Lodging: Reception/Meals: Promotions (describe): Total Costs: Budgeted Costs Actual Costs Reasons for Differences Date/Time/ Location Contributions Received/Revenue Earned Sponsor Name $ Amount Hinkle Fund: CCAHSS’s Discretionary Fund: CCAHSS’s Diversity Fund: Other CCAHSS Departments/Units (please list): Other MSU Units (please list): Non MSU Organizations (please list and include $ value of any in-kind materials/services provided): Ticket Sales/Workshop Fees: Total Contributions/Revenue Received: Estimate of Number in Attendance (list activity names above each column) Activity Names: # K-12 Students # MSU Students # MSU Faculty/Staff # Community # Tourists/Visitors Total What helped (or hindered) your event to be successful, i.e. lessons learned? What advice would you offer to others who are planning events? Please rate the success of your event from 0 to 5, with 5 being the highest, and why? Were the facilities adequate, accessible and comfortable? If not, what would be the ideal venue? Other Comments: Total