This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. JAPANESEBROMEINTHENORTHERN GREAT PLAINS M. R. Haferkamp J.A. Young E. E. Grings M.G. Karl R. K. Heitschmidt M. D. MacNeil ABSTRACT To develop a better understanding of these relationships, we began a series of studies in 1990. In separate experiments we examined (1) environmental effects on Japanese brome seed germination, (2) effects of Japanese brome on western wheatgrass production, (3) comparative herbage quality profiles of Japanese brome and western wheatgrass, and (4) effects of simulated grazing on herbage and root production of Japanese brome plants. Japanese brome (Bromus japonicus) is an alien annual grass that has become an important component ofplant communities in the Northern Great Plains. This paper reports preliminary results of studies begun in 1990 examining the environmental effects on Japanese brome seed germination, effects of Japanese brome on western wheatgrass production, comparative herbage quality profiles for Japanese brome and western wheatgrass (Pascopyrum smithii), and effects of simulated grazing on herbage and root production of Japanese brome. METHODS Research was conducted on the Fort Keogh Livestock and Range Research Laboratory near Miles City, MT. Regional topography ranges from rolling hills to broken badlands with small intersecting ephemeral streams flowing into large rivers located in broad, nearly level valleys. Indigenous vegetation on the 55,000-acre research station is a grama-needlegrass-wheatgrass (Bouteloua-Stipa-Agropyron) mix (Kuchler 1964). Long-term annual precipitation averages 13.3 inches with about 60 percent received during the April through August period. Temperatures often exceed 100 °F during summer and decrease to --40 °F or less during winter. The average frost-free period is 150 days. INTRODUCTION Japanese brome (Bromus japonicus) is an alien annual grass that has become a dominant species of some mixed prairie plant communities in the Northern Great Plains (Haferkamp and others 1993; Whisenant 1990). Its life cycle is somewhat shorter in duration than coexisting perennial grass species such as western wheatgrass (Pascopyrum smithii). Further, as with all annual grasses, annual herbage production is erratic (Hull and Pechanec 1947). Moreover, when present on rangelands, Japanese brome plants may shift the period of peak forage production, causing an earlier decline in overall forage quality (Cook and Harris 1952). Thus, the presence of Japanese brome may negatively impact livestock production. Perpetuation of Japanese brome on rangelands requires completion of the plant's life cycle beginning with seed germination, continuing through seedling emergence and establishment, and terminating with plant maturation and seed dissemination. Determining how environmental conditions affect the life cycle of Japanese brome plants and their interactions with other plant species is critical for development of grazing management strategies to both reduce the prevalence and efficiently use brome-infested rangelands. Germination Paper presented at the Symposium on Ecology, Management, and Restoration of Intermountain Annual Rangelands, Boise, ID, May 18-21, 1992. M. R. Haferkamp, E. E. Grings, M. G. Karl, R. K. Heitschmidt, and M. D. MacNeil are Range Scientist, Nutritionist, Postdoctoral Range Scientist, Research Leader, and Research Geneticist, respectively, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Fort Keogh Livestock and Range Research Laboratory, Miles City, MT 69301; J. A Young is a Range Scientist, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Reno, NV 89512. 398 Incubation temperatures, collection dates, and postharvest storage and light conditions were varied so as to span a range of environmental conditions that might be encountered in the field. Seeds were collected in summer in Oklahoma and in summer, fall, and winter in eastern Montana. Summer collections were stored in a laboratory at room temperature. Fall and winter collections were divided into thirds and stored in either an unheated warehouse or a freezer, or ovendried at 115 °F for 6 to 35 days and then stored in a desiccator at room temperature. Summer collections from 1990 and 1991 were initially incubated in a series of 55 constant and alternating temperatures ranging from 32 to 104 °F, which were divided into combinations related to selected seedbed environments (Young and others 1973). Tests were initiated about 6 months following seed collection, and four replications of 25 seeds of each collection were incubated for 4 weeks in closed dishes arranged in a randomized-block design. Seeds were considered germinated when the radicle was at least 0.2 inch long. Summer collections from Oklahoma and Montana and fall and winter collections from Montana were incubated in two temperature regimes beginning in January 1992. A warm regime consisted of 28 days with alternating 12-hour periods of 46 and 73 °F, and a cool+warm regime consisted of 10 days at 32 and 50 °F followed by 18 days at 46 and 73 °F. Light was provided by cool-white fluorescent bulbs during the 12-hour 50 and 73 °F temperature periods. The summer, fall, and winter seeds were also incubated at 46 and 73 °F in total darkness or alternating 12-hour periods of light and dark. Seed treatments were arranged in a randomized-block design with four to eight replications consisting of 100 seeds incubated in each dish. Seeds were considered germinated when the coleoptile and radicle were each at least 0.2 inch long. Competition Table 1-Germination characteristics of Japanese brome seed collected in eastern Montana in the summers of 1990-91 Percent and standard deviation1 Characteristic Mean of all regimes Mean of regimes with some germination Regimes with some germination Regimes with optimum germination Mean of optima Maximum germination 1Means 71 (4.2) 74 {4.3) 96 (1.4) 32 (8.0) 99 (1.1) 100 {1.1) and standard deviations are based on eight values. in 32 percent of the regimes and mean of optima was 99 percent. The maximum germination was 100 percent. Maximum germination of Japanese brome seed occurred in regimes representing moderate and cold seedbed conditions, with germination being somewhat depressed in very cold and warmer-than-moderate temperatures (fig. 1}. Responses were similar between years and similar to those reported by Young and others (1984} for downy brome (Bromus tectorum). In those studies, seeds germinated best at coldfluctuating, fluctuating, and moderate seedbed conditions, and germination was depressed at very cold temperatures. When summer, fall, and winter collections were compared, summer collections germinated rapidly to greater than 90 percent regardless of temperature (table 2}. Fall and winter collections stored in the warehouse germinated greater than 70 percent in the warm regime, but germination was reduced to less than 20 percent in the cool+warm regime, Three treatments were applied in a randomized-block design with 10 replications at two locations. Japanese brome plants were left intact inside a 10.6-square-foot circle, a portion (about 50 percent) were removed, or all were removed. Weeding of plants occurred during late spring and early summer. In early July, biomass of westem wheatgrass, Japanese brome, and all other vegetation was clipped at ground level inside a 2.4-square-foot circle located in the center of each plot. Forage Quality Replicated samples of Japanese brome inflorescences and herbage and western wheatgrass herbage were collected during June, July, and August 1990 and 1991 from pastures at Fort Keogh (Haferkamp and others 1993). Collected samples were ovendried, ground, and analyzed for nitrogen content and in vitro digestible organic matter. Cold Period 16 hr °F Simulated Grazing 32 Japanese brome seedlings grown from seed were planted in greenhouse boxes in late winter. Clipping treatments were begun in late June 1991 and early May 1992 and continued for about 60 days. Plants were either not clipped (control) until the end of the study or clipped to a 3-inch or 6-inch stubble height every week or every 2 weeks. Treatments were arranged in a randomized-block design with five replications. All clipped herbage and remaining shoots were dried and weighed. At the termination of the study, roots were washed free of soil, dried, and weighed. 36 Warm Period 8 hr °F 50 59 68 77 cold 83b 50 59 68 77 88 95 Germination 104 Mean germination for the 55 temperature regimes for Japanese brome was 71 percent (table 1). Over 95 percent of all temperature regimes supported some germination, and the mean germination for regimes where some germination occurred was 74 percent. Optimum germination, defined as germination not lower than maximum observed minus onehalf confidence interval at O.Ollevel ofprobability, occurred 397 95 104 widely fluctuating 61c 41 RESULTS 86 ~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~------, Figure 1-5eedbed requirements of Japanese brome seed collected in eastern Montana during the summers of 1990 and 1991. Means are based on eight values. Mean germinations followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.01 level of probability as determined by Duncan's Multiple Range Test. Table 2-Maximum germination in two temperature regimes for Japanese brome seed collected In Oklahoma and Montana In summer 1991 and In Montana In fall and winter 1991. Summer collections were stored in a laboratory at room temperature and fall and winter collections were stored in an unheated warehouse. Germination studies were begun In January 1992 Oklahoma July7 Temperature Montana Nov. 21 July 12 Dec.30 --------------------Peroent------------------199 100 32 and 50 °F + 46 and 73 °F 46 and 73°F 18 88 92 100 5 71 LSD0•05 c 4.3 'Means are based on eight replications of 100 seeds. suggesting these seeds may have entered a dormant state when incubated at 32 °F. Similar results were reported for downy brome seeds collected in Montana (Warg 1938) and Japanese brome seeds collected in Kentucky (Baskin and Baskin 1981). When the presence of light was studied, we found darkness, as might be encountered under a dense litter cover, enhanced 7-day germination up to 35 percent, but light improved 28-day germination up to 31 percent, and wintercollected seeds were more sensitive to light than fall collections (figs. 2 and 3). If ovendried seeds are excluded, over 40 percent of the seeds collected in fall and winter and over 90 percent of summer collections germinated in darkness. Thus, it is apparent that seeds may germinate readily under a dense litter cover that restricts essentially all light and reduces moisture evaporation, as was suggested by Whisenant (1990). Care must be taken, however, when forming hypotheses relative to field germination and emergence, since the spectral composition of radiation incident on the seed can be affected by many factors such as time of day, seasonal meteorological conditions, snow cover, shallow burial in soil, and transmission characteristics of the overstory vegetation (McDonough 1977). KEY 100 ~ •••• ~---··--- 80 ,.:::::::..... ·-· ----- ·• c 0 ; c , 60 ~CD 40 I 0 .... ' ' C!J s !#~,-::' ,• I ,' ,,.. . ,, . , ,, I II ' ' '' I' ,' Forage quality of Japanese brome varies with time and plant part. In early May, when inflorescences are emerged, crude protein concentrations in whole plants range from 12 §: ·-G·· OVen-dry 80 c 0 --9-· Fr. .zer ; ~ Warehouae i c 60 CD 40 ....~ 20 " ..... Freezer ... ... 4' Forage Quality 100 -•-· Oven-dry /, In competition studies, trends suggest western wheatgrass production was reduced with the presence of Japanese brome, but the reduction was not statistically significant in 1991 (fig. 4). In 1992, standing crop of western wheatgrass was increased by total removal of Japanese brome, but not by partial removal. Total standing crop was significantly reduced during both years by an average of 284 pounds per acre at one location and 643 pounds per acre at the other by the total removal of brome. Precipitation was probably the most important factor affecting the variation in western wheatgrass response in· 1991 and 1992. Total precipitation measured on these sites during April, May, and June 1991 (13.2 inches or 203 percent of normal) was three times the amount received on either site in 1992 (4 inches or 62 percent of normal). 1 ,' '' '1,' 20 Competition ....,.._. Warehouae - .. • · Oven-dry ..... Freezer 0 0 7 14 21 7 28 Time (Days) 14 21 28 Time (Days) Figure 2-Germlnation of Japanese brome seed collected in November, stored in an unheated warehouse, ovendried, or frozen; and incubated in February 1992 for 28 days in a 46n3 °F temperature regime in darkness or with light for 12 hours at the high temperature. Means are based on eight values. Filled symbols represent the dark regime. Figure 3-Germlnation of Japanese brome seed collected in December, stored in an unheated warehouse, ovendried, or frozen; and incubated in February 1992 for 28 days in a 46n3 °F temperature regime In darkness or with light for 12 hours at the high temperature. Means are based on eight values. Filled symbols represent the dark regime. 398 - ., 2500 0 al .0 2000 ~ ril.1 1m!' ,} Weelern Whoatgraaa 14 - Western Wheatgrass - Japanese Bromo , Japanese Brame SeedHeads '~---- 12 Japanese Bromo ~ Other ~ Leaves & Stems 10 ~ a. 1500 .,., ...u 0 01 .~ c ,1 "0 c: 0... Cl ............ 6 1:1 2 0 al U5 8 Q. /"' ~ 1000 "i 4 500 ',, ________ ............ _,,,, .......... __ _ ···-,,,, ..... .._______ ,_ 2 0 so 100 Hyp lex 0 0 so 100 N2B 1991 0 50 100 0 Hyplex 1992 0~------~------~~------._----~ so 100 N2B 6/27 7/27 8/23 6/21 7/16 1990 8/12 1991 Figure 4-Peak standing crops of western wheatgrass, Japanese brome, and other species growing in competition plots in 1991 and 1992 at the Hyplex and N2B sites on Fort Keogh. Japanese brome removal percentages were 0, 50, and 100. Means are based on 10 values. Figure 5-Percentage crude protein of Japanese brome and western wheatgrass plants growing at the N2B site on Fort Keogh. Means are based on 12 values. to 15 percent; concentrations in western wheatgrass plants range from 15 to 22 percent. Later in the growing season, intact inflorescences or seed heads are relatively high in quality, and may be higher or similar in quality to herbage of western wheatgrass (figs. 5 and 6). Herbage quality of Japanese brome, however, decreases from relatively high when plants are in the seedling stage to low when plants are mature. The profiles of quality varied between the 2 years presented in figures 5 and 6. This phenomenon is generally related to the pattern of precipitation (fig. 7), with quality declining most rapidly as the soil dries and plants begin maturing. In contrast, during a cool-wet growing season, forage quality may remain high for longer periods as it did in 1991. For comparison, 9 percent crude protein is the suggested level for a 1,100-pound beef cow consuming 4.4 pounds forage per 220 pounds body weight with average milking ability during the first 90 to 120 days postpartum (National Research Council1984). greatest for unclipped controls. Frequency of clipping did not generally affect any component as much as intensity of clipping. More than twice as much biomass was produced in the herbage and root components when plants remained vegetative rather than reproductive. When clipping was begun on vegetative plants, tillers averaged 23 per plant and increased to only 26 per plant by the end of the study. Tillers increased from 7 to 8 per control plant becoming reproductive during the study; th ey increased from 9 to 26 per clipped plant during the same period. Thus, plants remaining in the vegetative state continued to produce new Simulated Grazing ~ When plants in the clipping study remained vegetative, all clipping regimes or intensities reduced production of roots, herbage, and total biomass (fig. 8). Increasing the intensity of clipping significantly reduced herbage and total biomass, and although similar trends occurred with root biomass, differences were not significant. Increasing the frequency of clipping from every 2 weeks to weekly did not significantly reduce biomass production. When plants produced reproductive s hoots, increasing intensity of clipping significantly reduced total herbage weight, and reduced total biomass for all but the plants clipped to 6 inches every week (fig. 8). Root weights were similar for unclipped controls and both clipping frequencies at 6 inches, but weights were significantly less for plants clipped at 3 inches. Weight of inflorescences was 0 110 - Western Wheatgrass - Japanese Bromo Seed Heads 80 ---· Japanese Bromo leaves & Stems 70 ~ 0 60 50 40 2: 30 20 10 0 6/27 7/27 8/23 6/21 1990 Figure 6--Percentage in vitro digestible organic matter of Japanese brome and western wheatgrass plants growing at the N2B site on Fort Keogh. Means are based on 12 values. 399 7/16 1991 8/12 7 c:;;al .s::; D Monlhly - 82yoor 6 average 5 0 ~ c 4 0 ! 3 ·c:; 2 'Ci. ~ [)_ J F MA M J J A S 0 N 0 J F MA M J J A S 0 N 0 1990 1991 Year Figure 7-Precipitation recorded during 1990 and 1991 at Frank Wiley Airfield, Miles City, MT. 1.75 -Herbage 1.50 .J:l x0 1.25 I ll al 0 1.00 c H Seed Heads ~ Roots :::l ~ cIll 0:: 0.75 0.50 0.25 0.00 2wk lwk 1991 2wtt lwk 2wk 1wk 2wlt 1•k 1992 Figure 8-Weights of herbage, seedheads, and roots produced by nonclipped control Japanese brome plants grown in the greenhouse and plants clipped at 3 or 6 inches on a weekly or biweekly schedule. Means are based on five values. leaves; plants that became reproductive responded to clipping by producing new tillers. Tiller production takes longer than leaf production, and would therefore result in lower yields. CONCLUSIONS As with downy brome, complete germination of all seeds in one season is rare. Seeds that are not disseminated, or do not germinate in fall, overwinter and potentially enter a state of secondary dormancy, induced by imbibition of water at cold temperatures. Only a small proportion may germinate before the next fall when secondary dormancy is removed with the warm temperatures of summer. The germination process appears to shift in response to moisture and temperature from one in which most seeds germinate at once to one in which seed germination is delayed with only a few seeds germinating at any one time. These processes result in a carry-over of a large number of viable seeds from year to year, complicating control of Japanese brome through conventional means. Japanese brome seed germination characteristics also aid its future invasion and perpetuation on rangelands in the Northern Great Plains. Total standing crop was reduced consistently and significantly both years by removal of Japanese brome at both competition study sites. However, Japanese brome appears to have reduced production of western wheatgrass only when the supply of moisture was insufficient to meet the demands of both species. Thus, Japanese brome appears to be adding to the total forage base, and we can expect a short-term decline in forage production when it is absent. Quality of forage is relatively high when plants are immature or if we only consider inflorescences. Once plants mature and inflorescences are grazed, however, the remaining herbaceous component is of much poorer quality than western wheatgrass herbage. As the data show, the profile of forage quality varies with species and maturation, with the latter being controlled to some degree by the pattern of precipitation. Although not examined in this study, Japanese brome competition may have a cumulative effect on western wheatgrass plants when encountered during a period of several years. In addition, western wheatgrass plants may respond to competition differently with or without clipping or grazing. Answering these questions will require additional research. The clipping data suggest biomass production of vigorously growing Japanese brome plants can be reduced by frequent, intensive clipping. Thus, management of this annual growing on Northern Great Plains rangelands can impact the amount of forage produced. Effective control of Japanese brome will be more difficult, however, because some seed was produced even with severe treatments. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors express appreciation to Dr. Jerry Volesky for seed collection; Kevin Peterson, Bill Creamer, Bryon Bennett, Cheryl Murphy, JoAnn Gresens, Ellen Martens, and several summer aides for assistance with sample collection and processing; Debra Palmquist for statistical analysis; and Mary Ellen French for preparation of graphics. The results of this series of studies are important because the characteristics of Japanese brome they describe indicate it may be a component of Northern Great Plains rangelands for years to come. Germination studies showed temperature is likely not a limiting factor for fall germination of Japanese brome seed disseminated in summer or fall. If soil moisture is adequate, high levels of germination will often occur during the initial fall period. This results in the emergence of a large population of Japanese brome seedlings that can overwinter and renew growth early the following spring. REFERENCES Baskin, J. M.; Baskin, C. C. 1981. Ecology of germination and flowering in the weedy winter annual grass Bromus japonicus. Journal of Range Management. 34: 369-372. 400 Cook, C. W.; Harris, L. E. 1952. Nutritive value of cheatgrass and crested wheatgrass on spring ranges of Utah. Journal of Range Management. 5:331-337. Haferkamp, M. R.; Volesky, J. D.; Borman, M. M.; Heitschmidt, R. K.; Currie, P. 0. 1993. Effects of mechanical treatments and climatic factors on the productivity of Northern Great Plains rangelands. Journal of Range Management. 46: 346-350. Hull, A C.; Pechanec, J. F. 1947. Cheatgrass-a challenge to range research. Journal of Forestry. 45: 555-564. Kuchler, A. W. 1964. Potential natural vegetation of the conterminous United States. Special Publ. 36. New York: American Geographical Society. 116 p. McDonough, W. T. 1977. Seed physiology. In: Sosebee, R. E., ed. Rangeland plant physiology. Range Sci. Ser. 4. Denver, CO: Society for Range Management: 155-184. National Research Council. 1984. Nutrient requirements of beef cattle (6th rev. ed.). Washington, DC: National Academy of Science-National Research Council. 90 p. Warg, S. A. 1938. Life history and economic studies on Bromus tectorum. Missoula, MT: University of Montana. 33 p. Thesis. Whisenant, S. G. 1990. Postfire population dynamics of Bromus japonicus. American Midland Naturalist. 123: 301-308. Young, J. A.; Evans, R. A.; Kay, B. L. 1973. Temperature requirements for seed germination in an annual-type rangeland community. Agronomy Journal. 65: 656-659. Young, J. A; Evans, R. A.; Kay, B. L.; Owen, R. E.; Budy, J. 1984. Collecting, processing, and germinating seeds of western wildland plants. ARM-W-3. Oakland, CA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Science Education Administration. 38 p. 401