Redacted for privacy Redacted for privacy Redacted for privacy Redacted for privacy mmmjfmmmTB I wish- to wsptestQ ss$ gr©t©fml apprttei&tiOB for tbQ I&gpiration., ©■esistaa©© ©sd Migfml ©s?itl©ism gi^oa m® toy Br* Msrg@r@t floeSs®, isaodiato ^x'ofeesor of Foods m& I$®.trliim, wiio ©aggeatet tli© j^robldm) ?5r©*. <J©a©i5mi»© ^Impmaia Wllliaas, S@ai of t^t B@-p©yt.*» aaiif of ffoo&e aria Eiatritioaj ©r* Eog©r WlXliffiOQ, Profeaeor of Sioeh©si©tr|'i ©nd t&© ©aay otl4©rs wfe© havs lent t&elr eapport ©M eaoourogeaent tn this i llliTpQS© » 9 4 4 # *■ 4- 4 o O » ♦ « 9 * 4' « 4 4 * 4 4 0 4 4 4 9 • 9 e 4 9 4 4 o 9 4 4 « 4 * 0 ♦ ISJL SuO ry »a»»a«»»«44<lo»4»tt»9 0««9<»9d049«o4«C4OO»»4O 1 JIOSiOKlQlEtttf © '(4 4 9 4 9 «' * 4 9 « 9 • 4 * • 9 0 4 4 4 4 *' 4 9 9 * * ♦ 9 9 * 9 4 4 * * S 0M#f!i©ai Ff'OP^f't i<$B 4 «944«»4««4«4.«99«49«9a. 4a49<)i«t* Sfe^SlOXOgiOal* S^f 0© tS 4«<>9*»4«964J>9»9»»**9 4994444 6 ladifi teal aa4 Sp©cI©s ?ar1©ti©»© »■ 4.9 * 4•0 9 * 4 4 *»♦ 1$ Definition of a ?iiit * * 9 4 4 *«4«4»4»9 9»«4 * 4 9 9«4« »«» X? BO^B.iX'CSiOllte 9 9 oo o a «ti»«o«»e»*»«ca«ooo<>? o <> o o o • » o o • 9 <32 4 9 o 4 4 4 9 « • 0 » 4 9 « o 4 9 9 4 9 » 4 9 • e 4 s 4 9 9 « 4 0'- 4 9 9 » <t 9 4 9 u€b SsipescliaoatGl Broeofi-U^is 9t>»...9»944....«..9944<.o0.»..4 2g &0@tut ti0 » D » 9 99944 44 4 949 » 99094 9 94 9 « 9 • « o 9 4 99949 4 9.49 4 44 9 <&W Pi SCUiSiSi OH 9 9 9 0 4 • 9 9 9 4 * '4 4 4 «-4 .« 4 9 4 0■ * 4 9 a » 4 9 4 • 4 4 *' '•' 4 4 9 -* 9 * 9 * «?V imtnar^ sad Goaoluslons 4, o.* 9S9«<,»«.<».«».4994 99. ..99 @E fisl)! es anil Cbsr 10 •. 4»♦ * * * * 4 4 •«4 4«0 4 4 4 ■•»4 4 9 * ♦»* * »• * *. • @4 BlbllQgrsp^ a-. 4 4.9 9 4 ■# 4 449 494444949999 94 4 94*94.9 *»••»4 4S SOllX'©©S £ in. fo&ls t&& on pollBhoQ. »ioo Mid eteeooiatdd tfe® dldoafid with tli© laak of soia© stibstaaoo fdumd 4a. th© p©yi«m,p. aod ©atefO of tin® ttm* I© iflsatlfioa borliid^i ia a&n and birds aa baiag a "defi^i^Boy aisess©'"* I IB) 1661 B9tw«®n 1901 sad 1911 ed&tlnudd ds^orinwnting fef Crijno ©ad ford^Bann in t&a Bsta^ Bast Inildat Bvanddon^ frmsor^ and St-antoB 1m t&® federated lajaj? States} aad IOMBT* SiUisa© aad CbeiBDerleta Is tto$ Bli41ippiBOs# lont support to the amtritiOBSl aatar© of tho ©ttfeit^* IB4) ItiS} (X2) Sasteya wor&eFa ©erly b6g0». to ua® the ©xtmoi of rio^ poXiebi&gs a© © ©'Qare© of tho ©a^iaamiriti© fiabfitanoe for eliQstoal detdrffliaatioti* frftsey and Stantoa, smd f0da.Qrt Wlillamci asd OlmaiDftriaia showed that tbe aatiafuritlQ smb* st©no© wa© fflor® ata^l® la adit tha.a ia al&aliao ©oltttioa* f^©!1 profod it #©s not ©a mlm $oid or ©llaloit, (109) but thoagjit it to ^ & ailfog#aome baso* faal (Bd) ased phoephotnagdtie aeld sat ailv^r aitroto a© 'reegeafs for prooijptltation tor tfco |>olj?a^ariti© sttbatoao® ia the food* etttftd tMoa rooogniaed as potent* E©p©sf;@& oojatrlbtttloas to th© o-fessalc&l propeyti®© and p^si^al ohavsot0ri9tlost togotho-ir with ollnioal oteerv©tioa©^ ©oatiaa^d to ®iv®agtfom the ©arXy v/orit* fh© ia- voetig^tioafi prooo^dod ia aan^ laBoratorie© throughout th© world* Hethode of ©ssaf asaistsd matori&IX^ la providlag s itsafiard of re£«r©no<s> sad of comparison* t3?hil^ saaa^ o-oatroversial. ^sp<a©ts ay© still to to© ©olv©&# a Qllmn ia 9 tli® tnvattigafcion tms r©aoha4 in IM paoejat Isolation ^nd WmU £&t»o&tt«4d tfe® use of tb©, EaB©ii©le.ta^ "titsaia©" tio Indicate %M In&lsp&BQ&MLe nataro of th@ tsttsot .fSroaa ri©@ pollftSiinge and brdtwy's jroasty ©ia the ^cooad that tM this was diaprotei* the "o0 ©ft© t^eifp@a* faak postulated the "vltsatln hsrpotheeie" in ^i&k he related the defieieney disease© to m diet looking ia ©osa© auhetanoo vital to life* !Dh» fact that there was anore than ome factor ®©i@&ti8;l for nutritional nelj. he log tras at that tiae imdergoin^ researeh; aad froiii the work of Mot&i end Fsroll^h^ Osheme aid Hendel0 asd BoOoiium^ the term vltamiBi emhyaeed .a waoh wider aoope thaa Fajik*s ori^lsal lot eat # SSoOoiiniD fiuggested the nee of the tena "water soluhle* B" tot the anti*h<irll»0fi@ factor* Whea Bmitli and Rendrioks^ doidher^ aad others showed "B* to 'to of a aoaples aatar®,, the Brlfi&h affisced the- ^sbtertft ©ad B^ wae need'for the antinenrltlo foot or« n ^aseen and Sonath sitggeAted the B&m® Gn.QVuctxini i-Ml® Biter's worfc reported on Btorttlin"# Sher« tmu ett^geeted the aee of vVn for the "S^" fraction,, bat thid Williams propoeee the neaie of wthi©«* wae aefar aaoepted* min* * the eaamlttee OH trltrimin noaeaflatiaro of the Afflerieea Sooioty of Blolosleol Ofeeaist© aad tbe Asa@ri©to Iiistitmt® of Nutrition. i» IQM) dofiAed th<a antin^utitio vitamin in %h& '*(ll IBliat the vitomin whloh is reoognisrtle'©s a speolfta in tin® ardvention or @mre «f Beriberi in mm and polyB©iiiritig ia esperittontal animals, an& tsbiob 1m& fteea iaasdttifiod a© ©onsistlug of a •-*(2) ottth^l 4 asiiio f^risaidin® g^omp asd a 4 mftttyl i beta hy&rosydtbyX tliiasole group jolneA lay ft te©tli^l©3a© gvoap ttoottgh darDon j&tooi of the tM^gol® ring b@ .doaign&ted a® "BL" aaa 'that the t©ya "B55 tvtthoat a auhaeript b® a© longer used*" In this paper» the term &. will therefore to ased to designate this sutetanct. Ohe^lpall,^r,o^rtir^l tUllliame (108)', ia dlaottsaing the reaotlons of thiamin, states "that oa titrating thismin ohlo^id© with ©lltali w© find © &Tmtp tim whtsi 1 male is r@a0h©& corresponding to the formation of the nemtral, or non»&eid salt? hnt fron that point onurard there ia no further ^rea& until © total of three mole© fam® heen added« Shis pooaliar poteutlo* metric titration mrm is dm© to the eyollo ftt@rt©n®r| ha©© using up h^drox-jl ions and prevents the pi from rising* It the vitamin stands in ®a sik&lin® condition for some time, there is only partial reooirexy of the viiasain on aeidifi* oation* "fh© eeniitivit^ of the vitamin to pU appears to depend greatly upon the nature of the me&ias* On aeoidental presence of eodittm snlfite at pH 3 the vitamin splits* this B oeemrgi with gsfoater gp@©(l at liigll#s, temperatures* lag its tkerm©staMli%, it is jt&lrl^ etabl** Ooaoera*- Sh«. ©olutioE© aa^ b© &@a.teS et pS 3*0 to 140° 0» for oa@ hour with oat ap|>r®ei©Me los® anddr tfees© ooaditia&s* At & pH of T.O a)>out 10 per Q<mt 10 loet* ■a 'wfli<gi ohettio&a »atmr@ of tho eubetaaoe sliows it to- be a rattM&r sferoag hm& iowMng aa aoid chloride witii melt lag poiiit ©t 880 0#j it fon&e a pierolon&te with @@ltlag point oi MB- <»• or Sg§0 ©*; a gold .©sit melting point ot 198° C«3 © tatlwi&te with meltiBg potot of 891° ©♦ w It ia aftaorDed on e'h&reo&l or ftiiler'e earth and elated from otereoal t^y dilute hydroehlevio a@id eiad from the fmller1® earth to eon© ^stemt by alkalia^ hetter % tpiain© salts or salts of other strongly baslo alitaloide* It Is preolpitated hy phoephotungetio aeid, loss tally hy ss@rouri© aoetate or silver aitrat© if these reagents ere applied in &. pfi range .gre&ter thas. S..w She tliiaaol© nucleus and p^rimldin© riag oomprise two dlstlueti^© features in Its efcemioal etraetare* $he thifi«i sole'ttueleas is uni^«te ia Ilia hloehemleal ooopomid* Malciiao amd lm&it .lapaiiea© workers,, were among the first to suggest a atruature forfflnl6ted ©a the tesie that the thlezole e^ol© of the vitamin is |oined to the pyrii&ldl&e moiety through ©B aliphatic methyl one §roup* (80) In 1911, fmsls reported the isolation from rlee*poll8h* 6 iiags «& trom yeast, of a ga1b©t©M© wMote b© feelio^ti to boa ©alt df the untinmritl® vitmaln* It ©a© not xxntit 10SS cr^etaxiia.® B^ from ©O toae of rioe polisMsga- ®,ftet g©ia§ taroagfe © moat lal^oyiom© p^ot^s©*. Mm$ tnr®&%l§&%&w «OJJ» tritetot fiMifrg© oja tho ohomi^al na'fe'ro aai jp^opisyt i«8 of tJi© vitaaia, tet to Ullllarss and Ms ©owos-korg s© ^© th© idfutifloatloa of t^ Btxttotuire of 9^, «7hioh lias th© followlag foraul® s L^ ri, CK N=C - NH2- HCI C=C-CKCH20H CH 4N-CH ?— '-'^ Cl CH-5 •J fSia doatruotiojQ of the tlt&sia le Soponianf oa th© tl©Os t^mjporataro of hoatla^, and pH of t^e solwat* It Is oomlt®ia©d to l>8 tliojmol&foiXo, hat under Q©rtela oosdltioos of trf fciostlag otbor factors in tho B ooiaplosf ar© aosipas1^ tivoi^ more ©s&Aly a©9tro^o4# a© report©! % Ko©»«iOt SliBO, ©JHI BXTeJil©©* (S3) is its &0$t.r©oti0;&# Osidstlom I© not ^s ©pprooiablo faotoir Pvom a pmet leal ttandpoliit., ©olubil* lt|, fflaoiisBloal. yofiaomantj and shift of pi to tfa® ©l&alla® ©Ifiis oaueo tlio las^oet AMOUQ XOQP of vitasala 3|» t&® s^voro siga© of vitasiia B^ tofioieuo^- &m tofifesri In aaa and polyneufitis in anie^Xsc, ?ol;noaritl8 wa© fh® iiv&t mitmlno^im to In© stmli®<i ^srperiaon^isll^* Beriberi ©slits in two woll r©©©g3ais©M© forae^ itameljr wet asi dry* Bry ^irilreri vna Aeaeribefi 'by Beatias in 1646* fershaXl &esQS:ibe& dry sat ml beriberi m two separate 4ie®!&ss0s in 1818 (e|t®i to $1) <> fte wet sform Is aeeoeiateft vith oardioYaeoular dist^rbanees ant ^eaeraXiseA 6i©!M* $be fir^ fern tB&ai&ste itaeif mainly in na8ele«,87&dti&g axi& peripheral s^iari^i©*; (108J Olmre& (SO) outlines the eharaoteriotie oe^ifeet&tions of oeriberi or polyneuritle resulting from © laofe of vitemlu B^ in the rat m Changes ""in sams^wiar t0nia@4 atasia, die* tnrbaneee o$ ©^uiliteisa, hyperesxsitaMllty,, lami^tilar tremors, aaa weakness -»-•►«.—. bat %m® oonimleione tad |sat©JU yeift ©r® not a part ef .the beriberi dyndve!aen4 lSllXt©a# (108)1 states that early stages of bpth fom© of the diaeaee me eoneurront with loss of -appetite m& QBmatim of growtht fetigtiQ, jneatal i©pr©-ssiOHj, ©nd gastro^intestinsl dietarbandefi« Baii7etrery Williams* Waterman, end Sereosteay (109) ©tat© that, o0ro«s B^ inouffidieney io fo^sJibl© T7ith-» out fmni^estatione ef polynearitie"* fhile the ssftr® loanifestatiene of the Imt of vitamin \ in © restricted diet may b© absent, other syiagtos® are well reeognised ae being assoeiat^a with its subiaofisial im* ta&Oi among these beisg aneresi@»- fhe pr^a^p®© ef vitamin Bj_ &.rBiaM@ apf©^|t® gttoalatioa ©ai its tmk ^estilts in. iaaaltioii. mid. aaoswlsw Co^rgitX note& (15) "that toss© r$l£rtlan ©ssisit® in ^ogi l>®two©B tb,© d©@iro to p&jfS&ko of food &nd tli© saoont of tfee QO<»©alI©a wsttr^salBM© v&t&min iaJeot@dt*« K&vt C@1I r©ported^ ^TE On these &0g© @ll mitasls which rafm©© tji® w&ol© or p©3*t d£ t^ir &i<a)i0 tli© dosir® to eat aoald he ^aio^l^ 3?©@to2'©d % tfeo to|oet.ioji of & s^stan©© ©ast^ijilng water* ©ole'lsl© flts-fateo fB© flsii of th,® oispc?3?ia@af was I© f@©i tk© •?it©ain ft-©© foot aatil t%& dog® refect part or t&o tyhoi© of it for'a aiiii^y of da^a* atane© ©nd aot© th© off®©! ftoon feed tho ©©oessory emb<M the food JUataksH ffe© pr©* fsration of w@t©x>«©ol6'&l# ^itmain m.& glif©» apeft fro© tha fooa ©fteg* th© sasal had b^en off©fad la fch© saoraiag^ hsao®, It ©oiali not affect the palability of the jratioa©*" ICoia and SyureBaoijid ISOJ feilod to ©how Impair©d motillty of th© digestif© traefc of pigeon©. 'lu d©©arl^iB@ the ^hysl* ologleal ©££@®t of fltamla B* la the pigaon, tlaoy ©tet©» ®It ©©©22© o^ifiest that ©tsr^atios ©sad wast lag &Q©ociatod tJith it are largely«■ if not ©atirol^., rogipon©ll>l« tot the pethologlo®! mtte ohaagas o'te©rir«d iix vitamin B d#fiei(an0y ©sMMted %' pigeo^©. fed oa diets dofloi^otia vit4»mia 1» fh®®® sr© diroot ooa©©qu<Eio0'©© of fho failure to eoasim© 'a^ffioient food to saaiatMn the '^od^ weight* ItmM Of ap- p©tlt© for %k4 d©floi©at: food aid ©emt© aarvoas s^mftom© ©r© ©laafsoterlaljio of vitamin 3 ftofielenoy to the pigdontt*9 iSoOayjMfion r©eorS© intdetinal Italoso ©a patiiologieel ol>^ eonratlone of irittuain B^ tetitimty) (oiteft is 86)« JSra©® ■asfi SSoOoXXtut (61) point eat* ■"owing to tit la$te of appetite the <$£tm%® of wsSer-'golttMo B itfyivatiOB atooli ^e y$* gart'&t at le&dt partly ia tho ligtii of wftat happens In itar?®^!©!!! aoA esh^At^ala"*» ©fleet on th© weight omrt© Bh^tmu (85) a©^© that tM ISB^ he m& usually fee® beea tM b©st basis for Bd&saremcmtt and tbe most ©toiraeterisfi® effeet. of Biaortage of vitamin B^ ave fsliur© of appetit© mi& Mmlnpmmt of polyamrltie^ Silliwae (108) poiata out tbat^ 'Vnimals oating volun* tarily of a iritaold S^^f?©® diet pm®rm®im%p limit their iai&lg® of foot* $hst is? what ia aoymal feeding f<w a »o?@al Mrs i© over f©©ato§ fox* © partially depleted hird* ffeu© hirds or m$s ©atiag voloittarily protect theiaeelvea to ©omo a^gree fipom polyaeer'itia % eating less food« l&ot® food of ©tfcroh fariet^ mefia© ©n iaereasic) of vitttmia TO* qttijp emeftt * ^ fMs ia is fEdeord wit Si Wmk* 1014 s. who showofi that ^©jfbohytoate tioh diets teiag atjout &> moro irapid pro* duetiOB of polyseuHtifi ia pigeoa© than aoriaal dietd# fli© atmojmtalitios of earbohydrate aetaboliam bro&gbt iBLboni % vitaaiB B^ defloieao^ &svo Tboea deeeribed % Qollaso smi Bayo lei tot ia 40} snft laolade aeeu]n&lattio& of laotio eoid in the brais of & plgecfia^ ftavrileoa aa^ Peters 10 (Ml fottad a ©uMoritel osfgoii ai^talco in plgoosag ia jyjyrgt* iriKiB©r©l.©j? aafi Fotef© 104} ©^©t© fhatj. "Pigeon© is tM terminal ©fsgos bavo an iB©r0&s©a aiamiBt of la©ti,@ e.©id i» tfa® "feloot a© comfarea 'wttJi tM aanaallw l?ift©^a 00®o»S0 efl©r <a©atfo tSs®r© is fou^a ia tii© jaoxtsassi apjproKliaet'&^ly SS aillt^ram© p<st 100 ffsaas liosae ©aa in tli@ afltamiiaioti© 0§ sailllgfaffiStt ( Sh$ lm.%rm&®&. tmtiQ ©©Id Is not ® eona©** fii©^© of tE© high blooS itagsf a.a& $$&&© Iseti© ©.#111 ulilels' i& r®la©i.« $Q follow tl© '^lood 5?M iBefoe-sod laiotio selt I® ©G»©ia>rait&»t witli the s^p^oraa is avitaainooso© B^ nafl ii®*» appear© with a short p.oi!*io<i a^t^r fo©irig wi^h t,02,uliasw rJillisaie offorcj the foXXouiaag- ©'splaaatloa* s 01no@ ^ilsaisa 1, mt& &m © eo©i3S|^© It tm$ ha-^o ©igio-lfi^Giaa© i^ f^tgo as tmont work of Sohaaim ant Sehmt©^, the ffro^hoephorl© ©e-tor of Ih© ^itaajta i© the fr©gth©iie gsroup of an (ssagysio whioh &@6arb<3>2?$lst©i pinwlo mi&» WithmM it pyiwic ©©1(1 ao* ■euaaX^tes sijst poison© tM ti©©i2o@* Fffophoephorla e©tar toy 1$ &s?oXjr©l s '^ith a©.l& I© eQsve^tsjd iato th© gho©ph©ri0 oat or o? with a pfcoepfottta©©. mn^im %nf>® fvo® fklsmln* 2h© pfro^ phoiphori© '©@t©r po0so©@©s ©ntiaisuritle prof<irti©© tout ©@t© aoif© aloal^ tha,a fy^o thiealn* It is r<s$©r&©$ as teiagtag abmit tho Seetraetloii of pyranfio aeicl &# ooxivartijag II iato a©©$GXd#h|rt©#n Evas® CSS-J lias eho^m for noymal y&t© thet there is &©* u ferret samml iattraat in males and delsifed stsmal maturity and dofinito distmrlaaei! in eeatrooe a^sl® is. f®maa,©s« Bra?^ and Sar^i© 1^5) report,. OT A tra® dsfie&eaoy ia rats 4e mantfaated ^y severe bradyoavdia, mot aaoriltad to inanition aiul roXieved at oa#® W adniniatratioa of titaasis B^. BoWrteoa aad ©d^le (Vf) fomud irariatioa© is tM heart beats m th9 ©w© vata« Jhran&la* Smith ga4 Mars® (aitad in 40) were wisll© to alltviatei the 111 effects of high protein diets apoa the kidney fe^ inoreaaiAg the allovramoe of the vit&ala B ooapXesr* ffiili^tes states, "S^he proportioii of protein in the diot easmot be saifi to b© ^ery impertaat with r©@i)©©t to the 8 r@ftuirernest, hut thete is a great weight of ©vid<ss&6© that esrbohf&rate raises the re^ulremeat*" Shermaja ©ad Ulo^ (85) in atud^lA^ the effeet of vltm&n B^ varied the ©sseia oontent -of the diet to a©e the relatiwa h®twe©a the ©mount of protela to rit&mln B latake* Varlationa of protein ttom 2.2 to 54 per cent failed to show asa^ differ* ©aoo im the reepense of the weight eurrafl ®£ e^periaeatal animal® roeoiTiag uniform restricted aXlowaaoes of vltealn 3 la the form of or&iage jmio®* fhe results m$l$ jEstif^ the ©OEiolttsion that haaal diots aa,^ ?©f# xtifaXy in protein ©0Bt@Bt and still yiald iaterohangeahXe r©BttXts in the teeti&g of to&m for vitamin %# and ©Xso that with a ha&el diet oont&ining 18 to SO |>®r orent ptQt®in9 the protein in* If tali® iaa$ b© mmh eteyig&S h$ tfa® fe^iiBg of ©ith©r © high. PTot&i®. or a low pyot<siia foot as & ©ourco of vitamin 3^^ witlj^Gt affsoting llse Tslidit^ ®ad ^ttsfititatitF© i?®lae of tto® to&t m m indidetloa of tho relative vitaisin B^ eoutsat ©f tho food t©©t©aoM ICarr (6X1 (S8) ehowefi that aitfogoa utiXlsation in otli© tigestiT© traot T3SI^ w '«jaaffe#tiv© b^ tii© ©l)s®3a©© of X7©t©r ©'Oiable vitamin B6* Otl^y 4ietmy| ooainoseiit© iafluoae© tlie a©talb.oli®ii @t vitamiB B^ 'b©aia(& earbohytrat©© Fat ©sorts a ©pariag aotioa aooorclLing to BTan© md Lepkovsky ($3) wiao report that larg# m&mnts of fat in the- tiei prsveat or retard tli® oa^s^t of polyneux'itlB wixea the B^ ettppli1 ia low* "?Jh©n, with high intake of prot©is and vitamin i0 fet a®ts to ©pare vitamin B^j, it eould do @o % sioiiJlBg dorm th© loss of titamin Bj, from tfe© tst'e tis©"a#0# ffa©i$ f^ts ans .r©©r@d. withomt vita* min B^ the. maeei©© of thos® oa the low t&t dlot sEffer © loss ia vitunin B^,. both ia ab©o]lttt# ®mo«Bt aad ia ooaoon* tratiosa p©r unit weight, but on th© high fat diet though eono©ntr^tioa p&t rmit weight is reduoed by aboat oa©»h©13?* there is little loss ia th© abaoXute aaossst of the vitamia eiac© th© stusoles w@igh approsisiateX^ t^ioe && .aa@h*w' Softer fats er© raoro effective them harder fatso- . i'MppX© and Church (104} observod th© asam© effosts bat ©ttribiated it to a, favorable iafluoao© o? fat oa the growth in th© iat©stiia$ of saieroworgaiiisa wMoh ar@ ©spabX^ of li lwvint Srandtj @M a@ls@n (48) shox? iadi^idmsl vax-ia* tiotm in gain in tfeUgfct o^ yafte is rdeponso to tltemta a4* iltioiia to & diet ©r@ so great ttet f0l,a.|lf@if latg© aujatjers of individuals &m w®qu.i^®& la oT&m %$■ s^our© ©tati^tiTOll^ ilgaifiosmt r®@«.lt®* P&IUMS' (7X) attrilmftea t'Me in&ividual variatioa la gala in ndlght to the ©■ffioioaej' indoa* 1# states that it la tli© present o&stds in imtrition to ©ss&a® that iiidivid* ma»X variation® ar© fodme^a to a xnsgllgiMo pyoposrtioa l»^ «isi?i§ littor »t©£u Suoh ^a ©e©mmpti&a is not aac©pt©d % geattlQiats twilei© tfea parents are Siomos^gdta© fox t%Q faetos' is quastioo? offloi'ancy.^ Shis 1© not i?@i?$' likQif. ©$ to food utilisation fher© i© s ma^feod diffensno© in tfe® ©ffi^iano^ infi#3r ©f mBl©@ and fqiaslo fats9. UMoh ©pijoaye to !m a essjor factoy in dotorminlng the diff®reac# in growth rates of th© two SQSrsaa Light anfi Gnaoa© (68) point out inherited ©train diff©r®no©@ in the vitamin $1 rdfsif&msmto Z&wm® C«4l plotted growth in various sessons and notod that th© ifiontie®! iaaterial S0©a©4 to iarodno© Setter groiTth early in th© fell than lat^a? in th© ymt* Mvsas testa hav© leon dtvisoi to meaeQi0® th© r^lstiif© 14 &yltaailno908 of espevimdntekl ©nimals* Quaatitatlv® am^inQ tests ©r® ^aot^riologioajLj ahdalosl* growth promoting, ©aS mmtiv®* An mt&nBiml^ rngta aotlio& of a©ss|r tm® baon the ?at groiftti motikod^ Aevoloped by 0to©@ &»& Shersnaa (17)* A 3h«raB«n«»0iia9O aait of vitaala B Is tbo emouaf r/Moh., whoa fod m 9 tell^ ©llowaaet, results ia a r&t^ of gala of thro® graa© a wmk in a properly staadarfl-l 8<&& aaimsil daring aa ©^p©rl®0Bt©l period of four to eight w©<s>k©» (86) Whea ©11 ■other &leta*£ roqalromente of tho rat at© supplied ia the lasal diet osoept vitamia B^* growth is, ©ftsr depletion, proportional to the iaore&ded Intake of vitaaln B^*, aooori-* lag; to Waterfflaa and tentrifim (100) j Ohiok and Koefco© (19) j Sherman and &%$m$®®t (06) & Bender and Sn&plee (4)» She depletion period laeta nntil all gain in weight hm ooaeed* While tlio unit gaia ia weight of three gram® insure® ressoa@hl© eoastsaoy of results tot healthy test aaiaala, yet it is far enoag:h 'fetelow the normal growth that there ia ample room for resipon^e to aa inoreaaed iata^e of the vltanftn* Bireh and Harria (6) introdnoed the use of the brady* oardi© methods Ar$wDent8 preseated by Harris ©ad Leoag (42) for this methed ©re that the irregularities and soattor of the "pigeon saethodM ©re obviated} the reault of a ©ingl© administration ean be ohtaiaod ia the eeus1©© of a few toy©) the seme rat oan he used for repeated separate tests* the 19 ©riror Is m aor0 than abottt ii to SO por ooat* ©s-ttr^ (£0) lhft& gfeotni tji&t r^ts safaring fro® vitftmla B^ i<afl®l©»0y tet low feeert ra-fedd* Siaa® vitamin 1| aat ©tlias" food ^oaetltwoafts ^©s*© withomt aisiil®.? ©otioa, it wai saggesteA that thio aotioa of the hoetrt ni^ht fo5?a tb© teii® of a ^#r^ aouwui^at f 5?©p|6 aafi ©oc-urat® wthoS for <&stia©t* ia^ Hi® vitami&» M<&6tto@m&io{$mpht& vrnmi.® ay© taMens. ao stoa as lh© mos-aal hsairt rat© fall® oa tlw ^ &d£l0i©at &i©t» fSKSH siaglt a©0©a ©f th© aataria.! to %© td$t6& ar© givta aa& tli® ©nitaal replnrnd on th® te@©l diet* fh& ImrmB©' I® th© rat© mod tl»fi ©re romgkl^ proportional to tSi© Aos© giv©a* Oaves'of four $a$s are beat for a mmpBmtiv® teals* Kofe* ©rteoa and ^Ofl® (T7l ©©aid aot §©t $?&&©& y©0$©B9© with gradaatad d©©©© ©f -v-itaeiiia B^ % thid gtdth©d» She mt oayativ© mat bod is d«fia©d %? Samps OB ©na 2e?08$t©8y (SI) &@ that amoaat of a sabstaxM© wfeleh ^osia ptote©© ©ompXet© rali^f of savdre aymptoioa ia SO to SO p©^ ©©at of th© t©©t aaiaals and \*.i©fe woald l©©p th©s® auisai© fr©« from ©ontmlgion© for foar or mor© da^e* Sto© doe© m©tbod i© an aapiifi©d ©wativ© taohai^u© in that tte d©a© is 8appos©d3ljr ft aaaaa© of mea.etti*^ o£ a pr©p©r'* tioa of th® oare« tosmtiOEi of th© lar^ii aad Bisoh (6| f©uad that th© QW?@ &QOB sot ia©r©as© i» pr©p©rtloa to th© §18® of th® dos© ©o th© dog© «thod oaa h@ s&f®!^ ©sflo^td ©trar a terg. liaitod 2?©ag©. £h@ poteao^ of © gi?©a prepaxa* tioa ffiia,f appear less if large dosos ar© employed th©n if 10 goall^r to©©© fit© fturetioa of tM ea^©- in^Iuexi^Q &TB U©@4* uo$d duration of aur© a© moo&e of ©vaUastiag the p®t@»«s^ of antiaeairltio prodneti* tH^l^ fBelr test aaM©! I© th^ pigeon »& st 4iij? t0©0!* ie ©fetQinel by dividing the ^00© given % tbe nusiT&es' of &mm it tan®© for the bi*d to remaitt freo froa pQlynenritiflt With rsta It ie ©feowsa that the duration of oer© is a fonotloa of the dose* W©ifht asl&t&jasai©© t& plg<sa»s is used % Ua^eras® ©Bd AEm©raaa (101) who fotuad that the iniifidmal. w©lght© iovtiod off at eaoh laereatat of Tltsala B^ ©dmlnist©^d* ^roteetion o£ Mfd® egdinet polinettiritifi ie aaothoi? dpeeifio teat* fiovsiever^ Mfd© haw jaoi been stendd7diE»ed t© the 0sae extent that ial^rod colonies of mt® ha^o* thorefos'© ore not as repro&uoitfte in results of the proteotive teat© m oth©r aethodo txeod os rats.* d$hop£er usee the aould Iftalcesleegit^ to tetersiiEte the viteu&in B^ eont^st of wheat $&tm preperatione,, and Sleiltlejohnt l^yeo^efi hl$^®ptmmfi: to estimate the thiasjin eon teat oi- blood* (Cited is WB) 18$) Within oe** tain iiait© the growth of the aoBld ie diyeotly proportiomsl to the eonoentration of the tritaaaia when addition© of © eolation ^ the vitsain up to 0*01 ©ierofraae in me&itm is mad©.: A s^nthetie the b&oteriolo^i^el methods of &$B&y qjusli^ If t&$lvely TQVQ&I the §o©B3ya© ootlon of tMaaia* PreMua© aad IfoOoilom (95) report .© ohomjLeal oiothoA ©f ftssa^* 997tala 4arivattvos of sustila® ©r tJi« n&plitlitila^ ffila#© ®ft®r ^©iag traatet with Eitrcms aei& ppodtio^ oluay* s@t'©i*i©tia oolored solmlloii© whaa ftllotreid to react aE4©r certai^^eonditions x^itfe vitaoin B^* Sis©© t.h© aoioratioB 19 CJf a p^frtaaawt oatarei this method provid&a for th« ^^©11* tatlv^ ofi-wdtl as th© fuaatitstite «dti2Qatit»i of the Tl^^sia* M®tMT ffl©fla©4 for tho ohomtoal d©top«la6tlo» of eaourla ie through the fonaatioa of tliio^teoja©* jTtmeofi {40J xioTlmi. out a, oidthod based on the thioohrome yeaotloa, tirhloh ©o»@l©t0 in the ositetloa of anouria bf potaoslmft ^errl* o^said® in -alteiiia© soletlon to a #^m|>oaad showing- a ©tfoag bind fi«ores©©.ei (thioohrome) * tho©BSit^ of ^hioh ma$ teo maasuTdd % aeaot of a &hotoe1,eot?io o©H attaohod to a Wostoabrlhlc end 6otid«iaiit (10$) hm® usod the thiooluroaio method foar dotesnalaatlos of yitattin B^ in the ayim©* 4 aait of ?i$&!ai» 8^ wm ooxtsldored "by the H^agae of nations m h^ing ^h© antiaeasltia astlvlt; of 10 aiiXXl^ratts of tho lateraationaX standard adsorption prodnot as pf©* paired '&f the mot hod of @eideXli» S'his mot hod* desoffifced by ^fsason and Boaath0 w^s to osctraot ?ia§ poXiehlnss in a auXpharlo ©old soXntlon adjusted to a pS ^*S ©ad adsort oa IB ftiller'e oovth (IB)« fMi was set mp ia ordftr to Jiftv^ a ;i)taad@r4 of yoforaae© for universal a&oftioii in. ©sssy testa So^or© tM er^stalliae thicunin "tmrn® Available» fSio Bbd9n&aa*Oli600 uait waa tak^n s© that mnmrn't of trltamio, B IB,) ttMeJi WII@B fed daily woaM iatlmo® a gala of tteer© g^sas per w©©& daria^ a test poflaa of four to eight iffeeks*Sla© oonversioa of iateraatloaal units to Slkerman^Glkase emits- ©fuiYalesta' ^©^e ^®@a war a s'aag® of ^alaes ©s re* ported toy different iaveetlgatore» $he traaslatifig of the milliigram of drystalli&e tULaain into intentat ioaal uait© has h©ea met with, sosrflieti&g r** salts aad ia no oas® ooasistent findings* Sl&oe the orystalline eabstanse is now avaiXahle the atillty of the former ^tanferd of r«i£©3r<$;a«3©® is 'greatly asiniiaiaed* tfateroan and i®ii@rai©a (100) reporting oa growth in rat% found 8herRian«Ghase unit growth o«rwB ooonrred "bo-twten two and th^ee g&sa© of the erystalliae s-tihst^ne®, Four §mmm was the lowest whioh slowaS soggeetion of defioienoy disease,the gwmtfa being ©bout oat greia per day. Ia©oB©igt©is©y in. growth response was mot^ oonspioiott© over the lower rang® of doses ©na refleots itself in variation® fyoa animal to animal at &si$ giv©n level* fh@ ©timulatins .effeot persisted ttp to and beyond © <los©g© of 100 gasma, ®a aaoant 80 to ISO times that If aeoes&Qity tot aalntaiaea©© of Xif® tjinsr© a ^a©al ti©$ was ecm^taot aafi th* &&(ie&&tun ooaeietod of par© titaiain B« wilhout the oonplioetilQAfl at other faotoars* Ml ©siiaal© ffi a.t th« lerel of 0#i g©i«@ of er^stallia© fitsaiia B^ , Ml &iea is l©9® tb^n 45 a©^© luith true pa^aijmiSt She hehavid* ^^ thm® ©aimaXs ©0 ooutraet^i to ttet ^f th© eoatrol rat« oa the B^ fre© ti®1! whiah <li©4 without ppr&l^sla was regarddA ©p. '©irittaee for the »©©®§©it$ oi' l&aXu&lns smaXX ©a^aat^ of 2^ In diete designed for the predaetloa of t^pleal |>oX^* neuritis* One §mm vm the lowest doemge o» wlnleh ell of © ©iagX© group of. four rat© etirviftS the test pti?i©a# Blx^k and las'pi® f6| h@?<s al^o perpoeely us©a a $®<* pXetlon diet ooatsialng ©asXi ©aom&tg of titmr&in Bj In thel? i&^eotioa mm$* fh® heat pol^neuttle dlot «o«dd he ©m© aagpXyisg a preols©X|f oontsroXXed small a«aoms3t -e^olir^Xeat to about 0*i gftfona per day of or^stsXlf&e vltuain S^* Eekl©^ aad Chen (Sf) n^fi® rate deflniteXy poXyaettrttio and treated them with wwriotte dO«ee aoeording to the te-©h* nique of Smith* Shey foXXosrod Bean1® ©ufgeatloa of ©ttisg 0»4 pm oeat of brewer*0 yeast to the Hot to reduoo the itteictoaoe of'death* Beeee of 0*004 to 0*006 mlXXigrame of eyathetio vitamia B1 gifan %$ mouth were euffiole&t to ©tiro 77 to 8S per ©OBt of the rate* She lowest ooratlve doeo was 0«004 uaiXligr&ms'in thle ww©Timmt« Waterman ant AMejnoah 1X00) upiag a rat gswth ©Sisy £0 metfcod fousi SOO iatarnalioael imit® p©a? milligram ^0 the p0t®B@$ of otystfiHIao vitftmln Bj ty&rQtfhloariae* Soil ^ivd» S©0 latotoation&X emit® per ©illigrats ^y thd mt ©urativ© ®Qtli©4o Smi^&9 uslsg tli© rat oiir&tive aa^had, fiscls ©fproa" ioately 500 Intomfttlon&l aBita P®T ®illl§mmt> Sisnera^ey ©sd fet^r© % tin© ©atatOftalia t©st jreporte 100 latameitlOK©! imtt© per milligraai {©i.t©& In 81)» Ktadt^ and Sabnlts 1^1 la suggestiag tli© ImpTOiFoaost ©a^ ©taateytlgatioa ©f tii© •rat gS'otytli tt^tolqa© tot ®Mrt pe^iofi sse&ya ©f vitaaia B| atste that tli© JLstoriaatioaal fltaaa©-s^ atoortet© fafaisheD In ©ftaitlos to vit&aia B^ soiBd of the vitamin 0 eosples. S&iDpeosa and Berdgateay (ttl) report the «ppair«int fiiff©f©rns© fe©tw©H intenufttiottal eta&d&rd olay ©n^ thlamin ©© ®©a©ar@& by tlae teadya^rtla method as du© to pss'tisl ma*eWLlleftllity* Hoalthy rat© Qm dXttte the B^ ffoa aiai1 m©r<s suooossfwiiXy thmi the ^oXyneuritio aaiffi&X^* fhey stow that in youmg rats on the ©heyjasa^Chase diet^ 00.© unit Of i&teir* aatios©! itaadatd was ©taal to fotir gaasta. of thiamin Qhioriao* Iioong aai Sasf^li 183) QSiag tho 'toyaifcmrdi.a method etat© that oao tstasn&tlo&fiX a»it Of atsadayd aeid olay may fe© taleon ©s approxluiately ©quitaXent to thr<si© gajam© (I#8 to 3*0) of the 02?yst©XXi»© vitaala B^ hydrooliXoride* S^yroth |4S) fowsd the ffliniiaam eayatiir^ dose £$y tUd rat Is l»S tinos tha .pigeon a©y doee* fSie r&t mialiaaffi 8X eui'stif© toae Is S,*S tiiaee the &&$> dose r^fulrfa for the prevent ioa of etwrt ©jmptoas* M@orais§ to ^atorman. aad Asuaerm&s (lOil fix© mi^iaa® aoi© of fitesiia BL t^hloh dG?®© poX^meuritie la pig©@^s. is 6ffr©si«imt©lj?' foar gaaa®^ Pigeces raspsai to ovtr&tivs fios©® mor© raptil^ tlaan d@ rats. Saapso© aocl Soreeetes^ 18i| state $fe© emratiT© dose of tli© iatdvtt&tiop&X itajatera is B0 millifrasss* ^iXXi^as4, met^ot of elating mth t^i^isa® ©ulfat© li'b©rat0d ©pfTosiaet©!^ t«7loc ©s am@ii titeiais as fef the Kizmereld^ ©ad Petors lay^t^ met bod oy SaAtJu al&alia® metti^i ©Xaotiol aetbod* -ferstiisra aos© i>y flXXtema* method took only 10 ©Illlgirms of aeid olay* EiaaorsX©!' aod deters (64) reportol. istematicmal su»it of vitesia B ilQ mlllXgrmG of ^Taasen^e olop) is ©pproM- ©et©!^ ©smlvalaat to two gaaaa of or^«talXisie vitamin B. hy* i.r©©hXoE,Ito« |®as©a 148 ^^ fdaM from ^Ofi^arative -ass©f$ on rate that one grm of the tateimatlonel «tandftffd prefsrs* tioE ooixtaiji© approximately 0«J lallXigraas of oaea^pin h^djco* ohlo^ide* ^h© international unit to him4 therefore* ro*- presorts tho ^itamto B. poteney of three g©m©s of the eryetalXine vit^oin B^ h^droohloride* ^hm th© ?aXm@ ©ssigaot to the iateaational uait ?©fiQs from; two to fit© miorogvams of the t&iaiaia hjrdro^ ehlorldo, althongh the os-igiasl intent w©e to aaiio the tmit a tea Is of ooaparieon* fho ovitioism of v/iliiasws (108) amat eg fee oonslderd&t tt5he ofeleet #f ©4apt|»g ©aeli a aait m© tfe© eoiBBiondaliXe ono of fcupilit&tlng © ooa^artecn of the rosmit^ of wriQaQ mT&®TQ hg pTmi&ing m oonv^rsioa factor stilt* able for ooaamon ias©v% low'Qira?9 the tlmo roquired to relQas© It appftaro to var^ witu tli© i<9gr©o of provioue d^pXtttion of the ©misal and its {K»ae&Qu$nt po^dra ©f aoaimiXation^ M all ©a^§xa§ t^Qgtioa Is what 1© tlm seqa-trement of ©aqh sf.©^i©8* Coiiglil (12) thoeght the jaeol to fee. s fttse* tlo» of thQ '©alopio i&tales (r t^ogaaa©^, Xaotatlost^ aovara maeoutlax' ®mt®imt sattsMIIe oSQltante aa ©Mocria© tis* turbaiieaa sad l&faatioaa at® ai&oag the to^soas giwa ^ot tueroaeaA neoie aeoo^ding to Stravu» (011, life,, Smith aaa IStalkar ImU Siyaae 132), Will ism© (104), $heol>ald (9'i) * Susre end i?a3Js©r ($$}* Saaaeaan and Hitler (4fK OoffgilX fSS) 112) aatimated the vlt&min x®^nlt®mm$ m 2$0 ailiigram eqaiv&3.*&te par 100 ^©iori^s for mas* this etudj' © milligram ©f&i^a&oat was aatlmatad to B© Itt OB@«* fifth ©f a Sharmaxt «tnit« that i©s It takos oxi© ShaTaast ault to mafc© five ©iillgram ffiai^&leat'So fius©©!! fgg) gogg©©!© £5 dho7!oaa<«Gha*« mjait® p©r X00 oalorlaa for mn* Rosa (71 a) i»dio©t®s 10 dharmai3«»Cha8® units per 100 ©slofioft* for the average adalt this would b© S0O«40O Sh©TS3si»B*0'h©,s® malt® pejr day* la £986, the Oonsieil oa fteraa©^ aod Ohaffllotr; of the &mvtQQXL MB&,iml &ssooi&tion# oatiiiaoa tba atalt aeod as BQO isxtemetiosaX imite e»a tfe® ohilft'e ©s SO intdnaatloset tmltav filarris eat freong ($8) sho^md that heaXth; adolte f©?yiag -in agoa ft cm X7 t@ S? jroara on saoraai diet oserot9& ftaiXy IB to i© iiattrsaliOB©! uaits, or $0 to 90 gamna @f ^Itcuain &, l^aro^hloridefr SW« •'oae ^proxlmatoX^ five to ©iglit per o^nt of the telly itttaico of fitamlB Xt tfa<$f sst %M ninitmm standard slXoxmne© of ^itsraia B^ foi0 a 140 p®vm& man aa 200 IntamaftionaX tfuit© % Ifeol? oXistiaaX ofta^ytatloa of iih& mrino azcr^tion of •ritamln B^o %ott 468) -mat© a quatrtitative $ttt4y of the at ill sat Ion ana reto&tlon of vltaiaiB \ in ohiXSron, sn4 conolnxdoi. tfe© a©ea t© l>© SO XntematlosaX ^sits par JeiXograa ®T 40 SIL©^* ©an«*0teQ© raa-it© p®£ mio^rm p©r daj? of vitamitt B. for ^oiaag ahiX&^entf Boss aad SomerfaXdt C80| ahoiswd th.& ^@XE© of inoraaaed attppX^ of iritamia B^^ and is»on In tie dlat for tbe ohixd* Hsaant anaXjraoa "^y Safe or md frlglit foitdd la 80) of Xarge jauwbera of dieta^loa from regions ttb&re toaflbari la pravaXent aho^od that tha vlta»in B eontent of tha diet fall la the range of 71 to ISO Intera&tlonaX Watts per day* ^ro* teotive diets might vats f^o® X45 to S00 laternatioaal trait®., dependlxig on the wight of the Individual» Shoobald (9B> anooaaafaxxiii treated five oftsos of nearltla in prdgnaaay ©&& fosad vitaoiin B^ therapy rexioved the "fins @Bd a©edl©irt e^B^ptema« Earti® f40> (4g) soggested M that itbor&l inioke of vitamin B^ la ©©©dod fo? &ee®cs©©Stel leotatioB,, but li.© attfitetes min ft as well« .BOTO of the ©ff£©a©y to ^|t&« B.o©© Cf9 &) statue Isho m®& tar tog pregoanof as twia© tho aorm©!;. Sillieas CiOSj9 tfeyeo to five time® th© nonaslj as do Baker ana bright (67 a)« Sili, Smith and Waller (30) ©Jaow vitamin E,, in sdditioB to atlaiiXatiag tfet appetit©, ■©'serts it© @p©oifie feoaoficissl. ln-£l®®m& Qn tM ifeotsting saiffiai organiaei^ as ©videsieed fey the la^t©tioa ©ffiaioiae^ lxj,d©js» fixe influence of vitssaia B^ @iv$n t© laetstimg f^isaioe restrictod is food aM imtei' as tfa® litter met© ©ontrols sbpr/td a> feeaefioial ©ffoet on la^tatioii* im©0©iiiteya arid Hit lei* 1471 ©M Smr© easd ffelfeer (9S} foiterate tli© inoyeaaed js©®d in pr^^naaei5 snd laotation* VJiliiams1 IXOS) aonolusion in tetms of milligranast of c^ystallin© ihiamio fosts at on© milligram pe^ day -for norsial and th^©® to five E3i3tll||imBa& fos* pare§»&&©$* So ®sny Motors influ©no© tit® aoed for a givon amomt of this vitamin it is fsllaoloma to ®p©ak of mi uhBOltxt® "vitamin B^ requirowent'* tor ©nj speei©©* Etch Bom&m of vitafflin B^ inelnd© ye©®t# f/hol© seadg, whole gpmin0s. legaane© and mats. high among the a©©te« Pork TOEISSS oatstandiBgly SlilK and ©itru@ fraits beesus© of the quantitie© consuaad represent potent sous'©©©* diatriteti©n in natures is widespread,, rioli iMl© the BOUTQ&B ar© ©ug» gOEted dail^ for ©ptiasal functioning ©f the orgaaisuii 2$ flif pl©n of this s%n&$ was to age the fat growth mattiod^ ' fee&Uig tko Shextnaa-Obaso vitasiim B^ freo dlot plma gyeteated amounts of ^ffsl&iliab Titasairi B^ for a. fomr W©#IE H©©XI%9 youag sibitto r^t© wseaoa at 21 to 88 dajs old^ welghiag St to SS Qvamt were ?ala9& to the ©to©! ooXoajr of the Food© end Butrltlon B0paxit@0Kt of Oregoa Stat# O;OXlQg0» l^© stook aaimale were tM BaXeton's faria© ^o^ Ohoft* ff^le is aa analysed ooneentrated food4 mpl®. in f&ll.. ^espeet© ©e deterattned b^? the p^esenee of geaorotts amoimts of all knoua ©sseatlal fa©tore* She AnimaXQ mm $%&&&& in tmdifldmal las-g® diesh^ raieod floor t?lt© eag@® to present oop?Q|>liag|ir^ esad -eupplied with the Basal 8* free diet and mratex- ^, llllltaB^. The dherm&fi*Ohae& B^ fro© diet ae f@d eaftsiated of; Casein (p-udLfisi) Oemetareh 18 g(ss# §1 w salt j&isctttre 4 *' Batt©? fat $®& Xiver eU totoolaved ^eaet 8 8 '" »w ffe© part fixation of the eadein was according-to tho method of 8teei»ha«hv S©li^ and iels.on<, Omi© oc&eein w&fi estraoteft XX ttaietf In 0+X po* cent flaoial ©coti© add 80Xation#and dried and groond* Battdg&t wag frt@6 fyo® ottrd ssA t^stor sftef tho udthoA of Palsaei' @-na s;0n»«fiyf fey fllttriag through rtsorteat ■ootton* Smell quaiitltios t?©r0 pr@piis,©4 fyoqueatly ©»& Sritt ^Q@iSt i7fts alzet with water* ©omtraliaad with do&iiuft ^trossit© m ififttoateft by t^etiag wtth bromt^moX^ bltto^. ©nd autooXaved for eix houra at iEO0 Oa After drying at room tomps^fetare £®r a few ia^s it ■me fineXy ^revt&d^ BepXQtioa o» tHe baaeX B^ free diet lasted u&tlX stationary or daeliming weiglta were reaohed* It tool g&omt tt?o '©©©te for thi© to eeear* At the %'©@i?min.g ef the es^erlieteataX period a aegative aostrol was eeXeeted from ©aeh litter reeelvlog the basal diet with m aappleittdnt^ litter aate eoatroia were dsiXy given.y la additioa to the basal diet, gradaated ameimtfi of fjpoo oxi© to Bit ®i®TQ$mm of eryetalliae ▼itamm % k^iro* ohloride aoXution. by meaaa of a tuberercXia iyriiig©* th© aoXution was oade up so that X ©»®f eoBtaiaed 10 aiorogrmmi of ift® vltamitw ®h© oval admlaiotration vraa aided by adding © Blight aooaat of saoyoe© to the aoiatien* We^Xy aiad ®id*t^dkXy weighiags war© mad© over tho tout vmk period* She orlglaaX latent o-f the study was to feed the vitamia at levels sbov© ©is BULorograma hat a shortage of aalaials frustrated this plagu At the end of the ^our u^eis period all negative &m* 2? troifi) liad dl9^ ©»& thd e&ita&Xd fd& os the gra&mtod eaosffita of fiteiffila B| $tydroel&o?i&6 vmT® 2tj,lle& exoopt a&imale aurabar© 408., 408^ 42?, 4€0 and 4S0» Boabdre ^08 ®n& 408 were Hept Qt the tte®@ ©iarograra level for fi^ei and, ane-telf weeke, and suualtQk'S) 427» 440 sad 480 for ©igtvt wisefes with © <lottM,©<l iatak© ©f Bj ovef the laet too ttee&e to €©^®rm.iB© the laflueaee of a longer teat ptriot* lo s^mptoa© of d®fiai.©3ael©© of other factors ^©5?<& xiot^d, so it was s^ausaed that the 'Qasal diet was adequate ia all respects osce-p.t ioT ¥itaaia a^* ze ' mmmf s ^©gstiv® tomtrol© stoadll^ lost s?9ight ant efeowofe poojf amsel® toas^ i&@fe of ©pp@tj.tff i^ooordloetlon ©at %sQt|,@ ©stressttiee* 3mth ®m® within %® to #0 fiays ©ft©? starting ©n tho l>a®©l vttamlu i^ ttm &&«t«. So oasod of ooswoXdiong 9? paral^le w©^^ notoi* Shoro ^as a m©ss Xoss #f *S2 graoe for IS tteg&tive oentyolOit .iBlmals on. tho seljoptimai amount of om alovograni pop day ®&QtG'®a a progroetoiVQ Aoollno In w€ig'6it« the gains mng®& from -^19 to t80 graras ov©f tbo foat w©@k peviod* Bie'b©^ (6 a) ©igO' foosd © taasiana trari&^ of roeponse wfeoa aniia&le w©r© fed a dtot ffeatly defioiont in vitamin B « ffee tmetead^ oonree 0oe«rr©4 la aBimsls fed tho iaboptimsl araoimts of oao a»<i two aicrograas of vltaaia M.iml nnobo? SIB m® not inolG4©fi in tho ^^leulation .duo to tho aoeident of fcetag oenglt in tho wire ana held thoro for t^ontjr^foar hours» Dsath iGll@m& the nest day* Some animals oahlMtod © reeling gait, osasoaXar inooordlna* tioja aod poor swisolo toaos 'teem gala in, w©i§&t fo^ the 11 ©nissls ^©ooifing was *4 ^1*68 0S?emo in foar melm* Unit growth !!•©» S gyams- por w©©|£) tra© not feaohed on tx7o ffiieyogfams 4ail^% lEHoan gala in woigM for 14 mifaels for the foar vmote potlod was ^12 ^^IQ gmm with a rasgt of *E to ♦SS* Only si^ sjalmels sho^ot a gain of three grama a 30 tfeek* Mo oa^ea of paral^eis or ©OB^^ISIOSS wer© sot©4 on this level» fhtm mierogsraatd was tbe first laoremant to caue© a. gains ia weight afeove throe g^mas a week* H^aa galss for tfe© SS auiaaals was +28 ♦•17 gfaias dm?tog the e^perltt&atal f®rIoi9 with a raiigd of »1 to +48 gtm®* Woux miQTogTmB $iv®n to 10 entiaala ehotsed a aoaa gain of +86 +»30 grams, with a srajage of ♦IS to +43 grams. fM@ was the first level at. which all aaimal© ©howtd a gala of at leaet thr©.® grsioe a weefco Fiv© ffllerograas f©i dsil^ r©Bttlt®a in © ,®eaii g&is of +84 ±»00 grsras for 30 eniaa.!®.^ with a +4 to +64 graas range* Only two anloale were avallihle for eaQperimeatatiott oa gls aierograa© so their rnaan gals of ♦&& graste i© £»aioat64 In flotteft lines la the ohart* SShle level ©asmot "he eon* eidorei a© having sttffioiest aaliaal© to justifj any eoneia* sione as to reaponsa* fehle© I to fill give detailed reeorda of gvercth of Individual anliaalfi and faljle 11 the stunmary of all .©Biaalf used in this iaveetigation. from th^se data Charts I arid II were fr©s>a.r©d#. Ohart III is the earve of reeponse of this eolenjr to grafiet aaount© of vitamin \ ani will h© used In eonne-etion with deteriaination© of vitamin B thi© lahoratory^ vala©s of food stthstanaee in so mmmm fh® mm® of 3f©©p©ii0ia mm&® fag plotting tbe mm gsiaa ia wigfef ae of&insttess sg©ln©t the mtorogtom Of the triteiadii S| fads ©s tho ebseieeae, ©an 1)© usdd as a ataMafd ©f roforenoe tot tk® oolong of ©^periaoalal rats of th.® foois ant Stttrltion Bigipeifts^at of Qtegom State College« She inport<'<ne9 ©f eeal letooratory ogtaMigfelag its own rofer®©©^ ourt© Me boext engs«8t04 ^ BAfiy, (o it eft Is 6 a) IwiB$ Branat mit HQIQOB (4©) and Palmar (71}, 0owa?4 (11) asi& others!» ©his onarve of reeiicmi© I® of miu.® in ifieraiuiiig t&© vlt-jasiB QOntoAt at f®®& isatdri&Xs* When a food o^terisX ii to be t©©t04 It is f©i to gyoap© of rats OB ©a® or two l©?ol© ®ad at tli© sa©© tim© oa© or too lemls of tin® ©r^stajMm fitaraia B^ ©r© fod to @M©& th© 0fit©l?Xiiia®t our^©*Si&eo @t©soiia1l and ladivtduel tnariatioas'afd l&zgo fsetors ©Ten In well ©tand©yils©.i tedt ©alaaXi @li0©lt® oboulft iso»* eteatly bo naa* Ihd gro&tb ^©sitoiaao of til© foodlagB of the laateylal betog t@©t©a aro pXott©4 OQ th© re^Tga©© <mytm« Wtm tii©a© pois.t©» lia©a ara firoppofi to tha ssii of th9 ©bsolaaa®' ©»4 tb® vitamla iraiae® oan Is® oslcaletad* Ooi?ar& (11) forad a great a@ai ©f ©osmyac^ through tfeo u&o ©i? Isor owrt©® of tospoiisf in ©©tisiatlng th^ ^itaiaiji ooateot of foots* fhi® aothofi is ©dvmat&goous- ■wh.m o»l0y small qaaaati* ties of th© food ar® available (76 a)• B&e&as,&©cm aaS. ls^fl@ia (l& a) for tteir attrvo of Oa tli® I)a8ls that 1G sEilllgram® of th© staateyfi eosstsiB ©a© inteymstjiousl unit of Titerain 1^ vrhldh fforn the report!0 of fatsrapa and iasteraaia (3,001 ©oastatja® fiv© geaa®. of tlm alo^©1.^ tie rd^oXta (»DtQis.e4 ia tMe Btn&$, m 6.0 thoeo of HateimE and ^Bneraao (100)» 33 mmm Mm GosCTsioga Beslthyt yosng alfeiao rats £1 to 88 da^s oia# weighljag 39 to SB graasi of the Foods ©aa Butritioa Department et OfegoB State O-olleg0.#, were plaoeS OB wasrilag en ©■ ©base* SUermon B fyee Met sjatll stationary or fieolluiag weights V7®y® ^eaeheii JtepXetion r/ss feached in 14 to 18 d©^©. Isa the esperinental period of tour wee&s litter mat© ©ontrols we?e fet 4ail^ from oae to sis: aierogranui of er^etalline vitaals B^ ^4roeljlorid© fecy oml eAnixiietratieB* A jaegatixr© eontrol mm aeleetea froa «a©h litter* fiesa g^ins in weight over the eaperloe&t&X four «reelE period mere -£2 grama for 19 aegativ© oontrolsj *4 *1*6$ grams for 11 imimals fed o&e aierograia of vitaoin B^j +11 +*10 grra© for 14 gualmal® fed two mierogr-ame of vitssjin 3=, j +E2 +^i? grwe for 06 amlm@,ls fed three mierograas of tritaaia B^j +£$ *#30 gra^s for 10 aniaaal© fed four miorograais of vltaain l^j ^$a *i,0i gram© for 26 @iii;mals fed five Baiorograss »f iritaaiia B™ ©sad +B9 graaa for two saiasals fed siar mierograaaf of yltaain B^. ?oijmearltlo sj'aptoms were noted ou the eahoptlraal levels of one m& two aierogrEms of vitamin B-* 2he oar?© of reaponae estsblighet hy plotting the 'aieaa gains in weight m ordlnates against alerogram® of the orystallia© vitamin B^ fed as abseisft&e will be asecl m a standard of refereno® for the Oregon State College rat colony of the Food© and lutrltion Department* &$ means of yafcl© x—grgCTtfa Re.syoHae pt Rats on Yitaalia Bi gree Met "i Initial 8o« Sox Sraas A505 4509 A517 A525 A530 A539 &54Q A546 4551 &554 4558 AS6A AS65 4569 A57S » 43 49 48 45 44 41 40 4? 40 S3 52 43 53 54 45 m u H F -S- a a a M a a. 46 I'I .mi! JI: i Experimental Period HillBr EfelgBt ©aia weig&t ffei^ktt at end ©f ■ in Depletion at ead of at BWA of at m& of Uei^it on© week to© ceefes ttoee uo^kB tour weeks Weig&t !%•©© Bi©t apasss (days) 50 42 56 55 41 43 41 62 51 64 63 66 52 32 48 42 53 41 48 43 55 47 43 as 65 ©9 03 6? 69 65 m ■m ■63 HI 43 48 35 47 45 33 36 32 61 48 §6 S0 60 53 66 58 55 53 €7 63 47 47 48 63 mi■m ■ lean »- 34: 42 34 27 37 40 *21 •22 -27 •29 -19 *20 -16 -2© -20 -28 -27 -23 -26 -SB -22 45 31 39 38 39 35 28 41 35 41 35 42 35 34 40 -22 37 i.nri.i 59 37 deceased «-■ mmI.IHIii■ tmi.uii WIM.—«IIWI—IWMWIiw^.^miw .■ umii ) ■ n . ;,i jm. JI. » a «6 O Si m & > •H O © 84 +3 0 H 1^ © to 4» O © © aa — & . w tN © (w fo o © ff •H $ © p IT* IB 4* £ # M'Q © H ^^ ^ fc 0 .18 P S « © © <H f^ CD *« el) rt 1 (S0 TO £- ' OOtOOlOtOCXRtOt-O'* HH W rH H CO I < | * 4 I I ♦ 4 * + I Q« ® {ft < #*♦ « M 0 tit Qi «J> 0>. JO 6C} Q 6*to, an to- co <® lift OT ^ '«J> «0 B* ** iO ^ H (O '^ U3 .»> CD <• tDi ^ «o 50 i© to ^ ^ <s to t&'ura 0 to- {jj %$ % ^js ^ tj» «$» <cj«' .0 ^> tO W?:'*' «# t© «9 tO-tO tO.HO ij$ ^ t^i ' .rnJir^tO ! £) P El &, fc S Cb 13 Sft* E3 fti 03O!©r403Q3-©i&)tO«f'©ti& iHHtOlOtOtO'tOiOiOtOtOtO CO U3 H "tf* to to to lO ^3 0 g3 9 19 © 35 N © m 4? > W. ©. k ©I O 43 * CO © 0, JfSJ Q © si <9 v* <r4' -S* Qs ©© *» © © % ■O ©0 £3 *» {to ' ■ 42 ^ to ■^ © ._ i» 4^ $ § J 43, ©^© «a & «* ©*! © ©: 49 © fi: ■ @ © H 4S © © I 13 1j» d> fe" g> H CO ©1 Oli ^ O ¥3l-1^ © «»■ M 0} M H JH ©3 rt ■ H (©i&Ot0Ot©'«9>l©H0}O'0l0)^ t* © C0 c*- s> t0 40 10 «0 >© CO t© I?* .JS o '4 b 4 €9 ■to H t® o> '&• £-1> i© «o «© t© <& t- to t*.' 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ES ft* fiai E3 53 £1S? An & & &» E3 ft. & Ph 9* &&&&* A* fc S3 fel 60 ^ .«© © «@ &* CO O H ilSJ 80 60 "tf* «> © © m U3 Q■ <B« '«I0 fr^ 0> «> ©3 00 m ffl. © & © P -89 H' H H H H'iN H H <*• ^ «* # <<* ^ '<# H ^ ©I '"s!* €S :G6 © © «£) ^ (SJ © 03: P3 {^ ® pQ: 03 ® .(Q ® gQ .fQ (Continued) Wo* Sox ^508 F Ai26 A5M F ' 1 F m%® rs A5ia a -A§@S &m2 &BS& AS7^ A87S P ■ m £3 F ftepletiott Wolg&t ®i»aag 4X 4S 4S 4i 43 ^2 48 SX 49 45 SI ©0 m m m 59 60 6© 62 7© i .• Seas "f&ig&t IsltisI tlsigM ^Fsms -IS 84 •! tfelguT wMg^fe " 'imm ' ' • Okia at ©afi of «& €«d ©f afe ©ma «f at oafi of ©a© ^©©IE fe© t?©©irs tlir©© ^©ofes f ©ixr 0@©ks ffpaaa . graas - gi?aMg ^ramg . S9 57 61 60 m m 64 SS 64 61 6© 73 84 68 60 64 67 €5 84 92 la Wolglat .:Qg^^ . .fi»E» ♦IT ♦ 4 * S 65 S8 Sf 76 72 7S 7S 82 79' .82 87 ■88 88 ♦18 67 73 78 86 *sa .■-la.i ±«3.7 «J3 «> ^ Jy ■fiB' <rf *rf ! ^ Cl «*4 4^ c&J « 63 (^ £9 H A «p CO &* H tO 8i . «^: Oi?' 'OS M M' CO 05' £0 '^ 60 4* »$•■■ ^ ♦ O' ■* ^ •<? * 4 0■ <* «& 0 -us 'pa te- Qt 0> ■«* 0 0 &- to up @> # m # © <© IB9 g- 40 © # t* < ^ «^ ■*$ > 1 HI' 6* © i® © O' «*t■ H © iy© 'i «^ H s© <® <# ffl I ^ E3feE3&&>&Cl&3Sf& H 4^ ^ B» i® g* 50 Q O *$ <^' «fi5 <^ «sj ^ ^ <3 «a| .<a8' ^ O to * .W' «3S «i?j £■=■ 39 fl*q 09 *> # @: © 0) f»* '© d fet 0 ^1 0 © © ■si's & i S4 ; <3»j © 0 B« <3> ". ®P 0 '43 Q H ©© il0 » © c& <© «*< &» Q €> '<©■ ■«& 0 *p' „. ift*t ff"^ ^r*l" > © oo <^ ^ ro- is ^ ^ © ^ *f w 31*$ tr. OHOOO&oCbO'OO ^ "fr ^O* ^ ^* V ^ ^ * T * T & ■4 <- ^ * 4- *■ * 4 ■♦ &» cfe ra' <s* i 6»0«9-a>: ■ H 69 'SS* «3* > i- m O W■ 09 >• 0 <0- &" >■ ^ B^ <o ia? H 0 C&'©J © rt ^ ® 6$ «# O ^ W fc-iH 60 0> ©> EO O 0> *# <S»- 00 fr- &« W &* ■&* '6U ■ SO 02 lp» ©3■ 6*■ C"-■ «fl> CV3 63 H CD CO Sf»' «0 CD no «$> f■ O «H «$* ^ t»a ^ ^ ■ e> U5 ^ 03 ■ ***» 3 (fO ©5 0 ' p ^s-i sg» jij.' OT- tf> 4© iO © @J' 09 © *§ 60 M tf5: 6D *4 03- -H «Q fid <J> M3 CD H! fi~ 05 I S-M) ¥) t* OS 0 .H :00"tP«Q) ft»0» 10 «J tO lO tO U5 «0 & &3iafefeBgE3fe»'?3^^afe4S.fe)&fessfe!iS)r3&i © (9 '0».«D'.H'&*;10 <a CS? &"'** 0s lO CO' itQ. .rti' e> ©' ^ ra M -H QJ «0 SQ ■*■ 10 60 ■•tfji Ift' <$ U? «© w tQ: it)■ i© J^ U> £0' «> «3 ® 0} PQ © SJ © <2 «3 «4 «4«a5' PQ; ««?■ <3S). 40 %» ^ ®i 49 M © © & *« ca &m a P es «rt 49 HI IP M ©■ 0 O. ^3 e* to .to t© f ^r 4 ^ ' H '6) HI O M «0. (N Oi 'iN.HI <$J <^i <& ^ EO tO «0 £•» © I© m m & *® .0 41 0, (3 *5 @ CO <0 4$ E © © SI0 I W © fe fia 49 l$i«!5 a & a ml 49 p Of Mm 60 CD i© 0 to o* ^ S4 .to * m m «0 © OS F © I' *r* ■ 43 CO «** ©A3 a "d 0 s as & I, to <v4 §y S o 4, <& I61 n 61*1 +* r*U '& M! r«m o p- 8© 0 O g 0 I to ^ ^ <$» & r-i «» i0 ft P4 CO 50 <* ■ft. eo t :H1 *& «$ s^ 03 « a a &* C9 03 t 4*5 ■«©■ H fe ^ (to &• 0 I® ^ 8 CO p»» ^ m % s ^ © «> s Si w! m *giabl<g 13l«*»»SisEiaay^ tablet Bailj Dos^s • Segpense of Rats %& ^yadteated AmeiBBta of TfHtaaAa B f*l:» Cases TSfeigbt Sai^t Weight Weight ^erogvaas 14 45 60 TX 421 * .,10 mef^sraae 56 4§ 63 S© *22 ♦ «,17 Mcpogra»0 10 -4? S8 .+26 ♦ * 30 4-Sf J; •♦05 Slir© , .••■'■• MevogFBm 2® Sis Slicjp©grams 2 • • - 84 - . 44 . . . S7 «S 49 08 10S . *Sf »&■ m Bo .B©2f«kg f:U0. sat fiowgiil^ #0 B* Mores^ld oiwfaotwrtati* XSSI* t^amiltatl.?© ^latio^hif© la tifarate 1 (soufles Q* B#]tls £3« &« BlTOi oxigar lovol is fitfiifaia $, de^leloa^^ L, ■?# 0*,^ aai B&rrls«. &♦ l#. Bjpaftyeasp&l* IB tl@ La B-* aifSfieitut r&l ©ai tt© ua^ la fitsalsi % |)<5ii tflleais H<> S9 Slolo Oiioa* lift gSS*g@l# Iff?*. ana Gooid^^ Bdl^loss 03? I»^#aaa4 ^lamis S (S3.) la* f^6o -to atenftsl ©ai pl^fieai gfo^tl of |afa»ts» Jm* iofl O90&?S4 S« S* lo ©» 1* $hQ mtlnmm &£ th& tmgtk of tli© tost ffee flate^ailiiotiott of'^^ anftiAeiMrltlo vita* vsX&tlda botvoas titamla i ©ad t&e nutri^ioo @f th® ^feysicl* 1018 OCWK^IXX* %&9 ©o E* li0*XX0» W$B* She tritasate ys^mif^tiieat of Bfi»» ^» iowfiil,, #..: B*^ E6#@m1}0tf* fift A»^ ana logoff,, #«>■ f&© 9S^eloXo$|r df t!i® fitestfi'© MM a, fto 0-ff<gei® of osawig© la t^®: iiao r^fui^ot f©r th# 4©f©X©^si@at of SH© QKLor«st& oh©Jpa©i©fifitio ©f aaeu of mMlfMvmti'* oto& is il«fr J* P!^0id3,p •98? §S@*i&4e 1^11 & If, § 4 E^t. 191 XSa^S^ X9S8* ObI©k|: S*-fe asat E@s^©as, S* 1* i igeflto^ for tM asa? foang rat© Is u®©t as @ dyltorioae Bioelissii.o |e SS? S9< 81* Sana, ft* i« fM ^itssia § aotaplfts* ^s Sst^itida^ lit ^<» ikaq m#t'6 Asooea 14 s X$?*X37« 19S0# >».«. ptXiQgf^^ ^ai0X9. So f,.^ aai Biaas^U^ lo Es fttsala oaatd&t of footle tr«S#3)»&* Hi®©* 5a1>o Bt^ S?i^ lins© I§$f* 24, &<m&ld8cw9 He I* 19S49 Sb© »©t* 8a4 IS* ©Istar Isotltatt^ 26* %ufflsoai# $* 6»# anfi faulty C« tte ofe.oal«al |m?i0flga* %lon of ill® f^otplidfaagitat© t^e©i|>ltat© trtm ¥l®@ vttesain it*' ^#* i©©* Ss#4' 9i«i» E&d* 30.« 1 458*46 ;@@f. 3f^ MitloriLskX« Utlligatl©^ euad retention of vitaajia % t» mil&Tm* 3<> £m* Meto As9@g<. 10?* m^M^ WMt go** X938* vlftemlji B IB, f eeat-tat' of mimul tiesaea* g^ssmai ^s^eloXo^ la thd »aX®o l« M©X* J« latrltloia. It S3* fat OB fttaaln 3o. <lo Blolo Ofeesa* 106? GtefriXasout !«.* 0^4 S'&t^rs.j E* A* Bio^hem* '<?* Ml? SS* 450-€SSft XfSf* S'uaotioB ®£ tortaXla* 2X00*2X^1$ XS0f^X4O0^ X9H* 6y*oa«$ ft* B»t aad; Bl©©fe9 A* fistv^otioa #f Titemiia I from'o&sofffeates* seiQa»# 84? X8S«X8&a XSSft» feosa's&$ua?aX Botia?6©s* 1399,9 ifSf^ ViHeffiis %■« -J* ira* ©tea* loo* itj 3» BJtoX* Oliisa*. 961 IM m. i^»o . XSti* ^ff^Sa^ X038# tMov^ aad, |>r&0tl«@« Mm 40 « rai»s« 41* 'te« E©v* Biaeilxo®*- Bt ■%! ua?ia© &»& ita 40fiaioae# oa ti@i©iff loteMo %^ 3ES 0&6-894fr 19S$# 43* Sarrow gv^d Sbearwiaw to motabolism^ 40« Seyyoftto^ ft f« tea@o% fast ^o^fe of Moeheoi^t^^ Mo $<, Bh^eiol* 1061 P&tla* &78^0SS>. 10®^. ®H© 110© of v&rioas rat ass^y tfto^li^fi©. ta 65i*ese+ its'©* 4f< fltaala to©^lag ©^eriaemtes Is*?? mm$ tajaiaal© Is @s iSUp^laoBtfl lot* Ja Biol« ©teaa Q3s' 465U4?0v 1990* 49 « Oben* 6Si 50»t 1046*1058« l$$6o- (ktsim ©2*111:6' *£lm ©tseuotus1© of I'itaiate B%* SQ1®P-#,<0 SI* Sas'l'1>: uJ,« §» Soa© effo©l© oi: ^ai©^ soluble ^ifesalu® SI* feyr» Wo §■* !Set&l»ollett stedl®® with iie-ts ilfltiemt la watesp ©caiubl® IB) vltaolno* ^<> Biol© 01iQ®d 44s £??*36£, 1$20» $8 »4< #5* i$< S?s and rei'satioa of iritsaiE 1 @f foaag ©MI#^©m* SatrUion, IZi 60f*ail,s 1&89* S0, fia#tt# Mo Et,^ ©at S^feimtg.s F* £?« Soft,. d« S^y. sM Iteuasaoad, #* O^ fl0©©S:* Sloo&ea» St, Sis 61 < 999 6€c BM<*$TBi I®|»i,#T©a«®% ©at fist 638*651^ 198?« lifBt#.| Sa B.«,a @B4 Me0'0iiia@? S« ?» ©tea., I» SI 1 I* t<af law of yooeat Y937 678*680„ 3,98§* Sj^vaao^ Pe A«. OonoOjat^-atloa of the tdtetslsi B* sal BA# of aiffevoa* stfain© 0^ i&ito s«to* tO f 88680 IfSS* Sol moo* Bfi $3 66* ESij»#f* ©#? aa^ Strsm©* S3l«. Ala&toia© pol^Aoiuri^l®* Sag* *r«'EIe$U S09i So* S4« |0SS# l.|,tgr©fixr<s« £&« #6 M|.'t©teHft 8« S* SOB® BO* $&« 3g@^S20^ X99ft« is® ^jplio^tiofi @£ t^o f^l^4 f#Mla.g tiv* viStfuala 1 @m%.$Ef0 of foods ©a4 ©ttlflelal m* Sew OOII« MBMrn^ 1* 13* fM 'oot^oiKmtei' of the ^ifeall& i tospl©^ lo ^sa* £3«d« A$900« 110$ MS^@€f^ t&$8* of tbo w&©a% ''mm®l m& i%& milling $mi,mt®* !-« of IM food §©aimffi|»ti©a ani Ife^ o££i6le&o$ ^mafloat ^ Povie^ P# fosiolti' of vitoaia $ tsmms*. Mm* »ioi* Ho&« 1?i if^ifa^ m** tr®®;*, SQO« Z# §* St&MltSinos offoot Of tao^oaeod vt^aiala 1 (&,> iatsfe os sroB7t& m& nutfitioa of Ittfaate* M« H* ^©Ma4a^ <l,o 1*,^ ©ad UoflolXma* S* ?■? 78# ^vottXuA^ B* J#j ©ad £Io0oXXa&9« 1^ f-e 4 #fetai©a1, »o&gpxit for tho dotooiioa Bai ®©|l©%tlo/j of ^i%aai» 3* #♦ 3X0X* Ohoa* »j?o* Issri »*X»ss# I0af*; fS* fXI«®&^4 S* 1% A»ft Ha^mond^ W* H*» ami ^o^idaoae^ I*, Oo&gp&re&ivo trXtwalji % vftX^oe of food «tistff»* ©or©* ©X©* BloOliOOLo .?» 891 6$i^^4^ X93X« ?$%& &i6tka&&8oat l& S*.j aafi SaffI©Xi^ H« £.«. 4 dhofltloal ^a©@#at tJo© of #t©atart sii®©o olsronl&r #o« I* aoataoa #tat<& Golxogd^ i0Sf*. ff* E^Mftsoa^ B* 0»j oad S©|rX<S:4, 8* ®* DiffioaXtloo la t&@ ms©- of br&dyoatd&a rot bod of mmsing tritomia %« ?*oo« Soo* Bsp* SioX* l©t» Sfs. X9^XdQ» X@i^* @<s rs* BQQI&I I* fi« ftUttyitatieg wi the fltmitk B OO&$XQS» fi«€i B«©;© a* d« J^ Isfeom'lQ'S'f a©ai^o©t for i£©-l0tle@* '** Qitk £M!t£U#&« ItSf. SU 80* ©@s© »%fe.oi© f&t1 tlo ^sifsette Qt vitamin % f^sia la.t<i>^a.©^i@HSl ®:t©Rfei?i a.©i4 01.^ o' tfoo« Bo®* I&p* m A-s f,. S'@Qi3fl©2?* 64* Sbesmuaa, I* 6* iie i|i@yffl©m« 1» ©*« ssi dlojr, 0* xx0i &&&ml&%£y of fo^fis sad a^H^&o&o HA Sfi flt^stM B i©%<&Mla* 0ft, 19%%o Sjpies, S? Jl'flns aafl liftoff #o 3>* Aasota ^ Sth dag«esy0 19S84 liolo Oho©* 90* itGiteB oa tM Tita* !<>. Bi&la Ofcaa* Xgg. X85* l^Bfo XlOs X0di*X84X« 19804 f&© $ft@Q& 0f vltssmisa -'-"i f^l^smmi© mai ®m?4.%©vassalsi' eos.41tl©a^l ff^gm&B^^ #0 £&« ssea» Asaoott loot itiiai@iil isao^iisUp itsa* 9So trast^ed wi$h vlteals S# ]kas©ail j?sft I a©4^e3f» 1.0I#» 0fa 1680*31684^ mm* ■98* foa'Ssi©^^ IsBa S&t TWSstdr salable ^itaailfiOft 3i§0li@ia*, S-t 390*3594 lift* 100-* fsti&imea-/ R# S*., @G# Isjiia0rs6aa9 K<> growiog mt©*. I.e- iimtelttan ids lOl* iaQa«. Soifs Stmiloit ®f oty^liftl* 85*44^ 188$# W^tesuBss^ B-p B^j cat ^sseriafisio B* itiy4i©© of $£;sre%*&* iia$ ?.itasni» Is ft WfotQ btfawb af g^^limlefi ^0099 @fi ptgooae* 5© Sfttri^toa 10?- i§i,~l&6.8« MS. • tfelss^ r v d«« aa<l m&s A@@oo4 „ lOfi1 ,©. ,w E.6 -., 53*. llf _,. - -mm& m ..-, „.„ ?S6*^30 l@®f# I0S., thsromo rta§||da^ B<s#o frsfe Oterio iif ' $0II-*83LO$ l^St* a.? 0^ttdi«u"of e^yiStel'iiBd tlfesiip % fill As© Ohm* see* its ililliaaB!^ t* E» $09« iit IDS'* 8^1 ^Ho lOts*»lo.0S^ its©* fho fesifeeii vAtuain* Isi*. Sag* X065*i0^6* ""■■"'* t?ilXiaja©fl E9 a*v STatoRaeaa^ Ii# Sl*fr aaol Bi?s?o©8^o(ay6 i