Date: Priority #: Form B UW Classroom Modernization Project Detail Report Institution: I. Lab & Location: Discipline: Project Contact: Cost Estimate Classroom Modernization Funds Equipment S&E Remodeling TOTAL $ $ $ $ II. List of Courses Using Lab Institutional GPR/Fee Funds $ $ $ $ Other* $ $ $ $ Total $ $ $ $ Courses After Upgrading III. Description of needed Changes in Educational Process IV. Describe Equipment Requirements (please list items to be purchased and estimated costs). NOTE: Departments proposing new computer or audio visual technology in a classroom or lab must submit a statement from the College Support Team (CST) along with this proposal. The necessary form is page two of this document. V. Describe Remodeling Requirements VI. *Other Sources of Funds VII.Statement on how Project Meets Needs of Students with Disabilities (please consult with Disabled Student Coordinator) Computer & AV Equipment Review by: Date: Comments: COLS-CST Contact: Date: COLS-CST Supervisor: Date: