
In thi. iuue...
in WUac l•ture.
·Winttr c.mival t¥enlt .aated.
·1\ft:!Jltar ctltbnta 40th ann!¥el"lllr)'
-Ovn- IODakln" adulb li<ve 11 tbe: Hl-lliM<Ill BricpSirftt lnd
11111 promo!~ fr ltncbhlpfonnation.
·fnvestl&a tor on cam pus to bear ~r eompl&lnb.
117M..-IK~~n•ew. k.l
.sr-mobllt" aiwt~~ h!all on llfel,..
·Readltr bib 1-•rd lo C'lllumra..
UW.Stevens Point, Tuesday February II , 1975
NO. 25
fast day draws .national leaders
Three nationaJ lead~ in pf08nuns
with the auTent food shor·
la&e crisis and widespread starvation
will ~ Tuesday and W~y io
pr~a;~willcUncktewith a
ecooomlc, monl and 'ethical questions
will Involve the same three menpha Dr.
Robert caasidy, s n!llgiOUI studies
specialiJ I In the UWSP phl.l01ophy
UWSP ori&inattd " Fast Day for World·
Hunats-" Wtdntsday.
Leadina disc uasion Jroups a nd
presentlna lectures will be Joel Uadtrwood. dir«l« of OrpniuUon for
Bnlad for the Wc:dd ; John Struma,
agricultura.leeonomistat UW Madison;
and William Whi~b . director of the
WISConsin office of the Community
llunger AppealolO!urch World Service.
not lake meals a U day Wednesday in
On TUesday , Strasrm~ will talk in the
ltcWn! b.ll of the Collin~ Oa.uroom
Ceflle!" on '"'''w Economic RooU of
WorkS Hu,_a-." Whitcomb and U~~o­
dtrwood will serve as ructon. At 1 p.m.
tbeume cbiy at the W'~in Room of
the Univenlty Center, a world bun&er
symposium focusioJt on political,
Unlvenl ty Centers, and as a result Saga
Food Service will c-ontributelts savinp
for havina fn-er diners to a apedal fund
earmarked for W« ld bqft" rdief.
'The speakers to be he.ant at times
when many people ordinarily have
meals include a United Methodist
clergyman- Underwood. He also served
u executive director ol an~
On Wednesday, Unde r wood will
deliver a lecb.ln! at the Wright Lounge ol
the Univenlty Center on " Hunger and
Third World Politics." At nooa in the
lounge of Neale Hall, Whltcunb lriU
uplain projects IUpported by the fast
. ,.
Studfllttparticipating inthefastwill
j__- -
. --
Someone's transportat ion Is snowed·
ln. Photo by Loren Zell.
church-re lated docume ntation and
publishing prosram on Third World
isluea a nd on Methodist Board of Global
Ministries. He ba• worked In Jftdla for
four years In urban and Industrial
~lssion projects.
Stnsma, In 1!1159, was a Fulbrl&ht
Yisitin& profeaor a t the Unlvtnity of
Oille-Graduate School ol fkcmmlca..
He haa had klnl;and varied i4Jvolvement
in ec:GnOmic affairs In t.Un America
through the Food and Agrlcultun.l lnle!"american Dndopment Bank, and
lheOiilePlannlngSociety. He Ia author
of Fne Trade Zone l.n t.Un America :
Some Unsolved Problems.
WbitcGrnb receat.ly returDed from
lnctia where be~ for 23 yean u an
acricultur"all mlui«wy for the United
Olurc:h o1 Quist.
• AlloftheirpreaenlationaatUWSP w\11
be open to tbe public: without charae.
1 I, 1975
UWSP bui lcling faring poorly
pr!;:amc:f~f~;! t~~ou~d~~
The Department. of Ad·
mini&tration I DOA I hu
r«<mmendtd tlu.t the UWSP
reque &t for a new ad·
mini t tration buildin& be
llowever .
un l venily
planner Ray Specht saki,
Five dec:ilion -makin&
bodies c:ontribute to the ac:tuaJ outcome of lbe tlale
budget proceu . The DOA ts
II II antidpated that the
Buildini-(:ommission will
meet Marc:h I , said a highranllirc admlnlttrative of.
ficial. After the Building
Commluion review& the
matter, it will be passed on to
projec ts , th e St .7 million
admlnis trationbulldlnganda
13.1 million a4dillon to the
Learning Resourc:es ~ter
Last year the Building
Commission allocated funds
to raze Oid Main and c:otwfft
Del<tell Hall Into an ad·
minl&tration building . The
restdf:nc:e hall II in operation
and fullleg islatu~ .
Governor Luc:ey has lUted
he ts not-optimistic: about any
major University of
Wisconsin projects due to an
t hrinklnl
tnr"OI Imentinthenearfutu.re.
program .
Sbould the UWSP building
become part of the total
t975-lt77&tate operating
agaln.~·ever .
The DOA II still trying to
r e locate the UWSP ad ·
mlnistntive st.tff .In other
campus buildings , uid
~Uy, the Bu ~au of
Facilities Ma nageme n t
""""m~that Nelson
llall be
verted to ad·
ministrati .rof(lces. Nelson
Ha ll "now houMs faculty of-
·Suspended balcony and
1torage loft in Jenkin s
Theatre, costing $50,000.
-Remodeling the.' ph)"Sic:al
education c«nplex, costing
arboretum , at a c:ost or
~b!!!:;;~or·~ ~:-~a~
Science Department , costing
.S:"e lighting and dim·
mlna systemsintheJenklns
Theatre, CGJting S31,COO.
promote aarety, at a c:ott of
$31 . ~.
~~~:er t~~t~~::: :~b\~~
The DOA h as a l&o
sugested denial of funds for
the LRC addition. The book
stacks are dtsigned to store
300,000 volumes. '1be number
surpaued 312,000 last fall.
Minor projec:tsrequntedin
the UWSP bulldlllJ procram
include :
-Acoultic:al treatmmt to
Michigan Ave.
alleviate extreme dust and
Mise In Art Deparlment·t.abs,
at ac:ostof$:$2,600.
Primary next week
by ke Lena Oua
The primary election for
the position o( alderman In
Feb. ll,tm.
From the four candidates,
run on April I , in the fins!
elec:tion .
The four c:andidales c:on-
to the university' Geo
rae Ull&uist , William
'1'he unlvenlty •. .m111t
make !he decision on
which route," Nld William
Burt~. aruwlde planner In
Nuc:k and Donald Werth.
speat.lng of tbe lncum~ t
The 13th Ward coven the
mayor, Paul B«ham .
area south east of c:amp.~S
Aft.u the pubUc: hearing and the elected alderman will
therel\asbeenaJ~U tdealof aerve In this ward for two
input from other university yeart.
factions, said LitUejobn.
RJpported by Jeff UtUejohn,
chairman of the En ·
vironmental Council and
executive secretary to the
charullor. ,
UWSP c:hanc:ellor, Lee S.
issue," be uld.
WIWam Vk:kerttalf noted
there were seven! things
the y were l ooking at.
Propoui ftve would extend
the route by about 300 feet
lhrou&h the campus, he Nld.
by Joe l c. Gutlltlltr
~~a:/V:~~~==r:... ~'i:;;.·::=~~i= :-~~~ 1e~~~Y ~ p:~r:;
:!~~~~~0:~ ~anru! ::~e~;:. =~
dec:blon is pretty much
Since the heartna. the
~~~!n ha~ c:ac:?t~ {::
atudentaandthefaculty . 111e
facult; formed an ad hoc:
committee to study the two
proponb; in question, the
propoaed route number fiYe
which would ute e:dstin&
r oadbeds and lhe route
proposed- to cut throuah
university lands nor th or
~~~r~ ':'~
add a l&o to t he c:otts, pedestrian mail.
Vkkentarr added.
All rour candidates acreed
1n tbe coal analysis ''the that the Franklin Street Mall
~!~~ ae:~!:d~ ~~t~~~!-~ in view oft~
minimal," u.ld Ykkenlaff.
" Mybigesteoncemlshow of the camp.~S, and Uled
we ca n protect the blgest heaYIIy by &tudtnts who
parcel of land out there," commute to and bKk from
V"tc:kentalf said. He noted the Yarious lnstruc:Uonal
because of tbe eco nomic: c:enten," Nid GoreU .
situation of lhe unlvenitiel,
()a the Mic:hipn Avenue
certain Iandi mi&ht need to E'ltension, Nuc:k commented
be &Old. This may open the that the extentlon should not
M;:j~O::·we are planDina ==·ofhe~ DriYe to
to meoet with the c:hancdlor,
:!d =~ · ~e~'io -=~~
some of the current m011
topics of major c:onc:em to
both. the town and student
community ln Stevens Point.
Franltlin Street bt-tween
!he Fine Artl <nter IF ACJ
and CoUinJ Oassroom Cen~
" We can make • blger
:=::~ f; !~~~
: :e~c:t~ ~ot'~ t~~t:~
One lhlna that the ca n·
dldates would like to see II
Nld "inc:omm unityac:tivitlel
such as vollng."
~l~k~ff~Wlu:. vl:.m~,, ~
Uliqulst would like to sees
feelslhat ·ther«ent OMhas
been unla.lr. People wbo do
not desoerve thl& injustice
have had their property tax
spi r a l exorbitantly In
Income tu ls somclhin&
thatwehave tolive11.ithsnd
a lax which tries to be fair,
but as far as sales tax.
Althcxch the majority of prope rty lax and soc:ill
students are not from the t:lh securitytaxesarec:oncerned.
Wud and therefore cannot they are all "horr ibly
vote for the alderman, they ~reuin," tald Werth.
Nuc:k taid be 1ctvoc::ates
"Students should get in·
volved as they too will be &tability and realism In tht
lax issue.
Steve ns Point," say&
' 'Tbewaythe United States
ec:onomyi1 gotn1.taxesmay
It ls ac:knowled&ed by all be increased," tald ~~~­
four candidate~ that the "Property tax Is a sUC~J
university is an economic si tuation 1 don't hsve 1\1 tilt
asset to the community and answers.' but I'm willing 10
lhffefoc-e' it needs demand put Ume and enrc'IY to solve
!.he s:roblems,'' he added.
Changes af
This semester al 't"WSP
FM-90, a number of changes
haYe Otturred. Some shows
tu.ve been retained (rom Jut
semester and a few music: shows hue been
::fy':~=~~~r~ acquired.
the olhm whether Sentry,
Amllnl the &bows from last
semester It DaYid John Doe'&
the town or the w.iYerJity.
commiltft, utd ~~r~O:::p.~ ~~~~~&est~uc:'rb;,.C:::~
The Co un cil is alto u a natural area, he uld,
development and the enanaly:dng the five eandidat.n
The decision fr orri the vi ronment.
An instructor or Physic:al
for mayw as U) bow they chanc:ellor should be aoo.1,
ltand on this issue, UWejohn &aid Vkkenlaff. " I think the Educatfon at UWSP, Corell
said. ''11M! mayor II &oinc to c:hanc:ellor will reach a Nid he II concerned with the
sit on this tlrouch the ,!!!c:~tGA by the 15th or corcesuon of fadliUes and
lion ," said L(ltteJO~ February,'' he ukt
the develnpment of Dreyfus
U.ke as an npportunity to
expand. lnsteadoflettingthe
area lie as il is. he11id be
¥~'0Uid like to 1ft it Oew:loped
==f~;~~ »-toP...m .
Doe features the blues from
twevlous yeart and presents
popular blues m .. k .
Ed DIMic:elll hottl
Ni&htwatc:h from 10 p.m • • 2
a .m . Tuesday nia hts . He
&roup durlnc: the !at how- of
Ni&htwalch. Call WWSP, Ext.
26M for requests .
One of the new JhOWJ f«
' this aemnter II the Folk
91ow wtlh Tom Qapman. It
Is presented on sunday 1f·
ternoona from 4-7 p.m.
CTV begins
by Kalhy o·c-~11
Viewing lime will be at 6:00
and scrvi"i as holt will be
Campus TV ICTVl, which Olris Cwiklo.
can be viewed on channel 6,
In addition to " N.E.W." on
cable TV, will begin a new Thursday ni&hll will be ''On
teason of broadcasting the Town," a live, 30 min.
preview , lnfo rm l n& the
sh ~~~~~m~ !~~~t;: ;:e;,~ha~e~~~;~
Makers ," a program which
will examine diUerent nelda
ol music from cluska l to
rock . VlewlnJ time is
tc heduled for 6 : 00 and
hoiung the procram wtll be
Olns Arndt
Also show n tonight will be
"PointerPOI!IIacripts," alive,
:10 min. p~ram which will
cover athll!lte ~enll on the
Stevens Point c:ampus. The
lhvw will be hoill!d by Mark
Krca at 6:30.
ll01 tingtheprosram at 6:30
will be Tom Colll111 .
Following It at 7:00 wUI be
''The World Around Us ," a
talk show ·evoiYirc around
envirmmentaJ and natural
Jc:ience Issues in the Steven.
Poi nt area . llostlng the
prosram will be Pete Mann.
"Special F'eaturu, "
scheduled for 7:30._ Thursday
cvenir~~. is a ~mi-regular
program which will deal with
topics of local c~n. IUCb
7:00. This prosram wi ll be a
unique loolr. at subjects ol
Interest to the community.
SbopliftinJ, health , drugs .
and urban development are
the show. The program Is
scheduled for 7 :00.
Wednesday 's lineup will
Include ''Coffee House,·· a
program consisting ol folk
performen, r««ded live at
CTV studioa. The program i1
scheduled for 8:00 p.m .. and
Elaine Donaldson will be the
following "Coffee !louse"
a t 6 : 30 w III b e
" Kalddtscope," a u~ . 60
min. talk-.how that will deal
with a nyt h l nJ a nd
~rylhing. Planning to host
lhe show is Tom Jorjorian.
begi n with " N.E . W.," a
program which will loolr. at
various new aspec:ll in the
educational process in
~ntral Wisconsin Schools,
from arade .school on up.
"Remotes.'' an addition to
the week ly sc heduled
programs, will ccwer men
a nd women's bull.etball ,
WTntling,andboc:key. Oneo(
the hosts will be Don
CTV, pracnlly located in
the basement ol the LRC,Is a
student cq:anlzation of about
crv·s execuu~ staff in·
eludes William Davidson,
Peggy Raj!kl, Ed Korleskl ,
Jack Caldwell , Kathy
Roumiller , Rajtll.i Is
student manager and faculty
manaaen include Davidson
and Eliubeth Keyes.
'"The ~toal ol CTV Is to
produce programs rtlall!d to
community intern!," said
Caldwell, publicity IJUin&gtr
for CTV.
The crV cq:ani:qtion has
~n In u:lstence two years
and has expanded Its
broadcastin& time from two
hours a week to over nine
houl"' a week.
. ~!,..;!~\iv': !
~~~· ~ ~mtt;e~~C:lfL e~uh:i.
Two UWSP students, on the TV
production crew, are preparing the set
and the lighting for an upcoming
production . Photo by Roger Barr.
Fast day tomorrow
Student.s at UWSP will ao
on an all -day fast Ash Wed·
nnday, F'eb. 12. to help
heig~n the conl('iousness
and raise money !Of" starving
people ol the world.
Called " F'UI Day (Of" World
llun«er". the project Is lhe
~tarowlh of a Thank!civing
Day service hdd on campus
by the ecummk:al University
Olristian Ministry IUCMJ.
P1anners are hoping that
alter the fast , a campus
chapter of Bnad for lhe
World can be ntablb hed .
StudenLs who s ign up to go
without meals on Wednesday
will be credited by Saj:a
Pood, and the uvinas
t.ckonitsservke will&o loa
5pi!Cial fund.
In addition, contributions
will be received a t the UCM
ni &ht In the University
Cf'nter, where contTibutions
will be accepted.
On Wl!dnnday, thet'e will
be booths In the new concoune of the University
Cen~r where people will be
givcnttatlonery, p<stageand
add r eue rto write to
government officials conce rn l na the mountin&
problem of starvation . Also,
demonstrations on .. 'allerqt!vediets"willbehtldand
literature available about the
local food cooperative
F'ilnu and videe tapn on
the world hungu crisis will
be shown In the University
Center Corfedlouse from 21o
Sp.m .
All the CVI!fttl are intended
for participation by members
Student lead~tn
Kathy are
Kathy O'B ryant, Robert
Simeone, Mrs. Jackie Murray
Brux and Curl Boos .
Ricbard Steffl!ft il auistin&
with coordinallna eflorll in
the community.
Money cdlectl!d will ao to
Church World Ser vice In
!.amine stTicllen India for
bean purchase and lhlpment
to Af r ica and imp roved
agricultural dnelopmenl In
~~• •, .. . . . ., . .• •11'1111• •
.CAT S..l-75 T1 ..
DAT • -2f- 7S
s, ", ATOD•
MAT ' L DDD. 6-75
I ....
~ - ~~s.:.;.;.,;.;~y~;~; ·
""'-" ,._~
• U....1101110..SI•
• Cowtw Mow;ol G.MYI'II:Iy ~
'T. .
It ~~~~~~=on~
receive support from area
Specialists on food shor ta~
llo"'rld relief will be Khcduled
ror talks throughout the day
of the fut and on Tuesday,
F'eb. 11.
~will be a dance
'JUeldayni&ht lnAIII!II-ctnler
and musk et~le!"tainment in
cdfee house style Wednesda y
of the general public u well
as students and faculty
Puton James Schneider
and Stql~ Edin&Wn of lhe
UCM staff and John JW')',
midl!ncehalldirecklr, are
coontirU~tin& the IICliviUn.
Breaded Mushrooms
' "
; ' <;
Jl~j G
' ll ·~'JJ
'lftoo•-l.oi**- ;,.V-Ten
· - •r. -lfEQISrEitEAitLl'
St. ..... I - M~.
11121 .... 1115
February 11 ; 1975
owderbu\ ns
by Joe l C. Guenther
Due to a rather taxing class schedule
plus .;arlous writing, governmental and
social duties, I' ve grown delinquent in
answering the volumes of fan mall
beS'towed bpOn this department.
For this reason I' d like to take this
opportunity to answer them .
Dear People,
I am not!!
Now that w e' ve gotten that oUt of th
way , serio.us matters c;m be discussed .
i nstance
Eco -Outdoors
Department of the Poi nter would like to
a contest.
~ nounce
-This contest Is an essay compet ition In
which you, as the writer, must tell in 200
words or tess who you believe Is the best
outdoors writer In the world and why .
All entries must be typewritten and
double-spaced . They must also be signed
and inclu_de the address of the author.
Gett ing down to-the nltty.grltty, first
prize will Include an all-expense paid
round trip tour of the Pointer offices .
Second pri ze Is an autogra phed copy of
Outdoor Editor Joel C. Guenther' s new
book Everythi ng I Know About Hunting.
Th ird prize. due to the rapid r ate of
inflation. is a totally free 12 ounce glass
of water from Debot Center.
Now make sure to get your entries In
before Feb. 29.
Entr ies submitted after that date will
be recycled into toilet tissue or
someth ing somewhat comparable, like
maybe English exams.
Moments after relea se, a female pine
marten kicks up a fluff of snow as she
races for safetY .
Pine Marlen to be studied ,
by Brlu Mull
the study at the UWSP level. coopenUon with tbe Ontario
"T ~
may once again
home for the
elusive, but buutiful. Pine
~orne a
TbePine Ma rten,aslender·
bodied eamivoroua ma mmal
la rae r tha n the rela ted
wusel. onte Inhabited the
s tate untlllonl ng an d
a&ric ult u r a l ex pansion
du troyed it. home and
eventually, the ma rten itaell.
UWSP , in conjuncUon wi th
at.te a nd federal 11encles,
DNR 11 providi nl
the animals ... the U.S. Foreat
is providing th e
~~tr':t:u! s~udt: ~= ~~~;:h ~lst~e~O:~~
Erzinger's Tom Kat Shop
R!.~~~o~ Jea~ow 10
Sizes 27131
Only l Oft*
Values to 18.00 Values to 13.50
Now Only
Marten into Wisconsin.
Ministry of N a tur ~ l
Resources , the marteN are
~~~·;to, s:.~: ~=:.
habita t a nd our tu WSP I
fu nding for the folJow-up," s mitte n . They a re the n
rdeued Into the Pine River
Anderson sa!d.
The s tudy e ntails the area for ot.ervation.
markinJ and releasiiiJ ol
"~aluauoc the aucces~ o1
about 100 mar tens followed the venlw'e" will be our
by cl015eobservation ofthe retpon&lbWty, uld Anderson.
mammals, their mDYements " I'm vrry optimistic."
and their physkal condiU0111.
A percent ol the martenl
will be moni tered throueh the
use oftiny rad lo tranamltten
ma r~
can be accurately
T11eatudy will take piKe on located. And once thia II done ,
;'eaU: ~~~~~=~=·by
the Nicolet National Forest.
Mark Oavil, a 1974 UWSP
DNR cites
Tbe sltelslocaledwheredry· ~tad ua te frGmf'ortAttlnaon,
More than a third ol th is
land tra ppi~ Is prohibited. wi ll bedoi ni m ~Kh ol thefleld ' winter's anowmobi.le dt.aths
' "'Ibis Pine Mar ten study Is work for Uw study .
!ee~~~~ f';::.~~! u2!;Js~ ;:,ole~ .;;!'i~
~;~~:!'; ~;.:!!ld the~~
:ID NR,0:), "~
said Raymon d
ei&ht Pine Martenl were
An d eno n , a wl ld llre processed and relealed.
proleuor and supuvilor of
Flown here from Canada In
Resources IDNR > offici• I
snowmobile fata llt lts that
have OCC'UfT't!CI this year .
Seven ol
~::,-:r:r ~~s=r;~
Jr. BeeLSandwiches
mach i ne• that plun&td
~ ~r~io:S~are~
!!peCI.allat ror the DNR.
In rerent yean, It hal be(n
ot.entd that. ~~l y
~.,!'4~ ~n!'::bt~~
jKenl to tbe body ol wal.et In
wb~ tbey
were kUJed, saki
February II , 1975
Page 5 •
The nlue of U.S. raw
minera l ou t put in 1974
~ached a nN high ol SSU
bll llnn , desp ite d rops in
production of many eom ·
modi tin. Stc~tary ol the
lntuior , RO&tn C. B. Morton
Based on da ll provided by
the In ter ior Depa r t ment 's
Bureau of Mines, the 1974
r«ord-brea kin g rlgu ~ for
rnwmineralou tputsurpassn
by almost SOper«nt.
Rrilected inthetotals are
\"alue Increases ror all ~ton
ol t~ mineral indust ry , in·
-: ! ·~ ding meta ll iu, n on ·
mttallicsand mineral fuel5 .
" MOSlolthe raiNs"resulted
from higher p~. not in·
creased output ," ~l or ton­
said. " Of the Ill miner al
eommoditift included in the
totals.lB sho\o.•ed produc tion
pins, while 63 rtJis tered
value Increases ."
Notine that the value of
pr ocnsed materials and,
energy de r ived from importedanddomestic mi neral5
v.•asnowinexcess . of $200
~~~3~~~ '7he ~~-~~~~~
u_.reased producli,·ity, both
I n production of raw
ma lerial5 and in lhrir con·
\'ersion to useful forms as a
major pa rt ol our efforts to
reduct the serious trOSion
caused by infla tion."
Futl5 alone attOUnted for
some of the m05l pronounced
incruses. with the total 1 97~
production va lue for them
excuding the tota l 1973
mineraloutpu t va lueby $4.1
billion. Of the SI U billion
,-a lue pin in 197-1, S\6.-1
billion was in the fuels sector.
Although three ol the 11
fuels r epor ted produc t ion
pins. 10 showed value hikes
rangina up to 99 percent for
I..P Ja5H.
or the 1~ metallic commoditin. t2showed quanti ty
adv1ncnand 19increased in
dollu value. Of the -14 non·
metallia, l-1 had hi&hn' toU I
values than l.ut year 1 nd 23
showed production pi ...
Bea inn lng on Feb . 14 ,
;!~~ey\IPii~t:n~ m~~
Tead i ng Office, room Ill m
the COllett of ProleNional
Studies 100,!"!1~
Applications for student
teachingFa11 SemtsteT,I9"1S11 must be .in room 111 COPS
by Friday , Februuy 14.
Alryotlll who bas not yet
picked up forms 5hould. do~
immediately b)' slnppllll m
roomtU OOPS.
Some Inner cities have special schOols. For
linle boys who don't talk.
Not mute linle boys. But children so withdrawn,
so alrakt of failure , they eanoot make the slightest
anempt to do anything a t which they might fail.
Some don't talk. Some don't listen. Most don't
behave. And all of them don't lea rn.
One day aomeone asked u. to help.
Kodak responded by working with the teachers .
S howed them how, tlvough the language of pictures•
the children could commoolcate IS they never coukt
before . And the teachers sent the kids ou1 to take
pictureswith thelrcameras.
And then the mlracle. llnle boys who had never
saki anything, looked at the pictures and began to
tal k. They said "This Is my house." ''This Is my dog."
"This Is whe,. I like to hide ," They began to explain ,
to describe, to communicate. And once the chan·
ne lt of communlcallon had been o pe ned, they
began to learn.
What does Kodak stand to gain from this? Well,
we' re showing how our products Ctil he lp a teacher
-and maybe creating a whole new mal1cel And
we' re also cultivating young customers who will
someday buy their own cameru and 111m. But more
than that. W9 're cultivating a ler1, educated c itizens.
Who will someday be responsi ble lor our society.
After all, ou r business depends on society. So
we care what happens to ll
Page 6
February II , 1975
Hi.;.Rise ·Manor
lone big family~
by Roger Borr
bySally Duilir
(h•tr 100oldtr adullsln the
Stevtns Point1rea rind their
homes on Briggs Stteet.
Hi-Rise Manor , • fedeully
fUllded project which was
originated In 1966, houses
el igible propl e i n one
bedroom 1partm ents which
also include a living rtJOm,
ki tchen and bathroom .
Persons o-.·er the age of 12
or who ue diNibl.td are
qua lified to live in the
to exceed %SperTent ollheir
net income,said C.R. Frazee,
exrcutlvedir«tor ol Hl-RIR
The pNJ)ect brian in li66
with the • ppolntment of •
Uousing Authority by the
mayor and with approval ol
The authority consisted ol
fi ve me mbers or commWionera. The purpGM: ol
tbe llouaingAutbori tywuto
st udy or detttmine the need
Thestudyrrvealed thatthis
lypeolhouslngwasneededi n
the Stevens Point arta and
fundinc would have to Come
from the department of
ll o u sing and U r ban
' J)(!velopment UI UDI on the
federal level.
In order to get funding the
Housing Authority lwd ID
enttr into a "coopeution
lgrt-ement with the city."
This meanttbeJ:ityof Sleftns
:~inih~~~r vfc: ~o·~~:!
Ed Clussman is one of only nine ma~ restdents of 1he manor.
After working wit h four or
five developers and chooll ng
the one with the mo.t ac:Ct'pllible plan forttw:bullding,
COOitnxtlon began In 1!169.
On Yeb . 21, 1111 the
builders turned the key ovtr
tothchousi ng authorlty and
..,;thin four month.s Hi-ruse
Point, however tbe ljWI·
m e nts ar e ava il ablt te
anyone residing in Pwlliet
County,Niid r.Javis Gardtkt,
office secretary at ii!-Ri st
Presently , there areapproxirnltely 60 quallfitd
people on the waiting list to
ge~~o ~e ;ri':f·of
. r
homf!lsuchas thls findabout
a 6 percent turiiO\"er aanually, aald f'ra~. 11lit
indudes vauncie1 -..:b•dl
occur due to death, or tilt
tenant ls movrdto aholipital
or nurlingbomebecauselhry
can no longer t1ke care ol
Six coupl e~, nine lin&lt
men and 15 women Dm41f
the1partmentsattht> ptf5CIII
tim e,aaid Gardtke.
When a1ked 11boUI tbe
out&tandln& num ber of
two basic explanations lor
tbl s. t-1rtlo(aJJ , Itisallcl
!.hat women Jive to anoldtr
age then men, and anollwr
factor Is that more men I'
into retiremen t 01 hospital
form s of n r e supplied
The residents olthe
she ues the people n• ~
manoru "onebigfam•IY
" l'vebreniOI"tolhltl!ld
mlu unlill camelml-.'"shc
alm061 .
When ask~ about inflat~-
=~ :!e~
~: =~~ ~~
anyone sufferin« ht'rt
" I'm
p-eat grand.nothff,
milht even
February 11, 1975
Page _7
rm an antique," she said and
t:d~ Ml!rtin bas been a
rcsidmt o1 Hi-Rise Manor
sinocc it opened .
'' lloveit~e.it 'J VftY
Edna IVIortin's indoor plants
survive the w inter
w ith o linle tender COJl!.
lonely Jivl"l alone," she said.
r 1would.have beef! livina
:alone l would havebeen outof
my mind by now because In
an old house, Ulere's alway•
somethinaloil'll wrong," she
" I worked for 17 years and
...·asa lways hurryln.a, but now
ldon'tdothatanymore,'' she
saift .
' ' lenjoyit h~b«auselfl
..,·:mt ~pany I can have It
and if I want lobe alone I CJ~n
~\·ethattoo, " the70 )'tarold
Mn. Martin concludf'd .
" It's real ly nice Mre, and
that lidy In the office,
"'"fll ••• we&etalqjUit liltea
priiiCi!," Aid Ed Ouuman,
one ollhe f~ male residents.
· · f ·ve~ kindollonnome
~!" since my wife died," he
SOlid, '"but I keq~ buly."
''f.\•trysum mer I help plant
the flovowa
the oulskle," said &
yea r -old Ousaman.
;&nd ktotp up
" I don't know where I could
do any bette r ," uid
'"The lobby Ia pretty Wf'll
~~ed~\~!1,: =~:r.~:~
Some or the achool• come
o.·er and putonpn:~~ramsor
·~;.~~.. ~~ic!iJ.
"All thole rve ever lalked
to hke it here," he said, "and
IOO.,'tlilr.eto&lk.k myDG~ein
othe r people's.busineu .
!J:!~~ 1M belt way to 1e1
Ouama:n ,lilr.e mwt of the
other residmts, hu beef! •
rtsidentol PortqeCounty all
ot his lire. •nd moved into the
manor lhortly •rtv it opened
''This is my gallery .
- Rosalie Wentworth .
(Women looking in mirror)
PoQe 8
February II , 1975
Missed fre_f# throws
factor for losses
Umpires offer
spring training
It clinic emphasizln& the
fundamental and practical
by Jimlla\IH.Il
You don 't tug on Superman's cape,
You don ' t apit Into 1M wind,
You don 't pull the mask off the ol' Lone ·
Centra l Wi aconsi n col.lege,
high se:hool and American
And you don 't foul Eau Claire or Stou t.
aspects ol bueball umpiring Legion umpiring will be
..,,u bt held at UWSPSunday,
F'eb. 23.
Ken Kirby , an eslablilhed
Confe r e nce , state ,.Jl.i,gh
schools and the ltrnerican
Legion program will be
direc tor.
assbtant director.
The clinic will nan from 1-5
p.m. and ..,;u be Jet up to
Stout and Eau Claire 1\ave
:n~~- ~th
playen and ~r~: ~~!!~:.~n~~~ 'or'a!~
fttogistraUon will be held ....-~kend they prov«llt .
immediately beforehand
Stout dumped the hosting
from noon tot p.m. A f~ will Pointers 86-75 Friday Feb. 7,
from noon to 1 p.m. A f~ and the Blu Golds followed by
'"Whatcanyoosay? '" aslled
Krueger. " No kid goes out
to miss a free throw."
i> A
l!!!il,!!!l'•'li"llll"llll'"•ol• •'ll"llb<lli'l!haii"'i"'!!'i!!!!I!!!!. Saturday,
beating the
Against Stout, UWSP Jhot
t7 ol u from the line, but
(Across from Bu rger Chef )
-tr FEATURES -tr
Ham & Swiss Cheese
Turkey and Cheese
Fool Long Hot Dogs
Pastrami and Swiss Cheese
Homemade Chill
ibe Pointers e:omm1tttd 2!t
fouls to SCout's 21. Starter
Reed Gionlana fouled out,
and four other Pointers
fini s hed with four fouls
" II hw"t us whtn (e:enttT )
Chuck Ruys gol in foul
trouble," said Coach Bob
~er. " We needed his
rebounding slrength on the
career off to a
flying start.
9:00 A.M. MON.-FRI.
The Pointers collected
Paul Woito
eight more baskets, ei&ht
more rebounds and com·
pe rcent from the field milled three fewer lumovers
compa red to UWSP's 48 than the defendin& cham·
percent .
GuMd James Rhett. a 5'7"
Blutl>tvilresnve. se:ored21 ThePointtn,however, also
points. while forward Sam committed 21 fouls to Eau
~;:'r; ~0:. fnc";!ti~ Cla~'!\:~!ire·s
Korin& was
first lix points o1 the contest. ltd by DeMis Blunk and 11m
The Pointers held a s light
Valentyn with 18 points
1-' our Polnters"finished with apiece.
31·29 rebound ed&e, but In
taking one more shot made double fi&ures, led by Ruy's
five fev.-u baskets than the aapoi n ttolal.
Blue Devils.
Guard Reed Glo rdan a
nnished with 13, forward
Taking advantage ol their Mike McDaniel 12 and guard
quicknf!SI., the Stout guards Paul Wolta 11 .
and forwards penetrated the
"Nolta, who also fin ished
Pointer :r.ooe. Stout shol 57
he fell Eau Claire btat the
P oi nt ers a t the free thr ow
Get your
Eau Claire missed 18
half free throw a t·
tempts and were outplayed In
many areas.
made only four second half
free throws to SCout 's 12.
lfJoininl. ll"l OPtft tllt door
topilotorRavop tor tra•n·
UWSP hit on only four oi lS
free throw attempts , a f7
Eau Claire , howeve r ,
connectedon29of33 altempta
for a 88 percent performance.
Bob Omelino
Romie Thomas, who hit on
~n~ v.~::!"i'5'~nu~~re
And it'lllucl to tn t•te:u ·
fotC-1f"f'O(itl'lmll10fopportunot on . ftt pon•1boll·
tin t nd ftW.,ds .
forward!: Ken Kal~tr and
Randy Wade stored 12 and I I
points, resl)«llvely.
ltlllltdetailtc oflwinc t
Bob Omelina led Pointer
you. call S Sgt. Stan
se:«lng with 17 polnU, while
Ruy1, Cal Kuphall , and Woita
followed with 15, 12 and 11
Be ioabd ap lo.
The loues dropped UWSP
to a :J.9conferene:e mark and
Kent at 508·272·61 GO
points, respectively.
a 5--16overall rtc«tt .
and Greenhouse
Get your FTD orders In early .
Open Doll 8·5
Page 9
Intramural bucket.-
Rejectors hope for high finish
Lut year tbe Rejtct«s
m.de It aU lbt way to lhe
rlD&l pme ol tbe intnmural
dYimpionshlp bdore yieldina
to the Black Stu dent
Aller lalldna with Mike
Lynott and Mark Lubeck,J.wo
:e~~u! ~~~'::t
the Rejectors will mab It at
least tbat far again thll year.
' "'lbbyearwewillbealol
on the boardl. Last
year 1n the nnal aame OW" big
men tired down the stretch one factor that hurt the
and Black Student Coalition Rejeclon was • lack of team
wu able to dominate the pl1y. Altbolch Lynott didn't
bNrdll," said Lubeck.
qree, Lubeck ukl. " Last
Scott Howard , a 6'7 " ye.ar we pl1yed too much CIM'
transfer from Elu a.~ has on.onebaUbutthltwoo'tbea
decid1d to play for the
Rejtcton thl5 yea r . Howard
should provide the rebound· often •nd we know each
power that the Rejectors othen mOYes better."
Both Lynott and Lubeck
Howard Isn't the only new seemed con fident of •
face on the Rejectors. Joe ch•m pion 1hl p . Lynott
Burkbdler, Mike Fertuscm summed up the fedlnp ol
and Mike Oernbrowsky will both the best 111·hen he u\d,
also be added tO the to5ter. " 'Ibis year 111-e have a '1ft')' .
Lalt year, some fell that goodchlnceto111inltall."
Some squeak P,ast,
others roar by
by Mau G-.rtnl
In • nake«"break week of
play, Sims' t South wu
:~;r:Yt~y~::e=U:C: ~~ ~~.~t~v1&~!
20 points led the victors to •
47-46wln,with •lutsec<lndS
South shot bouncing o(f the
Mike Miller poumt In Z7
effort was ln v1in u s Eut
Hyer's t West pulled out
one clole pme, but was
I.B'IIble to c•tch Delull's 2
South In • U-40 UrWer.
Hyer 's Joey Kinsell• led
p me scorina.wtth a 11 point
effort .
Jeff Cou's 23 point per·
formance led 2 Nor th Sims to
a viclory over previOUily
unbeaten 4 South, 4H1.
Hansen's 1 Eas t would hive
had a rouah Ume In • football
aame~eorina:onJy 14 points.
Opponent 2 West toot a d·
vantageof the lowpoln t total,
rackin& up N potn11. Jim
ftosenber&er ICored 13 of the
TomJ•cobs'Upoint total
led 3 South Knut.un past
inefttctive2 West ,74-SO.
Third South Burroughs
slipped by 2 West4t.-39, paced
by a balanced .:odna; 1ttack.
Tim KTeu led aame S(:oring
Watson 'spointtotalasbeled
them to a narTOW SS..St vic·
Lory . cw tied for aame bigh
scoringhonorawit h:npotnts.
Four North Sims' Meyer
lalUedlllipolntl ln leading his
team to a 50-U victor)' over 2
South. The loaers were paced
by Mike F'tsher's t5 poinll.
This UWSP wrestler acts as If his
opponent has bad breath . The Pointer
matmen were defeated by Whitewater
J.l.6 en February 3. Photo by John
Boxing aml slated
ne card will be put on by
the Sleven~ Potnt Boxing
Cu.b. Pnsident O.le Holen
has indkated that each bout
.,;u consist otti'lt'ee t'fo'O.
minute rounds .
Healsorelaled thstboxing
prac:Uce hu been wderway
'iince the last parf ot first
~m~estes" .
' ibefightershaveall been
worldng very hard, and we 've
also m•de several trip1 to
Auburndale, where they have
a ring ," said Holen. "Molt of
the actual splrril'll that we
have done hu ~at
Aub~rndale . and this his
been u invaluable aid to our
program ," he added .
Boxina, which has not been
seen in central Wisconsin for
yea~. exctJ)I. in Aubl.rlldale.
is getting its slut here
through the efforts of Bill
Mercer , former (roleuional
boxer and full-time stldent at
ltif prosram hu stressed
fundamer~lals ,
and prop er aafety
precautions such as S«Ul"e
gl~e lacing and~ hand
He uid he feels that his
pupils s!Wd prwide escltina
tr~lertalnment and uid, " I
bec•use th ese •re some
hiahly competitive , very
dedicated •thletes ...
lffi.YTO IE ASll.IEif 1·\'fWXR !
APPl..ICATia-.S FOR Tr£ FALl. se£5TER 1975. WILl.
BE .o::aP"TED 1lfW>i l'tNlAv, I'AAot lD. 191?.
TI£V- AVAJlAIU AT 'M AufH />liD lEBor CEHro!'s
STUl'J<T l·~ ' s CFFICf IJ! AT 'M CNf>us l~na<
.-.. ·
Us muns G1eyhound, and a lot of vov• fellow studenu
who a1aliraady on to • good thing . You leave when you
like. Travel comfort~bty . Arrive ref,eshoecl•nd on tome.
VOY'Usave~Tlqf~v. too.overtheoncrusedatf
IJies. Shs1e the 11de woth us on weekends. Hol id1ys.
Anytm. .
Go Gravhou,!ld .
..... .., ..... ......
... .....
..... ......
You Can
S:40 p,._
4*1 ..._
1:45 ....
111:35 ,_..
~0o~?LLE~41 -474
PoQe 10
February II , 1975
to be convincing
and is Skeptkal about that
nrcn of psychic endeavors.
Aft e r a 10 min ute in ·
te rm iss ion , Eagles hy p notiud 12 students. Thrqh
hypnotic sugestion he had
them paintin&. sweallilg in
tzodegree hell and catehing
fis h. He !hen had them cheer
for 1 horstrace and later
compete in an Ice cream cone
licking contest.
The last 45 minutes of the
lhow had eac h ol the hypnotized persons responding to
different cues. As with the
mt of the perfonnance. the
audience gr eatly enjoyed
Ul la.
Throui,hout his act Eagles
mixed In quick humor and
brill ia nt use of tim ing .
Thouahhesaidhedoesn 't feel
hit psychic power la In·
creasina with age, he said
tha t hb stsgln.a is aetting
better 10 his acts bKome
more convincinc.
Eaalu performed on
campu1 laat yea r alao .
Olances are he will be back
nu t year again, said Anne
C), th e spon so rlna
organhatlon for Eaales'
performances the last two
~an .
Ballet debut review \..-,
by TtruiB.aut!:
An or igi na l balle t with
music an d choreogra phy by
two UWSP (acuity members,
WIS performed in the W1rren
Ga rd Jenkins Theatr"e of the
Fine Art1 Center IFACI on
the nights ol Feb. 5,7. a nd a.
The ballet m1de Its debut at
Ole Theatr"e Ar ts Department's annual dance concert.
Based on an Oscar Wildes'
fairylale.''TheBi rt)MI.ayof
musk by Ronald Combs ol
the UWSP Millie Department
• and was cta-eoc:raphlcally
desig ned by Susan Hunt ,
UWSP dance lnstroctor.
llfeatl.ftda castof25
dancers and · I t7-plece orchtstr"l ~ucted by the
compostr . Ca.l members
Included UWSP s tuden ts
KarTn Pinl.er and SUzutte
Zariba Zirak.
The concert a lso featured
four other worla wllh a
va r iety of dance styles
ranalf11 from a suite of
Renaiuance dances to a
modern s~ing number called
''The Jitl.er·ABt~~ · Hop..stop."
G !~~ e:orGo!::~~~ ~~~
" Rhapsody In Blue" was
spec:\allydone by JUflll artist
Gi se la L e mm e n a, a
profeul onsldan cer and
Some UWS P students were made to
believe, by hypnotist Gil Eagles, that
they were at a horse race cheering their
horse on to victory and a sha re of the pot.
Photo by Roger Barr.
Susan Hughes and Sterling Calder
r ehea r se for the performance of
" Dance: The Oldest Art." Photo by
Loren ZeJI .
on cash and carry onlers
with Student 1.0.
Serpico on
AI P~eino st.a.n In Serpk•,
captu r es criminals , b ut
JpOrtaklnlhalr, llvesinl.he
.Village wit h hfa woman
frlend,111d might even smoke
a lltllepot.
His ultim.1te ao.al lito be an
honat «~p a nd hla lin ll
lumina in other cops who
Lake pa.yolfl.
Hil reward for being an
hontst cop Is os traclam and
defeat In the hand• of
Char -broiled Sandwiches
Four Seasons Division
F·lower Shoppe
34 1-~
':>"A 'liNG TO '•li[)N IGHT
su perlon who refuse to rock
the boat.
Thil film is bued on the
experiences of Frank Strpico, the New York O ty
plainclothea policemanwbole
disclo&ura led to the Knapp
Commluion'a Investigation
ol the department.
ra': ~~~r:i!fur:!!'i~~ ~~
forcement <~nd the underlying
political pmea of graft and
CorT upUon is presented. ,
The film will be shown il l 7
and t : t$ p.m ., Feb. II In the
PfvKram Banquet Room- of
the UniYtrtlty Center (UC) ,
and at 7 andt: ISp.m.-on Feb.
12: In lhe Wiaconsin Room of
February I I, 1975
11AIIIo tu -
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Page I I
f"ebrucrv 11 , 1975
Student disagrees
with Bainter ·
Student questions
the quality oi education
To tbf e41tor,
Althou&h r~ration for
fa ll semes tu classes may
seem fa r away the SUbCommittee of AudiWnd
Review will soon bt&ln
pla nn in1 th is un iversity' s
ciiWi offuings.
This committee , unde r
r e qu es t of Central Ad ·
mins tralion , will play a
major role In deeldin1 what
claues wiD be offered for the
st uden t in the up-cominl
Throu&h tbt pr«esa: o1
Aud i t a nd Rev iew . a ll
uis ting 1programs will be
looked ,at and eva luated .
Criter iawUibebasednotonty
on whethu program& are
ac:ackmicall y beneficial but
also whelhu programs are
economically feasible .
What is Impor tant flit' the
student to rea1b.e Is that
u::u w~~ ~a1e~l
The studeot cannot be an
innocent by-stander in this
proce u . C h a naes In
programs are not a separate
ISSue from the stWent . These
are his c:IUSH, his major or
minor , his hi&het- education
tha t will be chan1ed or
remain the ume. To lit back
R.-ply to Dr. Bllnlotr :
Since my home town, FW't
Atkinson, Wltconsln, Is
named the site for a propo.ed
1,100 meaawau nuclear
power pllnt, I hive followed
the nuelen debates with
ronslderalile interet.
Unfortunately, whenevu a
hi&h left! debate over atom ic
:s::;e~s"':o~'.,!~k-= ~r:rr ~~~"~ Jt:;.
y ou r
As stated by Central Ad·
A&alnst Nuclea r Dan1er1
pa r t
fo r conce rn over t h is
Faustian ba'llain we are
aallc!d to accept. In th e
of eatabllthed undergTaduate cha irwoman ol the Atomic restrained la nauage of a
provuns Is that of ena~i'!J Energy Commission IAEC >, preslilious Int ernationa l
institutions ol the syst:~~ Dhly Lee Ray, and Dr. John ~e ienll f ie body, asaembled at
the z:t"d PUGWASH Con·
:f"r:':!:':a~~:t~'::mklj ~~~fe~~=; f~m~~eass~i~~: fertnrt In tm, the followinc
s ta tement .,.,., acce pted ,
olftrinppouiblewllhin lhdt Llwrtnrt llb«a tory.
availa bleresources ."
Dr . Ray claimed her
" No Jlenua l solution for the
ll Is time U\at tht studt-nt, ~ebedule would not permit Isolation o f lona -lived
not Central Administration her to partklpate in lhe radjo.ctive wastes from the
alone, think about what they debate. But, I find that rather bios phere , necusary for
believe to be the most ef. odd since Dr . Go rm a n 's many thousands ol yean, lt
fect lft ranae of A.cademk reponse wu "just name the yet in hand. 'naat is, despite a
wide variety ol propouls,
lime and place".
What does the s tude nt
To this elite Dr. Ray 's 'experll' still disagree on
believe to be included in the ~ehedu le 1\u been so full U\at whether any ol them will
quality ol Education? Thil she c:aMot debate Dr. Gd· sutnre ... lt lal m~lbletobe
..is not a time for atlx!enll
to ucrifice a me.anif!:l(ul
tcluc:aUoo. but a time for
studenta to rrltic:aUy redefine
what their education and
this educ:aUonallnstltutioo ls.
~:::~~!':t~~:r:nd~~ ~~ ~be~w~~o cre~::.e~
complacent about u:pt.nsloa
Asonewbo may lift nex t to
aooc:learpw.-erpla nt , lfeel
tha t we ahould llrtt develop
permanent, lona·term , aa fe
me thods ol storinl nuclear
wu te . Also, eme ra e n e:y
sa fety a yatems , I.e .
eme r1ency co r e coolln1
system shouldbe suceesa fully
~~e;m':1'!'rte ~~:'!:~~,
radiation be Installed ; 100
perc~nt Insura nce c:onrage
a1ainst nuclear acclde nta
provided ; utli!Ua be forced
to periCN!ic:ally update their
evacuation plans: u d to
auwu or debate quesUont
on nuclear aafety.
And, too, I would like to
know what effect a 1.8011
meaawatt nuclear power
plant will tlaveonalallewlth
a maximum depth ol five
feet ? (Which Is the maximum
depth ol Lake Koshkonong).
Pa ul SeMI
z:!l Knubta
Values questioned
Talk to your instructors,
find out bow this Audit and
Review mi&bt • effect you,
your classes, your education,
Alter all, In the end It's the
student who f oots the bW.
Marla A.tvarn
Z:Zl Stmms
~li l t~ .
Appreciation must be
~:S=,~ •:;e,~~~~~~
community. Thank you VftJ'
m~~~:h for whoever backed out
or pulled Into tht muni cipal
p~~rk.lnc lot by the square on
Satunl::r ni&ht ol lhe las t
will be heard
He will be located in the
st:en~r·::~~ fjj!:.'!i~;~!r~~~!:
po rtunity to meet with 10 a.m . to 1 p.m ., and in lhe
Michael Br ow n , a n i n - South Private Din!~ Room of
ves t.igatllt' for the Bureau ol Debot Centu from 4·7 p.m.
Students should nu out a
Consumer Protec:tlon.
Sludent.s with complaints In cons umer complai nt form
the area of Consumu A.lfalrs before they meet with Brown.
These may be pk:bd up in
will be able to di.scusa theM
wi th Brown durin& his visit. the Student Government
Problems dealin1 with Offke or at Brown's orrtee
business practices , com· locatior..
modities, llnd!ont reb.tkll\l, Bat" Kiely
etc .. eanberderred to 8rvwn 5 t••e a l G•ver••eat
flit' lnvatiption.
get into accidents from Donalds or Holiday Inn .
alrohol .
I will hit the hlatory books
The grand~ deserves u the one reponllble for
even mo r e commenda ti on curlna the economic turmoil
ol themld·7'0's.
::::,~t:ti-1 ~~ J:P:::·~~
from theaamec:aronthe flrst
weekend of feb .
Then 1omed ay , when I
decide that my llfe'aao.l li to
be a philoaopber I c:auld write
a Yotume or two entltled " On
the Value ol Valueleaneaa"
~~~~~.a::t~ that would rival greats such
You thou&htfuUy hit my car ilsl.eali"l.
u ' "'nle life Story ollhe
Sothisc:leverper&on mUi t fabu!OUI Freddie and the
have figured , " Why should I Dreamers" .
The owner ol one body shop take some th lnl of va lUe ,
rated the repa ircoatafabout somethina that f could use
A.pi n, any rontem pt I may
StOO. My insurance- company . and risk bdna caught and have had for lhe individual
(who charaes me enqh jilted or fined? Why not take responsib le Is unfounded
alread y > reminded me somelhln& of no value to because tha t contem pt In
graciously that the policy anyone exrept Ita owner?" conjunction wll h my
states thrqh the "dedt~t·
remartlable IMOVaUve !alent
tible" portion that I have to
But this Is where the created a Ya lue Mt o~
p~~yforthefirat Stoomyself.
majori ty of Ul know he was thou&htuf.
wrona. n.ue Is a muaift
But any contempt I ml&ht black market for au caps off
So I
everyone 10
havefllt'theunll.nowndriver ol flat Spiders. In fact I am out and take somethina you
Is uncalled f« . Alter all, he
don 't need. I auure you,
wu probably j1.11t out aetUna
before lon& you11 be famous.
a few monlhl I c:oukl hive a
chai n of s tores rlvalin1
tk-ive ? lt's theolher iU)'Ithat chain1 like K-Mart, Mae·
Consumer complamts ""'' , ,..~.,.
man. However, her schedule
did permit her to visi t Ripon
College Jut year.
Last summer I attended the
Public Service Commiulon
hearinp on tbe proposl'd
Ka&llkOQOflll Nuclea r Plant.
Much to my dilmay, lhe
Utilities blatantly rdUKd an
orde r from the hearing
examiner to diJeuss nuclear
safet y.
We have been seeinaadl on
::=~ s!~ha~iTte a~~