1/21/2010 NORTHERN ROCKIES STRATIGIC ACTION COMMITTEE *** MEETING NOTES*** Attendees Tim Murphy, NRCG Tracey Nimlos, USFS Debby Wesselius, USFS Pam Okon, DNRC Kathy Elzig, USFS Gail Schultz, BIA Velvett Cummins, BLM Ken Homik, IDL Ann Vogt, BLM Jim Reuter , USFS Pam Jolly, NPS Jeff Williams, DNRC Guests Duane Turk , Contractor Leonard Oftedahl , NR NWSA Rick Grady, NRWCA Doug Bolender, PTAC Kalispell Paulette Drozda, PTAC Missoula Introductions & NRCG BOD Update – Tim 
Tim attended the NRCG Board of Directors meeting on Nov. 19th. Board approved the NR solicitation plan through 2011. 2010 Timeline  See Appendix for revised timeline for 2010.  Doug Bolender PTAC– Pre‐proposal meetings – 9th – 16th – slim on coverage; Helena and Missoula – will be looking to cover those meetings. USFS BOI – CO for pilot National Bus Solicitation ‐ Melinda Draper Buses (Crew Carriers) 
Lot of difficulties with VIPR– 15 amendments have been issued as they were cleaning up the templates. Solicitation was closed on 15th – will open it back up – was a change in weight limit which may effect. Will probably extend closing date to first part of February. Receiving a lot of calls; give them my name and number for information. Many venders entered data incorrectly. Will advise Tim when extension is done for Tim to update web site. Terri Eller – R8 ‐ has been designated as the CO Representative for these. He will field requests. Each region eventually hopes to have a rep. Tim – NR bus vendors are aware of National solicitation & CO Melinda now. Melinda is advising that those that don’t quite meet specs should contact local dispatch to look into other agreements. Debby – NR dispatch centers will use DPL issued; with exceptions of Reservations. Tim – Gail, do you feel comfortable that your vendors on the Reservations are aware that Melinda is doing the National Bus Solicitations? Gail – yes; we sent out letters to them. They should be on board. They just get preference when the fire is on the Reservation. (ie, do not use the DPL in that case) Tim – if the fire is off the reservation and we are going to use Native American Crews; to clarify – we would default back to DPL. Melinda – Yes Debby – Yes Type II IA Crew 
Melinda will be designated as CO. For 2011 – core group met in BOI going over comments received by industry ‐ will put together Tim – Crew Weights sound like they all agreed to 5300 lbs. Contract expires in 2010 – will go out in middle of summer; during fire season. Tim – 2 Locations and four crews we are proposing to host. Two MSO on Lolo and Two on Idaho Panhandle. One vender in Kalispell looking to put a crew together. Refer – National 
CO – Leif Fhjeflo , USF R6– synopsis has not been issued. MOUs & Action by NRCG – Tim 
2007 – put moratorium on training vendor MOUs. Number was outstripping demand. Through time up till about a month ago, were down to about 40 MOUs. Issue with WO OGC– were told we cannot do moratorium; and that we needed to open it up. Went to NRCG BOD in November and they agreed to drop the moratorium. Now working on four new MOUs – would expect to see those in the next week. Will place on list once completed. Is open now and will continue to be open. Anytime someone comes along and meets the standards we will offer them a MOU. Other MOUs – Equipment Inspection / Personnel Verification 
For the last three years have had four MOUs in place; also told the same as above for these MOUs by OGC. Opened up the process and currently working with three companies that have expressed an interest. One of the existing MOU holders has requested that we put theirs on inactive; working to accomplish this for them due to internal reorganization. Opened inspection process on Sept. 14th – have gone through maybe 10% of equipment currently on agreement. Pilot Test for the first three years was just water handling. Now have changed the wording so that now can provide generic inspections for various equipment. Will include Potable Water trucks & Fuel Trucks in 2010. Velvett confirmed. Change for 2010 – not only water handling; will add Potable water & Fuel Tenders Tim – Note that with pilot National Solicitations; if we end up with one protest (example – FL) – it will lock it down for everyone. One thing to keep in mind… Debby – there are some options that can be taken in an Emergency Situation. Would depend on the context of the protest. VIPR Update – Debby Fallers & Mechanics 
Issued Modifications to fallers to correct the errors that were identified 2009; all the fallers did respond correctly. Four did not respond – all single fallers. Will let it ride till rollover. Issued rollovers to everyone except Mechanics till Feb. 1st. 
For Mechanics – submitted list to VIPR for corrections to be made internally in VIPR. Notified the 8th that the programmers had corrected the data; then issued the Mechanics their rollovers. To date – have four companies all together that have been able to respond. VIPR 2.1 should correct the errors on Feb. 5th when deployed, for VIPR 2.0 errors. Asked for corrections by Feb. 2nd. Will be easier for interagency to access the agreements this year. PDF format ‐ Suggest printing the first, second and last pages. Debby – will create a table; which provides the basic information that meets a FOIA request – including names; however, not crew members. Fallers & Mechanics are individual people awarded to so it will reflect all names. Award table will be posted on NRCG. Schedule of Items will not have Faller & Mechanic names; does have the dispatch center. Tim – third year of faller agreement. Not going to add any fallers or modules. VIPR 2.0 
Debby & Tim both took the training. Seems to be a lot of bells & whistles. Have created solicitation numbers. A lot of sort functions. Did give a lot of tools for evaluators to look at. Thinks it will be quick to ascertain what folks have submitted and accuracy. Some functions that they listened to the field and tried to determine how best to meet those needs. Amendment issue was a problem; now should be very few that affect us now. Doug – on handout where it talks about small business parity – Doesn’t see 8A mentioned? Debby – don’t know that anyone had set it aside for 8A. USFS Solicitation Update 2010 Water Handling  Posted; will be a different format but is there. Couple of things to include later but not really any technical differences.  Planning on putting synopsis out first week of Feb.  FedBizOps will be the portal that folks will have to utilize. Will have to use latest amendment option and this is where those will be found.  Tim – Water Handling includes Type 3‐6 fire engines, support water tenders; heavy equipment that carries water (example ‐ skidgens)  Tim – One other issue that will be at change; NR had last water handling solicitation – had a few more stringent constraints than the national. Now that National – will not be a requirement for support people to take the Light WCT nor to take the S‐130/190. 
NR submitted a deviation request for these – was turned down for the S‐130/190 and was advised that the other deviation looks dim for light WCT. Propose that since declined the first request and looks grim for the second – Recommend that we go with the national template. NR SAC Agreed. Kathy – Clarified – for all Water Handling except for the Engines. Will work w/ Kevin to change the Matrix in the IIBMHB and will need to work with Business Committee on that. Coaches & Shuttle Buses 
Debby – not part of National; need to decide how to handle these and what format of agreements to utilize on a general basis. Recommend hire as a commercial item. Have only heard from Great Falls on Coaches – may want to put on BPA. Or perhaps local IBPAs. Lots of options depending on how much local dispatch office utilizes them . Regional solicitation is an option as well. Kathy – in a busy year outside of the NR; they are utilized quite a bit – particularly for mobilization of Native American Crews. Kathy will discuss with Centers. Debby – doesn’t think that the FS has any either due to the National Agreement being in place for over a year. Kathy – MDC utilized the shuttle bus before and had good success; picking people up from the airport and all. Kathy – will work with the dispatch offices to determine a strategy on how to handle these. Debby – for Velvett & Ann – Lori Austed would be your contact for signature on Coaches. Kathy will discuss this with the fourteen zones and then will work with contracting folks in each. Hub Zone 
Disagreement over Hubzone at OMB – Outcome was set aside categories were not meant to eliminate but help these identified groups. Ruling has now indicated that Hubzone and Service Disabled have an equal need. Both will need to be recognized and certified. Will now be in the mix and will be sorted out in the DPL, after market research done by CO. First cascading set aside will be the Hubzone and Service Disabled – followed by Small Buisness. Have had plenty of time to get certification completed. Tim – explain what Market Research means in your world Debby. 
Debby – assessment of categories associated with resources within that zone of solicitations. (Hubzones & Service Disabled) Must show if there would be or could be any interest from any of those. I‐Team ‐ Dale 
Tim ‐ NR utilized Personnel Tracker and Pattie Welch last year. Will not be one year as anticipated. This year looking at testing I‐Team. Dale – (Title) ‐ National Data Area/Standards Started this last year to help our folks; (shown on screen) All of our applications are developed by NIFC programmers situated in Fort Collins. This environment is good due to flexibility. Here, for this system – access to the system is through eauth. through this portal. Dale is an administrator and can set levels of access and “roles” for each in I‐Team Equipment catalog hosts all the equipment that is not in VIPR. Dale only can change this equipment. Issue: No way to identify one person working for multiple companies. Would have same person listed multiple times in employee list. Issue: Can only select an individuals highest qualification Tim – Thinks by far this is better than Personnel Tracker – Recommend adopting I‐Teams for 2010 and utilize Pattie to input people by company with those forms. Dale – system is independent of awards system. Tim – Kevin, Patti and I would start working with Dale on how to move this along; with the person(s) from NRCC (Pam & Julie) providing technical input. Dale – will need to work up a set of business requirements to ensure that the programmers receive the needs and can input those changes. Tim – will be the main point of contact for Dale in working up those business requirements. BLM Solicitation Updates – Velvet Grey Water 
Planning on doing modification to add the hose spec. changes (two hose specs). Won’t be doing inspections this year due to third year of agreement. Velvett can issue this modification. Velvet got Idaho Dept. of Lands write up on vacuum hose specifics. 
Tim – advised there are two types of grey water system pumps. Vacuum system and centrifugal pressure pump system. Hopefully, units understand benefits of each system. Velvett – actually received a demonstration of the two; vacuum unit pump was quite impressive. Issue is in DPL – not giving advantage or preference points to either system. May want to incorporate this into next solicitation. Price is not affected – vendor sets their own price. Kathy – since systems are attributes; DPL is not broken down by attribute, is it? Tim – No – it is listed by type though ‐ not preference. Fuel Tenders 
Clarifying specs on fuel tenders – should have those back by next week. Will send out for comments after that. At issue, clarifying if there has to be a “pump price” and posting of such. DNRC Solicitations Update – Jeff Timelines 
Included word “severity” in the language; thinks this will solve earlier question of payment. Issue with the Smaller Sink Units and Smaller Grey Water Trucks Jeff – currently the specs say that the camp will provide potable and grey water for all the sink units. People at the camps are not liking the larger trucks coming into camp for these smaller sink units. Understand what the problem is with the larger truck with the dust coming up. When dealing with procurement world must be fair; all units must level the playing field. Jeff – the ones that are doing it have it built into their price; do have it in there agreements that they are capable. The ones that don’t have it think that it isn’t fair that we aren’t providing it to them. Jeff – will be sending out for review on Feb 1st and post on March 1st. Jeff – will go with the way Debby suggested and address if it comes up during Q & A period. Ann will share back to Logistics with IMT teams. Rental Car Contracts 
Was issue with having; however, felt that was a sign of the times with rental inventories. No way to guarantee inventories. If they do not have them, do have to go somewhere else. Kathy – also the heads up with asking when you would be able to provide “x” number prior is good. CETT Update & Inspections – Tim 
USFS Nationally had this group ‐ basically it was one or two reps from each FS region to come up with a national set of specs for equipment. Other than a few minor pieces of equipment, Task Team has completed this and reported to both Boise and NWCG Equipment unit. Decision was made to go ahead and sunset this team; with the option to bring back Subject Matter Experts as issues arise on a needed basis. Weed Washers & Communications Van  Both still on for 2011  Kevin in Boise to see if we can go ahead and develop the specs on these  Talking with Tory Henderson on this. NR has it’s own set of specs for weed washers.  There is a task group of SME’s put together to develop a set of specs for Communications Vans. Medical Kits  Also out there; however, thinks it is a long ways off.  Matt with DNRC – willing to contact & work with Mary Jo to put pool together for blue pages. Standard Forms  NRCG has a group put together to standardize various equipment inspection forms. Kevin working on with NRCG Equipment Comm. group. Dispatch Updates – Kathy 
What has been decided isn’t a change for NR; however, there is a request for standardization from most of the GACCs across the US for some awards being dispatched at a zone level vs. a GACC level. For the most part all of the GACCs are going to go with equipment being prioritized within the zone and go with it that way. Only thing we do different here, and want to continue doing, is with Water Handling ‐ for out of area requests for having a Geographic Priority list. Settled on fact it is fair, due to northern units not having neighbors. Gives all a fair chance. Talking with Judy Dunham – currently not an option for both GACC priority list and zone priority list; same request from other GACCs as well. VIPR not set up to do both yet; however, Judy wrote up an issue paper and submitted it. Has not heard back as of yet. In NR best interest to talk to those above and reiterate then reasoning behind the issue paper. 
Debby – if you can get the permissions from to me in writing; then I can generate that list for you. Would be a deviation without permissions for generating an external DPL. Permission that once available in VIPR this other list would go away; then should be fine to have generated. Especially if other GACCs want this as well. Go through Deviation process and get that permission and Debby can complete. We do want to utilize VIPR for generating these lists. Kathy will follow up for permissions. Generic Company Faller DPLs  Award spreadsheet will have the names of the fallers. (Discussed earlier) Water Handling Solicitation  Concern of getting award info into ROSS before DPL is active and how many new companies there may be due to ROSS now not allowing entering of new organization information.  Tim advised that he doesn’t think there are that many new companies.  Doug – Question on Self Statusing on Vendors – is it standard across the board?  Kathy – is by dispatch zone; most allow – a couple do not want to go that way due to situational awareness of who is available. Hard and fast rules do not exist on that issue. Unit decision.  Tim – NR zones will update the NR Equipment for Fire Hire list for 2010? Kathy will follow‐up.  Kathy – Yes; usually updated by July. Good Resource.  Please note that it is not posted on the web site so as not to be misconstrued. Dispatch units know where to look for this. NRCG Business Committee Update – Tracey & Ken 
Ken is the new chair of the Business Committee. Ken – next meeting is March 10th and 11th. Did not realize overlap with prepoposal meetings. Will be in Missoula at BLM building. Ken will invite folks to evening preproposal meeting. Upcoming meeting – will be working on Chapter 20. Lily has been in touch with Tim & Kevin; should not be too much for revision. Tracey – in regards to the supplements – people working on those are supposed to have those this month and then the business committee members have till 29th to respond. Shooting for middle of March to get them published. Tracey – last year Jane had done an Incident Business Update at NRU; Tracey has decided not to do that this year. Business Committee will put together a webinar for this same purpose. Targeting the week of April 19th to put that on. Anyone with web access and a telephone can tune into it. 
Debby – they did change how they have the lowboy; not sure what the language means – but they are asking for quote on mob/demob language. Added language for double shifts, also. She will discuss with Shane Lavalley. Solicitation is posted on web site; Debby will have to obtain clarification on solicitation language on this. IMT meetings – Covered by SAC ‐ Velvet & Ann BIL; Kathy & Tracy – Missoula; Tim – Idaho BIA Update – Gail 
All contractors were notified that if there was a solicitation out there and if they did not bid on it; then we were not going to issue EERA’s. This was to bring us into compliance. Bus operators were notified of National Solicitation by letter. Also, was having payment issues. Difficulty with them accepting electronic signature on other than BIA contracts. They want signature confirming that those that signed were warranted. Tim – do you know if Rocky Mountain Region has given any of the same direction to their reservations on agreements. Gail – I think they did; however, can not confirm. Tim – how many of vendors are not in ROSS? Gail – approximately 15 or so PTAC Update – Doug 
Introduced Paulette Drozda– replaces Sharron Dailey. Welcome. Added four satellite offices since last met. Talked earlier about pre‐proposal meetings ‐ will be PTAC rep at each of those meetings. Idaho – have S. Neely out of Boise Office; will be at Coeur d’Alene meeting. Covers all of Idaho. Last year did a big push on vendor VIPR training. Nothing set up at this time; but could if there was a need. Debby – if you are having those meetings already; may be good chance to promote FedBiz Ops to vendors. Doug – will get Debby a schedule and discuss further. Gail – Question – Are you guys going to be doing any meetings in Pablo for any of the new contractors? Doug – would be happy to come and do a workshop. Will give Pattie C. a call and tell her to contact you. Debby – are most of your folks you have registered in the past; have they certified Hubzone? Gail – no Tim – Earlier question on Hubzones – Google and it will bring up a colorful map. 
Debby – want to issue everyone a warm welcome to the pre‐proposal meetings. They are generally positive and lively. Plan to give a VIPR demo and increase comfort level for the process. Meeting will last two to three hours; could be longer. Public Input & Wrap‐Up 
Leonard – Concern over Hubzone timeframe. Is there a way to contact Hubzone people and improve timeframes? Any ideas? Doug – had both Sen. Tester and Baucus send letters and the powers that be said “sorry – can not expedite other than dire emergency” Debby – Right now, National Priority is Stimulus Dollars so we will have to plug away as is… Lenoard – Want to thank those for including us in these meetings. Rick Grady – will pass along info to NRWCA contractors meetings. Will also post meetings on the web site. Will coordinate with Doug for training. Appenix A Northern Rockies Solicitation Plan for Competitive EERAs 09/09 – 12/10 Action Plan Timeline 9/8/09 ‐ Planning Meeting with NR Inspection / Verification MOU holders & PTAC – Missoula Northern Rockies Coordination Center (NRCC) 9/9/09 ‐ Post “New 2010” Solicitations on the NRCG website 9/14/09 – Inspections Start for 2010 Solicitations (Engines, Water Tenders, Heavy Equipment with Water & Potable Water Tenders) 9/17/09 ‐ NR SAC Meeting & Video Conference – Missoula NRCC 10/16/09 ‐ NRWCA Conference – Missoula Ruby’s Inn 11/09‐12/09 ‐ Draft Solicitation issued for comments (Potable Water and Fuel Tenders) 11/17‐19/09 – NRCG Business, Committee & BOD updates & BOD approval. 1/4‐2/12/10 ‐ Rollover Mods. Opened (Fallers, Service Truck, Clerical Support Unit, Laundry & Tents ) Closing dates will vary by mod. notification– Refer Units will go with a pilot National Solicitation. 1/11/10 ‐ Incorporate comments & send out for final reviews (Potable Water and Fuel Tenders) 1/21/10 – NR SAC Meeting & Video Conference – Missoula RO Rm.310A 2/1/10 ‐ Issue Potable Water Solicitation. Post Water Handling Synopsis. 2/16‐26/10 ‐ Review Mod packages and finalize 2/8/10 – Issue Fuel Tender Solicitation 2/16/10 ‐ Pre‐proposal Meeting held at Billings BLM State office conference room (Fuel Tenders) 2/17/10 ‐ Pre‐proposal Meeting held at Billings BLM State office conference room (Potable Water) 2/1/10 ‐ Send 2010 Solicitations (Sack lunches. Rental vehicles, POP & HW Stations to SAC & field for review. (Commo trailers have three year contract in effect) 2/22‐3/19/10 ‐ NRCC & Zone Dispatches train & work with VIPR to access DPLs & Agreements 2/23/10 ‐ Open Water Handling Solicitations 45 days (Heavy H2O w/ transport, Engines & Support Water Tenders) 3/1‐3/10 ‐ NWSA Conference 3/1/10 ‐ Post DNRC Solicitations 3/9/10 ‐ Billings NRCG Pre‐proposal Meeting & VIPR Training (FS, BLM, DNRC, PTAC) Location (BLM‐
State Office Billings, Main conference room 7‐9pm) 3/10/10 ‐ Helena NRCG Pre‐proposal Meeting & VIPR Training (FS, BLM, DNRC, PTAC) – Location (DNRC to arrange 7‐9PM meeting room) 3/11/10 Missoula NRCG Pre‐proposal Meeting & VIPR Training ( FS, BLM, DNRC, PTAC) – Location (Missoula Northern Rockies Training Center Pintler Rm 7‐9 PM) 3/16 /10 Coeur d’Alene NRCG Pre‐proposal Meeting & VIPR Training (FS, BLM, DNRC, PTAC) – Location (IDL Office 7‐9PM) 3/17/10 St. Patrick’s Day 3/22/10 ‐ DNRC Solicitations due 3/24/10 – Potable Water Solicitation Closes 3/24 ‐ 4/20/10 ‐ Evaluate Proposals & Complete Inspections on Potable Water 3/31/10 ‐ Fuel Tenders Solicitation Closes 4/1/10 ‐ Mod DPLs to Dispatch 4/1/10‐ DNRC EERA’s to vendors for signature 4/7‐20/10 – Evaluate Proposals & Complete Inspections Fuel Tenders 4/14/10 ‐ EERA’s due back from vendors 4/21/10 ‐ EERA’s to FS Missoula for signature 4/9/10 ‐ Close Water Handling Solicitations (Heavy Equip. w/H2O, Engines & Support Water Tenders) 4/9‐16/10 – Water Handling Solicitation Submittals & R1 USFS Awards begin 4/16‐5/14/10 – Water Handling Evaluations 4/30/10 ‐ Awards in Place for Potable Water 5/3/10 ‐ Mail signed EERA’s to vendors 5/7/10 – Awards in Place for Fuel Tenders 5/15/10 ‐ Start Personnel Tracker (AKA Mongoose) or I‐Team Database for 2010 6/1/10 – Water Handling DPL to Dispatch (Engines, Water Tenders, Heavy Equip. w/ H2O) 6/1/10 ‐ Post All EERA’s, solicitations and other information to the internet. 6/15/10 ‐ DPL to dispatch (Potable Water & Fuel Tenders) Needs Marketing by Dispatch, NR fire & Con. Assn. 10/1/10 ‐ Open new solicitations for clerical support, faller, tent, service truck & laundry. 12/1/10 – Finalize Specs. For 2011 solicitations Heavy Equipment & Weed Wash 01/01/2012 ‐ Issue New Solicitation (Gray Water) Other Equipment; 1) Crew Carrier Buses National Solicitation in 2010 for Crew Carriers, Melinda Draper CO in Boise (Go with commercial item for coaches & shuttles) 2) Refrigerator Units – Pilot National Solicitation in 2010 with R6 CO. 3) Medical Equipment ‐ Pending IEMTG input 4) 2011 for Weed Washers & Com Van needs specs. (CETT or NRCG equip.) 5) Heavy Equipment including NRCG Grader specs. finalization for 2011 Color Legend; Black – NRCG Green ‐ USFS Red – DNRC Blue – BLM Maroon – IDL Prepared: 11/9/09 Updated: 1/21/10 