HLC update ­ Spring 2013 Major Quality Initiative: FIrm Footing: Foundations for Student Academic Success

HLC update ­ Spring 2013
Major Quality Initiative: FIrm Footing: Foundations for Student Academic Success
Overview: The goal of the Firm Footing initiative is to decrease barriers to student academic success at the University of WI­La Crosse (UW­L) for
every student. Firm Footing addresses populations known to be at­risk (e.g., first generation students) and focuses on analyzing the needs of other
populations identified as likely to be at­risk (e.g., transfer students and students who show an early failure to thrive in courses). We are focused on
the campus at­large rather than the experiences of any particular individual student; however, we are attending to the ways in which students’
perceive academic hurdles and the resources that are available.
Executive Committee Membership
Sandy Grunwald (HLC Liaison & Chemistry/Biochemistry)
Patrick Barlow (CATL)
Bob Hoar (PVC & Math)
Jen Miskowski (PVC & Biology)
Paula Knudson (Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs)
Natalie Solverson (Institutional Research)
Eric Kraemer (SEC ­ Philosophy)
Betsy Morgan (Psychology)
Spring Activity:
● Metrics Determined ­ a focus on four pillars
○ Retention Rates (1st to 2nd year)
○ Graduation Rates (4th and 6th year)
○ Usage Rates
○ Student Self Report of the Experience (may include academic self concept/perceived progress toward academic goals, or a student learning outcome)
● Work Groups
○ Early Alert System Options (convening March 2013)
○ Advising across the College Experience (forthcoming)
○ Academic Success Resources: Coordination & Promotion (forthcoming)
Student Success Questionnaire ­ launched 3/26/2013 ­ closed 4/4/2013
○ Table to right shows the breakdown of the final sample who completed
the questionnaire.
Firm Footing Factoids will appear in Campus Connection once a month
Refined model reflecting points of interest regarding student academic success (see yellow component)