WILDLIFE 305/505 SELECTED TOPICS IN WILDLIFE ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT Sec 2 Subtitle: Wildlife Damage Management 3.0 cr LECT 2 MW 12:00-12:50 pm TNR 359 Hygnstrom, Scott 25 LAB 1 F 10:00-11:50 am TNR 320 Hygnstrom, Scott 25 Course fee: TBD This course will cover the fundamentals of resolving human-wildlife conflicts caused by vertebrate species, primarily North American mammals and birds. It includes philosophical, social, economic, and ecological considerations for reducing damage to food, fiber, personal property, and natural resources; threats to human health and safety, and nuisance problems caused by individuals and populations of problem wildlife. WILDLIFE 305 SELECTED TOPICS IN WILDLIFE ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT Sec 1 Subtitle: Policy and Predators II 2.0 cr LECT 1 TBD TBD Etheredge, Cady Permission of Instructor required Students will be required to do an online component and field work assignments for this course in addition to the above listed classroom meeting times. The purpose of this class will be two-fold: 1) to understand and experimentally evaluate NRCS policies aimed at improving the nesting success of upland game birds, and 2) to understand how private landowners view these policies and the NRCS in general. Students participating in this series will gain a much more personal understanding of conservation policy, and how those policies may or may not be based on sound science. Students do not need to have previously taken this course in the fall to enroll in the spring.