Snow Removal/Winter Conditions

Snow Removal/Winter Conditions
Call for Physical Plant assistance if either of the following ice or snow conditions exist:
1. Icy road conditions are developing, or
2. It is currently snowing; accumulation is at least one inch; and forecasters are
predicting at least an additional inch.
Physical Plant Administration will then make a determination regarding the appropriate
response to the specific weather conditions.
Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
All other times
Follow procedure below
For ice or snow issues please follow these steps in order until you reach an employee:
1. Call the Grounds Manager Lynn Pakala cell 319-404-5096 or home 319-989-2314.
2. Call the Assistant Director of the Physical Plant Brian Hadley cell 801-389-6614 or
home 801-621-3957.
3. Call the Director of the Physical Plant Mike Zwanziger cell 319-404-8979.