This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. The PoteJltial of Subalpine Forest Managenlent Practices OIl Sedinlent Pl·oduction J. D. Stednick 1 Abstract--The potential effect of subalpine forest management practices on sediment production is low when best management practices (BMPs) are Implemented. Instream sources are the largest contributor bf sediment, while off site erosion Is limited due to the physical characteristics of the subalpine environment. JManagement of water quality in a forest must consider all activities in watershed forest and other nonpoint sources in combination with natural processes (Packer 1967). Soils and geology are the foundation of the forest ecosystem. SoH properties whic.h affect erosion processes in a watershed are of primary consideration. Soils developing in the subalpine region are influe.nced by short growing seasons and relatively high amounts of pre.cipitation received as winter snowfall and spring snowmelt. These soils are generally forming in residuum and colluvium derived principally from gneiss, schist, and/or granite and are, therefore, coarse textured. Soils have high infiltration capacities and moderate pe.rmeabili.ty; thus overland flow is rare. Cryorthents, Cryoboralfs, and Cryochrepts are the predominant great groups found in the subalpine region. Tolerable soil loss for the subalpine environment has been identified as 2-5 tons/acre/year, depending on the spe.cific soil group. Watersheds with erosion rates above this level are identified by the Forest Service as critical (USDA Forest Service 1981). The sediment load of streams (both suspende.d and bedload) is determined by such chanicteristics of the drainage basin as geology, vegetation, precipitation, topography, and land use. The sediment enters the stream system by erosional processes. To achieve stream stability, an equilibrium must be sustained between sediment entering the stream and sediment transported through the channel. A land use acti.vity that significantly changes sediment load can upset this balance and result in physical and changes in the stream system (State of Idaho 1987). The existing form and characteristics of streams have developed in a predictable manner as a result of the water and sediment load from upstream. Natural channels are self formed and self maintained. Both water and sediment may change due to silvicultural or other land use activities upstream. Increases jn water and sediment yields should be evaluated in terms of potential effects on channel stability. Sediment routing and storage are particularly important components in the transport process of sediment loads through the stre·am system. They are critical to the quantification of short and long term impacts of land use activities on stream channels and beneficial uses. Howe~'er, the storage and routing processes are highly variable and exhibit non steady state behavior. Continuously evolving relationships involving sediment supply and energy availability are used to estimate sediment discharge changes as the result of land use activity. Maintenance of stream sediment transport (and minimizing vegetation growth within the channel) should retain the channel's capability for passing floodflow discharges. This physical concept is used to determine channel maintenance flows that will maintain stream channel stability for the orderly conveyance of water from and through the National Forests (USDA 1985). Results from studies in subalpine wate.rsheds have identified correlations between annual pe.ak discharge and annual sediment discharge. A similar relationship between total annual flow and annual sediment discharge has also been determined. A major portion of the sediment load is com posed of bed material derived from streambank erosion and channel degradation (Stednick, unpublished data, among others). Substantial increase in runoff may upset channel stability, increasing turbidity and sediment concentrations. Forest practices have the potential to affect water quality in a number of ways (Sopper 1975). Acc.e.le.rated sedimentation has been identified as the primary water quality problem related to forest management i.n the western United State.s. Activities associated with timber harvest, yarding, and road construction and maintenance result in disturbance of soils and ve.getation and may increase soil susceptibility to erosion. These di.sturbances may alter the hydrologic cyde, generating 1Associate Professor, Professor in Charge. Watershed Sciences Department of Earth Resources, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 95 more overland flow for detachment and transport of se.diment. Forest harvesting has bee.n moving towards steeper sloped lands in rec.ent years, intensifying the problem (King and Gonsior 1980). Two other features of road construction are not found on e.very segment but may be important in determining the distance of sediment movement. "'hen the road is pioneered, cut timber is temporarily stored adjacent to the road, usually on the downhill (fillslope) side, and occasionally a dip may coincide with one of these log decks, diverting sediment lade.n water between the logs. The log decks may then act as baffles to reduce flow energy and increase deposition during the period immediately after road construction when sediment movement is greatest. The stumps from these right of way trees may be. disposed of either by burning or by burial. Generally burial is used because it is quicker and easier, occasionally leaving a large area of bare disturbed soil immediate.1y downslope from the road. If high energy runoff is diverted over these burial pits, rill and gully erosion may result. Good management requires burial pits to be discrete relative to the. road. Both log decks and burial pits occur infrequently relative to the number of water diversions along the road. Surface erosion results from raindrop impact on exposed soils and sheet, rill, and gully erosion of unprotected cuts and fills. It is influe.nced by rainfall/snowmelt characteristics, soil characteristics, topography, and plant and litter cover. The reported magnitude of sediment contributions from roads varie.s greatly (Campbell 1983, King 1979, Bese.hta 1978, Krammes and Burns 1973, Brown and Krygier 1971, among others). An evaluation of sediment contributions from surface erosion on jammer roads in the Idaho batholith revealed a 1560 fold increase in sedime.nt production during the year following construction, and a 50 fold increase 3 years later. Approximately 30 percent of the total road erosion was due to surface erosion and 70 percent to mass erosion (l\fegahan and Kidd 1972). Sedimentation processes occur on all of the features of a typical road segme.nt (Haupt 1959, Haupt and Finn 1963, Bethlahmy 1965, Bethlahmy 1967, Oyrness 1967, Falletti 1977). The cutslope is a steep bank on the uphill side of the road which consists of relatively stable material which was in place before the site was disturbed. Erosion may occur here if overland flow spills down the cutslope or if subsurface flow emerges from the bank. The road surface is a bench of highly compacted material most of the· overland flow is generated. This surface is slightly outsloped in order to direct sheet flow to the outer edge of the. road, where it can be diverted before conce·ntration of flow occurs. At inte.rvals, dips in the road are· plac.ed in order to divert any runoff which may be flowing along the axis of the road. The distance betwe.en these dips, or road segment length, determines the total are·a which may contribute. to one of these water diversions. Road derived se.diment reaching the stream course has been shown to exponentially with time since road construction (Megahan and Kidd 1972, King 1979, King and Gonsior 1(80). Significantly a.ccelerated surface. erosion was observed only during a. few thunde·rstorms following road construction. Re establishment of vegetation is an Roads Roads are the primary source of sediment from forested watersheds. It is estimated that 90%, of the sediment production from timber harvest can be attributed to roads (Megahan 1972). Se.diment yield increases of two to three orders of magnitude over undisturbed sites, have been observed (l\fegahan and Ki.dd 1971). The magnitude of sediment contribudons from roads vary greatly, depending on the soil type, geology, topography and climate c.harac.terizing the particular site and road construction practices. Roads on gentle to moderate slopes and stable topography have a low potential for contributing sediment when properly c.onstructed and maintained. However, roads located adjacent to streams, on steep slopes, and/or unstable topography have a high potential to produce sediment for a long period of time if not properly planned, constructed, and maintained. Sources of sediment from forest roads are (1) direct movement of soil during construction and maintenance, (2) surface e.rosion, and (3) mass erosion (Youngberg, et a1.1973, Larse 1970, Fredriksen 1970, Fredriksen 19(5). If the road is located so that construction activities cause dire.ct movement of soil into stream channels, then it is likely that future maintenance activities will also contribute sediment, especially if the road encroaches directly upon the stream or riparian zone. Climate, vegetative cover, slope, and soil characteristics are important in determining sediment yields from undisturbed sites. Road construction alters the latter three and ge.nerally increases erosion and transport of sediment for some time (l\fegahan 1975). Removal of vegetation and the litter laye.r from soH surfaces exposes soil particles to the energy of raindrop impact, the primary agent of interrill erosion (Meyer, et a1. 1975). The reduction in infiltration necessary for stability increases road surface runoff, which nlay be augmented by overland and subsurface flow from the cuts lope and drainage area above it. As flow and the energy associated with it accumulate and become concentrated in channels, rill and gully erosion cause much larger volumes of sediment to be detached and transported. Properly de.signed roads will minimize concentrations of flow through outsloping and frequent water diversions. Surface erosion is greatly accelerate.d during and shortly after road construction. Approximately 84 percent of the total sediment production for a 6 year period was produced during the first year after road construction (Megahan 1972). Once the exposed soil revegetates or becomes armored, surface erosion declines rapidly. Concurrent erosion control during construction with immediate stabilization of exposed soils are needed to minimize surface e.rosion and sediment contributions. 96 It is generally thought that decay of tree roots and the resulting reduction i.n a soil's shear strength contribute to mass soil movement on high hazard sites (Burroughs and Thomas 1977, Davis 1976). Control of this hazard re.lates to recognition of the failure potential of an area and regulation of both the yarding system and silvicultural prescription (Brown, et a1. 1976, Rothwell 1971). Steep slopes, relatively shallow soil, and rapid, large volumes of water are generally require.d for mass wasting to occur (Mega han 1975). However in some situations, prolonged snowmelt and low intensity rainfall events can also contribute to mass wasting. Careful route selection is required to avoid potential problem ~reas. Mass erosion is not significant in the subalpine environment. V\' ork in the Idaho batholith led to the condusion that road design parameters may be important in predicting erosion, but downslope transport of the material was primarily controlled by slope steepness and the type and amount of cover. obvious factor influencing stabilization but physical processes such as development of pavement and armoring may be involved as well.l\10re easily eroded fine particles are readily transported, and surface erosion de.creases as their availability is dimini.shed. As se.diment laden runoff reaches the edge of the roa.dfill, it is dammed by debris and energy is dissipated by litter and vegetative cover. '\\'indrowing of slash along the toe of fillslopes may aid in controlling erosion and subsequent se.dimentation (Cook and King 1983). This reduces the energy available for transport, causing deposition which decreases the distance sediment will be moved. However, the actual processes which describe and the parameters that control the de.livery of eroded material downslope are less well understood than those for erosion, and data for sediment delivery are scarce (Campbell 1983, USDA Forest Service 1980). In the discussion of sediment delivery in '\\'ater Resources Evaluation of Nonpoint Silvicultural Sources (,\\'RENS), a sediment index is presented with the acknowledgement that data to support the. index does not exist, and more· research is ne.cessary to establish reliable estimates of sediment delivery (USDA Forest Service 1980). Equations that utilize e.rodibility indices based on rainfall intensity may be grossly in error when applied to the subalpine environment, since much of the streamflow is from snowmelt (Leaf 1966). Studies i.n Idaho indi.cated that on well designed roads most sediment flows travel less than ten meters from the toe of the fillslope and occur soon after constructi.on (Haupt and Kidd 1965). Buffer strips of ten meters were recommended to capture all of the sediment being transported from the road disturbances. Sediment move·me·nts of more· than twenty meters have been observed on the Fool Creek drainage of the Fraser Experimental Forest (Troendle 1981). Other investigators (Haupt and Kidd 1965) have reported similar trends after measuring sediment movement downslope from cross ditches and in ephemeral channels. While there was much variability between sites, movement downslope had effectively ceased thre.e years after roads had been put to bed, i.e., closed to traffic, water barred, culverts and bridges remove.d, and allowed to revegetate. Earlier studies of sediment transport along Fool Cre.ek (Leaf 1966, Leaf 1974) indicated little or no wate·r quality degradati.on is to be expected from road construction with proper planning, construction and maintenance. A model was fitted to the Fool Creek Watershed based on sediment yield data collected by an in stream sediment trap. This model predicted decreased sediment yield with time, as a function of topographic and road engineering characteristics (Leaf 1974). It did not address the hillslope processes which are involved in determining sediment delivery to the stream. The problem of road erosion is also related to the density of the road network. CareJul planning can help minimize road de.nsity. An unplanned road system constructed by the logger at the Fernow Experimental Forest in Colorado occupied 4.8 to 7.0 percent of the area, while a well planned road system on similar topography only occupied 2.5 to 4.6 percent (Mitchell and Trimble 1959). In addition to careful planning, the harve.sting system employed large.1y governs the required road density. Jammer logging may expose 25 to 30 pe.rcent of the area as roads while longer cable systems such as a skyline setup may only expose 2 pe.rcent of the area (Rice, et al. 1972). A set of guidelines for road sediment control were developed for the Northern Rocky Mountain region (Packer and Christiansen 1964) and for roads in Idaho (Megahan 1977). Factors affecting the distance sediment moves downslope we·re identified as cross drain spacing (road segment length), kinds and spacing of obstructions, cover density, soil particle size· distribution, and road age. Much of the data describing the de·crease in se·diment yield with time has been collected on roads that were put to bed. In these cases, a dynamic equilibrium evolves from c.hannel stabilization and erosion pavement development. However, roads receiving continuous use may not recover, or response may be much slower, as a result of continued disturbance. This effect has been de.monstrated simply by limiting vehicle traffic in areas of the Deadhorse and Fool Creek watersheds in the Fraser Experimental Forest (Troendle 1983). l\lass wasting related to roads includes fill and backslope failures, slumps, earthflows, landslides, mudslides, and rockslides (Swanston 1981, Swanston 1976). Surface and mass erosion from roads are related to one or more of the following: removal of protective cover, destruction of soil struc.ture, inc.reases in slope gradients, decreases in infiltration capacities, interception of subsurfac.e flow, decreases in shear strength, increases in shear stress, and conc.entration of gen·· erated and interce.pted surface· water, and reduced rooting strength (Gray and Megahan 1981, Megahan 1977, Swanston 1970). Sediment contributions from forest roads can be minimized through proper planning route selection, design specifications, construction practices, maintenance. and stabilization measures (USEPA 1975). To maintain water quality, 97 exponential (Leaf 1974, l\fegahan, 1980). This time factor should and can be considered in land use planrung and design of best management practices. greater attention is being given to soil and geologic characteristics, avoidance of high hazard areas, improved engineering surveys, improved road design and improved construction methods (Clayton 1983, Gardner 1979, Stone 1973). Proper location of roads relative to streams is also essential. However, a strong preventive approach is not always free of failure, and supplemental corrective measures may be required to minimize sedimentation from roads (U.S. EPA 1975). Standards and guidelines used by the Forest Service. include establishment of 30-meter (100-foot) buffer strips along all water courses (USDA Service 1981). Road construction should be scheduled during dry periods with low flow and maintenance activities should be schedule·d to avoid prolonged wet pe.riods. Riparian strips have standards and guidelines for basal area reduction, surface disturbance and slash disposal practices (USDA Forest Service 1981). The silvicultural prescription implemented by harvesting can influence both water quantity and water quality. Silvicultural prescriptions for the subalpine may include she.1terwood, seed tree, clear cutting, and selection (U.S. EPA 1976). Prescription of a particular system will depend upon existing conditions and land management objectives. Harvesting Conclusions Timber harvesting and subsequent yarding can increase sediment in streams by increasing surface erosion rates and increasing the risk of mass soil movement (Brown, et al. 1976, Davis 1976). Site disturbance can reduce infiltration rates, and hence, the quantity of overland runoff and related surface erosion. l\fethods used for the movement of logs from the stump to a landing can be classifled as tractor, cable, aerial or animal. Both aerial and animal yarding are almost nonexistent in the subalpine environment. Tractor skidding is accomplished with either crawler or wheel type units, both of which are frequently equipped with arches for reducing the extent of contact between log and ground. Site disturbance will vary greatly with the type of skidding or yarding syste.m. Crawler tractors generally cause the· greatest amount of site disturbance, followed closely by wheeled skidders, but on some sites use of wheeled skidders can re·sult in more compaction than use of crawler tractors (Davis 1976, Bell, et a1.1974). One method of decreasing the amount of soil disturbed by crawle.r tractors or wheeled skidders is through careful layout of skid trails (Rothwell 1971). for skidroad location and number can greatly decrease the impact of tractor logging. Cable logging systems will result in less site disturbance, because yarding trails are established to the yarding tower machinery restricted to road surfaces. Cable systems can be ranked in order of decreasing soil disturbance as follows: single drum jammer, high lead cable, skyline, and balloon (Brown, et al.1976, Davis 1976, Stone 1973). Helicopters and balloons willlike.1y result in minimum site disturbance, but both are· costly and subject to operational constraints. Sediment yields from Fool Creek after logging were relatively large during the years immediately after treatment. Yields in subsequent years were considerably less and not significantly different from the pretreatment means (Leaf 1966). The return of suspended sediment concentrations to pretreatment levels has been best modeled as a negative Subalpine forest management practices include roading and si.lvicultural treatments that involve tree harvesting. These practices have bee.n evaluated for nonpoint source water quality impacts.l\luch of the literature on forest management activities and water quality changes is from the Pacific and has documente.d dramatic water quality changes (or impacts). The ide.ntified proce.sses are applicable to the subalpine forest, but the observe.d water quality changes are not. The potential of subalpine forest management practices (Ill sedinlent production Bl\fPs are inlplemented is low. Sediment generation may occur from roading and harvesting, however the increase is short lived and often not measurable when best management practices have been utilized. The major portion of the sediment load is derived from in stream sources, Le., stream bank e.rosion and channel degradation. Suspe.nded sediment concentrations are low in undisturbed sUba.lpine wate.rsheds. l\fanage.ment activities may increase these concentrations for brief time periods, howeve.r suspended sediment concentrations and turbidity changes can still meet state water quality standards. One of the best methods of controlling the entry of sediment into stre·ams from harvesting on roads is through the use of buffer strips (US EPA 1977, Brown, et a1.1976, USEPA 1975, Bell 1974). Buffer strips have also been shown to be effective in reducing the entry of logging debris into streams and in controlling stream temperature. Literature Cited Bell, l\f.A., J.M. Beckett and W.P. Hubbard. 1974. Impact of harvesting on forest environments and resourc·e·s. Environ. Call., Can. Forest Servo Beschta, Robert L. 1978. Long term patterns of sediment production following road construction and logging in the Oregon Coast Range. \Vater Res. Res. Vol. 14, No.6, Dec. 1978. p. 1011··1016. 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