The Interface Between Snowfields and Treeline at Glacier National Park, Montana Martha Apple, Macy Ricketts, Lindsay Carlson (Biological Sciences, Montana Tech), Nicky Ouellet (Environmental Journalism, University of Montana) ABSTRACT. Snowfields at Glacier National Park will likely retreat or disappear with climate change. As snowfield edges melt inward in summer they provide a water-rich microhabitat for alpine plants capable of growing in the harsh snowfield environment. We hypothesize that the distribution of alpine plant species and morphological types will change with the retreat or disappearance of snowfields. Retreating snowfields will open habitat that may be colonized by trees, especially since they are currently found close to most snowfields. 1.0 40 Width:Length Ratio 15 10 5 20 5 10 15 20 0.5 10 0 0 Circularity 30 Ratio SLA, mm2/mg 0 25 0 Meters From Snow 10 20 0.0 0 Meters From Snow 10 20 Meters From Snow Composite Average of Leaf Perimeter Leaf Width Decreased and Length:Width Ratio Increased with Distance from Snow at the Mt. Clements Moraine at the Mount Clements Moraine Composite Average of Leaf Length, mm, Mount Clements Moraine 20 50 Fig. 1. Composite averages of leaf functional traits changed with distance from the Mount Clements Moraine snowfield. Specific leaf area (mm2/mg), circularity, width and width:length ratio decreased. Leaf dry weight, length, and perimeter increased (n = 696). 10 0 ),( ),( )(( )(( ,( ( ( )( *( %& .+-# rc e R ar 453-333 Species 433-333 :3-333 93-333 73-333 ,( 53-333 ( )! ( *, ,( %$ & 3-333 833.;;;+ 583.7;;+ 458.57;+ 6:.457+ <6:+ Fig. 2. Sample weight (g/250 ml) varied and the percentage of soil particles < 1μm decreased with distance from snow at the Mount Clements Moraine (MCM, n = 3), Mount Clements Long Transect (MCLT, n = 1), Piegan Pass Snowfield Lateral (PPSL, n = 3), Piegan Pass Snowfield Toe (PPST, n = 3), Siyeh Pass Snowfield Toe (SPST, n = 1) but not at Siyeh Pass Snowfield Lateral (SPSL, n = 1). 8 6 4 2 0 A & #!" %#(" Samples with Trees and Mat Forming Plants 10 20 Pr es en t *(( & "/0 *(( Samples with Trees Risers Treads 20 Tr ea ds 10 Meters From Snow R is er s 0 Pa ss 30 0 25 Si ye h 20 Tr ea ds 15 Pa ss 10 Meters From Snow Si ye h 5 R is er s 0 Pa ss 25 Pi eg an 20 Number of Samples 15 Pa ss 10 Meters From Snow Pi eg an 5 e 0 0 in 0 Trees Grow on Risers but not Treads of Patterned Ground at Piegan and Siyeh Pass Species Distribution on Treads and Risers of Striped Periglacial Patterned Ground at the Siyeh Pass Fellfield 5 lp 50 Width (mm) Length:Width Ratio 10 -A 10 15 tic 20 100 Ex cl us iv e Perimeter, mm 30 Width (mm) and Ratio 150 40 Species in Quadrats Dry Weight (mg) Circularity and the Width:Length Ratio of Leaves Decreased with Distance from Snow at the Mt. Clements Moraine 20 %& Nearby, on striped periglacial patterned ground: 1) A greater percentage of rare arctic-alpine plants lived on the stony treads, and; 2) Krummholz trees (Pinus albicaulis and Abies lasiocarpa) were absent from stony treads but present with mat forming plants (Dryas octopetala and Salix arctica) on risers of striped periglacial patterned ground. Association of trees with matforming plants on risers may serve as a leapfrog mechanism for movement of treeline. Composite Average of Specific Leaf Area at the Mount Clements Moraine Composite Average of Leaf Dry Weight (mg), MCM 25 Leaf Length, mm Along permanent geospatially referenced transects established in 2012-14 at the lateral and leading edges of snowfields at Siyeh, Logan, and Piegan Passes, at Preston Park, and on the Mt. Clements moraine (the outer, downslope boundary of a vast snowfield), we: 1) Quantified leaf functional traits. Specific leaf area (SLA, mm2/mg) and circularity were greatest near the snow, while perimeter, dry weight and area increased with distance from the snow at the Mt. Clements Moraine (MCM); 2) Classified plants according to the Raunkiaer scheme. Most were protohemicryptophytes, (overwintering buds at or just below the ground surface), or geophytes, (overwintering buds farther beneath the ground), although phanerophytes grew within 50m and often closer to the snow. Relatively thin-leaved (and likely less drought tolerant) plants grew near the snowfield’s edge while cushion plants grew farther from the snowfields; 3) Found a greater percentage of fine soil particles near snow at MCM; 4) Grew Penstemon ellipticus, Sibbaldia procumbens, Arenaria capillaris, Carex sp. and Poa alpina from snowfield seed bank soil. Location Fig. 3. Plant distribution differed on treads and risers of striped periglacial patterned ground at Siyeh Pass, with more species present or exclusive on the treads than on the risers (n = 20). Rare species were found only on the treads. Trees (Pinus albicaulus and Abies lasiocarpa) associated with matforming plants (Dryas octopetala and Salix arctica) were found on risers but not on treads at Piegan Pass (n = 74) and at Siyeh Pass (n = 74). Fig. 4. Abies lasiocarpa grows 15-20m from the snowfield on the Mt. Clements Moraine, on cliffs above the snowfield, and 20-25m from the Piegan Pass snowfield. Krummholz Pinus albicaulis grow within 50m of the Piegan Pass snowfield and within 10m of the Preston Park snowfield’s upper edge. Trees were not found within 50m of the windy and harsh Siyeh Pass snowfield. Acknowledgements. Charlie Apple, Jen Asebrook, Jen Hintz, Dawn La Fleur, Craig Lee, Alice Martin, DJ Moritz, Rene Ouellet, The Montana Tech Plant Ecology Class of 2014, NPS, RM-CESU.