Northern Rockies Strategic Action Committee Meeting February 25-26, 2008 Attendees: Ken Homik, Debby Wesselius, Tim Murphy, Kathy Elzig, Jane Haker, Marty Schmitt, Matt Hedrick, Frank Waterman, Nancy Gibson, Pam Okon R1 AQM/FAA Support Plan Update The Regional Forester just signed it last week. It outlines the SOP’s between the 3 zones and identifies fire’s responsibilities with all of the acquisition needs we have. It went to the FMO’s and the line officers. Jane will send it out to the dispatch community. A group of folks will review these procedures at the end of season 2008. After the dispatch workshop in March, will work on how we are going to deal with EERA’s within each zone and at each dispatch center. Judy Heintz is working on a draft to take to the meeting in March. Zones Vendor Letter (FS & BLM) The zone letters are posted on the NRCG website. IIBMHB 2008 updates per last SAC The supplements for the IIBMHB will be formatted soon and sent to FS directives. It looks like there will be minor changes for the zero code. Chapter 10, will have to change the amendment if we change the CATS (new name, CANR) for the exception positions. Chapter 20, is the big chapter, getting the rates updated. The Consumer Price Index will be added to everything. No changes to Chapter 30, 40, 60 and 70. There is a draft out for chapter 50. There will be minor changes for chapter 80. NRCG Inspection MOU Update/Meeting with OGC & NRCG BOD Last year we had 5 MOU’s in place, the WO FS AQM are concerned about them. They think the government should pay for the inspections or carry out inspections in-house. NRCG determined that we don’t have the funds to do this. On the 25th of January, Denver OGC came up with a compromise, we do away with the MOU’s and we put generic wording in the agreements, here’s the standards for inspections, go out in the private industry and get inspected. Murphy and Gilman didn’t like this advice. Tim met with Weldon the following week, and agreed that we’re going to stay the course with our MOU’s per NRCG. We’ve got 4 MOU’s in place for this year. Elaine from the RO is going to issue an extension letter for one more year for these 4. Per the MOU, they have to get in an AOP by April 1st. They will start the inspections and personnel verifications from April 1st through May 25th. For fiscal year 2008, the only equipment they have to inspect is replacement equipment. If they are upgrading or replacing equipment, the contractors will have to go to one of these MOU holders. If it’s a brand new person, they’ll have to go through WCT, training records, PTB etc. If it’s a person they used last year, will only have to look at WCT and the fire refresher. Estimate there are about 2000 people in the system. We may or may not have a government inspector present for the replacement equipment inspections. The verification of personnel will be the same as last year, will have to pay again if they switch companies. There are 40 training providers in the region, but there are still some self-certifications for WCT and training, but it still has to be verified by an MOU provider. IS-700 Training Requirement FEMA is requiring all people, including contractors, responding to an emergency incident to have IS-700. Tim went to NRCG BOD and they decided that water handling contractors since they are first response to an incident, will need to have it. Also, folks that go on all-risk events and incidents outside the geographic area will need to have it. This will require a mod to the agreement. Right now it’s all over the board from region to region. We should look into providing a link on the NRCG website to take this test. Or they can go to one of our training providers to provide this training. The contractors need to have this done and have their certificates into the MOU holders along with their other annual training verifications. Debby will do a modification to add this. (disregard, due to waiting on national direction which will be provided next week) USFS Delay Issuance of 2008 Solicitations Solicitation calendar is off by 2 weeks. Debby sent out a letter regarding the EaTIS rollover dates and instructions. There are still some problems with the rollover of 2007 in EaTIS. The vendors will receive an email from EaTIS when the renewed agreement is awarded, they will have to accept the award in EaTIS. The priority list is regenerated every year. The heavy equipment and bus letters will go out next week. They just have to look at their price and address. There is still a lot of reluctance from Northern Idaho to sign up heavy equipment. Ken is going to do a lot of human relations work to get through to them that signing up as EERA’s is not that terrible. He’s hearing that they don’t want to do all the paperwork. We are all working hard to get the process and each dispatch center to do things consistently. Need to encourage them to use the PTAC system. There is a lot of education that needs to happen on both the vendor side and the agency side. Hopefully we can start reaching out to them this year, because in 2009, heavy equipment will be a best value process. Type 3 Caterer Task Group Update Solicitation announcement will be out next week hopefully. Mary F. will email it to Peg to work on, along with the inspection checklist. This won’t be done for the pre-proposal meeting, so that will be dropped. There will be a pre-award inspection done, they won’t need a pre-use inspection done. There is verbiage that if they don’t meet the standards, they can either be suspended or cancelled. The vehicles/transports hauling these kitchens must meet DOT standards. Mary F. will come up with another checklist that a government representative can use for a spot inspection. We will pay for however many meals are ordered, if we order 100 meals, we pay for every meal. With these type 3 incidents, this decision will be made by the IC or their delegate. These will still be ordered by an E#, they will be ordered in writing (verified by both the contractor and the ordering person), and then once they are delivered, they will be signed for on a shift ticket. These will be on a list for each zone, and also a master list. BLM Potable Water Tender 2008 Update This is year 2 of a 3 year agreement. Unless there is a lot of concern about making an update for consumer price index, it will stay as is. Solicitation Meeting Meeting will be March 6th at the training center 1800-2000. Mary F. will be there for caterer questions. Jeff will provide a Q&A for the DNRC solicitations, and his email will be provided to the vendors. Matt will ask if Sean Gallagher can come to the meeting for Com trailer questions. Rental Vehicles Jeff had a meeting with Blackfoot. Compact pickups are not available anymore, agree to take them off the bid. The majority of rental options don’t have 4x2’s, but we will leave them on the bid. 4x4 ¾ ton, there is a significant difference in price, most rental industries don’t buy them. Have a different line for extended cab or quad cab for ½ ton and ¾ ton. With SUVs and CUVs, classify it by the amount of passengers. Federal government doesn’t have the clearance to use 15 passenger vans. It doesn’t look like we’ll get 10 ply vehicles. If it’s not above normal wear and tear, they have to put in a claim for a repair or replacement. He will change the language that we will replace the tire with the same size and type, but not necessarily the same brand. This is to avoid replacing multiple tires vs. just the one that was damaged. In the event that additional vehicles have to be trucked in, the price will be negotiated between the incident and vendor. This will have to be billed separately. Porta Potties There are still some issues with the daily/weekly/monthly rate. If a vendor wants payment every 2 weeks, it is not going to be an option if they are on the monthly rate. Sack Lunches There are no EERA’s, not entering into an agreement. They will be on a list with the prices. He will leave the FAR clauses in them. GSA Rental Update GSA has 2 rental car programs, RSVP (Rental Supplemental Vehicle Program) and STR (short term rental). We can use the RSVP program if a procurement person sets up an account, and will be paid through a credit card. This person has to get quotes from the various rental car companies that they have on the schedule (Avis, Renta-Car, etc.). Only a few forest service people have used this so far. The STR program is the same, except that a procurement person doesn’t have to be involved, for example, a dispatcher can set it up. In this process, the rental car company deals with the procurement end of things. This is billed through your GSA fleet number. Ron is trying to get one BOAC set up through ASC, where they will pay the bill and reconcile everything. They are going to have a test through Southern Region to see if this works. Perhaps we can look into making a code so that the state or other agencies can be billed back for using this system. This cost is lower than we have typically paid on our EERA’s, so this is a cost savings. To get a fuel card, it will take at least 48 hours. The business committee will discuss this week whether they will require fuel tenders to accept credit cards. Depending on your volume and your length that you need the rentals, will determine the price. For rentals over 30 days, the maximum length of any rental is 60 days, rental companies may require that vehicles be switched out (and/or their rental agreement be re-written) after 30 days of continuous rental. Be aware that the rental company may invoice the first vehicle before the end of the full rental period. We can look into ordering a block of vehicles for a set period of time and manage them like a fleet of rigs. Hopefully this would make them easier to track and have them treated more like agency rigs instead of getting trashed like the typical rental car. Ron is going to meet with R4 to finalize some of these procedures. We need to recognize that every zone needs a plan on how they are going to deal with the rental car issue. There are problems when AD’s rent a car on their personal credit card, drive to an incident, then it sits there because they don’t want to have the liability. They are provided with an alternative rig to drive around at incidents. There are a lot of scenarios with these cars, and hopefully a plan will help solve some of these issues. For this year, the DNRC will have a rental car solicitation. This GSA program is a test for this year. At our May 13th SAC meeting, Ann and Nancy, bring back a draft zone fleet plan, our “Keys to Success” program. USFS Bus Plan for 2008 Debby will be sending out their letters the first week of March. In block 16, language was clarified that they must have a use invoice. They had given 3 year pricing, they have the option to consider their 2nd year pricing. We don’t have the type 2 crews that we used to have, so some of them didn’t get used last year. CATS/Inspector/LETS Jane handed out the draft position descriptions of the Lead Equipment Inspector (exemption position 4), Equipment Inspector (exemption position 3), Contract Administration Technical Specialist (exception position 4), Heavy Equipment Technical Specialist (exception position 5). The position descriptions are still in draft form. There will be language added to these pd’s that they may be formed into teams to roam the geographic area. Jane would like to have comments back by March 7th and finalized by mid-March so they can be posted to the NRCG website. Kevin suggested that the lead inspectors be dispatched out of NRCC. Kathy didn’t agree because we’re trying to get away from signing up AD’s at multiple locations in Missoula. But it was agreed that at a critical stage, Kevin can tie in with NRCC to help coordinate the greater need for inspectors. Once they get to the point where the geographic area/MAC group is moving a team of inspectors around, they will report into Kevin Erickson. Kevin will work on a list of the people qualified for these positions. At the dispatcher workshop, will work on a way to easier identify them in ROSS. We agreed that the CATS position will be called CANR (Contract Administration Northern Rockies), until a national mnemonic can be established. Critical Shortage Positions These 4 positions will be recommended from the business committee and NRCG that these should be critical shortage positions. The business committee will be looking at a list of UTF’s to see if there are other positions that should be listed. A NRCG letter will provide guidelines to encourage host units to hire AD’s with these qualifications. These people can be sponsored by the host units so that they do get some training hours. This doesn’t require the unit to sponsor them, but it does provide some suggestion. Prior to the March NRCG meeting, hoping to have a final list to propose. Workshop Updates Inspection Workshop/CANR in Billings first week of May. Start May 6th 0800-May 9th 1800. There will be a couple pieces of equipment to run through the inspection. Kevin has a basic outline for the CANR that they used a few years ago. Kevin is attending a workshop in Reno, and is hoping to bring in some of that information for this CANR workshop. Kevin is getting some response from agency folks that they are interested. In the past, we’ve gone towards fire people to get this training, but realized this is not working. Now they are going to try for other types, timber, engineers, etc. This same workshop will be in Missoula (Frenchtown Fire Dept.) May 20th-May 22nd. The form for the class is the NRCG form on the website, sent to Kevin Erickson and Ann on the east side. Modified Dozer Boss in Helena April 14th -18th, led by Obie O’Brien. Tuition is $100 or more. The difference is there is a night shift, and cutting line with the Northern Rockies tools (feller buncher, excavator, etc.). They will be working on some approved state or private property. This will be an approved NWCG course, but is also intended for a good refresher. The equipment committee is going to provide an equipment workshop Thursday during this course. COR class at RTA at the University. NPI is putting it on, so far there isn’t a lot of interest. They may combine COR1 and 2. Its not fire related COR. Resource Availability List This was not designed to be a call down for expanded, but a reference on what dispatch zone they could call to get these resources. This list will be actual EERA’s from the pre-season sign up, this will not be solicitated equipment. This list will be consolidated by each dispatch zone by June 1st and sent to IDL (Ken Homick). This will also be posted on the NRCG or NRCC website. This will be discussed further at the dispatcher’s workshop. May 28th and June 10th, Tim, Kathy, Weldon, Chuck Oliver, and Phil will have a video-conference with the Federal Congressional Staffers and the Montana Governor’s office. They will be discussing contracting for fire season 2008. BLM Grey Water Solicitation for 2008 Solicitation announcement has been sent in for final review. There are a few specifications that Kevin and the equipment committee will be getting to Peg. This will be a one year agreement. We need to make sure that the word gets out about this first year of this solicitation. We need to have a SOP on how we are going to get the word out for these solicitations with people that used to have EERAs. Tim, Marty, and Nancy will work on the SOP by the next meeting. USFS Solicitations for 2008 Debby got the go ahead with her solicitations. The dates were redone on the Tentative Solicitation Schedule. All of these are going to be 3 year agreements: Faller Module, GIS Units, Mobile Laundry, Tents/Yurts & Office Clerical Units, Truck Service/Shop-Mechanic, and Refrigeration Units. Until the solicitations are posted, they are in draft. Until then, Debby will take comments. She will take comments after it is posted, only in writing, via email or US Postal. She will post frequently asked questions every 5 days, or every 5 questions, whatever comes first. They will be posted both on the NRCG website and on fedbizops. It will be out long enough for the pre-proposal meeting, so that will be a good chance for face to face dialogue. DNRC Commo, Unit Solicitation 2008 The final draft was sent out. Any questions will be answered with the Q&A period. Did add 2-3 model floor plans, these aren’t required, but are just suggestions. So far Jeff has 4-6 companies that are interested in this. This will be linked to the NRCG website. He is planning on Sean Gallagher to attend the pre-proposal meeting to answer the public questions. IS-700 Kevin was on a national call, there is still some confusion on what the plan was. Kevin shared the NRCG plan, to have all water handling personnel required to have it. Kevin is supposed to have a nation-wide decision by next week. Solicitation 2009 Hand washing stations will be national for 2009. The heavy equipment for 2009 is dozers and excavators for national solicitation, it was decided the other heavy equipment is a local use. If the Northern Rockies determines there is a need for more equipment to do a solicitation internally. The national transport solicitation will be going out for public comment. We may want to consider road graders. The Forest Service was mandated by FESSA to solicit by 2010, and its frustrating to be losing the FS workforce, but at the same time be taking on more work load and not playing interagency. When the FS mandates or designs these programs, it doesn’t allow other agencies to participate and we just keep taking on more and more each year. Next SAC Meetings April 1st-2nd at the DNRC May 13th-14th a the AFD, Missouri River Room Northern Rockies Solicitation Plan for Competitive EERAs Approved by NRCG 02/19/08 Solicitation Year for Pre-Season EERA Equipment Category *♣Backhoe FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 Notes No National or Regional Solicitation ♣Bus, Crew Carrier FS ♣Caterer Type III FS BLM Shower Type III ♣Dozer ♣Engine *♣Excavator ♣ * Faller Module *♣Feller Buncher *♣Forwarder ♣Fuel Tender (Non-Aviation) ♦GIS Unit ♠Handwashing Station, Portable ♠Handwashing Station, TrailerMounted ♣Lowboy, including tilt trailers ♣Medical Equipment, including EMT/Paramedic Kits & trailers ♦Mobile Laundry ♦Office, Clerical Support Module ♣Pumper Cat ♠Rental Vehicles *♣Road Grader FS FS FS FS FS FS BLM? FS DNRC DNRC FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS DNRC BLM? Or FS? BLM? FS FS ♣Soft Track FS FS ♣Tender, Water (Support) ♥Tender, Water (Tactical) ♦Tents/Canopies/Yurts – Jim N. ♠Toilet, Portable ♣ Trailer – Helicopter Support – ♣Trailer, Communications ♣ Truck, Crash Rescue BLM FS FS ♥ Specs submitted to FEWT. Standard specs & BV developed. Dan to work with MLA & IAL No National or Regional Solicitation No National or Regional Solicitation Standard specs & BV to be developed. R6 completed in 06. R6 do nationwide. Nat’l in 09. Standard specs & BV developed. Nat’l in 09. Standard specs & BV developed using specs from national shower contract. Health & Safety Working Team doing kits; IBP working on policy for hiring EMTs. *♣Skidder ♣Skidgine, Proteus ♣Tender, Potable Water Regional responsibility unless a national contract is decided. Task Group to draft specifications by 12/1/07. Mary Fields, Task Group Chair National Solicitation Specs submitted to FEWT; transport included in solicitation. Standard specs & BV ; categories/options. Specs submitted include transport in solicitation, for haul in & haul out only. May switch to GSA contract. Northern Rockies Regional Solicitation Only Northern Rockies Regional Solicitation Only Specs submitted to FEWT, Specs submitted include transport in solicitation, for haul in & haul out only. Specs submitted to FEWT. Specs submitted include transport in solicitation, for haul in & haul out only. Specs submitted to FEWT, MT BLM/R1 competed in 06 & 07. Nat’l in 09. FS FS DNRC FS FS DNRC FS FS Not utilized in Region 1 per Operations Committee Standard specs & BV developed; incl. a/c, heater. May also include generator, wiring , lighting, etc. Nat’l in 09. Aviation Task Group has submitted specs to FEWT & NR Aviation input Bob Q. Nat’l in 2010. IRM Working Group NWCG developing specs. Bruce & Sean to tie into IRM. Nat’l in 2010. Standard specs & BV to be developed. Need NR Aviation Input Bob Q. Nat’l in 2010. Standard specs & BV to be developed – IPNF 2007. Standard specs & BV developed. ♣Truck, Gray Water - Debby BLM BLM ♦Truck, Service/Shop – Jim & FS George ♦Truck/Trailer – Refrigeration Standard specs & BV developed. FS ♣Weed Washing Units Standard specs & BV to be developed. DNRC? Items/Year 11 11 12 11 ♠ - Annual Awards ♣ – 1 year agreement first year & 3 year agreement beginning second year ♥ - Tender, Water (Tactical) not utilized in Northern Rockies (NR) per NR Operations Committee. ♦ – 3 year agreement * - FY 08 & 09 – NR Ops. & Equip. Committees form task group with MLA and IAL involvement to review Natl. specifications and draft solicitation. ? – Agency has not agreed to take the lead in solicitation Tentative Solicitation Schedule Agency New or Renew FBO Synopsis FBO or Advertise Notice to Vendor Close or Renewal Date Award To Dispatch Bus, Crew Carrier FS RE *** *** 3/6/08 3/20/08 5/1/08 6/1/08 Engine Faller Module Mobile Laundry Office, Clerical Support Module Pumper Cat Skidgine, (Super) Soft Track FS FS FS RE NEW NEW *** 1/25/08 1/25/08 *** 2/27/08 2/27/08 *** *** 4/18/08 3/28/08 5/1/08 5/16/08 5/16/08 WEB 6/1/08 6/1/08 FS FS FS FS NEW RE RE RE 1/25/08 *** *** *** 2/27/08 *** *** *** *** 2/29/08 2/29/08 2/29/08 3/28/08 3/14/08 3/14/08 3/14/08 5/16/08 6/1/08 6/1/08 6/1/08 6/1/08 Tender, Water (Support) Tent/Canopy Truck, Service Truck/Trailer - Refrigeration FS FS FS FS RE NEW NEW NEW *** 1/25/08 1/25/08 1/25/08 *** 2/27/08 2/27/08 2/27/08 *** *** *** *** Equipment Category GIS Unit, National Solicitation FS/R6 NEW Handwashing Station Sack Lunches Rental Vehicles Toilet, Portable Trailer, Communications DNRC DNRC DNRC DNRC DNRC RE RE RE RE NEW 3/5/08 3/20/08 3/14/08 3/20/08 3/17/08 3/14/08 3/24/08 3/5/03 3/28/08 4/18/08 3/28/08 5/23/08 5/16/08 5/23/08 4/21/08 WEB 6/1/08 6/1/08 6/1/08 5/19/08 4/14/08 4/22/08 4/15/08 4/14/08 4/29/08 BLM BLM BLM RE NEW NEW 2/29/08 3/3/08 3/10/08 3/3/08 4/10/08 4/3/08 awards in EaTis, immediate to dispatch Contact: Kermadine Barton, R6, Phone, 541-471-6746, Contact: Jeff Williams, DNRC, Phone, 406-444-6724 Contact: Peg Geiger, BLM, Phone, 406-896-2862, 3 year agreement Potable Water Type 3 Caterer Truck, Gray Water Notes Contact: Debby Wesselius, FS, Phone, 406-329-3333, awards in EaTis, immediate to dispatch 5/1/08 5/1/08 6/1/08 6/1/08