At senatoria I debate ·- Inflation· top topic bySallyDusdr lnl1ation, taxes and environmental conservation were topics common in concern to the lhreoe U.S. Senatorial candidates. In a debate held in Quandt Gym at 1 p.m., Oct. 3t , Inc umb e nt U.S . Senator Gaylord A . Nelson , Democrat, Thomas Petri , Republican and Gffald 1... McFarren, American party ca nd idate spent a p proximately 90 minutes in debate expressing their views and auwe r ing questions =~lhe:em~~: audience. McFarren openr,d t he debate with remarks dealing with the focus of his camJ)l-ign. He stated that tris ~amp.algn is based on three major isaues; inflation, land use and one world govern- plemented to the people by regionalism . " In order to eliminate inflation the budget must be balanct'd, deficit spending must cease and the Federal innauon, welfare and taxes. He uld be has been walking around the state frK about four months talking to the people and th.t the people seem most c~med about ::f~~~ ~::cr:!. lh;.she ~dgel'must . be In connection witb world wide government he went on to say that teduUeaUy the residents or Wisconsin are no longer classified u such , but are membrrs of R~ion Five, which Is based In 01\cqo. ''This has been done by executive ordu and Is illegal and unconstitutional, " he Si!ld. "Nothing happens by acddent in government," ~aid McFarren . He also spoke of the crisis or the seventies. ' ' Th e last deprenion produced Roosevelt and Hitler, and I'm fri&htened to think what this one may produee," he added. Petri based his remarks on •••••••• • because they pay a lot and Wehavetostart managin& are very low o( the funding and utilizing our resources, !!:!·~~e t!·~~-ht "i!e -!'1: :~t~c::~~y rno~:';;. ~~d -::~y·;:a~'int:ndw::a~ eehos:::~ S:u~v~~:.e :~ 1 out," Petri stated. be Nelson emphlis ized h\5 balanced, the Federal cooeffn with the Oep.arbnent Reserve Bo.rd must be of Natural R.esourses fDNR l operated more even han- and COO$('rvation. He also dedly, there must be vigorous present(,d his~~ of the anti -trust enfor«ment and changes should be made in the tax laws to encourage ~~!~~tui~~Jsub~c ~ savings, said Petri. ''There are 360 dllferent they better serve the public, federal wdlare laws and 1 the challen&e or war and don 't think we need one for peace and the mana1ement • every day of the ~k," he and conservation or the said. We need leadership In raources we depend upon for this area and action in survival. Congress to give welfare to "Giantlsm" in the federal thOMpeopl.ewhoaretnneed IOVtmment, businesses and in a way which will encoun,ge schools was of concern also the tn1e wortln& symbol, he and Nelson said that these added. . things should be sent back People in Wisconsin are also concerned abou t taxes, ::::.:he~~~e t~1:!~ Nelson. 1be ,debate then turned to the student panel composed of Gary WescOJt, sophomore communications maj« and news director of the campus =ty~~"~ha~!f::S t~: ~=~~r =~~a\~=~S:~~~ r:~~a~~adsky, senior Wescott opened the questioning a11d asked Nelson a bout the possibility or evenin&out householdspendi n& concernin1 Ia& and electricity rates . Nelson stated that the prices of the oil companlea should be rolled back and that the prices of steel, chemicals, oil and automobiles be con- . Cont. on page Special pre-election issue U!!!JPPOI NTE R No. II ' • Senatorial hopeful Gero ld Mcfarren responded to a questlon from the audience OS he debated Senators Petri and Nelson in a uandt Gym Thursday. Photo by Rkk Ggel. , 6 ~p~~~2~----~T~ H~ E ~PO~ IN~T~E~R______~N=~~e~ m=~~ · ·~'::: W< Obey, Burger duel at UWSP by JwiC.GH•Ikr Buraer , a native .of £z«, part OWMr On Wednescby, Oct. 30 In In 11 beef farm and associate Quandt ~ the two prdeuor in political scl~ candilbtes . !or~~uconsin'• at the UW Central System, Sevmth Diltrkt m the U.S. opened the debate with his ~. o.vid Obey IDtm. l openinc reman.. and J~ Bw-&er ( Rfop. l, Bur&« asktd Obey, the drewudtother'a r~re lnwhrot Incumbent, ''How m.ny bills may be their only debl,te. hrlve you lntTod~ iD your five-and-one-half years or NngrtSSionalJ«Yke!'' Burser also a~ Qbry ot •'4'portina the type o1 legislation tNt 'is pautd too late and 'lloilhtoolitUe in it to d o •nythin& bu t aet pN7Yide for tconomic growth and nrned 1M U.S. ol being ·~ brthe Sovlell as tht .,.wid pov.-er-. "Let us build bed, dairy and sheep indU5lricstofeedtheswving ....-orid," said BurJer. I!X:h u nuclear and JObr ~-u~':v!:'b::t: 80\>ft'1'1mf!111 of people, by lhe people and for the people rat.htrthan " aamallgroupof politica l profeulouls " headlines." In other a reas, Burger ruling In Wuhington. Obey. elected to Cula:ma He <'&Ued for a halt in the called for r esu r ch of depleUon of f'HCIUIUS which alternate ener &Y sources in t969 and t't'C:Ipit:nt ot a masters dtgree from UW ilon, uid In hi.J opening remarks, " We must have a tou&h enerv c:onservaUon program," Ue 1110 called c:onaress " uorbi tant" In ener11 policies and pointed out 14 committees and sub· c:ommilleet which deal with ener11. The IIOUM' "doesi.'t work, or at least It doesn't work well," said Obey calling for rt'OI'"pniution ol the House. lie pointed out that lhe House " hasn ' t been reorga nlted sin« t!He" and lhat when congrel5men reach 65 years ot aae. Instead ot retirlnc. they get a eomm ltlee ehilir appointment. ~f Burger, (left), candidate f or the House of Representatives, Chancellor lee Dreyfus and debate moderator Gory Winters listen as incumbent David Obey spoke at a debate Tuesday. Photo by Bill Poul~n. Groshek's opposition optimistic Gf'Oibekilc:halrmanotthe transporialion eomm!Uee and 1 '!'ember ot the lqhwa} ~m1tlee, the veteran's and . military a ffairs committee and lhe eoundl on hJahway safety. !-tt«dinc to Andenon, htr pnmary iuue II to reurn control toloc:algovemment. ~No~,.~m!'!be~'C.:'!c·!! '":!:'''----T:_:H_:!E:...!.: PO ~I:_:N.:.TER::::.,_ _ _ Poge J Gubernatorial cc:;mdidates show records • News.U.I)'5b by Bob Krrb&Kk Governor Patrick Lucey, Uninrsity of Wisconsin. Thlt nwrcer was e:ompkted by 1M lq;l.slatwe this summ«. UWSystem . At I debate hn'e thrft weeks 110, the Rtpublican candidate for 10vernor runnl.ns few a second fourLucey clainu the state I• yea r ter m, has a mb;td movingtowardbettnfundlna record on higher ed~,~~:ation. for the old WSU ~ehools old WSU ~ehools and said, 0oe of his ru-s t IC:liMS U llncluding UWS P I unde r &m~or was IOlnltllle a meraer. Lut yea r, UWSP meraer betwHn the old ~ved the smallest amount Lucey show." WIS<:onala State Un.iversity olllllesupportperstudt;tof The Ame r ican Pa r ty IWSU I System a nd the any of the campuses in lhe candidate William Upham :~:~: n.O:~~h~e;!r ~; ;;:r.e:, ::::~~r:;: :!' LaFollette and Jones in secretary of state race NewaAnalyat1 by Bob Ker kl lec ll. The ~publican opponent , meetings around lhe state to Kent Jones, said that If he's hear from people about lhrir elected he'll organlz.e town problems and help them cut State Sena tor Douslas meetings around the state red tape. · LaFollette said he re last whe re people can meet spring during Eart h Week ~"!ators, local officials and lAFollelle hu opposed n~leo~; r ~r as being en- =1t1~11ar::."leshould become !~ ~i:ywi~=eiry Ht! ~or::~~oc:~•!t.t:': This is not In terms of coordinate voter r~tntion representation in uni'lffSil)' g01o·emmentaJ polllks but in drh·es. affairs. :l:~air:!it~C.:, ~~f~t~kitl! useLal~~e;~ =~::rn~ po~~i:rn ,{:~dsta!~n,u~:; system," he said. L a Folll!tte h the Democr.atic candidate for secre t .a r y of state in tomorrow's eltcllon. • spe.ak out on issues such u enueyconservalion, landuse pl.anning .and tu rdonn. an ombudsman and hold town whtn he feels it's ntcnsary, E.aFollette ·s.aid- he r e In August, " I'm willina to take a gutsy opinion and try to be only one-f.aced." AG candidate refuses debate NewsAna tysis •yBobKerllsl«k se rved in the Wisconsi n LaFollette sai d that, U eltcted, he will cut the in!Agislature for 23 years. Large repeatedly Bronson challenged lAFollette to LaFollette and Republican deb~te, but La Folie lie GeraldLorgeare theonly two dec.hned. LaFollette contended thft-e candidatnonlhe: ballot in lhe ra« for attorney gMenl. was a scMdule confl_k t and 11 ~~Yiiv~sta~of~~:.r::: LaFollelle said ' he was plaMifll ltgal.action against Tbe Mil wa uk ee J ou r ruo t (or pri_nting an interview in ;::~~~ hehe wa~adqu~e~n '!, ~~ ~es h~hi[~ :Sou:d ~~-rl~~~~ ~~d 1 ~:: 1 ':!'c0::' 11 LaFollette is a former attorney genera l. Lorge has have been debated. Disher faces Hilger for the second time was forthcoming and some have sugsested tbat he deliberately mis lead the public on this laue to get publlelly. LaFollette has had to spend time clarifying statements he made at a ~Croue new5 confe~ conce-rnina sex 1be District Attorney ruled that tht e lection results a"::ed~d~=s~fl\·tr made a should stand , but Hiller- used tbecOnfusioa SUJTOUndin1 the statement In flvor or lnlhe:Sepltmberprimary, gooCuptoga ln support to Nn lqaliuod pr-05Utution and that be opposes it. Raymond Dishtr' up6flt in- as a n independent . Dur i n g th e primary cumbt'nt Rtlina Hllger, by a cam paign , oppone nt Anthony 41 vote martin to wi n the Earl said.. he had htard that Democ:ratie nomination for LaFollette was runn i ng county cleric because he ntedl tne job. Ne•-.Analysb byRob Kerllsleck Au.h•mutnlnlrttMroourceol lllfi~ of thtm~jol- li rpotlll· 111111rnWiKOmin. AIIIniT10- • brlnptodlk.~<I(I'A. ufthtnr• t.(r.. <'f tht b<ln rnonouck, hydrooorbM,.JO'l.of thtni· llfllen"•idu.::;(oft~•~~l­ rur .. ~rdrs p;urkulltel. Hilger's announcement came a ft e r a highly publlciz.ed votlna machiae irna:ularity threw the outC1lCDe ol the primary into ....... ~nd 1a;:;. or the said all of Lucey 's a p· that the present tuition pointments still C11me from sit uation is "somethlna ~:~11 a:':o(h.~/~ ~ coP~c:';!vf.~:~~~saiC: Dreyfus, we know he came fretlina tuition. Neither Dyke nor Upham from Madison . " !Dr eyf us ume here before Lucey offered anylhlna v~ 'dlf· became governor.! ftTent frun Lucey oa the tuitioa. Both Dyke and Upham Last year , Lucey pf"'PCRCC forcing the UW System to have been c r itieiz.ed for make up It millloa In user cuttlna Lucey wltbout offees. That pr11p051l, had It not ferina any prosrama of thdr b t~n d e feated by the own. lfll,iiSature, would prot»bly Dyke ll the fonnu Madison ha~-e n!SWted in the lou m.ayor who ha d his poll« m05t com)etitive .ath.letlcs. dtief keep' files on a number After..Jite defeat of lhe ~~~er of Dyke's polilieal enemies, fee propGAI Lucey s.aid, at a including lhe present mayor. Altflt' Dyke wu dtfeated In lt&isl.allve workshop J.ast spring,that theuserfeelssue the lu t eltctlon, the files of :,:~no~:·:~ ~:W~r~~ ~i:f~:=~~r~:c::,~ trodU« it if reelected . m!Jned. He was a drivu for At the debate here, he said Dyke during this eltction. Ol lilt &-liN "•"o"u' sr ru.• :n11o rrn .,.,.," Tl"rtG•u MISIMOU 1'6,_/VIIt'f ftlCUil Ul;CTIOHJ, ~ ~0 N& IIIAU:n :Wf"'l:111!,._. •,-RII'\IIt"& .. &'-f'IOil ~ ~~ wJIOHGr. "110ao <fO ,- lo lllfM ~ ru. 111 ~o "- "'& H4w l"tta'tii"T 'tHI "'UIC.I" -<\• r...,_.,.,., .. , ... H .. U.f' A ~T'UO.HTSr> .. 'll ., WAM II,.. (1.,1'01'1 !WI TI ... L fHII"I(C . ~Dfl T•H~ :uuonn MOll"' I: UitC.I ~ I "noA'TW ILt,.A~ YOU l" lt51', .lti NIII:YOCIItt.ii&I'I:H"1'011..... 1.V"'T..). 0 THE POINT£R --- Nowmber 4, 1174 SAMPLE BALLO • Instructions for Voting on the Voting Machi e 1. Move the Red Handle to the Right 2. 11111 lkJwiJ Votilg PDilter ~ of C3llilate of v~~r em ._...,. . 'X . _ Cl05I CWT,_.. ;:_"': ~ ::"'....-;..:":..":.: ;:: (Me.¥....... . . . . . . . OFFICES &0¥111101 Alii, UlUiliWII 60¥1111101 DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICAN AMERICAN INDEPfNDENT " Down ·...,..... _. . ._ ..... ·-. ~ .. 3. t.eaYe Votilg PoiJtet 4. Move the Red Hallie to the Left V011l AIOUT TO . ... Over Name . ,. FIID K. IL.4.11 ~·~~· JO olD so 60 GIOIGIA COZZI HI WILLIAM 0 HAlT DA~~~HG Flll!,!>~ll 7D 10 CRAZY JIM GA~J:'t:;,~IL November 4, lt74 THE POINTER P-5 _'s-- .... OFFICIAL BAL'LOT-NOVEMBER 5, 1974 STEVENS POINT, PORTAGE COUNTY, WIS. NOT1CE IS HEREI'f' CMVEN, 1"-t en el.alon b. to be held In tt• M'IWII Wll'd1 of tM City of St...-1 Point , WIKOnlln, lnd In the Vlllege1 of WhlUng end Plovll', ~County, Wleco.t1ln, on the 5th dey of Norem bet, 1174, 11 which Ume the otflc-. ne!MCI !»>ow .,., to bl cttoMn. TM nemu of lbl eendidll• for MCh otflc• to be YOtld lor. whoa• Mmlnetlons "'" bHn C«UUIId or lllld In :::_~ke 1tt1 giYWI Un611' the Tlll1 of thl offici In the 11mpll blllol lnd IUPP'emlftt.l ~lflll REOINAI . H ; r COUNTY CLERK ~ W Yoo ~ Change Your Mind, Tum Up a Votilg PoiJter and T1111 lklwn Aoother for the Same Office. n: __.-,_ ... ·I-:lw: . - Aa • ..._.,. ......... •Mil tt.. W H•.... It .oon4 to .,_ tt.. ~ ,_ ctt..... M JM1 .t.ire while the W tta..a. i1 .t 1M ,.., .W.. n. _.._ II • .,.. . . tt..t ,.., ca• hlrw .._ _ , ... ,..... ......, ... COR . . . . . . . .. , ~ , ....... c......_•,,..,... _.... ,... ................. ' ' TO THE ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF STEVENS POINT AND THE VILLAGES OF WHITING AND PLOVER : e ·- 1i ...... ~u lit CUlT... ClOMO VOr.l YOTWtG . .ay ca....._ lect. ,_...,II locotM 1_.. ......... - : • ,....... ,.,...., .. hmiM 4ow. " ' ' the - - . of ..ell for ..._ J'MI ..W. to .,...., LIAVE VOTlNG POINTElS DOWN. ........ will bw ._., ,... ......_ ..... .._._ tt.........., ef tt. .... H•..U. ,.....,_ tt. ............. to ... ...-..~ .,...... ..,.,. ... am.~....... to ..... ce.....,. . ,. ... ... .... ... ... ... .. ... .... .... . . - ...... ,... . -· • ... -·· ... .. ... ... .... -- - --·· , . ._ . ...... ......... .... ...... ...... -· -......... ...-· . -- - -.... .... " ·~ i .. " " " " " " " " " 0111 Of DIITII(T I!Pifllll· IIPiflll. (000'1 III1!TIII . SIAm UTIYf I TATIYf TO tiUIT TIWIIII !lllllf tOICIII 11101011 AT!Oim Of UYITOI IJIIDl THE 0111 <UT !IIIAIOI (OII&IIll lllNIY . ._._0.. ..._ .. o- . ._ .. 0.. . ._,_0.. ..._ .... o- . . _,_0.. ..,_ ,_0.. Y-f-0.. ·-'-0.. ·-'-0.. ·-'-0.. ..,_,_0.. •: ,·~ . ... " IIIIID ,. ~ .... -~ lJfOl1fm • . •u ._. ....... L '" lOI&f "' Piiir. nc nc ~ , .... . ,,. ......... .....,.... ,_. 60IDIII MOilll "' ... "' uc nc •oc ~ '" I.-..... 1.-.... 1.-.... ... 1-,- '" ... ,,. 6101111 "' , ,_,, nc . om IODZI!UW uwu. "c ,. ,WI) DOW!II 1.-.... 1.-.... 1-,.. '" •oc ..c ,.. U6ll liHIOII I ii ,,. ......... DlliB OilY I-.... ~ i . "" - '" ,>C ,. nc lkfllllll , I~ ~ "' "" ~~ "' 111611 ,.. 1-"' ,. Page 6 THE POINTER November 4, 1974 .... ITATt. OF WISCOfrWN) OFACE OF COUNTY Cl.fAK OCTOIEJ!;21, 1t74 OEI'AR'lVEHT OF STATE) - · .ut.. th~typesofproblems. N MWinllle-.l r- . w.,._ -,._,.--.11M"'-'......, ... ...._ i'KmCI\sHUtDTOIVIM,--'.,._.., .. .,..,... ..... c_,. ... _,..,...., ..... -. tt7•...,...,.. ...,.., ., ...w - " ' · - ' - ... . - - .w -. tor,:-._...._ . ..... ....... ...... ...... ....... ctt-.: n . - .. - ~ .. .ell orne.'-" IO!eod . . . _..... ............... aftlc • • - ............. dllitofiiM~- ...... . . ~,...., ~.~ ........._ ,...~ ~ INFORMATION TO ELECTORS u,.--. .. ,...... .-ew .......... - - ........................ ......... "'- ......... chR. , . ................ .......... ... polloof, ... ~-.,....Oft .,....,........,. .. .....,., ... ,....._..,_....,..... w,._""'"'""' .................... .a.c....w,..,.. ........ - . ......... - ........ .... _.... _....................................-............. .... ee.ew ...... - .... ............ _ ..... ..................... ,....,........,,__. ...,_ ....... ___ .....,..,CifMMIII-. ....... --"'· ... •-plecedi .. _ ...... .. I!MIIc>N . . _ , _ __ • ~......_.,...,f*fi, ~ _....... _.... .. ......,. .... _... .. . IIMrtglolot e ................... . _ ........ ,..,. . ~ , ......... ...._. . ... ee.ew ... . .... ...,. .. _ ..... w. ........ --.... .,._""'· ............. _. .. .. w. ...................... - -.... _ ................... - . .. .., .......... ~ .... ---. ,._ ................. -1ilofii.IIM!McW.WI*oee • ~•--lo!UM...-ee111MtiiM ... ~-~~-........ _.... ...... _...._ .. ,...,........tllecton.t.__..._flle .... ........,_ ... _ eod ... . . , _ _ _ ........................................ lllo ... tiMclloolotrlciii ..... .W ............... Iniii,._.,..,.,...-.IIIMIIItw~.WM -·-~ ~ .... boolfl..... ................. . • _ . _ _ . . . . . . _ ....... ... ........ - l i M ..... .. . _...... .......,e..-.c.•_..... ....... _, ... ta........ n.-...~o~IIOII.WIIOitlot"'-•'""~IO III"-''-IIM .... ...,.., _ _......,. .. _,.,,II ....... ~IOh..,....!Nib*' .... "-""'eotM ,...,...,~ttocllrti' I IIIIIIIIIMIIM ........ do.._.AI'IItkHioli_...,..., . IIM-"tccor.,_.._,.IIM.....,., ...... _ . . . . ......,._ ... cfletOe ... IIMbllleeboo., _ _ lfM . . . . IO III ..,._..III ... .., biDIII:bN._....,.Ihe,.....,.__,ct.,. ...,.._,M......_..,._..._aMcw..,,...._po~~~~ce~ ,..,....-*'- toe._lln. dedAtM .. 11M ........... ..mew- ... .. .. . - .. - -10 pllyUc:el diMIIII!r .............. _ . . llllloll . ll • ll-.cwdoedlnltllllhell.........,~ he.., . . . . . .,.... ..... /IIIO .............. b.-.. ........... . ....... - . n. ,......OilllcWNy~IIIMIII N '- 1 ,.._'1 ........,. n.Wo.Mt~e e ~~c.-e.t""offlc 111 ...._ REGINA B. HILGER !_~~~~OUNTY CLERK LOCATION OF VOTING BOOTHS FIRST WARD-county-City BuikflliCJ SECOND WARD-Recreation Center •Old Annory DIIIID wARD-EmerSon School FOURffi WARD-Sf. Peter-'s School- First & Fourth RFTH WARD-.leffersorr School SIXTH WARD-McKinley SdJoQI SEVENTH WARD-Fire Staticin . 1701 Franklin St. EIGHIH WARD-Recreation Center • Old Armory NINTH WARD-Kn~ of Colllllhm Bldg. · W. Clark St. TOOH ~ARD-Otd Fire Station : 1949 Strongs Ave. B.fVENTH WARD-Peace Lutberan Center : 100 Vincent Court 1WEI.AH WARD-Washington School ffiiRTHNTH WARD-Natit!!lal Guard Armort.. .Jefferson St. CITY POLLS OPEN 7 A.M. CLOSE 8 P.M. Said et«:tlon wUI be conducted, votn c•nv11sed, •II In •ccord· • nee with Wlaeon•ln St•tutn •• •mended. ~~ Debate cont~ trolled to·aid consumers wi!h TO THE ELECTORS OF PORTAGE COUNTY: In rebuttal, there should be an increased production ol these basic supplies whkh would force prices down and thepoormlghtbenefltmostol all, s tated Petri. War II and lhat we should be • able to treat tvttybody u friends. Klssln1tr should be replaced 10 tMt an effort coold be made to Itt foretgn pollcyoutofthtahambleslt l.s In, he added. Zawad1lr.y asked about 1bere shou!d be an ex· poulblt leuons lea rned from =~"'!~~ ~:ore:"~d :U~~'fo ~~r:Z::t.ed the :,!i~ed~~ cl=t!~'~ el~:~~~~~!r:~ Sherm1n Anti-trust laws, said McFarnn . Concttning world peace, Smith djrected his question to • the way It II," said McFarren. Walft"l•le hu really been a covtt up ol the eon· stltutlonal rights which the ::r~ndaldlr.:~lr.~l ~ha~ ~ ~e:~ a~~:-!~ aignal to the Soviet Union ttaat the"baclr. room" dtall that our fo reign policy Is ate made, he added . declining . It Is an abUJe of executive Petri stated that thla power, and legislation m1.11t country haa benefitted bepaued which wouJd Insure tllrou&h havins a bl..partiun warrantltu wiretaps, old for~ign policy since World Nelson In rebutta l. War II, however we have Petri dted three major sufftted through lhe l&~t two te&~oqs he lear ned from or three adminlstratiol'll Watersate. Watera:ate em· because of a driftin& away phulzed the importance of from partner-ship on the part maintal ninB belief in the of the executive branch to principle Instead of the leadership by this 1roup and ·winning in an election , tbe followtn~hlp by the impoc:tance of example on lhe He hoped that doubts wouJd part of elt<:ted .¢ficlals and be 18~ aside because tbe the lmpcrl.ance of aettinc country Is united in rtprd to forth one's positions, even if the party in dealing with objectionable to othen, he foreign fritndl and fot1 , be said. Aid. The debate ended up more Nelson, in rebuttal, felt the as a question and amwer Otmocratk Congress would session with Nelson slatif18 needsupportinmaintalninga sound foreign policy. Ht also 1tat.ed jolr.insly that hewn Petri were pretty much in beginning to think that the asrftmeot and overall, all Pres.idtnt wu writing his three candidates were ownspeee:hesafter that issue senerally agrftable. lfealsosald hefeltthatno ca~:rC:.',;~~~~de ~~~~ared real issues of debate had been that our foreig n policy has brought up so that there was gone downhill since World nothing to truly debate on. eoncr-. ~:.:! ~·~:r ~!~ ':~n~ Three run. for- treasurer Nt~~~o'SAna tysis by Bob KtrsiKir. Campaigning and covuage hav~ beenalm ost nonexiltent inthe atatetreuurerrace. Incumbent Democrat Charles Sm ith f aces Nina Weir ! Re publican ) and Grace Mattison (American Party I. Smith Is completing · hia lint four-year term . Weir and Ma tt ison are malr.ln& lh~i r first bid for 1tateoffice. Smith claims to have tamed the l lat t3 mUiion In additional Interest during hl1 four-year term. H~ added that there hu been no increase in the number of workers In Ilia office, and lhat he turned baclr. JIO,OOO hi unspent funds at the end of the last fllal year. a LOCATION OF VOTING BOOTHS ;r .... lSI 2ND l AO 4TH 511'1 6TH / \ '" WAIIO-COUNT'f'CHY BUtlOIKG WARD- lltCAU.TION C(fH(A (OlD AAMOIIl') W"RO- (M£RS0N SCHOOl WARD- ST PUtA' S SCHOOl W"AD- JHHIISON SCHOOl W"IIO- McKINlEY SCHOOl 7TH WAAO-riAE S TAT ION ' 81H 9TH lOTH II IH 12TH 13TH WARO-A£CR£AIION CtNI£11 (0lDAAM011YJ WIIRO- KNIGHT$ or C<M.UMBUS BlOG WARD-OlD WI£ Sl l'.ll<»> WARD- PlACE LUTHERAN CUH£R WAAO-W.o\SHINGION SCHOOl WAllO- NAtiONo\l GUARD ARMORY POLLING PLACES IN RURAL AREAS . Jl ~ ~ z AI - V•ll4t• H•ll Wnt , .... gl M4• St • .o<:fOI~ !rom lank Alnl>efll • l'llmii<IIJ SUI-. Moll StOHl AmiMfll J....c:l*' \1- "-~ Hill Cly r. .... ~ 0 , I biGCk t.OVIIIef HoO')' lOon kn 11111 11<1(. bu:ldon1 J10ncbon Cll¥ Voll411' H•II · Attacii.O to'"~ $Uhon H*1 10, M41ft StoHl Ntt-.on•lllt Vollli• !'loll P1r ~ Aodll WIAA Buoklo"' "' P1•k Aodlt Or , P1rk R>dii • Ofl H..., 10. 'kl- Plowt 1.1-tll Hill Cotlle< of G'"" Dr 4 "-conGA,_. - --~-\loTUS H..., I~ Sl Al>lltoll Yollao!tH•II M•onSIIHI -ollftC11•••c•HIIWlwllncAOIO~Con-•lot<l Pipe<$ ,\lba"tt~i HIII • H"')'. 66 lboul I'A. m•IH u11 ol Alm~nd Comm~n•lt Nni14•t~ · Town Hall SlOtt. lk'"'r.! .. ~'~" Ht~ Buen.>Yosll 11111 . Acton lllttl !rom Ban~ . H"')' 0 2 biOCkl tnt of Moen 'It ..,.,. 10011n T""'nt11ll 0..11""1 """ ..r .,.,.,MCt ·ooo C.oson ot a~a .... ~ on Ctt 2molueutol T-Ha• · A-I)moln50<oi!> OIH"')', I0 ~' OeWY · lown Hill B Y,. m!lt1. noot n 0!1 r .. t No D 149 1'1...,. !tl ti...,. to hu Plt·nt Town Hall . H·"')'· 34 nootn \J S 10 Gtlftl · Tooon t11II · Coun1v Trunk WW I milt ent ol Count,TounkW & Uinlle-r Cor,..,ofl \lh lndQ~an!SI HuM · M unico~l HaU · AI tht M"nic.-1 O..raat - 900 1Htote•lofta,.._1l.llt. Unllk , _ Hall - 0.. County hun~ A · Ape~ro• 4 m<ln t.OUIII of -...,,...." on Cty. "..., A. ltllwoodl_,H.-" · Oid~ . . SchooiSoulhon Ct7. T•~nk P, turn "lhl en lin ! pall PP H- ~ - ~- HIII · On H...,. A · \ m·lt W>UIII of Cltfotld S tOtt on Cty. Tr~nk A ,.,ntOr- - T-Haii - Banuolt I'IOvlf · P'Iovii• M "n'ciP~tl8ulldini • CornlfHoover Av. andSoutn8usintn51 $111101'1 • 01d [dot-on SclloOI · On HW'f 66 -•lofH••· Stock!OI'I · T-HaN • \m;lt-.lllofCusl.. '.\ mo,. Htt\ Tl\[ ~ •••• by Bob Kerksleck State Senator William Bablitch has often befriended UWS? students . Bablltch and his legislative assistant Dave Helbach ha ve often stressed that as long as students make up a large percentage of his voting constituency, he will be responsive to student\· w,'~~~~~a;~~~:~ ,•::'~W:~~~or;::!~oln Secretary of State illnd U.S. Senator We strongly recommend that you vote for Doug La~ollette (Democrat} for Secretary of State and to reelect U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson (Democrat) . LaFollette has one of the best records In the state senate regarding education and·the environment. Nelson deserves overwhelming support for his early recogf'llllon of environmental issues and excellent record on other issues. Governor and Attorney General We hope students will not vote for any of the ma ior party candidates for governor and attorney general. Governor Patr ick Lucey (incumbent Democrat), while Impressive on other Issues, has proven such an enemy of higher education that we cannot support him . The Republican candidate , former Madison Mayor William Dyke, is not Jm . presslve at all. The Democratic candidate for attorney general , Bronson LaFollette, may have good credent ials for the job, but his reasons for r unrllng dismay us. Former friends say that he is running for the money and could care less about the public. · The Republican candidate, Gerald Lorge, accomplished nothing during his 23 years in the Wisconsin legislature. Representative to the U.S. Congress Congressman David Obey (Democrat) has done nothing for the state and certainly nothing for education In the last five years . Consequently, we endorse a former UW professor, Josef Burger (Republican) , who we believe will do his best to represent the seventh district. Representati ve to the state assembly We endorse the Democratic Incumbent, Leonard Groshek, over the Republican candidate, Pamela Anderson . Groshek has worked tlard to deserve our support during his eight years in the assembly by ma inta ining a good record on education and the environment . Port11ge County Clerk We ask that you support the Democratic candidate, Raymond Disher, over the in· cumbent, Regina Hilger, who Is running as an Independent after belflg beaten by Disher in the Democratic pr imary. ~