SAC Meeting June 6,

SAC Meeting
June 6, 2006
Tim Murphy
Kevin Erickson
Pam Okon
Marty Schmidt
Bruce Swick
Debby Wesselius
Jim Newton
Nancy Gibson
Roberta Whitlock
Kathy Elzig
Water Handling Solicitation Update
Inspectors are inputting data into EaTIS
Equipment is almost done and training entry is still ongoing. Will take another
week to finish.
Inspectors don’t currently have access in EaTIS to change all of the things they
need to unless they sign in under the CO’s authority.
Haven’t run reports on final numbers yet.
Approximately 320 pieces of equipment went through inspections.
Approximately 5% failed inspections. Several pieces didn’t show for a scheduled
Some companies are sharing employees & with 3 person /engine, this may also
reduce the numbers of engines available if there is a busy fire season. Numbers
are looking good compared to what 14 dispatch zones say they need for an
average season.
Will try to identify a COR for each of the four geographical zones in the region to
help Debby the CO administer the contract this first season.
There could be a problem with enough people to help administer the contract if
there is a busy fire season.
Discussion on how to deal with tribal EERA”s, if we exhaust all the best value
resources. Gayle S. lead discussion.
Discussion of adding people to EaTIS and certifying training. Contractors can
add new employees to EaTIS at any time. The zone training rep or their
designee will do the training certification and send that to Debby W. Debby W. or
Tim M. will enter EaTIS & pass/fail. Frank will pass this info on to each of the
zone training reps.
When a resource shows up for dispatch with a new employee not in EaTIS,
Dispatch has the choice to pass over that resource or give them time to get
employee certified and into EaTIS, if they can meet the time frame needed by the
Expect to have a list of water handling contractors to dispatch by June 23.
Talked with Gayle Shultz by phone, she clarified that EERA’s for reservation only
could be used for off reservation fires if all best value resources have been
Debby discussed the list that would be provided to dispatch. Will generate an
excel spreadsheet that lists the equipment and their priority. There will also be a
site where states, dispatch and others can access the awarded contracts for
each company.
Bus Solicitation
Solicitation was mailed to 45 vendors – 24 did not respond
Posted May 24th on Fed Biz Ops
Closes June 23rd
Not doing any physical inspections beyond DOT inspection
Potable Water Solicitation
Status 15 vendors accepted so far, may have up to 17 potable water
trucks. Six type 1; five type 2 and six type 3.
Finalized list will go to Tim to put on the NRCG website.
Trying to have contracts awarded by June 16th
DNRC Contracts – Bruce S.
Sack Lunch contract is done, list is on the NRCG website
Port-a-potties and hand washing stations – 20 Responses - contacted
vendors and many said they were not aware of the solicitation.
2 solicitation brought in 40 vendors EERA’s are out for signatures. All will go to
Debby for co-signing and the list will go on the website.
Rental Cars – is out to vendor now. Have until Friday to submit questions or
comments. After this is done a response will be created and then sent out.
Closing date for the solicitation is late June; exact date is on the DNRC website.
Port-a-potties solicitation prices went down from what we have been paying.
Discussion on other equipment not being solicited this year. Local fire needs to
be working with local acquisition to create EERA’s for the season.
Dispatching – Kathy E. will put together a procedures cheat sheet to guide
dispatch on the procedures for the various solicitations.
National EaTIS Meeting
Tim, Roberta and Debby are going to a national review of EaTIS in
Portland next week. Tim will take any issues forward to the meeting.
2005 Performance Evaluations
Tim estimates we received evaluations back on about 85% of those that
went out. Process for getting the evaluations turned in is to send a copy of all
evaluations to NRCC.
Tim approached NRCG on what SAC should do after finishing the water handling
solicitation. Have been tasked to contract equipment inspections and training
record verification by the 2007 fire season.
The second task is to determine what type of solicitations should be used for the
additional equipment.
Tim asked who is not able to continue on with the SAC committee.
No one indicated they would not continue.
Future Meeting Schedule
September 19-20- DNRC Missoula
October 11-12 – AFD Missoula
November 15-16 – DNRC Missoula