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Modernization & Dependency Theories: Sociology Notes

Modernization theory (functionalist approach)
● Global stratification frames technological cultural differences
● Modernization theory argues that the tension between tradition and technological
change is the biggest barrier to growth
● "Tradition hinders growth"
Key event of modernization?
Columbian exchange
● Spread of goods, technology, education, and diseases between the Americas and
Europe after Columbus' so called discovery of the Americas
● European countries got benefits, Native Americans got exploited and sick
Why did Europe modernize?
Weber credits protestant work ethic
The stages of modernization (Rostow model)
1. Traditional stage
1. Communities are small, local
2. Production done in family settings
3. Limited resources and technology most time spent laboring food
4. So very simple, strict hierarchy
2. Pre-conditions for take-off
1. Mechanization starts to enter farming, more commercialization of food
2. Secondary industries develop like textiles
3. Skill and education increase
3. Take-off stage
1. People us individual talents to produce beyond necessities
2. Creates new market for trade
3. More individualism and social status
4. Drive to Technological maturity
1. Technological growth comes to fruition
2. Population growth, reduction in absolute poverty level, more job opportunities
3. People push more for social and economic stage
5. High mass consumption
1. Country big enough that production is more about wants than needs
TL;DR of Modernization Theory (capitalism fan theory lol)
If you invest capital in better technologies, they'll raise production enough for more wealth to go
around, and overall living conditions will improve. And rich countries can help developing
countries by exportation of new technologies and foreign aid.
Damn trickle-down economics WACK!!
Critiques of Modernization Theory:
● it’s just a new name for the idea that capitalism is the only way for a country to develop.
even as technology has improved throughout the world, a lot of countries have been left
sweeps a lot of historical factors under the rug when it explains European and North
American progress.
Rostow’s markers are inherently Eurocentric, putting an emphasis on economic
Dependency Theory
● Focuses on how poor countries have been wronged by richer nations
● Rich countries are rich at the expense of the developed countries
● Ya basically colonialism fucked up the stratification of the world. Colonizers are the
developed countries, colonies are underdeveloped
● European countries took control of land, raw materials to funnel back to the west
● Problem isn't that we don’t have enough global wealth, but we aren't distributing it well
Critiques of Dependency theory
● Evidence suggests foreign investment by richer nations helps poorer countries
● Very narrowly focused on social stratification, misses cultural, religious, political regimes
● Unclear solution daw ? "Incompatible" with the reality of the modern world ? Dependency
theorists suggest to cease contact with rich nations or establish global socialism