J. Hodac
CTU in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Dept. of Mapping and Cartography
Thakurova 7, Prague, 166 29, Czech Republic;
KEY WORDS: Cultural Heritage, Spatial Information Sciences, System, Project, Proposal, Development, Virtual Reality,
The development of the methods of spatial data acquisition together with progress in information technologies brings up a question
about creation and usage of spatial models and spatial information systems of historical sites and buildings. This paper presents the
current state of the “Live Theatre” project. The theme of the project is the proposal and realisation of a spatial information system of
the baroque theatre of Cesky Krumlov castle (UNESCO site).
The project is divided into three main stages – creation of a 3D model, proposal of a conception of a spatial information system and
realisation of a functional prototype. Spatial data were acquired by means of photogrammetric and surveying methods. An accurate
3D model was built in CAD system MicroStation and it is a photo-realistic (textured) model. The proposal of a conception of a
spatial information system was the main result of the author’s dissertation. The essential feature of the proposed conception is
creation of subsystems targeted on three spheres – management, research and presentation of the site. Functionality of each
subsystem is connected with its related sphere; however, they are using the same database. Realisation of a functional prototype
(with sample data) is a present stage of the project. During this stage we are solving several basic technological topics. Now we are
concerned with spatial data, its formats, format conversions (e.g. DGN ⇒ VRML) and its connection to other types of data. After
that we will be seeking a convenient technical solution based on network technologies (Internet) and an appropriate layout of data
(database). The project is carried out in close co-operation with the administration of Cesky Krumlov castle and some other partners
(e.g. Computer Graphic Group, CTU in Prague). This stage of the project will finish in the middle of next year (6/2005).
A functional prototype and information acquired by its testing will become the basis for the final proposal of a complex information
system of a historical site. The final proposal and an appropriate technology will be the results of the project. The realisation of a
complex spatial information system is expected to follow afterwards. The results would be exploitable for both administrations of
sites and for organisations working in the area of presentation of historical sites and creation of multimedia.
Progress in information technologies together with the
development of methods of geodetic and photogrammetric
documentation brings up new possibilities of creation and usage
of spatial models of historical sites and buildings. This paper is
focused on presentation of the current state of the “Live
Theatre” project. The main goal of the project is the proposal
and realisation of a functional prototype of a spatial information
system of a particular historical site. Theoretical foundations of
the project were established by the author’s dissertation. The
dissertation [Hodac 2002] was focused on seeking possible
ways from gathering spatial documentation to creation of a
spatial information system (IS).
1.1 Background of the project
The theme of information processing is more important today
than it was a few years ago. Progress in information
technologies and computer technologies is accelerating.
Information systems are gradually used in areas, which were up
to now a little bit aside of the main interest. Cultural heritage is
one of such areas in our country. Apart from the main content of
information, localisation and time aspects are getting very
important today. There comes a period of movement from IS
working with planar data to IS working with space and time.
Another movement is connected with the development of
network technologies. Information systems are moving from
separated offices to the net and Internet. Work with spatial data
is closely connected with such science as virtual reality.
The cultural heritage area is now more important also because
of its relations to tourist industry. Historical sites, together with
nature, belong to the most popular targets both in the Czech
Republic (CZ) and abroad. This is again connected with
information. If a historical site would like to attract potential
visitors, it is necessary to present the site. A perspective way is
presentation on the Internet. In this context we can hear terms as
virtual tourism, virtual sightseeing and virtual monument or
site. The importance of spatial data in this area is slowly
The Laboratory of photogrammetry at the Department of
Mapping and Cartography co-operates with the Administration
of Cesky Krumlov castle and the Foundation of Baroque
Theatre on a project of creation of metrical documentation of
the castle´s baroque theatre at Cesky Krumlov. This cooperation has been running since 1996, see [Hodac 2001]. The
theatre is primarily documented by the students of geodesy and
cartography in their theses. The aim of the first phase of the
project is to create new metrical documentation of the theatre in
a form of a spatial model. In the second phase, the spatial model
will become a core of a spatial information system.
1.2 Motivation and aim of the project
It is not such a big technical problem today to acquire spatial
data, to create a spatial model of an arbitrary object e.g. in the
area of cultural heritage. The question I met with was: how to
use this model effectively? Currently, customers demand
predominantly 2D form documentation and they do not want
spatial data and models. Models are used for one-off purposes
e.g. presentation (visualization) or research of a site. Other
utilisation of these models is uncertain. It is not so positive
because of the volume of work, which was done on creation of
the models.
Utilisation of spatial data in spatial IS is one of perspective
possibilities. If we are speaking about IS of historical sites it is
necessary to ask – What ideas do owners or administrators of
sites have? Do they need IS, do they need spatial data? If yes,
what data and for what purposes? Answers to these questions
were the basis for the definition of the aim of this project.
The main aim of this project is: to find possible ways from
gathering spatial documentation to creation of a spatial
information system of a historical site.
The project is generally divided into three main stages –
creation of a 3D model, proposal of a conception of a spatial
information system and realisation of a functional prototype. In
this paper, the main focus will be on the second stage. A
detailed description of this stage follows.
synthetic part. This proposal works with three main application
areas – presentation, research and management of sites.
The application part was also very important. The proposal of a
conception of an information system of the castle’s baroque
theatre at Cesky Krumlov (“Live Theatre” project) was created.
Primary attention was given to designing schemes of data for
each part of IS.
2.1 Analysis – Management of site
The data for this analysis were acquired by inquiry. The
questionnaire included questions about the following topics –
affordable plan documentation (geometrical data), affordable
inventories, tallies (non-geometric data), technical and
organisational background. The inquiry was conducted at
selected sites (24 sites), which were located in the selected
region (southern Bohemia). The main condition for the
selection of sites was accessibility for the public. Most of the
selected sites were big (e.g. castles) and they were owned by the
The result of the inquiry showed that administrations of sites are
largely rather small organisations (up to 5 employees). Some of
them have a possibility to use services provided by the founder
(mainly sites owned by the state). Organisations are equipped
with computers only on a basic level and connectivity (to the
Internet) is rather insufficient. Utilisation of information
technologies is assessed positively by staff of administrations.
Unfortunately, reality at administrations is not so good and the
use of these technologies is not so widespread. Respondents
thought that the main barrier for wider use is finance (low
The quality of existing documentation is assessed as sufficient
for current utilisation. A combination of classic (paper) form
and digital form of documentation would be optimal according
to most respondents.
2.2 Analysis – Presentation of site
Chart 1. Fields of utilisation of 3D model
Discussions with administrators of sites and also experience
coming from professional meetings in the last decade, see e.g.
[Santana 2001], were the basis for the definition of basic areas
of utilisation of spatial data. Chart 1 describes these areas. The
most important areas are – presentation of a site, research of a
site and management of a site. In all of these areas we use
similar initial data. The methods of processing these data are
vary according to user´s requirements.
The course of the second stage of the project was divided into
three parts – analytical, synthetic and application.
The main attention in the analytical part was given to two target
areas – site management and site presentation. An analysis of
current state of data, which are used by administrators of sites,
was carried out. The types of operation with these data were
also examined. The last part of this analysis dealt with
conditions for utilisation of information technologies in the
analysed area. Another analysis was focused on the current state
of presentations of historical sites on the Internet in the Czech
Rep. and abroad. Virtual tourism, virtual sites and tourist
industry were essential subjects of this analysis.
The results of the above-mentioned analysis became the basis
for proposal of a conception of IS of a historical site in a
Selection of sites (in CZ) was the same as in analysis above.
The topics of the analysis were – existence and content of
presentation, language of presentation, use of multimedia,
services, localisation of presentation and graphical quality.
Approx. 15 foreign presentations and projects were analysed.
The main focus was on UK because of its richness of cultural
heritage. Other sites or projects were included into selection
with consideration of the area of interest – virtual heritage,
virtual tourism.
Chart 2. Presentation of Cultural Heritage - trends
The results of the analysis of sites located in CZ showed that we
can not speak about virtual tourism today. Most presentations
do not use interactive elements and geometrical data (plan,
maps, and spatial models). Most of them are static – not living
presentations. Complex presentations, which consist of
voluminous sets of information, are still sporadic. Connections
to other types of information systems are missing (town, region,
republic, tourist industry etc.).
The results of the analysis of presentation of sites abroad
brought some interesting information about current trends, see
chart 2. These trends have the same background. It is – to
facilitate understanding of the significance of cultural heritage
to visitors. Complex 3D models of real sites were not included
in this particular selection. Interactivity was mainly used in
connection with classical form of data (text, photo).
2.3 Proposal of conception of spatial IS of historical site
User – a future user has a prime impact on the content and form
of IS. Users of IS of a historical site are given by area of interest
(see subsystems). It is naturally possible that they can use other
subsystems (not only one).
Data – subsystems have the same set of original data. The
requirements of subsystems are different and therefore the
volume and form of accessible data varies, see chart 3.
Functionality – demands on functionality of the whole IS are
given by the previous two levels – user and data. Even though
the subsystems have the same set of basic functions, each
subsystem also needs a specialised function.
The proposal of a conception of IS is based on three areas of its
utilisation. These areas also determine subsystems of IS.
A complex information system including spatial data should
comprise subsystems oriented on these areas – site
management, site research, site presentation.
Subsystems use the same data set for various purposes. Chart 3
describes the volume of data for each subsystem.
Chart 4. Basic levels of subsystem
2.3.1 Basic conditions for realisation: Apart from the
content of IS, fundamental conditions of successful realisation
and use of IS were defined. These are:
utilisation of network technologies,
low budget for installation,
low cost of hardware and software,
simple handling,
update of data.
Chart 3. Subsystems of IS of historical site
The results of the analytical part of research were the basis for
definition of principal features of an information system of a
historical site and its subsystems:
Subsystem – site management (SM)
- is intended for management of site, to support decision
making process
- user is administration of site
- system enables - update and editing of data; making
outputs with use of various types of data; simple spatial
analysis etc.
Subsystem – site research (SR)
- is intended for research of site and its funds
- users are historians, conservationists, restorers, and
- system enables – work with other associated systems;
basic analysis of examined data – e.g. modelling; feedback
– discussions, publications etc.
Subsystem – site presentation (SP)
- is intended for presentation of site
- user is potential visitor of site
- system enables – work with virtual reality and
interaction; work with other associated systems; complete
service for visitors etc.
Each subsystem was further specified in three levels, as is
described in chart 4.
A detailed proposal of technical solution went beyond the topic
of this stage of the project. One of possible approaches related
to this theme is e.g. a concept of a distributed system. Data does
not have to be stored in one central powerful server, but on
more servers. Utilisation of this concept could be demonstrated
in conditions of public cultural heritage care (in CZ) on a
typical relation administration of site ⇔ founder or
administration of site ⇔ network (or fund) administrator. Chart
5 illustrates this concept.
Chart 5. Distributed system
2.4 “Live Theatre” project
A concrete project of IS was designed at the end of this stage.
The main goal was – detailed documentation and elaboration of
results of previous phases. “Live Theatre” project arose as a
logical result of former activity of students and teachers of the
Department of Mapping and Cartography dedicated to the
building of baroque theatre at Cesky Krumlov castle (theatre).
Both geometrical and non-geometrical data were available.
Subsystems for management, research and presentation of the
site were elaborated in more detail in close connection with
general results of previous phases. Schemes of selected
prototypal data for each subsystem were created. Parameters of
technical solution were specified at the end of this phase.
The fund of technical equipment and the fund of decoration
(partly) were subjects of metrical documentation, see above.
There is no doubt about relevancy of spatial information in
these funds.
Additional sources of non-geometric data are – photodocumentation, panoramic videos (see [OIS CK]), videos
(rehearsals), collection of sounds (scenic effects), historical plan
documentation etc.
For the purposes of IS proposal, the data (non-geometric) of
two funds were chosen – fund of technical equipment and fund
of decoration.
Fund of decoration – consists of sets of 13 basic stage scenes.
Fund of technical equipment – includes complete original
theatre machinery with sliding frames, winches, levers, pulleys,
and a movable lighting rack. The floor of the stage is also
original, including sliding and removable planks and trap doors.
2.4.2 Proposal of IS: The project of IS of the theatre has a
working name “Live Theatre”. The objective of the project is –
to create a living system, which could be used for recognition of
theatre culture in the baroque and more widely to recognise
general interrelations of life in the baroque epoch.
The project is realised in close co-operation with The
Administration of Cesky Krumlov castle and The Foundation of
the Baroque Theatre.
Figure 6. Visualization – upper stage, roping gear
The present state of the castle theatre in Cesky Krumlov is the
result of reconstruction of castle´s area in 1765-66. The theatre
represents a baroque stage in its mature form. The original
theatre fund is preserved in both actual objects such as the
building, auditorium, orchestra pit, stage, stage technology,
machinery, decorations, costumes, props, lighting technology,
fire extinguishers etc., as well as in rich archival documentation
such as librettos, scripts, texts, partituras, sheet music,
inventories, accounts, iconographic material, and other
information on theatre life in the 17th to 19th century. The
Krumlov theatre was closed to the public from 1966 to 1997,
and after the completion of a large part of the restoration, trial
tours of the theatre officially began in September 1997.
The schemes of data of two fundamental funds were designed
for each subsystem. The following topics were further
elaborated – user, functionality, data, form and future
development of IS.
2.4.1 Initial sources: Both types of data - geometrical and
non-geometrical data were available.
Geometrical data – it comprises a 3D model of the interior
of the theatre. This model was created progressively.
Photogrammetric, as well as surveying methods of
documentation were used in relation with the type of a
documented area. Creation of a 3D model is described in more
detail in [Hodac 2001]. CAD system MicroStation was used as
a tool for creation of the model. This 3D model is photorealistic and could be used for visualization and animation
purposes. Figure 6 show visualization of the upper stage part of
the theatre. The roof and exterior of the theatre are now being
Non-geometrical data – original wide-ranging theatre
funds are gradually restored, recorded and catalogued. The
project of digitalisation of the most important funds was
completed 2 years ago. Now there is a digital form of “Basic
inventory of funds” (BIF) which contains the following funds:
costumes and props, decorations, technical and lighting
equipment. BIF is based on a card and photo-documentation of
each element.
Chart 7. Scheme of data, subsystem – research of site, element
of technical equipment
A fundamental segment of the proposed structure of IS is an
element. This element is connected with textual, graphical and
other information. The existence of an element is given by the
existence of a BIF card.
Various possibilities to get information on an element are
designed for users. Geometrical data are the basis, see chart 7
and Appendix A. The user can choose a “classical approach”
i.e. selection of fund + selection of element on a 2D plan or
from a list of elements. Another possibility is “spatial approach”
i.e. selection of fund + selection of element inside a 3D model.
A straight way – query to database - is also possible.
A combination of all above-mentioned approaches is possible –
for example – possibility of switching between 2D and 3D data.
As for spatial data, functions enabling various operations
with the 3D model are included in the proposal of IS. The
functions allow interactive work with the model (movement in
virtual space, identification of elements); work with a detailed
model of an element (browse); visualization (making views);
viewing animations (walk through, movement of elements,
exchange of scenes, interrelations of elements). The baroque
theatre is a stable system with a limited number of elements.
The demands for editing spatial data will not be so frequent.
Non – geometric data referred to element are constituted
by textual information (mainly BIF), photo-documentation (BIF
and others), video (rehearsal, panoramic view etc.), sounds,
drawings (technical drawing of elements and their relations
Interconnection of geometrical and non-geometrical data:
elements of the VRML model will have direct connection with
additional data (see above).
Technical solution of IS: future users will work with IS via the
Internet. An appropriate layout of all types of data will have the
most important role in the usability of IS.
Functional prototype – realisation, testing: at the end of this
stage, a functional prototype of IS will be built on the basis of
technologies verified in previous steps and on consideration of
its functionality. This prototype will be tested by a sample of
future users.
Main features of subsystems:
SM - collects complete set of data from selected funds.
SR - attention is given not only to elements, but especially to
their interrelations, dependencies.
SP – its main feature is interactive work with a spatial model,
which facilitates intuitive recognition of the site by the user.
2.4.3 Technical solution: The technical solution will be
based on the results, which were mentioned in chapter 2.3.1.
The requirements for the technical solution could be grouped
into three groups – operating, technological, data. The operating
group concerns requirements for low budget (hardware and
software), easy and intuitive operating. The technological group
concerns utilisation of network technology, open source
software and convenient database organisation. The data group
concerns utilisation of standard data format, metadata, security
of data, multilingualism.
2.5 Functional prototype of IS
Realisation of a functional prototype (with sample data, see
2.4.1) is the present stage of the project. During this stage we
are gradually solving basic technological topics:
spatial data – formats, conversion, interactivity
interconnection of geometrical and non-geometrical data
technical solution of IS – network, database
functional prototype – realisation, testing
Spatial data: we are now concerned with spatial data, its
formats, format conversions and interactive work with this type
of data. The existing 3D model is in DGN format. This format is
not so convenient for the purposes of proposed IS. Existing
formats of spatial data (VRML, VET, and X3D) were analysed
and VRML format was selected. VRML is a standard format of
spatial data on Internet and experiences with its use are good.
Conversion of formats is sometimes very problematic. The 3D
model of the theatre is complex and it comprises both the
interior and the exterior of the building. Two approaches of
conversion are tested – standard export to dxf → optimization
of dxf (specialised SW) → export to VRML; export
interactively controlled by user (directly DGN – VRML or
DGN – dxf – VRML). The second approach needs creation of a
special conversion program. Existing results of conversion are
documented in figure 8.
Creation of a set of tools for interactive work with this type of a
model is a next step. It will allow e.g. measuring distances,
work with layers, selection of elements etc.
Searching for a suitable technological solution will be also the
content of the forthcoming steps.
Figure 8. VRML model – lower stage, machinery
Results of project
A functional prototype and information acquired by its testing
will become the basis for the final proposal of a complex
information system of a historical site. The final proposal and
an appropriate technology will be results of the project. The
realisation of a complex spatial information system is expected
to follow afterwards.
The presented project is focused on a cultural heritage area. The
main aim of the project is creation of spatial IS of a particular
historical site. The results of single stages of the project could
be summarised in several points.
The analyses were made on a selected sample of historical
objects. The theme of the first analysis was current state in the
management of the site. A special focus was put on the sources
of data and their usage and on potential use of information
technologies. The analysis in the field of presentation of cultural
heritage sites on the Internet was also done. This was mainly
focused on utilization of a 3D model and virtual reality.
Proposal of a conception of spatial IS was based on
information acquired by analyses. Areas of utilization of 3D
data (and IS) were defined and IS subsystems were drafted.
These are aimed at site management, site research and site
presentation. The subsystems have the same set of original data.
The basic technical requirement is network technology.
Conclusions acquired during the previous stages were used
in creation of a conception of IS for a specific site - the baroque
theatre at Cesky Krumlov castle. Selection of an appropriate
data set was done and a scheme of data for each subsystem was
created. We were also concentrated on functionality of
subsystems, bearing in mind work with spatial model and
spatial information.
Realisation of a functional prototype of IS is a current
stage of the project. The prime focus is now on conversion of
the spatial model format – DGN → VRML. Finally, the
prototype will be tested. Acquired results, together with verified
technology, will form the basis for creating the final proposal of
spatial IS of a historical site.
The contribution of the project is an overall, complex view on
the topic. This topic was not solved in CZ so comprehensively.
We tried to reflect current trends in spatial information
technologies and their application in the area of cultural
heritage. These trends are adopted to the conditions of the
Czech Republic.
Hodac, J., 2002. Proposal of a Conception of a Spatial
Information System of a Historical Site. Dissertation, CTU in
Prague, CZ.
Santana, M., 2001. Virtual Systems and MultiMedia conference,
Virtual Heritage Colloquium, ,,A witness to enhanced realities
in virtual heritage: Potentials and limitation”, Berkeley, USA. (6/2002)
OIS CK. Official information system of Cesky Krumlov
Laboratory of Photogrammetry,
3.2 Acknowledgements
3.1 References
Hodac, J., 2001. Documentation of the Baroque Theatre at
Cesky Krumlov Castle, In: The International Archives of
Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information
Sciences, Potsdam, Germany, Vol. XXXIV-5/C7, pp.121-125.
This project is part of research activity of the Department of
Mapping and Cartography (supported by MSM:210000007).
Presentation of results of the project is supported by the
Foundation of Baroque Theatre in Cesky Krumlov.
Scheme of data, subsystem – site research, element of technical equipment