t ... / . . . " • " . .. '. . . ... . .. ' , " ~ ..' ' .. .".. . : Tiii~·:~epo~t· . ·no~:·t~\h·e···C·1ted:~ithO~t-~~i~~·~re·~~;~ri~~.·:~~·:.:th~· ... , , .. i . .' . . . : 'J, ~ ' ••. ' • ... , • • •.• . .' _~ ." .' " \. ". .':" . . . '.' ' J . ' .' . ". '. ~. .. "" . ~ ". ~" . • . :.. ; '. 't'''' ~ ,t ,'.: . • . "-:. . .f· ::,:, " . ,', ". ' : . ' . " .... ' .,' ". ". •. . ' •••• .~.," .' .~ • • • .' •••• '-" '. I • ':",'; :~. ',,:~:'" .... : ... \ .• , : : '$ • . '.' j' : , "; ., • " . ., , .... , ",' • l" # .,. ' .. ... , :. .... " ..... ~.. :.':., l.t. '. '. '.' .. " • ~ ", , ' "'," .~ '. ... • ' •.• ' .' ' , 'I .. ' ...... ~. f' .... . .,' _. " .. A,.. . : ..'. , .. ,'. ..... " . ' ".~.. , '". .. ',: • ; .. ' \ •. ~, • '. '" .• . ,. .. ... :. . ~ '. . '. , . .. , ...... . ~ . . \ ..... :.... i " .. .. I •• .:'. :. ". :,. .:. ' ".. ":.. ',:- :':' ,.~.\.""". . . '. .' , •••• 1~~estig~tl~n·l/c·~r~ied 'O'f' '\. '. . .. . , \.' ' . . . .. ,. ~ ; . .'. ' . ,.~ '. .; . t'h~' ~8~1~" ..;". ' :: ',' '.' ..~.'. :., >..: . -' • < "":' ~ .: '" . .. , " . . . , '.: ., ...:.:.: . . . :.·. on··· '.' . _ •• . ',' ~" .", level':, ... ,. '. "# ' , . " '. .' " ~ . •• • '", .... . .' "'S~8, Fi8b~~le·8:IDst1tute".· " . ,..". .. . . . ~ .- .'. " " 'Al. Zjednoczen1~1' ~ ,: '. '; ":'81';;J45'Gdyn1~'t'Pol~nd'''''::'' -'. ~ :. ':,' ;. .. ~ ,:' :.'... . ' . . ' ",-: :.,::,.,~",', :~.. <..' • .. " '.: . <, .',. ' ~ • .•..:.';." ·Tad·ijüsz. Woje·w6dzld.: \. ,', .. ': 1 ,,: . ' '. . .' • '. ',: . ... . :.-; •... i.·.... . .,' • " . '. ':,:' .:. , . .' .' , •• • .. ' ..: : :....:. .' '" .' ,'tci 11 H&1\\'11 •• '.. " ..:... '. .".... '. :. .in the.Baltic· '. ,.... . . . , '. ":~' h . .':'':::'. " ..~ ... ~. :···.·by·.· .. .... t . .' ••. ". .' . '." . "w8t~r~'dyn'a~1'o~~'::'t~~p~rät'u~e',: s~iinlt)i;"~nd:oiy~e'~ ~ ~. , ":'" ,:~'~:, 1' ,'lIebelei; : '. BI b 11 0 t h 0 .'3,.' ." : '.: :..':. ~','. , " . ..' '., " . ~;.:." ... ,.;. t.-:' ~ .:;. , '.:' ". '. "(". ~ ~'. ~". '.' ; ·HydrOg·r~phY .'O'~~itt'e~ ~ '.. ::. "<:"~' '. '" ". '. . .... ' ". ":::<; . .' .' '. .:' t>~,"0r3:~::lgf:I'~.\';.,·;: • . .... :..... '" ~.. ':.' "':.' '.., : C.M~ 1986/0 I))' .. : . . . 'Interns't'1oDa1 .GouDci1 tor"· .... ·.··.the Expl~r~t1on·. ~f"tb~·se·~··.' ." ,.. .' '. ~ J • o··oti·nc·;l.. out- in the. 19ä1-1985 ';. ' ..... , '.: ',' ". ~ ...: '...'. . '. . . . •.e·,··:" p~.r.~od .• temp~rE:'~uro. ,sa11n1t~,·. SDd o~geD ,.,~~~ 'snalysed... · Seaao- ". :1 ;,' 'f8i~te~Jl~~~~~~:,~~d ,88lilli,:~, ~D~m81i~,;,we~~ t~~?,U:8t8d.: ; , ' b-" ,... ',' ~ ,: ~'..:':;'. I~ /nuJ ~~~~d 't~~t.~,tbe .t~~~erat~~e.·~tlth~ '. u?p~r.~ ~ay.er· in. 1 ~81 ., , . ' \.' #< • . • • • . • .·.r•. p ' .,:, ..... "".~ t\."~ -' ;:'"",'l",~,, ~-~.~, .•<.'., .•;~"" """' .. ~ " ·!-I .... 0 . . . . ., , ' ,.' ', •.. :~. : .'. ' ..••.•••..•. '. • . ' ..... and ,:1982: WS·8 .. 01088' to normal.'· Dfetiet1y' warmer', periodswere . obser~ 't': "~.$"" ::'.:\~~' ":.:'~:""~' '.''ko' . '.' ,>: . :.. ":.' ... ".~. ,," ':'. "~' ~;" ,< ." .' .;. ',ved"·ib:1983 end 'the tirstl halt' of .1984~ These yearo. we~e charac:" v .:: ~~':~:•. ,'. ~~ :,.;.1".: • :" •.'.': .":'," .•;' '. ' .• ~. :. . . ~". " ~:. . ,'. '. . t , •• ..... ' ..... ~ •• .' : .•', ,'. • • ":' ' •• . ' . , ter1zed.·by positive teiDperature anoma11es. 1985 was tho ·coldest. I·~ . '~. . t".·~ .. ·~~~· ;:_" ... ">:"~~.'.~ .,',"-,:',. /~'., ~ ,'.: .... .' . ,~':."' ,: . . ' '.. _'~'~':'''''''~'''~ ,>.. '. :..~ . ': . ~., ..; on~'"the chenge '.:.~ '-'r", . :, :Y8srl" s8verewinter bad' agreat impaot· . . . . . . . . . .: .••• ::'.'.,~. ~ .•• ::.'. t. :) '. ' .':": '.:' ...... ' . ',:: g1cal oond1t1on8~ ..LerNer' ·temperst'ures " :'tb'e ::~~oie' .~~.: 1'~85 ",:",:,~: • . ' ~ ~" ••.• •• •• ~::. ". " ..... :-' ...:'d8.p.layer~" • •' .' ~ ~'- .. . ':. ...... ~. .' .', . '.' • • '. .. ": . . ,: ' ' .. .,."...... ware ,~.t; ,.~' "'4:." ,: .•..•. observed ~hr'oughout; .•-n~t' :6ni~ 1~".t~O· ~p'p~r .~'~~~~ :'but "~l~~ 'in·t'he, •••• ' ' ~'....:' ." .~ . .'. . .." ~. .- ." . "." • .. " '.,.~" • . '.': . ' . ~ • :." :- ..;' ~ '<."'~' :". I'"'· .. '··.·,:,. of', bydl"olo- , •••••. : ' ••: • • ••. .. ':":. •~. • " , • " ..... , · . · · . · ·. . . 1 , ' • • . . • ', : ~. '•• _ .... . ,,' , . , ' .. , t. " • ~ •• . ~. . . :. I • '!' . .' ,. .. . " ...• . . ~." <," ..' • • '• . ". , .. • ~ .... 2 .. ~' -~ - , . [,' " .~., i ~ ../ t. • " , .. :. t -,- -, . ", . , , layer was' dff'terent' 1n . flach . of . . Water D'~lfnity, in tbo uppor tbc tollowing threo ~. . . 1 '- oalin1ty decreoaet'.1n 1981 and p01"i,odDt. • • < 1982; 2 - ool1n~ty 1noroooo. otter, the 1nf'lows 1n sutumn 1982 . . end tbc turn ot 1983/19841') '" . . . . ' , "~' .' w·e.re deoreaoo' trom m1d ,- 1984 to'1 ~85. "ben minimum va lues: . .: , • pet:tod.of'repee.ted aelinity 0 , , ' , , ' re~ . " .' oorded;' Tbeoa1inity of tbc doep 10'191' ;"88 .obOr8ot~rizod: .by an . . . ,.' 1ncro080 duringthe Inflowo of 1982 end 198.3. doore~aoin in 1984. o1'1do oubotant1a1 . ' sligbt .c:Iecrease 0 j. • 1985. Oxygen level in tbo upper 10yer in. tbe.1981-1985·period . . . . . ~ ~ ... ~' . ".. , '.\"', fluctuated botween obout. 10.5 . OXyge~ . contents . . ."ml)1 01'146.5 mI/I..· . . .. in tbo d~ep loyervarled,trom yoarto',year•.·ln1981-1982 ~ntil . at:~beir,.riinim~,inore'aS1ngafter-" on intlow. oxygon 1evelo were • " • • .,. "'" ' ... I ••• ' , ' : . .' .... , wordo to 2.0-6.2 mI/I. Oxygen oonditionsotter on intlow impro. . , . , vod ot. tbe. turn of 198.3/1984 . but tbis oituot1on did not last .. . ' . long. In 1985, oxygori lovals ronged' trom 2.8 to 4 :ml/.1~,· ,':, . _ .."l :' " , In'''th~ 1981~1985 ~. , ., • t. ',0-.. ."~' t ,,.. ~\" : ; • ~.. .....' I • 1- ',~, . ,/. '..;. ' " • 'j '. 'voDoola < . " , , , \ ~ • 1. ,-. • oea~onQl ~nVe~~lgatlons'"ere' zone'• .' Regular ., .... , ' ' pariod," tbe' Se'ö p'1sheries .lnstitute' oar- ~. 0' ' • ", , o~t' 48 ·o·o~o:no~~a~h1c .. ~~se'ar~~· o~ui8es' 1~ .t~·e,poli8b ried . ' t .' "'.~,,,.- .' ...: . . . . . . . "; ,. . . tishery' ' conduoted t;om tbe.: .. "Birkut".·.~~d-nDr':t~~~'C~1~~~'. Th~~, e~abr~d .u~-dated. evelua;" .' , •.•_ 'I,:" ...~" , ,. ~,~; .' .' ,. ': !."" ,....... .ß ~ • •• ' .,' ,..: ~ _.'~ . . '. t10n ot environments1 obangoa, and oerved.f'ortbtfp,.paration. of . '" .i: ~.' ";.~ ..... ';!",', • , ; " {: '- '~, ~:': "'_ ,t.", ",_,1. .-" ", _ qunrtorly bydrolegical end tiohery 1'oroc8sts.· Additional·reoon;. • .••. i '. "". '" ~. " ... . ':.... ., -'. ~- "'" "':'4 ". • " . DaioCJoDOO invostigntiona made ,it possiblo,aJr1c'ng ethers, .tl). ol,)..' ";- • • .. '.', . • .... • .• • .! • • • I> .".' . ~. ,'~ \. .... .', oervcd tbo 11'11'10" of Ootober';'Wovember·1982.. An extensive, range~:. . . . ~ ' , I " . • • J, ... .', ,.1 • ,J' .', .,O!', ~n~~r~nmental. . ", ~o~~ " l' , .. o~t~ine~ durlri'~·OO~Pl~X'. :Bolt1~ . ~t~d10~ W8S t , ' • oondu~ted o~' ,:the re~eoroh"veB~el" "Proteoor' S1edleok1" ~ • • ". " l " ~ • . 'ln • ~ •. July, ' 1'981"MB1 1983, "AugustTSeptember, 1983,. Mey 1985. The uac' of thi~ ve88'e~ mo~'e ,:it' po~oible'.tD studY' oer'tein in tbc' Baitic ~hY8i~~-che~io~1."prooesseo' 8~~ b1~lo~ioal·'Phe~~~e'ne ot ':: ~ ~ ,; , ri:tlme . " ' . "ben :they were 'undergoing repid..changeo'. Invostigationa wo're : , t • • ~... . .' '. .'". " . • . . .' , ,',' • carr1ed out twice during a storm.·'1nterest1ngs recordingsof' ., • • .' " .'\ -, _", . \ :' ... ~. • I ~ '. ." ,.' ., ' . ••• . • . '. '.. • .: . ' .• ~, ~ . • ..,'". ~ ourrents be1ng' obtoined /Woje,.,6dzki' et 01. , 19ß5/.' Upwolling " '~nd 'meso~c81e' e·dd1es'.were. iocalte~ l~iec'~~~8"'1985i:Maje~iCZ " " 'and ore'~'~lJki';'~~8'5/. ,:",~ce~'io~e8~~~.. ~os :~8rrled' o~~"d~~i,~g,' 8 perlod 'of stagnation of the deep layer·/July 1981; 'AugUst-, sePt~mber :19~3/. I~ 'l4oy 198;3',,, 0 ' d'et~1ledview ,of "ater' Bt~ctU';' .' . . . . . .. . .' " . • ' • ' . . ~ • * ~ . J. . • re wa8 8cqu1red ofter'the inflow'ofoutumn'1982. Pinally, in· .. May 1985 •. 8n.l ,unuBuel phenomenon ,ot s~veQt1on' of cold' w8t~r .into •• , • • • •• t · ,the de~p layer afte·r"·~ne ot the' most oevere' winters in the' Es 1";' , tlc oboeryo,d. 'A,' total' of W8S "'~'~'l"', . 55. thou~and' information . "·ti ~.~ " M'~ • uni t~ ~. • " • : /observations,' me8surements, 'snelyses, including nutrlentol waa . • ••••• • ( ~ " ~ • c· , : _. > .,.',.. . . ..' ,,:.,'":". " collect~d. " Thanks. to oll these, ~ ~ I • : 0> ~ ~.'; ~ Inve8tigotiDn~,.,the -. ~ "'\'. Polioh\:fiobe- '~y z,~ne 'w~~ 'one of, the' :be~t 'e'xplored 8~eao "~i tbo, 'Bs-lticiri<the . 19äf-1985 'perlod~ . ", " . ' , .: " ',' . . .. " . ;, , . ~~ I J,' . ... .. 'I • ". .. Method " , 'Water temperature .,w8s.meooured with Japenes'e end West Ger- ' man ~~~e'rs'1ble"th'e'rmometer~ "i~~ 8naCCUr~cy, .~iWl~h:'62j~ ~ . Ple:8aey , cf o.o~oc, a~11nometer8'wlth ~n:occuracy ci 0.0010/00.. . ". " \, . . solinity' ' . - 4- . OXygon lovel bY' the detormined WOB ' Winkler method., rhe'date 001- ' leoted trom 'tho 'npr~tooor"Siedleoki's" cruisGs .' ,wosprocessed by ' . ' ~. " meana of BtQndardpro'gra~a:s on the Elliot' 90~oomput,er. Tho interpretot1'on ~t tbe materi~l coilect'e,d we's besed on ~; ~ \ . station B2 !Slupsk Furroff/. stations 'repreoonting tho ,'main 'arass ot the Polish fisbery z,one: , , ototion B1-IBY';'5 /Bornholm' DcapI, . ' ' , ' ... . I ' ' , ototion' G2 !Gdanak 'Doep/. Par Ithos8 stations, ,meen " , <.\,' '" .,,' " '. w~ter ',,' tempe- , raturo ana oallnity valueo were oalouleted tor the main months .. of' oach:.aoaoon 1n the '1958-1984 par1od. These velues' served es' o boois tor comparloon' tri th .1;he~81ua8'aeesured C?n" ~pe~i~io dateo. ' . ~. RODulto. Wotor ...... temperature ---~--- ~'. "In tho '1"ive-yo~r poriod trom 1981 to 1985,' weter'tempera~ ture 01" tbo' upp~r • f 1982, • 'r ,~ ,'" i;. leyer "8B qui te divers1tied /Fig•. 2/. In 1,98,1- . ~ 00800001 tluo~uation8 ,~lightlY deperted fro~ meen yalues; l1otor tompo1"aturo was bigher in tbe 8pring-summer,seoBon.and lowor - in the outumn-w1nter Be08on~ The . yoar 1983 wes a d1st1nc. t1y'warmer poriod, OB woll a8 the ti,rat halt ot,1984;1985 .was . ':' '., the c01doot. A charocter1stio fpature i8 the abape or anomaly .ourv8ain·tho opon BaD erooß /Bornbolm Deop; S;l:upsk Purro.,,/. Spring periodo may be ditJtinguished 'in the GdsMk Deepl th~ , higheot tomperaturo anomalios"reeob up to about , ~oC/ev~n'ln the . , o'oldeat year1985/. Thia 19 a result ot ,tbe increage in temp,ers'-,' •, .• - 5 - " turo of tbo tbln ourfcco woter 10yo= 1n tbo upring, tho advcct1onof water from /~armor +:.~ OQu~od by Gu1f' of Gdonok ond tho Viotulo ot that timet. Fig. J proae~to tho wa~or tccpereture anomaly curve for thl0 part of thc uppor layor ubiob 10 poaitioncd dircotly obove the bolcclino /winteruator/. Un1ike, in thc uppor near-aurfoco • • port of tbc uppor laycr. nOGative ~äluoo of thc anoma1y prodo- minate hore in tbc t1vo-yoar otudy period. The yeor 1983 io tho moat typiesl witb pooitiYO thermal roault ~emporaturß anom81~oo, ~ .. of tho Inflon cf 1982 end, ot tho same tlmo, mild winter. During tbo poricd er thermal cinimmJ /Fobruory-Murcb/, tho tcmperot~ro - of tho upper loyor rangod in 011 orooa in 1983 botwoon 2 ond 3 0 c. In'thc Bummor cf that yeor, tbo higboot ourfooo wator tompcraturea ware ,0100 obacrvod thera for tho fiva-yöar poriodl' from 18.65°0 in tbc Bornhol~ Doop to 20.61 0 0·in tbo Gdonok Daop. • In thc docp iayor !Fig. 4/. until tho 1n1"100 lautumn of 1982/" negative thermal onomalioa ware mointolned'tho proviouo in~lowo! 1980 wao an intl~ of cold wator/. An 1ncroooe in tomporaturo pt tho doop loyor during,tho ~nf1ow of 1982 WOG vl- oible in tbo maximum pooitivo ono~a1Y lover 3 0 CI in the Bornbolm .Doep. Ac 0 1983-1984, reault cf thia intlo':'1 ond tbo inter-loyer Inf'lf?\"I in· 0 two-ycar poriod of inereooed dynomico of doep layor notar ond maximum otoring of heot could bo obaorved in tbc opcn000 areoa /Btotiono B1 ond B2/. On tho other hand, wotor fl~1ing into tho Gdonak Dccp ond coming trom intormediato loyera cf tbc Slupok Furrow WaD olroady coolod~ In November 1984, wator witb - 6 - Q .' tocporoturo of 7.03 0 C tlrnyod:1nto thio oroa, whlch in tbc pooitlvo thorcolono~~ly ot of 1985- An 1ntorcatins phQnoco~on thc turn' o~ WOD violble 1984/beginning usa thaadvoot1on of oold uotar after tho winter cf 1985, oapooiolly via1ble in tbo Slupok, FurrCri1 and tha Gdolbk Doop_ \iota%" co11n1ty ----...... - .... In tbo , c~linity ohongoo of thc uppcr loycr, threo ohorao- torlotio porioda c:1y bo diotlnguiohed: oolln1ty drop in 1981-1982, oolinity inereono in 1983-1964, 00 0 rooult o.f inflo71o, ond \ o olight drop in oolin1ty in 1985, Da doubt 0 rOßult of tho ar- rootod by leo oondltiono exohange of rmtor \71 th tho ITorth Sen /FIG- 5/. Sa~inity obongoa in tho doop loyor in tho f1vo-yoor period ;~ . ttoro 01el10r to tbo ehancoo in tbo uppor Ip:;or !Fig. '6/. !.Urii- oum oal1nity uno oboorvod in tho poriod of otognntion /1981-1982/_ Aftor tbo. ~ti~.~n.in!l~l of 1982,0 mozloum voluo waD rocordod in tbo Bornho1c Doop /18_36 % 0/ in Doooobor. ond in, thc fol- lowing montho.in oubaoquont eroao to tho oaot. Tbc next inflow /1983/1984/ wao weck end . roproaontod on intor-Ioyor ofrocto 00 ~oro beot vioiblo in tbc by obcut 2 % S~upak Furr~ Inflo~; ita /oolinity inoroo- 01 ond tho Gdanok Doop /oolln1ty Inoroaoo by' OboutO,50/oo/. Si~i1orlYt in 1985. on inoroooa in Gollnity 1700 moat pronouncod in thooo tno aronOI it waD a rooult cf Inorcaocd dynamica cf Intcrmodioto loyoro ond odvaction of cold notar. \ • • -- --- - - 7 - .QxIg~n_l~v!l_i!! ,!h!! ,2,cE.p_l!!yor_ ChangoD in oxygon.lovol'ot tbc bottom'oorreepondod more or 100a to oollnity changoa in thlu layor jFig~ 7/.-Aa for.back 00 19Q1,. tho oxygonntion of tho mnin arens rolotively good WaD after tho two infloi'lo o~ 1979 nnd 1980. Um"lovcr, arlcady in tIDy .. .1ayer 1000 . 1981. c porlod of otognotion bogOll. In July, the neor-bottom ~ith a thicknooo of 25 c in tbo Bornholm DO~p contoinod oxygen thon 1 mI/I. In tbc Gd~111Dk Do.op thfs loyor m/~ thicker /JO T7D.O oven ond botton Godinento fron both areaa containod oulphurotted h)'drogon !Piochuro, 1985/. In tho oxygon lovel in tho oprinG ond cm::.mor of' 1982 mI/I, roopectlvoly. Ac~ording.to S~upok WEH] FurrO\'1, 0.48 and 0 .. 78 Dur ooaouromcnto, thone crorc tbo lo"oot valuco in thio aruß in tbc oholo 25~yeor poriod.Aftcr tbc autumn iufIer'( of' 1982, boginning \,.,i th thc Dornholm Doep. o gradual improvoment in o:ygo~ oituotion ,e I t UO? obacrvcd. In tho' Dornhole Deop Dur QooourccontD /1982.12.18/ ah~od a lovel of 6.20 mI/I. Suche high oxygon lovolromainod thora for Q . ohort tlmaduo to oxygonotlon procooaooi booidoo, thc of inflow wator noo lo~or th~n - oxpootod nnd it vcry VOlUlnO quio~ly undor- "Jent trana:t"ormation. After thc noxt inflo.v Ion. :1.ntcr-loyer onol cf 1983/1984. oxygon oonditlonD icprovod for n abort time-in tho Bornholm und Gdanok Doopo IroQcb1ng 4 end 2 mlll, rcopoctivoly/. In tho formol" • 01'60, I olroody in Moy and untl1 thc end of tho yoor, only traoo -quonti tloo ofoxygon V10ro noted. Into thc Gda usk Docp, already in novombor, notar :rrol:1 tho Slupak Purro':"l wao tranoported thonka to dynom1o' procoDBoa ot the bottom and - 8 - . oxygen lOTOl inareosod to 2.8 ml/l. Furthor incroaae to ovar 4 snl/l wno a rOBult ot""odvection of' cold \Toter in Moy 1985. Conclusiono In tbo 1981-1985 poriod~ thanka to intensive invcstigationo of tho" Pol1oh fiohory zone, it wOß pOßoible to obsorvc thc moat tt importaDt ebangeo of"main hydrologieal charaeteriatic6, nnd quito often - tho procoDBoD roaponoible ~or thoir nppoorancc. Tho refJulto of these otudioo" :f'ormod n background of cnviroDoontal condit10ns whieb enablod a better undorstonding end explanation of many blo1ogical ebengea aa well 09 dovelopmont ond trenda in flob atoako. Tbo moat vnluable rooulta ware colloctcd in JUly' 1981 on tbo. "Profesor Sicdleakl". Tboy aonati tutad ma- . ,.. . toriel tor aomperisoDa 01" reaulta in tbo tollovting ycors, ,including thoso" coming trom throo cruioos of tbc "ProfeDor Siedlecki"• In each of those. cruioeo, intorooting mosoDcale phcnomcna or procoQßoa were encountorod. Thla wos pOBolble tbenko to 8 donne notwork of statio~a invoatlgatod witbin-~ ahort time Iquasioynoptlcity of lnveotigations/. In tho,fivo-yeor porlod undordiscus. . . . . oion, one.of tbo most importsnt facta waa·~odoubtthQ olmost ~wo-yoar nity poriod 1198J-1984/·ot optimum thormal, oxygen, end sali- condit~ona fl~a, end thc for. biologicol 11fo in thc Baltio ofter tbc 1n- exe~ptlonol eooling "of tbo doep layor in 1985. It appoaro from ,tbo onalyol0 of date that tbo Pollah fishery 20no io oharaeterlzed by.rolatively good onvlronmentsl eondltions • \ - - 9 - ~1th tho cxooption of tho doopoat part of thc Bornholm Deep• . Tbo Slupok Furr~ ~sinto1nod good oxygon oonditiona in thc whole fivo-yoar pcriod,.uith the oxcoption cf spring and Dummor of 1982. In tho Gdonok Docp, uotor odvection proccasea fromthc S~upnk Furrc~ /tho utrongoot in autumn of 1984 end spring of 1985/, indopendont of • 1ntlo~D, ware obaerved Boversl times. Thanko to thom, Dolinity und oxygon in th1s aron ·waro. relatively good. Ltterotul"O r.!ojewicz J.., Grolcwoki. A.. 1985. WYfJt~pcwanie dwukierunkowej otruk tury ~ir~7oj rr po}udnim~ym Baatyku. Raporty MorDkiago Inotytutu Ryback1cgo 1982-1983, Wydm"lnict\"lo l!IR, Gc.ynio. tt I I. Picchura J. 1985. Tocporaturo i zaaolenio w6d w polckiej otrofie v~lqcznogo rybo~6w9twa w lipcu 1981 r. Froce MIR, tom 20, Gdynio. Wojewodzki T. 1985. Badonio oceanog!oficzno Ba~tyku ~ latoch 1946-1985. Biulotyn Morakiego Inotytutu Rybackiego, Gdynia, nr 3-4. Wojo~6dzki T.. , Grülowaki A., Piechura J. 1985. Kierunoki pr~d­ kODe prqd6w w polakioj strefio Eo~tyku w lipcu 1981 r. Prooo MIR, tom 20, Gdynia. Sb 81 30 fJO • • 0 55 ~ • , ~ "4 • 53 55 • 0 6~ • • 07 63 63 • • . 82 79 G.tl • • 78 1 33 '. • 84 o Tl. P0 11 jg • • • 6' • 7 • 0- 15 <Q • ".J · 26 32 3S 0 1~ 1c 25 I3 37 • 0 • • • • {,S /,5 • 53 SO • • 59 /,9 • 61 • 71o Kt • 7S 60 72 7{, o • • • • 99 y _li 5 • 8 o 13 20 12 21 • 24 • o 'w • 0 0 1ig. 1 Di8tribut1e~ er oceanogreph1c 8empl1ng .t.t1oce io tbe 1981-1985 per1cd. -- - . - oe 2 sr 81 -J oe -2 3 sr .82 2 t.. -1 3 -2 62 2 .J 0 -1 _I~,.............L.'......-LI................L..l.L.-L.-11 1981 « 1 ' • , 1982 , t r , • ~ 1..,1,,'-....-~ • .o-i''. .....- . _ ....... '""'-,+--1.~"",,-,-~ ............&.-i'I 1983 ' • 198 L , , , . , 1985 - Fig. 2 Surface water temparatul'e anomarÜ~B /Zt!1 t main areas of the Polish ~ishery zone t °e/ in the , . "I _>oe._ _ .... -' _..- . oe 3 2 sr 81 -1 oe 2 -1 -2 1981 . F1g. J 1983 198 t. Water temperature anomalies /±At, Oe! of the upper layer./above the halocline/ in the main areas of the Polish fiahary zone. -~ -- ------- - -~ - . - - . oe 3 2 sr 81 l 0 ,I ·1 ·2 oe -3 2. sr B2 7./1 r 0 -1 oe -2 2 -3 ~ srG2 oI------L-------L------l-::;;::=:::::::-~~;:__..J.--___::::::::_-___::_r_-'-_\_----..J -1 -2 ..J./-+I....,.................__,....'I-J..'...1-1...'..1-'...LI+1"""...1-.... ' .J....-J.'-"-L..'-1.'...l.1-I.'-L-~.-"--'-...L..-l,I-'...I'--'-' ...I.-'-"'-'!~.--'--'--'--"'--'-! ......L-'-:..-"....1-...... _'--'-...L-..l--'-L-.:.-...:..-t.-l.-L-,. 198' 1982 1983 1981. 1985 -l-.......--1-'.... ' "L,' 1980 Fig. 4 Tümporaturc DnO:;,31ifJG /!:.6t, °e/ Df thc dccp lnycl' in tho nain arcuß cf thc PollGh fiohcry ~Dnß. ---- - :,- 05 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 . SI 81 o I----------i~-__,,~-----L-------l----.-;;..--...&-:!I.---~~---J - 0.1 - 0.2 - 0.3 OJ.. -OA 0.5 0.1. s182 03 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -01 ·03 -0.1. -OS %0 0.5 0.1. 0.3 0.2 0.1 s162 01--~--_---iL...--------"'-.......;:'r+----J-------....l--~-------l -0.1 -0.2 -03 1981 1985 1983 Pie. 5 Salinity anomnliea /±t1s, % 0/ of thc water Durface in tho main arenn of the Poliah fiahery zone. - ---------- -- --- .. '/ 18 17 , 15 ST 15 81 ~ VV 11, 0/00 11, 5T.82 13 Vv. 12 • -j I °/"0 12 1) j 11 ~ l sr 62 . 19a5 Pie- 6 Salinity ot tho bottcm in tbc main GreDG cf tho Polilibh fiahory zono .. I rnl/ I ST'B1 6 s 4 3 ~ . l~ 2 I , 0 ST • 82 ST 62 6 S l, ) 2 0 e. l. . I ,~ ) 2 ·1 ;985 'Oxygen 'level et the bottom in tbe m~lin 1981· Fig. 7 ~' I 1982 1983 Pollah fiehery' zone. I 1984 ersa8 of the .