THIS PAPER NOT TO BE CITED WITHOUT PRIOR REFERENCE TO THE AUTHORS International Couneil for the Exploration of the Sea GM 1986/C:5 Hydrography Committee CURRENT METER OBSERVATIONS IN THE NORTH CHANNEL AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO LOCAL WIND C. A. Hudson and J. A. Duranee Ministry of Agrieulture, Fisheries and Food Direetorate of Fisheries Research Fisheries Laboratory Lowestoft, Suffolk NR33 OHT, England ABSTRACT Aseries of eurrent meter observations taken in spring 1985 was • used, with a simplified eross-seetion, to estimate the transport through the North Channel of the Irish Sea. Wind data from two loeal stations were available over the same period, allowing a study of the relationship between wind and transport to be made. Similar relationships between wind and individual eurrent meter reeords were also examined. Estimates were made of the direetion of the wind eomponent whieh gave the best visual correlation with transport and flow. The time lag between wind and wind indueed effeets was also considered. , , RESUME L'on s'est servi d'une section simplifiee des mesures relevees au • eourantometre au printernps de l'annee 1985 pour estimer le transport par le eanal septentrional de la mer d'Irlande. L'on disposait en outre des releves du vent l deux stations de la region sur la a permis d'et~dier la rel~tion m~me periode, ce qui entre le vent et le transport. tions analogues entre les releves du vent et les releves courantometres ont aussi ete examinees. a Des rela- chacun des L'on a estime la direction de la composante eolienne qui donnait lu meilleure correlation visuelle avec le transport et le debit. Le decalage temporel entre le vent et les effets du vent a par ailleurs, ete considere. INTRODUCTION Previous studies of the dynamics of the Irish Sea and adjoining waters have used a variety of methods to estimate the transport and eurrents through the North Channel. 1 Continuity methods using tracers such as salt and caesium 137 produced results which have been summarised by McKay and Baxter (1985). Transport estimates vary from 4.7 x 104 m3 s- 1 to 5.8 x 104 m3 s- 1 , although earlier work by Bowden (1950) using continuity of salt and taking account of longitudinal mixing gives an estimate of 2.6 x 104 m3 s- 1 , and a model of caesium 137 mixing by Prandle (1984) estimated 6.0 x 3 transport of 1Q4 m3 s -1. Early use of Lagrangian current measuring methods, using surface drifters, indicated a southward flow along the Irish Coast but did not allow any transport calculations to be made. Eulerian current measurements in the area have been restricted by the hostility of the environment and there have been no previous current measurements from the deep part of the channel where depths in excess of 200 m and strong tides make the successful mooring of current meters exceptionally difficult. Howarth (1982) deployed aseries of moorings in the Malin Shelf Sea and North Channel. • However, only three of these lay in the channel. At the same time Howarth recorded the potential of the Port Patrick to Donaghadee telegraph cable. Using Faraday's law these measurements provide another method of estimating through channel flow. The method had been used previously by Bowden and Hughes (1961), Prandle and Harrison (1975) and by Prandle (1976) and (1979). All these authors con- sidered the possibility of a relationship between the cable potential and Iocal wind. Howarth extended study of such a relationship to his current meter data. He observed continuous southward flow along the Irish Coast and near the Mull of Galloway but flow of variable direction at his central mooring, the direction of the flow depending on the direction of the mean wind stress. As long as the winds were not weak, his correla- tion between longitudinal wind stress and cable voltage was good with values'of up to 0.85. I I' I In the present study currents have been measured directly using a se ries of moorings across the channel (Figure 1). to estimate the overall transport. These have been used Local wind data has been used to study the wind/transport or wind/current relationship. CURRENT METER DATA In 1985 the MAFF, Fisheries Laboratory, Lowestoft, deployed aseries of current meter moorings in the North Channel at the positions shown in Figure 1. The deployment, from 21 March to 12 June was divided into two 2 • distinct parts by the mooring servicing around 25 April. seven moorin~s were deployed comprisin~ Initially, fifteen current meters. Of these, only one (AB) failed to return any data, whilst two others (FB and GM) returned curtailed records. After servicing only five moorings were redeployed and of the eleven meters, two returned no data and a third returned only seventeen days data, compared with thirty-two days and forty-five days from other meters. Coverage, especially on the eastern side, was, therefore much better for the first half of the deployment and only figures from this data set were used to estimate transport. Current meter data was available in component form at ten-minute intervals but, initially only filtered daily means were used to calculate the transport. Data was presented in components in 330° and 60° directions (that is parallel with and perpendicular to the axis of the • channel). CALCULATION OF TRANSPORT Transport was calculated across a section running 60° to 240°, using the 330° current component. A cross section of the channel was obtained from an echo sounder transect by the MAFF Research Vessel CLIONE. Although this may not have been very accurate, any inaccuracies apart from those at the extreme edges were considered to be insignificant compared with the uncertainties introduced when extrapolating the current measurements over the area of the blocks into which the section was divided. Figure 2 shows the division of the cross section into blocks in such a way that each block. except for those at the edges of the channel. contained one current meter position. The names by which the blocks are referred to are also given in the figure. In most cases the first letter in the name refers to the mooring name and the second to the current meter position (Top, Middle or Bottom) on the mooring. Transport for each block was calculated by multiplying the estimated area of the block by tlle 330° current component from the relevant meter. For blocks not containing meters and for those where the meter returned incomplete records, values from the nearest appropriate mooring were used. Daily means were calculated for the whole area (Figure 3). The means over the twenty five-days of the deployment were calculated for each block and plotted (Figure 4). In this figure the height of each bar Is proportional to the current and the area of the bar proportional to the transport. 3 WIND DATA Local wind data was available at three-hourly intervals from two stations, Orlock Point and West Fruegh (Figure 1). speed (in knots) and direction. Data was presented as Daily means were calculated and the com- ponents every ten degrees were derived. Wind values at the two stations correlated weIl, as might be expected with speeds at Orlock Point generally higher (Figure 5). In this paper only the West Fruegh data, a stick plot of which is shown in Figure 6, are used. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 7 shows progressive vector diagrams (PVD) for the current meter data after a Gaussian filter has been applied. The variation in scales should be noted when making intercomparisons. Apart from the westernmost mooring (I) flow, especially in the upper layer is generally to the north north west, that is outward along the axis of the channel. In the case of I, flow in the upper layer is to the south south east and that in the lower layer to the west. • At the end of the period southward flow can be seen in the upper layer as far east a mooring G. Figure' 8(a and b) shows the variation of upper layer flow with time for both deployments, and the north/south component of wind (note that the wind data was only available up to 31 May). After the service no records were returned for the top meters of the G and E moorings. curves in Figure The dotted 8(a and b) show records for the middle and bottom meter from G and E respectively. clear from this figure. The paucity of data after the service is Again, the increased 'inflow' at the end of the first period is visible. This widening of the inflow may go some way towards explaining observations of changes in the salinity field of the North Channel. Figure 9 shows aseries of salinity profiles collected by MAFF, 5MBA and DAFS between November 1984 and August 1985. Of these, three (e, f & g) from MAFF and DAFS cruises coincide with the period of the current meter deployment. The area of maximum salinity at the centre in Figure 9 (e & f, when southward flow was restricted to the I mooring, is in the cent re of the channel but by the end of the period in Figure 9(g) when thc inflow has broadened the high salinity water has been displaced to the east. Previous studies of the wind/transport relationship used anequation of the form U(t+ßt) = AW2 (t)cos(9(t)-a)+U o 4 • where U(t), the residual flow (or in some cases the potential of the telegraph cable) lags the wind stress W2 (t) by a time ~t with wind blowing from 0(t). The wind 1s most effective at producing residual flow when blowing from angle a. A is a coefficient and U is the residual o flow (or potential) which does not depend on wind forcing. Figure 10 shows plots of daily mean transport and daily mean wind component at intervals of 30°. Although it 1s difficult to see, from these plots, a "best" wind direction a, the correlation with wind from 150° appears slightly better over the majority of the period. The notable exception is at the time of minimum transport on 31 March. It would be expected that there would be some time lag between wind stress being applied and change in current and hence in transport. vious work gives values of • ~t Pre- of the order of hours or less; e.g. Bowden and Hughes (1961) 2 hours, and Prandle and Harrison (1975) a few minutes. However, the latter do point out that the resolution in time of the wind data (6 hours in their case) does not allow accurate determination of the lag. The daily mean plots of Figure 10 do not allow estimates of lag of the order of hours. However, the possibility of a longer time lag, allowing for the cumulative effect of wind on transport has been considered. This mayaiso be equivalent to looking at the effects of winds further away from the area, which may take days to act. shows plots of the 150 to four days. 0 Figure 11 wind component and transport for time lags of one The four-day lag gives reasonable correlat10n for most of the period. Over the twenty-five-day period the mean transport was estimated to be 8.5 x 104m3 s-l. This is larger than the estimates made by tracer and modelling methods but agrees well with Howarth (1982) value of 8 x 10 4 m3 s-l outflmT for his moorings A, Band C. when the wind was southerly. However~Tfowarth also quoted a net inflow transport of 2.2 x 104m3 s-l when the wind was northerly and explained this by pointing out the high correlation between the current at his centre mooring Band the wind. There is no equivalent station in the present study as Howarth's station B was further north than all our stations, but this reversal in flow is seen in moorings Hand C as discussed previously. The fact that Howarth is extrapolating his southward flow over a far wider area than in our case, explains the southward transport. His easternmost station, again further north than the present ones, showed southward flow over the 45 d of his record which is not seen at station E in our study. 5 The minimum daily mean transport in the March-April period was 0.6 x 10 4 m3 s-1 on 31 March and the maximum of 3.65 x 10 5 m3 s-1 occurred the previous day. Correlation between wind and current at individual meters was also studied. The inclusion of the wind data in Figure 8 allows a more detailed study of wind current correlation. This figure shows that cer- tain 'events appear all the way across the chanilel'. For instance, the .southward maximum atH and I has corresponding decreases in northward flow at the other moorings on 31 March and there is a northward maximum .at I, Hand F on 24th May. However the southward maximum at E with corresponding minima in northward flow at Fand A seems to lead the equivalent minimum at G, C, Hand I by a day. (This may be due to the averaging of data.) Some of these phenomena have corresponding wind changes. For instance, there is a southward maximum on 11 April and northerly wind for aperiod from the 18 April when the flow is at it's broadest. CONCLUSIONS Aseries of current meters has provided good coverage,of the North Channel and has allowed an estimate to be made of the daily mean transport. Graphs have shown that, although correlation with the wind is not necessarily as clear as suggested in previous work, there is certainly some wind/transport relationship. Howarth's conclusion that there is better correlation in the "middle" of the channel than at the edges was not confirmed, although his "middle" station was in 150 m of water and not in the deepest part of the channel (compare the present station G in nearly 280 m). Other differences between the results in this paper and his mayaiso be due to the different coverage of the region and the number of near-bed observations included in our transport estimates. In order to get better estimates of "best" wind angle (a) and time lag (Ät), calculations of mean transport every three hours would need to be made. These could then be used with the three-hourly wind data. In this paper no account has been taken of other current forcing sources such as pressure gradients. Tide gauge da ta will shortly be available from lOS (Bidston) from Portpatrick and Belfast. With this additional information allowing for estimation of these contributions to the currents, our remarkably good data set might be analysed to reach further conclusions on the flow pattern and wind/transport relationship in the area. 6 • --------- \ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to thank David El1~tt (SMBA) and Tony Martin (DAFS) for supplying the salinity profiles shown in Figure 9. REFERENCES BOWDEN. K. F•• 1950. Processes affecting the salinity of the Irish Sea. Monthly Not. Roy. Astr. Soc •• Geophys. Suppl •• BOWDEN. K. F. and HUGHES. P•• 1961. ~(2): 63-90. The flow of water through the Irish Geophys. J. R. Astr. Soc •• 5: Sea and its relation to wind. 265-291. HOWARTH. M. J •• 1982. Non-tidal flow in the North Channel of the lrish Sea. pp. 205-241. • In: J. C. J. Nihoul (ed.). semi-enciosed shelf seas. Hydrodynamics of Elsevier. Amsterdam. Oxford and New York. McKAY. W. A. and BAXTER. M. S•• 1985. Water transport from the North-east Irish Sea to Western Scottish coastal waters: further observations from time-trend matching of SellaEield radiocaesium. Estuar. Cstl Shelf Sei •• PRANDLE, D., 1976. lrish Sea. PRANDLE, D•• 1979. ~ (4): 471-480. Wind indueed flow through the North Channel of the Geophys. J. R. Astr. Soe •• ~: 437-442. Reeordings oE potential difference across the Portpatriek-Donaghadee submarine eable (1977/78). Rep. lnst. Oeeanogr. Sei •• (83). 1-9. (unpublished manuseript). PRANDLE. D•• 1984. • A modelling study of mixing of 13/Cs in the seas of the European continental sheif. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond •• A310: 407-436. PRANDLE. D. and HARRISON. A. J •• 1975. Reeording of potential difference across the Portpatrick-Donaghadee submarine cable. Oeeanogr. Sei •• (21), 1-14. Rep. (unpublished manuseript). 7 Ins~~ I I I Orlock v II I Jl l.b~=========================================================================-=: .. -l Figure 1. Current meter mooring positions anrl wind da ta station posit ions. e west 0 , "- I 40 H C I " " "- G A E F WE '" -- east EaT WT IT + + HT + CT AT FT ET + + + EaE / / I / / + EaB GT 80 IB 120 + 160 HB AB 200 240 280 _------'--------'--'----'---""---''--------'---J L - I Figure 2. Bottom profile of North Channel with blocks used in transport calculations. 5 ,........ 4- It) + 0 ..... I.&J x 3 2 1 CI) " .." 0 ~ '-' -1 .... 0::: -2 0 Q.. CI) Z ~ .... -3 -4- • 0::: -5 27 MARCH 1 Figure 6 DATE 11 16 APRIL 3. Daily mean transport values. Key 11 Top meter ~ Middle meter o Bottom meter • WE Figure W He GAF E Ea EaE 4. Twenty-five day mean transport for individual blocks. 40 . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , 20 10 30 WEST F ~ (f) "'~ '-' 20 0 10 -10 ORLOCK C LaJ LaJ a.. 0 -20 -10 --30 (f) - 20 L..J.-I-L-..I-...L.....I-.L..J.....L...........L...L-I-L-L..&-..I~...&.._L~ . ............&._a......L._a...._lI.__"_..........- - ' - - ' 27 1 MARCH Figure 6 DATE 11 APRIL 16 21 5. Wind data (3 hourly) for Orlock Point and West Fruegh. 26 -40 ~ .... ce 0_ %0) ....... E ~u .... - ~ 0 cn 10 5 0 -5 -10 20 MAR 25 30 85 1 APR 5 10 85 Figure 6. Stick plot of West Fruegh Wind data. 15 20 '"°1 Top- ..... ! i , 1 r~ iN11 i . 16' I I , • --~~-~--~~~I 16' . ~"~---l ~ '" " 70 \ \ 16' " " \ \ " \ 20 16 , • 16 " 10 "kllo••" tr••" 10 , " " 16' " \. ]. " " .110... t,. .. .. ::1 16' ". ., '" , .l_____ o 20 10 l! &0 10 tOD UD 140 110 klloHt,.1I .. Middle " 10 ., " " " 10 •o _. --- _---r--.-.. . . . 10 <'0 "r--~~---~-~--t Bottom " .. i " I , 16 [ "1 I I ! ',!---:0:,,- &J JO .... Io.,t,. •• -~,,- ~f ,"-, j , . .~-_._--10 I! 1o:110Htr" H Figure 20 1. " \ •• j I .Lo I I \. 10 ~O \ I \ _ • -..... --------.----~_- . 10 '0 '0 60 ! j.t 'C kllo-.tru c 7. Progressive vector diagrams for current meters in the North Channel. lO \ -~ '0 51 10 1lI1o.. trt • 7D '0 .0 l tOD -------------- '00 .i ... t·--~--~-~--~--~--t ,.. t·---~--~--~--~-----t Top "'1 ". q --- I \ ." '" \ " '" " \ \ ,. '" " ,. "'\ " \ ',f---,,-,--."'.---',-.--,,"---"',,"-,--,+,: 't,---=.,::---""";-----:"'-,---,,,,,,-, ---:!2'JOf. IIIJ ... t,... IIlloNt,.•• Mlddle .. t-.--~-~-~--~-~-~----t Bollom " " '\ " A Figure 7. " " " Uloutr •• F .. " " '-----., , "j ,,1 I "" " i I '1 E ,L, , / \ \ I . ~-- _._~-_.....-~._~_. " " " 11 110•• t,. .. " " ! ~ I ~E " E Continued. I' Deployment 6 Key Top meter 20 Middle meter - - - E F 10 A $' .-. (J) ...... E "'0 (J) (J) 10 0- G Cf) c: ...... 10 () t: (J) ::J C 1S" 10 H • .., 151----------------------] ", * c- 5 U) ", c: ~ -5 --15 _. 27 Figure March 6 April 16 26 8. One hund red and fifty degree components of current for the top current meters and northerly component oE wind. Deployment 7 10 s 1Iil, I ~,.I ", \ E ,... -- ~ ,--_...... '-..-_ j\ I" .... 20 15 10 5 - • .....CIJ E 15 "'0 Q) Q) Co CIJ 10 5 '~I .... "" / " i / '" \ r, 'y ' , 1...-4' +00 c:: \ ...... Q) G • ::::l U 5 10 5 15 --, 25. f /l ,§ 'C Cl> Cl> C. '"c: 't:l ~ -15 6 Figure 8. Continued May 16 26 0 34.3 0 33.8 20 40 80 100 80 100 120 140 160 200 S(x10 3 ) 180 200 0 5Dec 1984 Challeng er 31 Jan -1 Feb 1985 Challenger 5MBA 5MBA 5 km S%o. 24-25' March 1985 CHane ........... 220 DAFS 5MBA a b c 300 MAFF e d 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 sex 10 3 ,) 180 200 0 220 5 km l-t-1 8%0 S%o 25 April 1985 Cliane 5 May 1985 Challenger S%. 11 June 1985 CHane 16 Aug 1985 Challenger DAFS MAFF f 5MBA MAFF h 9 34.27 >S 34.4 > S > 34.2 S > 34.4 Figllre 9. Sali.nity profiles November 1984 to August 1985. 5MBA j -1 ~--~- .. -~--~~- ~ 2 ..... WIND 4 --TRANS 8 4 ~ 31-----' '. &.-----,..-------------, ..... WIND &,------,--------------, &,-----,...------------, 4 on WIND D1RECTlON SO 8 ...... ~ ~ 3 oll ltl i ~ -1 VI ~~ ~ ~ c 11. ~ C ~ -2 111 Z -3 -4 Z ~ -& L2LO...............25.Lo.~~JO .......~.....J ...................8L.........~1.L.4.................1..L8....J -~ L2LO............~~~~JO~~........4~~..J8L.... ......~IL4...............1.L.8...J MTE MARCH APRIL & 5 ...... 111 """- '" ~ WIND D1RECTlDN JO 4 8 3 4 lC ...... ~ Q( C 0 0 CL -2 VI ~ ~ 11. C -4 Z , i -3 -8 -4 -5 UJ UJ VI -1 0 z ........ :::E ~ oll + 101 ...... 111 Vi' 2 20 25 IoIARCH 3D 4 MTE 14 8 APRIl 18 ~ -8 -8 loWlCH 0 I-~-~..,..L--:...--l.....:--~~_+~-.,....:+_rl 0 ;;,. MTE -2 -4 WIND D1RECTlON 80 8 ...... VI :::E C 0 0 ~ -4 .. 111 11. 20 25 MARCH 30 4 MTE 14 8 C -4 Z i -8 " -5 UJ UJ VI ~ -1 ~ ........ ~ -2 8 14 18 APRIL & ..... WIND - - TRANS oll -3 4 MTE 4 z ~ i -8 -5 20 3 ~ -3 -4 APRIL ~ + 101 )( ...... ~ 11. VI V I " i -4 8 ~ ~ 0 f--,~__,.-'--';.-~-~~....:...._':_+._+~-~___l 0 + WIND D1RECTlDN 120 4 --TRANS ...... 111 ;;,. ..... WIND 4 - - TRANS 8 WIND D1RECTlDN 150 3 4 ~ ~ oll + 101 lC ...... ~ C 0 0 18 APRIL 0 -4 Z '. i -8 -4 -5 W W 11. VI -1 0 -2 CL 111 Z -3 ~ ~ ...... VI """:::E 20 25 lWlCH 30 4 MTE 8 14 18 APRIL Figure 10. Transport and wind components every 30°. ( .. o DAY • • ~ f 1/1 ! 4 2 LAG 2 DAY LAG """ ~ ... 0 0 2 ..... Q .... .... A- 1/1 ~ ~ -10 0 0 ..... Q .... .... A- '" 10 -4 20 Il4TE """ 4 2 0 0 } ..... Q .... .... A- '" -2 ~ f '" ! """ ~ 4 f ~ 0 1. -10 30 IWICH 10 "" """ ~ 4 2 0 2 ..... Q .... .... A- 0 '" "" -2 -4 20 30 IWICH Il4TE • 18 APllI. -10 -4 20 30 IWICH Il4TE • N'lllL ,. e '" ",' -4 20 APllI. 2 ..... ....A- 0 3 DAY LAG • • • • 30 1 DAY LAG 10 ~ -2 IWICH • ! ...... 2 IWICH '" lii' 4 -2 -4 20 ~ • 10 • -2 f .. DAY LAG • 10 -10 Figure 11. Transport and 150 0 wind component with lags of one to four days. Il4TE • APllI. . , -10