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UW-Stevens Point, Thursday, Jonuory 16, 1975
NO. 18
The ' Blue Bullet' speeds through bottling machines. look for the
feature on the Point Brewery in next Tuesday's issue. Photo by Rick Cigel.
Jonuory 16, 1975
Continues at some discount
C01.~ pon program successful first semester
::---. " 'tbe buk: concept ol tbe
coupoa pnJ~ram il thlit e~~cll
IDdlvidlal pa.)'l only for what
be or lhe eall," uld Cut
Olandler, director or Food
Stfvfceat UWSP.
1be ~ procrun is
avalllble to aD)' perD'I DOt
required to be OG the boud
plan at Allen or DeBot
Cinte;J, &lid Chandler.
Some d\a,.es bne been
made in the J)f'IIVam over
lut .mater. 'Ibis ~emester
aslutsemester an individual
Is required to plrdlue 11
o1 u}e, Olan&rr &ald. Tbe
onnll d isco u nt thh
~emetterWlllbet-IOpaunl ,
be added.
The chanae occurred
b«a~.~~e o1 lnc:real«< food ,
labor and aenenl expense
C9lla, 1ald Chandler. It
lbouldalaobdpspe«< up the
n&iller procedure because
Events planned
for Winter Carnival
With i-JalnJ Prlcea and
ol the clay WheG uallmlted
leC:tllldl will be av.Jlable
said Cha.ndler. " We have tO
watch our flnanc e 1
car~ullrii~~ 1:,~- temnter
waa a lood one, he aa.id. We
bad mare boarders than we
had anticipated and that
really helped out, he added.
'J"hhs, semeatet- we should
~~i 10M
money or juat brrak
mOlt of them Wtf't Cem.Je. even, said Cha.ndler, 1bla Is
Wltll Nd weather comtna on due IO I drop ln boarders
and li'ICr'eased popularity or from studenll qulttlna achool
the program we anticipate or movlnc on camp~ aeconrt
more guya to tab advantaae temeater and the fact that
ofthe:proa:ram , he:llid.
Food Senllce ~~~ 10 up on
We Yt'ould liie to push the Dec. 1 every year, he laid.
coupon program campua
About the only complaints
• '<~ide, said Olandler. This about lhe RrVIce are rathtr
would mean some physic.-! typical ones, aald Chandler.
chanau In dlnln& room
One ol lbe major com anticipate over 100 people to
tbe procram and
not at the time the food is
putthued, he added.
1be coupons can be used to
purchue rood and SNICk
•terns only, said Olandler.
Thl a does not Include
~boob .
oual)', tbe food pur. alcoholic beverqea, be u ld.
lnaddition , the:coupons are
WI;J discounted 2:0
t by tbe euiUet at the valid only for the ~emester
durin& which they are luued
and have no value after the
procedure slowed lhlnJI lui acheduled clasa day,
down at the recister beea.-e OwlcDer 11\d.
the cuhlel' bad to add the
ule and then n,ure out the ~~~':'er.~
diacounted price , ul d OlancDer. Many shdmtl had
coupon book• left over
Thil ~emester the l.otal becau•e we underprh:ed
priceoltbePf'CIIramhu&OIX CU"Rivea and just broke eva~
down, but there wW be DO
For a II purchase we ))lid
out t:l in food costl,geoeral
expenses, rdle tetothescbool
or the diuount , added
on the proeram did not have
uougb coupons , ul d
Olandler. Thls aemelter we
the c01t
prOIJ'am, he said.
Last semester mOlt coupon
~n~.a~e-:fd. and
if we did ao eampua
wide ,40~rcento(tbepeopl e
would 11ill DOt want coupons
beoca111e thole. are the biJ
J:~J.iDclud!n&laborC05ts, ~~~-k:".Jt'
:u :=-~~
the people
:! r!:!:W ~
back =t''t
to alt, av..:srer concluded.
Representatives optimistic
Senate elections h·e ld
Counc:U and Residence Hall
Garson's e:.:perlence In
~~ !!~~~ ~::;~~ ~
Studeat HNion elected on meednp all semntt!'. •
rfli,stntionday , Otc. J, 'ftte
" Sonieoflheasaanblymen,
Interviewed recently.
Ten peos»e were elected,
one from each of ten dbtricta. prompted me to run," the
Two of the wrtle-UI aenator· freshman computer aclmc:e
elects, Don Nodolr and Bob major cmc:luded.
HoHman , declined ac·
''I'm aoilll to do a lot of
~tanceoftbepoti Uon.
hol.lutna," said sen~~tor-d«t
" It Wthe pwpcM of student
pernment to set procedures
for other orpniu.tkm on of students," be Wet. " I am
campus , " uld Faith UHd toteeinl electlor~~ and
Crawford Is a wnator from
disbict two and won on a Nybakke.
write-ln. A frnhrnan, pre-law
The aopbomon , aoclal
s tudent , abe uld she ldence major ia a vet IDd
high school. He his abo had
ll yean ol military and,
J timu lated the s tudent now in dlatrict 111ven. CJel
be would resign hia old
government," said Dupree. said
peat to become senator In
district .even.
ror the
Veta and gnduate studentl
concernin& annts and loan~,
but my main Interest Is In al l
ttudeatl at lhls univ~nlty,"
said GartOD.
Gerald Klump~ the · new
district five Aid
that he ran p,rucularly
intteaH blue. Kliimp wu
cla.u president hla junior and
aenloryearinhl.Jhtc:hool .
sen~~ tor from
~:!~~of~~;.~ ~1~~~tS::Wu!
university. It should
" B«.aW~~~ofril lnsstWent
::: r:: ~:fy.::
presented ," saki'Canon .
Rk:k Cigel
can to see
that tuiUoa aoea
do'Nntothe t:U'percentlewl
Is intere1ted In more
r e pre sentat loo on this
Dia na Oupr-M, a Rnlor who
won In dlttrict one uld that
t be ran bec.tuse no one elle
wu lnberdistrict.
' 'Two bouu before the
petitions had to be in I found
out that noonewu runni.l:la ln
my district. I had lnternt In
student aovernment ao I
decided to enter myself,"
" I am also surprised 11 the
forma lity of tbe senate
... she added,
unemployment and lnllatlon
in aenent. atudenta would be
unable to handle any tor t ol
tuition I~ now," uld
" l'mloin&todoumuchuJ
ofeducatlonal cost ," aaid
Akf~ .
Jon Nybokke
Dupree wu a high ICbool
student coUftclt repruen·
Lltive and tbe hu a lao been a
UnJvertl.ty ActiY!ties Board
CUAB ) ~taUve to the
auembly this semester.
"Student aovernment It
trylna to do a lot but the lack
AI Schuette
AI Schuette represents
district four and is lotertsted
in aeUin& more involved in
student government.
A member of Hyer Hall
aa id he hu " aood expectations" tor the comins
year ln Student Government.
Karl Carson, 1 &r•duate
atudent !rom dlatrkt nine,
uldheran!ortheieaate ''to
Wbat AY ttudftl~ ac·
tually have iD tbelr own a!f.tln .I want to know If they
~~::e"u:e:~r-~ onu~
Dup-ee u..id that ahe hal
had 1ood experience~ with
President Lyle Updike and .
• 'lee President Barb Slid·
vater. ' "They are vital and
interested people. They have
Inflation ~hortens
UWSP Soviet Seminar
Tu_ilion, faculty solory issue
Statewide campaign
Soviet Seminar. Runian aamberabout35or40," aakl
and Eut Central Ewopun _fr'"lce.
Price. U!ISR .. Wrpreter
Travdlen are bein& faced Stladlea IRECES J Jpooaora
This put faU Price ~atw\thhl&bel"pricelfortborter this lnterdixlpllnary loolr. at
the Soviet
tended a confer~ at Lake
Baikalla the Alialk part of
UWSP tpoiWOfed tours af" ll'a my first time to 10 on tho USSR.
fected by tbete adverse theSoviet.Stml.nar. Tbeoeher
condition• It the Sniet faculty rMmben have Jane
em tbeHminat" at Jeaat once,''
~~ pl:•ofO:e!k. ~
temester, to terVe u the
~u'!~ Tus~'
included the Rusllan Orthodox , Lutheran, and~
falthJ. Some of us lol to tee
Sbftia. ltwu ntc. to viait
Siberia and then be able to
come back afterwarda. I
noticed more of a frontier
.ttlltude prevailed there."
uldPr~ .
Can't. on poge 9
Council ( UC ) JponJored
Lyle Updike, UWSP
'"lbe Jetter wrltina camSt uden t Government
president , anaounced a
chanae In Uictlcs towards weren ' t~ eaouah to
iowertna uw Sys tem tuition write a Jetter to the aover1nd feea and increaalnl nor."
IIJJoeiC. CMatkr
~~~ ~· .r~~~ !Zn~r,
facultyl&larla .
"We are now 1oin1 to •
One tactic which Updike
uld wu mildly JuccestfuJ
wu that of lobbylnJ
elude an Increased use of the Jtogialalora. He and other
ma.umedlaincludinaradlo, s tudent aovernment
televlaioa and newa rekuea representatives from around
state Ilona with Jim
~ta~:'ru...pd~:Chout the the
Uamilton, UC president, have
Put approaches Included met with key ltgi.I!Jiof'l and
JUpport for the UW Board of ha ve presented their cue.
Re aenta ' p r opoa ala of
Updike uld he wu
reduced tuition and fees to all ''wai tin1 to - the Jtuden~
UW System atudenll and
Increased A laries to UW r:~-~~
System lnstructon. Another an extentlve state au:pported
move wu a musive Student financ ial aids packlae, "
Government and United Updike ukl.
Jonuorv 16, 1975
Updike researches for Population Institute
' 'wont dtvdopinmt for it il worldna wilb.&tclalaton, and
unplanned," he
" l a m W'GI"kinn u an Intern
"'lbePopulatlonlnslltuteil with the Water Resources
I private foWidatlon centered Plannlna ~eeUon." be added.
In Wuhlztaloo, 0 . C.," Aid
'"''be1oab or lbe institute
are to inc:reue awan!neu to il no.Wftopttbeneeded
population 1rowth and lnformalloa, aald Updike.
1rowtb " My matert.J la led directly
problema," he aald.
Into the Deoartment M
Natural Retowcea IDNR ),"
heaald.'lbematerlal iaUitd
indecllloamaldzl&~ .
he ackSed.
The meeting will be held
January 22, 1975
Room 129 A & B - Un iversity Center
In many
slowe'd popu lation. gr owth
Industrialized nations, the
world population continues to boOm .
Photo by Rick Clgei
16, 1975
Are you c;~n alcoho1ic?
alcoholics In Portaae
County," u.ld Richard
Decker, counselor and
coordinator for the Porta1e
County Council on Alcohol
and Drtli Abuse.
~~~~a1:~1fam ~uJ..:
most widespread In Ute
United States . AICGhollsm
ratea third In America'•
health problema, trailin&
heart disease and c.ancu.
''Onlythreepercentof ·the
total alcoboli.c population II
on skid row. Most persona
places ol business and In
to Rulh-Fo:c , RJycl\latrist.
The National Council on
Alcobolism INCA) uld the
alcoholic is "a peraon v;ho Is
alters his normal living
The NCA, a voluntary
health organi:r.ation , has
drawn up a checklist of 2&
questions for drinlttra. A yes
:=;Lsto wa:!nsO:
alcoholism . This checlr.list
aomeone you know IJ an
9. Are you secretly lrrilated
19. Do more people lftlTI to
1. Do you occasionally ~uJc;aou!a~ll~~~ ~~~~ia;~ r!::OC.?nfairly
drlolt hea vily after a
3). Do youeatveryUttleor
disappointment, a ql.lln'el or
10. Have you recently •lrre&ularly when you are
,.'hen the boN gives you a noticed an lnaeaae In the drinlr.!D8!
freque'IC)' of your memory
2t. Do you aometlmes have
bard time!
2. When you have trouble or 'blackouts'!
the 'shalr.es' In the morninl
fed under prasure, do you
u. Do you often nnd that andfindthatlthd~tohavea
alwaya drink" more beavify you wish to coatlnue drinld.n& little drink?
, after )'OW' rrtmdJ aay they
3. Have you noticed that have had eDOU&h!
22. Have yo u recently
12. Do you usually have a noticed that you cannot drinlr.
you are able to hancDe more
liquor than you did when you rea!IOD for the occasions when
as muc.h as you once did!
you drink beaviJy!
23 . Do you aometlmH ally
'A'ft'e rarst drinkln& 1
13. When you are lOber, do
drwalt for several days at a
4.. Did you ever wake up on you often rfiJ'et thlngJ you
the 'morning after' and have done or said while
~ - Do you sometimes feel
dl~rlhat youcouldnot drinking 1
very depressed and wondnrem~mberpartoftheevenln&
14. Have you tried swlt·
whether life Ia worth living!
before, even thou&h your ch.in1 brands or followin&
25. Sometimes after periodJ
friends tell you that you did different plans for cootroUlng of drinking, do you see 01'
not 'pass out'?
your drinldnJ?
hear thlngs that aren't there?
5. Whendrinldngwlthother
26. Do you get terribly
ts. Have you often failed to frighlerled after you have
people, do you try to have a
few extr._a drinb when others keep the p:omi5C1 you have been drinkln& heavily?
Uyouanswered 'yes' to any
'olill not know It!
made to yo urseU about
cootrol.linsorcutling down on ol the questions, you have
!!~Y!er~j : : yourdrinlr.ina?
comfortable ir alcohol II not
111. Have you ever tried to ::eh:t!ie ~= ·Uwt
7. Have you recently
'Yet' answtra to lltVeral of
the questions Indicate the
noticed th1t when you bq:in moving to a new location!
17. Do you try to avoid followln& stagea of
drinking you are in more of 1
hurTy to &et the first i!rlnk famllyorc!O&efriendswhile a lcoholiJm: quesllona 1-1,
you are drinking!
early stage; questiona 9-21,
feel a
mldd.lestage ;questlons22r26,
little guilty about your
thebeglnnina of the final
and work problems!
c!iC:. .
~= l~i!n:!'rnlr.~ ~
attempts to curb
alcohol abuse
intensive bridln& on new
methods in coplna .with
alcohol abuse.
Their-advice on thlnga to do
in Slevl!fll Point wen to
sponsor more activities that
Involve pa r t ici pation by
students such as intramural
a ports , hobble s and
discm.aion lfoups. 'nle lmportanceolatimulatinasodal
Alcohol abi.De haa reached interaction wl.ll tend to help
into signlftcant numbers of people naUze they can make
people In all aae sroups. friends and have fun without
Leafsren explained. New havin& to use alcohol. aa the
being undertaken ".so fewnol our araduates eventually wepointoutthatlf alcohol Ia
become alcoholic statiJtlcs," to be served, that It be as
added Leaf&tm.
Members of the houainl, the focal point not be on the
physical actof drinldnl.
e duc ati oo -at hletlcs an d
Without preach ln&
be WQI'Ir.ing tosether on the
bellevu available in an objective
AmericanhigberedocationiJ manner pointing out
doing too little to lnfonn problems auoctated with the
students about problemJ abuse o1 alcobol. At the same
time, there Jhouldn 't be any
" Youusuallydon'ttetalot attem pt made to ent"OW"I&e
total abllinence for eve-yone
but insl.ud streu rnponslble
this kind ol thing ," he ad· 111e for th06t who desire it.
There s hould be a
\ised. "Uiually, the reaction
is, 'Oh , they 're go(ng to talk recogn!UonthatalcohoiUieiJ
problem for pertona
inte r est is minimal ," he
How do you help somtone
with a drinkin& problem?
Fred Lu.faren. executive
director for student life at
UWSP said UWSP wW move
into new programs aimed at
curbing, at least on thiJ
campus of 1,000 students,
'A'hat hu become a national
problem .
' "Thet"e are 400-500 pre·
alcoholics on .thiJ campus,"
u ld Bill Hettler, a doctor at
the UWSP Health Center.
There ue more studenta who
"Aim01t every night when
I'm on call at thebospllal,lt's
emeraency room and see
someone who hasn't uaed
alcobol,'' llid Hettler.
Pertaining to the question
of alcohoJ In the dor ms,
Hettler pralaed it .
" Dr lnltlng on campua
would encourage proper
drinking habits," said Het-
HetUer aald that he "WOuld
encourage that bars be set up
in the basement of the dorms
to give each other the
responsibility of teachin&
COCTect drinlr.ing habita.
There is no ·doubt that
alcoholllm Is the number one
drus problem In the United
Slates, said Hettler.
The Portaae County
Cnunc\1 on Alcobol. and Drug
Abuse, located at 1408
[)(vision Street in Stevens
Point, Ia 1V41lable for Information , counseling and
referral servi«S ror thoee
people with problems In the
drus and alcohol reliance.
Durlngtheyear oft973,1211
new rderrala came to the
Council . Of these clients, 103
bad alcobol rtiated problems
and 23 had drli& problems .
The oldest puaon to come
forcounaellng:in 1973was67
years old and the youngest
14 years old.
A«ording to the Council,
~!~l~ta~et 't~f:J~~ae:1c;. throuah
analysl1 or various
Wisconai.Diwle&aliudthe Hospital because of alcobol surveys and studies, It Ia
uleofalcoholonc.ampllltl abuse accklenta or ·r elated projected that by the year
and allowed for Ita pouesaioo problems than from 111e of t975, there will be 287,102
alcohollu an d a lco h ol
in dorm rooms of studentJ. drugs, aald Hettler.
Qsllolthedruga that cause abuse.;• in the s tate of
Somecriticsaay that lathe
reason for widesp r ead hospltallutlon, Hettle r Wl.aconsln . ThiJwouldbell.411
of the l late'a adult
drin.lr.ing: oa campuses.
Leaf&n-n, however , would are cauaed by alcohol.
disagree. In the days wbe:n
~r~tvtranln prohibited beer 1'\'-...:::""="'~...:::"'0"""~...:::"'-ot
and liquor, problema wen
present and many studentJ
concealed it In lheit roonu,
Positions Open for
"We believe- can be.
more effective by belpin&
studenl.s be responsible uaen
ofalcohol,lf theychooaeto
drlnlt, lnstud of tryin& , to
po!\celt ,"uldLeafgren.
The matte r of where
alcohol laconaumed II not the
problem, he added .
Ushels, Technicians &
AsSistant Student Managers
ad~iven recently involved
members of his allff with a
paychologiat and aoc:lal
wo rker from Fort Sam
Houston. TU . for two days of
=~nr':~"ti~: '!fJa
You're Just In Time For
their families or plaen: ol
:i;~c:>':en~::: =~
infrinaed upon . the aroup
Page 6
January 16, 1975
by JoeiC. G.e11U.er
" ll&etJ me ofLil'aa free
lbln& .• .all you hive to hive is
a hill, )'OW'" skis and&o,"uid
RicllEIUott,a Wauuunative
and veteran sltil!r of 11
· '• exp reulon Is
typical ollhe l1\llny ~e
on television.
Thi• iJ evidell«'d by lhe
areu in Wisc001in alone. Of
towrrin& cbairlirll and Swfu.
ltyled c.ha~tl but ma.t ol
them do make their own ~now
andofftr the comforts ol&ood
slllin& and a wnm lodge.
Most skiers asree with
Elliotl'1 frM!dom thina but
~heft are more reuona tor
the downhill akltr 111d hiJ
desi re forskiinJ.
" The bluest thina I•
~~: c~::!r:~•Jo ,":: =~
thine." uid Lor Radant,
For .lot Ostrrond«, alkier
of21years, ilwaaa UtUeblt
difrertnt , " For aome ol 111,
it'a an qo bullder. Jt'a a
t'iementl .. .every run can be
dilftnnt," he added.
-Elliot •&reed with the
challenge aspect but ukl
" lt 'a alw1y1 a cbaUena~
qahat my~lf.JI)Uih myself
u hard u I
c:aa. When I'm
January 16, 1975
\-':.·fJo ~ ~'c:
people and 11'1 just a matter
MOlt advanced &klen feel
inl tructioowhen jultllartin&
out. They suue&t mslting
sun lbe bqinner'• ins tnxtor
knows howto.k.l well ,and that
to teaeh what he knows.
Ostrander said that it
wun't neceuary to take
ahcluld ''let leuonl from
JiCICDeCIIIoe who 1tnon wlat
But 'WbeUier a IJecinner- or
hot douer , •klina holds
aomethin& for millions ol
people throu&hout the world.
Each lndiYidua.l may have his
dUrenat reuoDI for UJln&
but they au ap-ee that It'• JU1t
plain fwt .
P<><lt 7
January 16, 1975
Newly elected Assembly seeks student voice
Sally D111Ur
Sally Du.ltlr was elected to
Sdence. Dustlr hu worked
on the Auembly
Mmtslft' .
for one
lmplementaUoa, stabilintion Asse1nbly becaUM or ' 'my
intern! In lhe affairs of the
comm unity and t be In·
He believed that the teractlon with the com·
t.upaytn would have to bear munlty," he said.
" I would jlle to promote an
awuenesa on eampus wtthin
olstudtn t fees and lnereased
:~:.~t~r:~ :!tof~
Sbe uld her &oal on lhe
As.Hmbly II to help structure
It u an eleded body r.lbes'
than one repretef~Lltive of
stror~a Student Govffrunent
and to promote more ef.
between the studen t 's,
community an d the ad·
ministration," said Shaver.
Shaver uld he believed
lhat the purpose of Student
Government Is to provide
guidelines for students and
t h e adminis t ratio n e:on·
«min& the worldnp of the
' 'TheUCisdolrcajobthat
needstobedone. AI present it
Dustlr uld sbe will try to
get S'ttnlentl Involved and
show them their responJibilltia u lluclentl.
Mather said. "Reaenll and
t h e Administratio n a r e
respondlna to students on an
immatur e level ," Mather
''Student Govemmeat is
capable of brinJina: about the
reallutlo n o f ad ult
representatloa and 'aovern·
menton this camJ! UI, "
Hanson . .
" U the po..-er o! Studtnt Matl"raald.
Government was recotnized
more by the st udents it would
be more eflect lve ," said
" I've aot an Interest in
Student Government," uid
~~':'lh?~ :::.:: ~:J~~
Day. . Moe
Dayna Moe Ia a junior
Theatre Arta major in tbe
Colleae of F1ne AtU.
"I haft not erved on
as5embly before, I want to
become.. acquainted with it,"
Moe said . Moe said abe wantl
to see bow Student Government opeut111 with the
at a better level ," sa id
" I feel that 1 can worlt with
"I am
people and hopefully 1et to atudent's problema,"
aometbln& KCOmpUibed," added Moe.
said Marty Hancoclt.
AsM:mbly fnxn the Collq:e of
Letters and Sci~ .
He r an beca~.ae he felt that
he wun' t Inform ed and
hopefully he wou ld lea r n
lludentl can do, be aaid.
R1111 11111J0n
Ru. Hanlon wu elected
froin the CoUqe ol Letters
and Science . He Is a
11' CROSS COUNTRY 51<115
Marla AlYer~l
' Maria Alverez \1 a aen\or
~ycboiOIY major wtth a
minor In communications.
Alverez 11 the current
uecullve ucretuy to
Student Government an d
believes people do not know
the ro1e ol Stuckot Govft'n·
· "As an auembly person, I
would !Ike to aee t he
auembly work 11 a true
r epresentative of Student
Govm~ment, " Alvtrl!'l said .
"Student Government shouJ(.
worlt foc- the studenll and
represent them," Alverez
JUI Marquart
JW Marquart, a senior
communlcat\YI! dlaorders
maier was eJec:ted from the
Collea e of Profeulonal
Studies <COPSl.
MarQI.Wt hu been dolna:
some behlnd-tht«tnes work
in Student Government. She
uld she wu lntl!f'l!lted In
beina on U!e Assembly.
Presentl y Marqua rt Ia
wo r ltl na wit h the United
CounciltUC), lhe uid. She
believes that the UC hu much added.
potential, abe added.
Jonucry 16, 1975
Semester in USSR
"Leningrad was really
impressive. Everything
Students will recflve thrt't'
in tbe RECES course
297-317 for attending the
seminar . During the
aemloar students will visi t
four Russian cities.
" We had tW1» toun a day,
one in !he morning aod ooe In
the altemooo. We weren't
rOI"Cf'd to go on the toun, but
they did want to know where
we were iostead ," com·
mented Mary Lo6i.nski, who
went oo the 1m tow-.
seemed to be In a state of
.renO\-a tion willie "'~ were
and minon.
Ooe s tudent who applied to
the Spring 1975 lour is
Winnie Furdek. F'un:lek 11 a ,
juniOf' majorina in biology.
' 'I've always liked history.
Alter sedn& IUCb movie. u
"Dr. 2lUvago" aod "Nicbolu
and Alexandra" and talkina:
to a (riend wbo hal' gone. I
dedded 10 apply . It will Jive
me a cbanoe to see the inside
ol a country which Is usually
expinlive than a ~nne.ter
ab r oad would be, .. said
Knowledge ol the W.u.age
lso't essa~tial ror acceptance
on the tour. Many ol the
5tudetlts have UtUe II any
of the
~~;t know any Russian
..t~en 1 went. I did pick up
lOme n..-euloas u pleut,
thank-you, ye. and no. I
learned enough to get around
with ," ummented' Grea
Regnier, a ,history major,
who went with tbe 1974 gmrp.
However , some ol the
studying Ruuian at the same
" I was taltirc fint year
Ruslian when I went on the
tm tour. 1beae were four
pthers in the lfOUP who were
also s tudylns Ruaslan ,"
commented Bill nemming, a
graduate assistant in histor)'.
Students wbo go on the
Soviet Seminar need a Soviet
visabesi deslheirpas~port.
~ Soviet visa is only aood
for as long as your stated
Each yn r groups visi t
Leninara.d and Moscow , wllile
the other t._·o Russian cities
may vary from yea rto ye.a r .
The Sprina 1!175 group will
visi t Leningrad. Moscow,
Riaa and Kharlr.ov .
"Lenln1rad Is a very
baroque and neoclassic city.
It's buill in the European
style and an::hitecture. The
Soviets have URd the city u
~ ~ril~\tdt~;!oobaa: b::
preserved and are In 1ooc1
condition. Some ol the silhl4
i!Udentsl!lay see • re the
Palace ol Peter the Great ,
..,.hlch 1\u a col.lection of
~ R~~sf!~~ar!~
va rious fortreues aod art
galleries. SiDee Lenlftlra.d II
adtyoleanall, l bopewec.ao
bolt," aplamed Price.
~ - Perhaps, they were
getting everything ready for
the May Day ~lebrations.
Another attraction In
Leningrad is the Kirov
ballet." said Regnier.
Some or the lites In Moscow
include the Kremlin , Lenin 's
Tomb, St. Brasil 's Cathedral,
the So\iel teJtvisi on tower,
wh ic h has a rotating
re s taurant , Mo scow
University, and the enormous
Gorki part., wllich now has
the flnt bowling alley to be
builtin the Soviet Union.
" Kar'&ov is essentially a Ukraine. The city was built In
Kremlin Wall, you say to
)'OW'Hlf-thisisit. l' vefinally modern Industrial city like the !IOO's. It's the city where
Mi nneapolis In the United Saint Vladimir baptized the
made it."
IUgals locatedinLatvia. lt States. Students may find Ruuians .and ll.artt'd the
was once a proud city of the Kharkov more familiar to Orthodox raitb," (ommented
Ha Meatlc League and often themthantheothercltleson RcgnJ(r.
the object of rivalry and a the tour. Ecooomlcally it is
numberofforeignlnvasions. like our Midwest. Kharkov b
Rlga'smedieval chun::hesirt knov.n for Its avkultural ::::~~~al~c!!rn,e;t:
the nar-row winding stree~ production and iron ore," riverandbaptit.edthem.
contrast with the wide post re marked Pr l~.
war boulevards and parks.
La h'ia was annvr:ed to the
Losi nski commented, Min sk located in
"Mostol what l s.aw on the Bleionasia, "It wasn't ttU:itr
Sem.nar seemed kind ol old· u ucllin& u the othet- c1tles
fashioned, like things in the wt visited. Thf! 'city is vir·
tua11ynewbec:ausem01tol it
you knew then
what you know now,
would. you have enrolled
·in Army ROTC? · Have you changed your perspective on
Army ROTC - now that you've bad an opportunity to talk with friends who are
enrolled in the course? Maybe you've con·
eluded it does have something to offer you;
maybe you should have enrolled when
starting your Freshman year.
Since we realize wise people change their
mind, we've. developed a special program
for students like you. You can enroll with
your friends in Army ROTC now and
cat.ch·up with them in your Sophomore year.
Then you11 be ready for the Advanced
Course when you become a Junior.
You still make no oom.mittment until you
enroll in the Advanced Course. At that
time, you'll start earning an es:tra $100 per
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Mail this coupon for information. Or, visit
the Army ROTC office so we can diseuse
the matter in detail.
Army ROTC. The more you look at it,
the better jt looka.
P09e 10
· January
Hearing to be~ held
. next week
The dty of Stevens Point
will hold a publk: bearlnJ
concernlna the Mlchlaan
~;:n~~alon and th e
16, 1975
Trapping regul~tions cited
A teallet Containlna the
tt74·75 beaver and otter
trappina rqutations Is now
available at Department of
Natural Resourca lDNR>
Environmental Impact
Assess menta on the road and
lake propouls are available
Tht.Jttaringwlllbebeldat from Student Government,
1: 30 p.m., Thunday, Jan. zs the Learning Ruourcn
In the WiJCGn~ln Room or the Center CLRCl and the En·
vironmental Council.
UniVffsity Cmtu CUCl.
The operat i on of
snowmobiles on state lands
thiswinlft' will be prohibited
unlnl a notice iJ poated by
DNR auth ori ties . Thh
amenda lhe reauiation that
5110\to-mobilirc wu permitted
on st.ate lands unleu otbu·
wile posted.
Snowmobilers are abo
remindtd tNit they muat file
:>.~tcc:~tw~ ~~~,0~
anowmobile accident. Any
accident rnultitiJ in death,
an lnjul)' requiring the attent ion of a physic:la n
or exceeds $100 in property
daruqe must be reported
wll.h1n IOdayaoftheaccident.
Accident forma an
available at any local law
off)ce and all
DNR fieldatations .
'"- ·-:E.:::.:-~··
... and the finest
In accessories:
Norw~lan Knlc:ltersoclts
Sltl hats. mittens
Wool/cotton , wool/acrylic: underwear
Wind breakers
Sltl r~clts and much mOfe
JANUARY 16, 21 & 29
The Hostel Shoppe
Mon.·Thura. 10;00 a .m. · 5:30p.m.
Fri . 10:00 a .m.· t :OO p.m.
Sat . 10:00 a .m. · 5:00p.m.
Council .
lty Jeel c.
Touring Skis of ExceHence
by 'Bonna and Trol
. . . . . ....__
Ttlutate iJ dMded into the
followina four l«<f:J for the
trappina aeuon : Zone A, In
the Northwal , where the
beaver and o'lter season
beaver and two otter; Zone 8 ,
• In the NortheaJt, where the
season opena Dec:. 21 and
cloaes Mar. 30, With a limit of
50 beaver and twootler ; Zone
C, alon1 lhe westem edle ol
the state, witll the beaver
season fromF& . ItoM.ar. l
and limn or ten lieavet" and
no ottezo IUIOil and Zone D,
lhe majority of the 1tate,
season from Feb. I to Mar. t
andllm1lof ts6eaver and one
ln addition, there IJ an
. adcliUonal open season for
trappinl mu11trala con·
cu r rent with the beaver
Bacli: in 1970, wi th the llrtt
Earth Day and en Yironmental teach-In , a
campua Oflanlr.ation called
tbe Eavlroamental CouDd1
fECUirstmade illdlltDown.
TJ:Ie council then waa
primarily an Informat ion
1bia Is not • now. "11'1
timeforactlon," a.aidJtff
Uttlejohn , prnent chalrman
cound1 wu aml~ucatioul
action , but no• we are
ewlvlnc primarily mto ac·
tion," he added.
The rauon for th la
evoludon Is that in the put,
the environment and «<OOJY
_.e all about, said Ut·
llejohn . That wu wt\y there
wn the bii educational push ,
he adckd. Now the people do
know whlit'a happening and
are aetUnJ involved in the
Made up of atudenta rrom
which are volunt.een.
The council offera the
uDivtn\ty and other Ia·
divktuals diUe«nt pr"'Orams
In eovironmeotal areas. They
offer paptr recydinc, a •maJJ
e nvl ronmeatal li brary,
variow; speallen to tallt on
IUbjecta o1 CODCft1l and moat
Important, a chance for all that' the adminlst:ratlon baa
atudentl to set involved In really skimmed over and
environmental Issues both take:ntheprojeclsllahtly"ln
locally and nallonally, said terms of keqlin& tbe area as
Ut~john .
natural as pc.ible, added
ThedaysolbannenandbiJ UtUejohn .
Hmlnara are over , .. Jd
Uttlejolwl . lnltud, be Mkl,·
The moat notkeabie ,:.rt ol
" Wearawortinamorewlthln lheECisthevo&ceolO.
the aystema oa more of a CO\ftcllltadf,lbe Ec:•Tic:, a
year-.;ouod pr oject rather nnraietlft' publilbed b7 u.
than a one day event."
~. aakl Ron Tboma,
editor. " We're the written
'lba COWICII's main priority voice, " he aald . We
at this lima iJ the nuclear aometlmet publlab certala
power laue, he aaid. 1:bey thlnp the cwncU . doMn 't
are worklna clOM!y •llh the know of, he added.
Lea1ue A&alut Nuclear
O.ncer tLANDl . On thla.
i11ue Uttlejohn and the
toundl have st:ron&ly op- lof;elher ," llld Tbums.
poMd the construction of
Thums aald they try to be
nuclear planta In Wisconsin. objective but admitted that
the "tntire pipet illoJaa to
:~~~·/:.~/ =:~~':!
the po11ibillty of ecotoslcal ~c~a~1bu~e~~toJ~:!:
diualft' :
racll will be ror otr aide."
" Sola r ener11 iJ easily
The Ec:•Tac iJ tryinJ to
viable and 11 now cos t bunchnutandaetinto more
competitive with elic:t:rical lnvestlpUve reporUna, Jlid
enetiY.'' uld Utllejohn . Thuma. He sald their purpoM
Tt11.11, the councU iJ fid.\UnJ wu "to aet people to l.b1nk."
for the development or dean The EC, lhqh nol new, Ia
sola r eneray to replace beadlnamoreandmoreintoa
nuclear fiulon plantl.
The CO\ftcll is abo worklnJ ~~r!r::;~::::tr.~:e .~~~~~
with the UWSP ad · whei-e are lalllnl · Up .
min ls trat.ion and. Stevens
''The main objtocUve In the
Point olliciala on the Qlri1'11nmtnlal Council Ia to
MichiJa n Ave . utenlloo c reate a concern and
pro=t and the c:ampua isk.e awarmaaolthecrlsllwe are
fadtiJ ," CODCJucled Ut·
pr~~·lmprnaloa hu betft au
Indians down Point ca'gers
byJIJII Hakell
Olach _Bob Kruej:tf''s
Pointen , f'riday the 13th
came fogo diiys urly this
H.alvenoo ," com mented
Coach Kruraer. " We let him
10 one-on-one, and he killed
and Larry HalV!nalll!d ~
vbitina: 1nctiaJu to a 83--71
Ha1:41 ICOI"ed II ftnt half
The Pointers, who trailed
LaQ-os.se by only four v.ith
len than 1ix mlnutu
~malnin1 , were llymled by
Ule lndia.nt' mne defente. ln
thrft minutes, the PQ!nters
'lt'Ue oullc'ored i-1, allowtna
LaQ-osse a T7-6Giead.
" Wemovedtheblllbu twe
didn't penetrate," explained
ICrurger. "We had practiced
::a~:.!. to Jet open nea r
P ointe r forw ard Mike
The lncllllUI committed a
27. Bothteamtlbot13percent
from the line, but the lncUans
who were awarded five at:
temptl for each PtMnter try ,
finished wi th a 25- for 30
performance .
52 netd 1oa1 attem pts, a se
~tavez-tle , whilethe
PolntershitoaS3ol 64for 52
percent. The Indians beld •
28·26 reboun d edae. bu t
committed 14turnovers to the
Pointera' t3.
8oth teams had sllaht lead&
In the li nt half , wit h
LaCrosse hoidln1 a 42·37
hatnime edge.
WIUI McDaniels 1C0ring U
the home cagers jumped to a
51·54 lud, LICroue then
ripped off 19 polnll to the
Pointen ' six, puttina the
hit debu t , wh il e fe ll ow
transfer Larry Stemo ICOred
nine u • reserve iiW"d.
McDaniels , who fouled out
with 3 :09 remainlna. allo
grabbed ttven rebound&.
" McDaniel's ahoot..lna: may
have actually hurt
u.Jd aameoutof~ach .
Kruraer . " He was hit tina
" We hadn't worked hard
from the outside and we enouah , ''
t um mari&ed
didn't ~~~Wk It ln. That's one KrutatT. '"lbey didn't do
tr:!fe .~Y didn't get In anythlnl di fferent, IJiey jUII
did It better ."
Sports Quiz
& llllnn
. 1. Wbo was the jockey that
01uck R:uys (50 ) hooks a shot, successfully, but
in vain as rhe Pointer$ lost to UW laCrosse Monday
night in the Quandt Gym . Photo by Roger W. Barr.
Chapman's fifth book now avoi/ob/e
establlsbed in the Uterary
world while a few oU~etJ are
having their works put into
Qlapman u.Jd be bas at·
tempted to make the boot'•
content.t "u representative
u pouible." As a raul I, be
hu sel«ted pieces that be
•,ikn wry much" atJd olhen
bywriten:"'ln 'liholetlste l
am not in accord."
Through thcir aa:e.nu or
publlshns , and in a lew
caH:& wrilerl themlelvee. bll
workl by Juth pull u
his wrltq: Included in. boot
btlore. Ftltdm.J.n,"a very
aiJnlrlcant contemporary
wrilef" "
accordlna: to O!.apman, hU
been publiahed num eroua
tlme.'w!:. ::/oru!lt~
; : : : by the University ol
Dllnoil Preu .
a. Robyn Smith 1
b. BiU Hartack
c. Paul Revere
d. Ron Turcotte
thinlblisewu '!'
a . Sal Sando
b . Don Money
c. Brooks Robin.son
d. Pudd.inhead Jones
1. When the Philadelphia
f1yersntoed a bia win at the
Spectrum , they call on what
2. Whit player hit a drive a . Kate Smith
that v."OUid have gone about b. Bobby Carte
600feet illthadn"t1Utthe roo! c. Bernie Parent
ol the Astrodome last swn- d. Dan Devine
mcr ?
a . J immy W)'nn
b. Jack Brickhouse
I . V.'hichol theseplayers
c. Mike Schmidt
wu the only victim ol the
d. WWie McCovey
1974 Steven~ Point SoCtball
3. Ray Kroc , owner ol the
Sl.rlDi~oPa dres,lsalsothe •- Joe Dufry
b. Joe P. Durty
a . British Honduras
c:. Joseph Duffy
b. McOonalds' Hamburaer d. All ol the above
c. Clue Manhaltln Bank
d. UW Ri ver Falls
4. The only sc:hool to ~a­
bea t UCLA'• b111ketball team
m:!~e:crlcpotmf::t~:nt:~~ at
Pauley Pavilion is'!'
Chapman compiled a u.-s-ae a . Notre Dame
tlbloid-che IIC)plnnent oa b. Soutbun CaJ
Jewilh-Amerlcan wrltera for c. Or-egon
( ".QI{lO ~lfl
the CWTtnt i.Jiue of ' "J'he d. MilwaukeeUncoln
UJ Jr-q ~lfl pur··puft{ ~uo UJ
Groucho Man: , Nor man American Poetry Review."
.JHpa~png • peq ~"' : I•~.HI
M.aila- and Slut BeUow.
Apu~ Aq pmiH JJO ~mt
5. Who was Al abama's laM AJJI'(J) ~Mq'f -n JO II•P
Two men who served on the publiutiont II Olapman'a
UWSP En&Jhh [)qlartment aelectloritobe i!Jtedlnthe quar ter bliclr. the 1111 time · l' ( awalaqt~JOJaqt:>!Jawv
fuultylnthellte tMYialao tmedition~oi' "TheWor ld the)' woa • bowl aame!
n:a ta~ llup~l)f~
U}M' IA'IA\f'l JIOWJI ua.(U'
huepleces inthebooll . ~ Wbo'l Wbool Autbon and the a. JoeWUlieN.tmath
are Jrny Tec:klln, and Paul Dictionary ol ln&ernatlonal b. Steve Soan
aql) lfl tWS'a • L 'UOIUJQOH
Blocr•phy." PreviOUily, he c. Lynyrd Sltynyrd
·:J • II ' JMOS Jalns Lt,
-n UJ R(qn5'-p " f '(a3JM11
Teeklln. whom Oapman wui!JtedlntheDiredoryof d. Kea " Snake" Stlbler
I . The lt14 Ameriun :>Sn·q • t ' IPf'IUOCl:tW·q • t
delcrlbfsu "a Yft')' fine Ame r ican Scbolan and
WJUt Gold Glove winner at ' 1PIWQ:IS-:J·t'.J1)03.nU·P·t
youna poet," h.u never hid Contemporary Authon.
Poqe 12
16, 1975
Rudolph gets tough
To the ediC«,
On Dec:. 10 the Wood Cbunty
Board of Supervilon had yet
un=~r~~it:~ ~~~;·~:,;~~!~ d!:,.,~~.~e3~
euml nallnll public par ·
memben of~ Wood County
Board choolltt: to continue t.o
~~':~~tt.oofc;'.! lpoH the plea and sovemp
of OM oflb tdSow·
albltn:u Uhe nudur power
plant ls&uel , tb.:tt bu bun& member townJ.
around Rudolph TownJhlp'a · They belittled thh
lmaae or a kM:al
and Wood County's nec.lt alnce
town aovernment, tbeftby
July 1m.
The orialrul town expollna the cOI.I'lty <1 unit
resolution hq thil Jlbltrou
on Rudolph Township; but lhe :n.r=tu!f:;.~:;tvt'::;
valiant townspeople cut It or ln a lfO~), to similar
loole witb.lhe keen ltnire olan treatment from any other
ldvisoryvotelnA.ugustt973 higher ec.heJon ol government.
with a vote of 361-181.
The town reJdnded the
-rnolution ; the c:ow~ty board
'lbere wu Jhow of unity.
refi.Md to follow JUit. Again Power p~!fE ~!"II UHd
~~~::~ll~f!cct~ft~ h~
conllnulnl ba.l1 to uise
mou&h m_,- for ""'power
1b4l ballot boa: can COIT«I
muchrwaatlvilm .
Petition alanen reganiina
lhe nuclear pcl"ll'er plant •bo
were l& nored can chOO&e
~:r~"t!~~~ls ~ :!ll
demonJtnted In the recent
elecUona. The people who
• poke but c learly and
unafraid tor a Jtate or
nallonaly moratorium or
~n~;!dt!d pe~i~:~ivi~ -~~=!r~!n~~: ~~~~~:
positJont rlaht now.
October t974totest the zeal of
ill people in rej«lion of the
power plant . An overwhelmina ao pcrce.nl of
contacted townspeople ; 55
Sol Burnltdn. executive of
the W"ISCGnlin Electric PownCompsny ar roaantly en·
C'OI.I'"I&tll " forced program"
leaditt: to a nudear and coal
~j~~:;;: s:~ ~n.::~: · ::.':';:'Laby~!!:~t!
Pl"eemption; 21 restricting or
'no'. •
Rudolph &ell t.ougber with
each rejection; Ill flibtinJ
s:plrit~en ; a town and
vlllaJe to be rec:koned with:
Comella Grollle k
Student disgosted
with parking conditions
To tile edil«.
Last semtstu I paid $14\n
city and llnivenity parkin&
licltetJ. Ihavebetterusefor
such money a~ for this
reason I wish to e:xpreu my
concern about the univenity
p a rklnK
1ituatlon .
ltsee.mtthatt~ereare four
dirtn-ent types of puking
around the unlvenlty
availabletomotorisll. 'l'bele
are : I) rntricled pulrinJ.
21unrestricledparkin& , 31dty
parkine . and
m e tered
4Jcurblkie parltinJ. In my
opinion. all are inadequate.
are few da}'l wlwen one tan like belnt lnconvenieoced by
findaplacelnthisk>tuthere me~orcurbsldeparldng,he:
are juJt . too many people wiUhaveaplacetoparlthis
want l n& to park there . car.
Ke• Farmer
Cty meter parldnJ iJ the UWSP Nudent
:~~j ~~::~nfe:;~fh~
by Bob Kerksleck
Students In the UW may continue to. get a
top quality education while actually saving
taxpayer's mon·ey.
To do It, we will need to cut high cost-low
production programs.
Last week the governor said that· the UW
System should prepare to close some
campu ses and con·soll date existing
programs over the next she years to CO\.Jnter
economic pressures. '
Th is Is one of the few times that It may be
possible to agree with. the governor.
The fir-st thing which can go Is the Center
System . Last year It cost them much more to
educate their freshmen and sophomores
than we spend on our juniors and seniors at
The real shot In the arm for the UW will
have to come by closing expensive, marg inal
production universities at Parkside, Green
Bay, Superior, River Falls and Plattevi lle.
Otherwise, in this ti me of falling
enrollments, ta xpayers will be justified In
becoming Increasingly angry o'Ver the
amount of their tax dollars going to what
appears to be a mismanaged university
Joint effort opens VD clinic
reuon II lhst one must plua
the meter every two hours. lf
one doean't re.member or
A new Portaae County
The nurses who will be a119(:aled for the establish·
city parklne: tkkd. Granted Venereal Dileue tVDI Clinic staffing it empbaJized that all ment ol nwnn-oua VD dlnlc:J.
lhls Is a ~nodelt nne, but such opened ln Stevens Potnt on Information abo ut and
fine.s do add up. U one forgeiJ J1n. 13 wl lh fundi provided I"Cftived from pallenll will be
to pay lhe ticket within OM
a atate vant.
held ln 1trkt confldmce.
The Stevens Point dlnic
will, ill addltJon to proY!ding
v.-eelt, then the coat doubles.
Venereal dlu.ue hu been trntment and follow up
Office· how's are JCbeduled on the rile nationally lor UJUtance tor dleoll, conRestrictedparkina:lnvolvts pockeUM:Iot by city me-ter from J to 5 p .m. on MOQdayt JOme lime and hu been lilted duct an educatlonal prqp-am
a arowlna·problem locally about the dlteue swoceu.
purchaJina: a parldnJ stic:kn- parkin&.
w~k~ic!!~ 11:V~~ ufor~eVerslyean
for about m If you are a
trafW1!lulon a~ l)l'ftlefttion.
Nellon Hall at UWSP.
student and about $35 If you
The nunes rq10rt that an
are a faculty member .
The UWSP Health SeTVIce't
Holfo·ever, pulieularly for a
Jlallpft}'llcianJtookanurly initial project wW be mald.q
stucSent .tuc:hacoatilhardto
lead to help Pl"event the VD area retkkslll of aU aaes
lhat the clinic hu been
local 11\Jienu.
hunt to eve11 find a place u from the UWSP Health It hu been lnvol. ved with the
Nunlnc SeTVk:e In
!!r ~a~ln:i!~.an~ ~~:Wo~ ~~~~~::~~f:J County
eatablllhln& the clitllc and
one waniJ to aet to clau on tre1tment.
securinJ the a rant.
they Ire comlnJ to the
.:k'~ei~~= If petSOill llllpectlnJ they
campus with automobiles.
alternaUves, lor It alm ply have VO believe they Deed to
The mranles for the ~tant The lot Is located behlrad
There is, of course. ~mre· tak.el too Jon& to walk such be"tnaled when the cllnJc 11 Initially ume into 1tate .Steiner Hall off aut Sb-•t
Jtr i cted plrk i OJ whlcb dlaiJnces.
not In openUoll , the Cow!ty coffmutMretultolclau andwltblnabfockolNdaOra
does not reqW-e the purcbue
NuralnJ Service will refer action •ult aaaiut the HaD 'wbidl faces Frftnont
of I ltic.Jr.tr. But lhe Wbok
them t.o I JocaJ phyaicl.an.
Oaatlel Pftza- Dnlc.Co. OQ a Strtd. u the lot
problem witb thiJ II lhlt
I find II diliUJtinl that the
'charp ol prb ~In however, the dleall haft
there are AOt enouJb univertlty doesn 't provide
1be cllnlc .W be~ t.o varioua~rtaof tbe United been uUd t.o provide •
lrlrettricled ~rlti.nl kill. To more WV"etlricted parldnJ, 10 the ~lk of allaJa, aDd lhe
my ltMWledie there 11 CW!Iy lhst if 1 llucSent or a faculty ~ aru 11 DOl eonfiDed
a lkenM pl&te ncnber ao
one JUCh k>t (adjacent t.o lhe member cannot arrord a only to r FtideniJ •ithl n
In Wlac:OMin the monies parklat YkliaiJon tlcbCa.,..
· Univenlly C~
n t«
iinelter,orlf hedotlnotfeel PortqeCoilnty.
r ec: ov • r e d bave beeft
h!t :::;
pa~~e~~~~= fr~° C Port~~~t.!~~ne~~':n~~ :n dfnk~ ;~=
• ·.....s,