'* *

Vol. XI.
Stevens Point, Wis., Jlpril IS, 19ot>.
* 1- * T '* B * R ~ 1\ * R '* Y
The Story of Osee.
Ia a omallcloarln.f! on the baok of a bro•d river called by the Indiana \Vakarusha, aod hedged Ia
on tho o~r three old.., by a dense black forest., ropoted a lltllo Indian ,·llloge.
For some montba theee Chlppc'!'& Indian• had lived In deadly lear of a audden raid by \he Sioux,
but at lan word bad been rccel ved that the enemy bad gooe oo a bunting expcdtllon away 10 tbe north·
ward and the llule village oetlled down 10 lazy conlentroenl.
The young bucl<a whiled away the boautlrul August daya lounglog about In the ahade of some
lrleodly tree. or bagglog panrldg<l$ lo the vlclnl\y of tho camp; while the squaws and papooaea apeD&
the Umegatb.erlng Orewood or~annlng oklo•. The only member o r the tribe who did not eojoy lhlo
period of rela.xatloo and pcaeo was the old Chief aod he lay lo hla lOot strlekea wllb a low lever.
The medicine men cbanled weird locaoiiUoDL over bim aod admlnlalered herb t.eu all In vain. He
grew oo beu.er. AI laat a decree wu luued tbal nothing leu tbao a tribal dance would relieve the Chief
of the evil aplrltatbat bold him In tbelr power.
Preparations were lmmedlat<>ly begun lor a big medicine daooo which wu 10 take plaoe th~ night.
Ae evening drew near, the young bucka grew moro and more rc.-tleu. Uoeanbly wbooptand JOllt we~
aool out acrou the waler, echoing and ro-cchnlog from the oppoalle bank unlll the whole fo-1 raag.
The dance wuto be held In a loog low wlgwam,bullt of birch bark, wblch alood In tbe middle of the
village. Here the aquaws heaped up the dead branchea which they bad been d&JI In galberlor, aod
klndlod a bonftre. In a lew momenu It wu roaring and eraeklln!f and ahontlng aparka far alo!L thru
tho smoke bole u II 10 mee~ and baot<>n ~be approach of darknou which """ now rapidly cloolng ln.
A~ one end of the wigwam the old Chief waa placed; •bile near blm w•ro aoaled the modlelno men,
surrounded by their muolcallnotrumenta. Thcae conolaled of a tomtom made by 81rtld>h>r a aklu over
the bead of an em ply cask, ao old coffee po~ boll ftlled with poaa, and aovoral old tin pano. The aquawa
and young bucks 8000 appeared In war pal at and leathers and 'IUiekly formed I clrele around the flre.
A• the medicine men gave the algnal by a pounding of the tom.Om the elrele began 10 move alowly
arouad, teepior time to the movement. with a monotonous guttural chant. •·who-ya bo-ya wb~·1a:·
For hours thla waa oontlnu"!l without a mlnuleo reot b7 tho I<JUawa. The bueko varied It by a walling
cry endlog up with a wild whoop, M the ume time leaplnr blgh In air, then continuing around lbe Ore
u before. Before midnight they bad worked tbemoelve• up 10 a. perfect frenzy.
)Jo doubt tblo would have luled unlll day·bre&k, had there not auddenly leaped Into their mldot an
lodlan ruoner. lle raloed hlo arm lor allenoo ; but It waa unneceuary. The moment the lndi&IIJ eaueht
alrht of him \hey ael\led Into a death-Uke et111oees.
The old Chief arouaed by the oudden ceaullco of the dance, aat up on hit bed of bemloek bougha.
Cat.ehlng sight of tho r unner be heekuned to blon 10 come nearer, and then demanded what news he
Til l·; XOHMAL l'OINTJ.:H.
brougbl. The message wiU abort, bu~ Wrrlrylng to tho Indiana.
Be said, "1 come !rom tbo land ol tbo Sioux. The (;""'~ Chlel bu spok.e o: 'Before lbe leavea
wilber and fall, aod ~be blrdo tty to tho aouthward, the river Wakarusha shall run red wltb blood.'
They come eveo oow.n
Tbla could have bu~ one meaning to tbc Chippewas. The Sioux were back and planning " raid.
No time. waa t.o be toat. 'l'hoy must. m O\'C tlown tho river a&. once whore dwelt. s ome rrteodly tribes.
No~ o••eo walling lor daylight, tbe young Indiana eet to work gathering their belonglnga toecther
&nd load log them Into canoca. Load &Iter lo&d wu eiJlrted down the river U,Pill 0\ lui Only the old
Chlol and a lew br,.,·ca remained . They placed him carefully In tbo beiiOm ol the oanoe and followed
lhe long line bo&ded lor aeamplog ground several hundred mllu down the rlv~.
Mornlne dawned bright and clear. The seene oltho evening's leallvhleo wu aow deoertod. Only
a low smoldering ooala remained to show where the da'ooe ~ol bad ot.ood. A red oqulrrel, a lillie more
couraeeoua tban hla fellows, scampered Into the opea, tat up and gazed abou~ blm. Suddenlyapylng a
heap ol peu, whloh were emptied !rom tho cotreo 1101 In the cxcltcmonl ol tho evening, he seized one,
rolled I~ Into hill check, and oc&mpered back w lhe shelter olthe treeo.
Muwr Red Squirrel had no sooner dlaappeored Into the woodo when another visitor came Into the
openlog. He aloo stood 11111 aod gazed abou~ him, bu~ no~ lor po01lblo good thlnrsto eat.
Be wao looking lor tho big dance tent, tho papoosct. the "1'\'"~"• aod lhe sick chlel. Whore wore
~bey? Bo rubbed hla 0708 and looked again. Surely I~ w&ellnly a IIUle while aeo thai be crawled
Into tb- buobeo lor a nap, bu~ oow all be could seo was fresh loot-prln'" on the bank ol lbe rl ~er. It
Ruhed upon him In a moment, the lndiano h&d gooe and he, Oeoo. was lei~ beblod.
True to blalndlao nature and lralnlog bo aho~·ed no algn ol thelear and Ir ish~ which tbla dlscoury
mull ba••o oauaed blm; bu~ instead, s•• about looking lor something to lndlca!Al lo which dlr<ellon the
Indiana had gooe. All traces were lon when tho canoes were lauoched, and tbero wu ootblog lor O..OC
to do but follow blind Instinct.
Wltboutloel~oy time he ae~ out lor ·the south•ard hoping to overtake tho Iodlana when they
camped lor lho night..
!<'or several milea aloog tho river bank the trail wao well trodden and he made rapid prol""''·
Toward evcnlog tho wooda eoomed to grow more deooo and the trail overgrown with underbru•b, bu~
allll <>tee preaeed on beedl088 olocratches, bruleea, and wearlncu. Tho oae tbot domlnan~ In bls mind.
was to overtake hlo trlbcamea t.elore It b«!ame too dark to travel.
As nlghl drew on ho eagerly ecaoned the horizon and tho banko ol ~he r iver lor lhe smoke ol a camp
ftre. There wu no alga ol llle. The onl7 sound lhal broke the otlllneu wu tho occaalonal call ol a
oleht bird. At lui, unable to nod the trail any longer and !earful olloalng 1~ entirely 11 ~e kepi oo, he
crawled uoder the rool of a large t.ree. whlcb bad blown O\'Cr In a recen~ atorm, and ftllasltep.
'l'be nex~ day and lhe ooxt passed: butatlll no algn oltb$ Chlppo,..s. Each day Ooce covered leas
dlat.anoo than tho one precedlog. The long walk and lack ol nourlshlog food began to lAlii oo blm. The
berries and roola• upoo which ho had lived became naueeollng to him. Hla·llmba ached aod bl& he&d
wblrled. AI every beod oltho river ho Ormly expe''""! to eee the camp, but each limo wu dlaappoln~.
Tho hope wblch.h&d aus~alned him on hia long weary walk was awll~ly ebbing aw.y. AI last Nature baa
hor way, and Osee hungry and hear.. lck Mnk to the ground uoconscloua. A IIUie bey loa. In ll>o l(r<!al
" fll, there, Micky,""' boy, keep clooc to your ol~il•1>. or l~·s meacl; will bo alt:er havln' 10 trail"'•
way back ~bunt 7"" up. And II'a no~be la kin' In the journey wltfl a trail no blg~r oor a
._line aod a heap more •I~~
T ill-:
~ORJL\L POI~'n: H.
Mr. t'l ooer\y otowty made hla W&J o ver the old trait, now ehoppln~r orr a b ranch wltb his ba\Chel,
now beading ooe u ldo for lt~le lllckf, aod again otandlog t~IIIIO roconoollre. All the tlllk' he kc~ up
a runnlng converoatloo aomedmet addreued 10 llule Micky elooc at his beets ~nd aomell mes 10 blrrueU.
"Say, pal). aln'\ ••e 'IDOJ1. ther-e ~t·
lt"a - t r tha~·• a foot for brlo~:lo" yet. I mlgM ha" koo"n ye'd bo u k lo" tr wo wuo"L tbero "fo ro
wo l&&r1ed ...
TuroloJ 10 admlolot.er thla Nbuke 10 ltule Micky, Mr. t'loeertr otumbtod on IOIIItthlo,; Ill the middle
o f the trait aod wu tent oprawltng Into the b rlllhes. Slo•lr pleklog blmoetl up he remarked "Wo a
llllil!\r IQf\ lojt th!'' - - Be gorra, an Injan or me name ain't llol ko t"lnnertr ! Su...,, o.nd he"• a oound
ono 10 oleep."
Olee ( for It waa bo) did not move. Mr. t'lnncrty knoll by hla tldo and fell o f blo heart to aee If
thoro were aoyal~tnl of Ute. Tbe body wu warm and Mr. Flnocrty ~oould feel a faint throb now and the n.
" Poor lllUo wan! lt"a aoro d ooe up ho to. I'm tbinldn' wa'll lea vo tho boo t roo 'till anothe r time
and 118 th..·uule waa beck 10 the mlther .'"
So ao.yl~~g llr. t'loaerty railed o- gootlr lo his o.rrna. lllctr took the batcbot and ther prooeodod
10 Nlrace their a~pa 10 tbe farm a mile farther do., tbe rher.
llno.Finnerty ......Uved o- .. tr be were berown cblld,alteroa~t,. peUing him o r crying over him.
t"or woeka be l&J In a tort of atupor aometlma mumbllnll" Incoherently 10 blmaelt. Alithia time be wu
e>arol~tlly nurtod bylheao kind b ea~ lrl•h poople.
When o- came 10 bl=-elf he ahowod no olgna of utonlshment at blo aurrou odlna• He u kod oo
q-llons coocernl~~g tho Cblppowu. Momorr bad teh blm, aod be appeared perfoc:<ty cooteot to play
all day loaa with Mlckr. He"""" boaltby aod atroog. Ho t.. roed lbe manoora and cottoma of the
wblto poople very quickly. Micky rejoleod In hlo new play follow and oponL aomo of tbo bappleaL daya
of bls life In tbo eompaoy of little Oaee.
Winter pauod, and Spring came. Oleo bolpod Mr. t"lo neny In hb fa rm work and provod blmaelf
very ready 10 learn. Somotl mea In t he mldll ofoome task he wouhl atop ouddonly, ~rate long and wlat.fully al the aouthern borbon aod lheo proooed wllb hla task all uocoooelou1 of hla llraago action.
Mr. t'lnoer\J, Micky, and Oaee walked over the old trail, beaded for lbe aamo bee tree tb-'
Mr. Ploeerty bad ota...cJ for wbeu be fon nd o-.
Comlog auddenly toto ao openlog which diiCioood 10 •low a long llrotcb of 1be river, Mr. Flnaenr
oiOppod abort.
"Blol, ebllder! Away yonder o n Lbc rl ver! 'Tio Lbo Chlppowao:· Around lho bend of lbe rl vor
there abol a canoe, tben anolber, and anoLhcr. Tbey ooomod to a kim over lbo top oftho water, oo owlttly
did they draw DC>aror. Oo. they cl.llle, eanoo after eanoo leavlna ICaroelt a ripple In lbelr wake. For
teveral momenw Ooce eloOOd modoalen gulaa " the oocomlntr boaw. Suddooly • lib a wild c ry or
" lily people ! mypoople!" be roabod 10 lbo baok wavlog blo a rro• fraonleally overhead 10 aurae\
\belt &U.fD\IOD..
Mr. t"lontr\J walked allontly home; little Mlckr followed oobblng attbe loll of hla frie nd , but Osee
boppy ODCC more, Ulln the otero of tho foretnOIIcanOO wltb fabe toward lbe old camping 1/I"OUnd 0 0 1!10
ohore o f the beautiful Wakarusba.
J. E. Sauma tAq. ( whl~ ) on lbo nl11bL of the 21 of ;\l>rll fell vlolenllyln love wltb ooe Mrs.
A<lalllll (wlored ). • All loyal Stuvena l'olnL girls a rc rcquc.\00 to aulstln retalnln.; the gentleman
from K.,waunoe (;ounly.
TI I ~: . ~O it:II A!. I'O I ~TEI!.
APHIL 15, 1900.
l'ubll•hed monthly by the student~ or the olxth State Nonnal &hool, • Ste~ena Point, Wlaeonsln.
Te,...s of S MbiiCr lpt loa-Loeal d~llvery iS centll per annum, 1>0yable In advance.
<lellvery 11.00 per a~num. Sln~tle oopleo 10 eenla.
Posl ofti&,
J. HOWARD BROWN£, '06- •••••• •• l:dhor·ln·Cblel
ALTA M. SU~AN. 'O<i ••••••••••• Aiurnnl Editor
HAROLD R. ~I ARTis, '07 ••• l:dhor Jolly Column•
JESSI!& ~:soLB, '08 !
t~lt~r :\IARY KALISKY, '06 f ••••••• •••• Loca l Editors
~IABOARBT t;so Lr., '08 •••...... . •....•• AI'\ t:dltor JOHN J . Wtt,Y!IOCKJ, '07 •.•••.• Buolno11 ~lanager
WILLIAM ELLY.R. '08 . ..•..••.••• Exchange ~~I tor RAY OK AS: 1!, '06
I Aulatan~
t:OITB RARTWt<l.l-, '06 •..... Training Department CLARV.NCY. IORTKLL, ·oo
Bualneoo Maoagera
LO'rnl< DllYOII. '08 ••.•••..•..... ;\ s~late l:dltor
Llt.era r
s:::::::. '08:::::::::·::.::::\ihioilc
Contribution• oollclled !rom alumni and atuden~.
Add~st all literary material to the t:dltor·in·Chlet, and all bu•lneu eommunlutlons to the
Ousfneu Manager.
We a poloel.., 10 our otudento ami to our advertloero lor thl• l•<ue. It lo tardy. We beg your
lnduiJtl'llce knowing tullwelllt will never occur again . A more capable and dlklent management
would doubtleu have avoided this eootln~ttney, but we plead ou r oolieltude tor lhe welfare of our
~Annual &J tbe cauH. \Ve nauer ouraelvu that. pre\·ioua editorials and other Issues have contained
eulllclent mauer of ouch a nature as willa tone lor this delin<ruency This Is uur Ia•~ lo•uo. We have
otrlven w make the Pointer •~ l<o• l lniCresllng. Wo hovu r•• will bo lnlm-cstcu In tho " Iris."
W• can'~ think of an7thlng else. Until June 15th, we bid you good by.
Th6 Nonnal BOJket Ball Gve went down In defeat belore tho Wausau\'. )1. c. A. ftveon llarcb:!3,
1806. Th6 boyo played all around the\'. )1 . C .•\. Hv~ In team ~·ork, and owu their dcfe.l 10 a poo\.
cro tor baoketo. At the end or the Hrot hall the score was 1~···51n tavor of the vlolroro, In the second
half tbe home ream woke up, and when the whistle blew fur tlmo the sooro board told a most cnthu·
alaotlc erowd of rooter• that tbe score wu 10.·-19. It wu ten minutes before the necessary 2 points
were made. A Y. M. C. A. mao succeeded In batting ball In the basket. Never before bad a crowd
ao thoroly enjoyed a ga me. The game <loled the seaoon for tuoe.
Tbe little fellows, Barke!, Prof. Bill,
and1>1nkl~ )lor\4'11, C.'heck, and Wad the back stop,
alao Heloe {the "bell f - thrower I
I") will make one or the fas~t teams In tho i tate lor the
Br..ure did bil worlc ..-ell u usual.
TilE :\0 101.\L 1'01 :\TEH.
Any bo~· who wishes to shak¢hc Ahembly Room ,. hh imJiunhy, will Uo wen to ussure himseU
that. CSeat 14 BO"A' 10, Is vacant.
Judd ("·h.h tears In his \'Oi('C) on sccln~ Ceo. Jo:versun In scat.~. I"'W i . ·'Ju st gl ,·c me the ll"C·eev lns . ''
JuniOr Physics elas:o~ was stutlyinl! \Vhcat~tono's brlclJ,te nntl hn,·lnt: dllllcult,,·, M•·· l'u lvc•· 10
totra ighten matters out. -" ~l r. J o nes, you UI"C ''ery well UC<JURint\:"cl with the bl'id).:"t'. yuu umy ll' ,' Note''-Jones muttered something about m.w er trying the bridge ulonc.
Gerhard G~ssell -on hear:lns: a junior relate something about two
the sora- ".\ h that brings back m11ny rontl recollection$ .. ,
neighbm· in~ t1cpl"el'>~ioni
John M ottlu, on being seen on the street Sunda.y arternoon u.\ny mn.n "'ho "'uultllu ~·l'l' hlm,:,t'lr
~ hould \'Crlly be excommunlentct.l. ··- " ·h.c .Jvhn.
to • ·rite a practloo J>lan on the sabbath tluy
Scone I. ( Since Dchntc)
.\rthur s it~ <1uictly in housl"'.
:.!:31. Hanna "Jli)Cars on the s trcc-L a l one.
~ :J::t
Artbur and Hanna together utu ke the roa d."'
" \ Vbo sa~·~ Arthur ain't ~'C ttin ~ thar."
)J r. Spindler b. di11pursing rec:eipl$ roa· tho infaiJibh.• reanuvrd vr all heckles.
Note-Ch·ltot marrlto.c.l or unmua·rh..otl are pr<>l"JI(."';ti\'C customer~. ~h·. Spinlll-.:a· atlmh''"' ht•uuty
••hethe •· taken or o thc r•·isc.
'Vilson- uOh
Jlo~· (proudl~·)- 1 '~\h
I. Ten minutes late
I s a w u picture, UJl in the .\noex o r " monkt•y
yes, I d•"C"' that."- \\'hat could he tncun'!
a cn •·t."
History or I'.Alucation. --- )tAitTI~.
·• Home twice a •·eek. ---l'''t:Jt!'ol' l.O\'t:.
3. One svray of arbutus and '! ---\\r u~s, Juno & c·o.
1'\0T~... -The Co. was dropped on J>etitlon or both Senior nwmbe1·!'1 o r the firm.
4. "I h&\'C bteomc a great. bore.'· .. HHt."TTfUCAI...S.
NOT.,; .... \\'ho "d ~ thuuk lt. posslbl"'!"
awf~l grart inst31 1etl be tween A SP.tmbly Hoom doUa~ on ,\p1·il 20.---0un·.,;s,,.
uc•· sn,lr or I·Joud'! .lihOCS. --- .J. \\'\'SOCI\1.
ti. t\
,. Jaa.s-tad
how long he
lh·ed.· --Gt:sKttAI_.
tS••\big. lusty, jovial, red-haired Sootchmuo.---J. BHOW.S.
9. "I saw a •·ood-pcC!.ker.---L. 8Y.SSBTT.
10. "I gh·e as my excuse, that I O\'Cr·'lleln• anU that J •·ae out. las\.
}lOT!!.·-- \Vc don' t. want this W oocur dgatn.
11 . •\ \'Cry u.pp1"Ceiablo lo:;.:s Of sloov.-.... ''STUOt-:STS ALL.' '
u~o the
l"""ldcnL of tho Athlcllo
Assoclt\llon Cttll(>() a. meet·
consid~r sprjng ath·
lng to
lctlu work. II was decided
to organize a track team
anti begin oporat.lon 21 ut
onoo.... )1 r Ceo. D. Jo~ve•··
"on, or baskct-l)nll fame,
WM clouted Ml(r.
choioo wos well mtulo us
Mr. fo;\'CNOn li' "cH.pablc
man. Our new m•mtJ.:Cr "' ill undoubtedly do ~reauhlngs in his fl('ltl uf uetlun
The mcml.>e•· o f thu
.\ ss-ociatlon Ucddetlto let the rnc mbc•·,. of the tr3t'k 1cam elect theh· captoln "ml traine r. Tho quc~tion
of ban-In~ 11 base ball team was ul.-o taken up and it was decitlec.l thut no teum shouhl be o•'}:uul1.et1 hy
the u sttoclution but to leave thut to Individuals cuncerncd.
•rho Presldl'nt was empowered to
or the Association
~PilOint a cornmlttC<' to hn\'0 chllr~c of the cxpcnt11ttU'\! of t ho
rt'ltttrtfs the contribution to the Nor-UJfl Ailnuul.
\\'e a re s)1eA~ed, indeed. to ~-e ~o many or the boys ou~ (or thetr prn•·ttce. "'· o•·k. This is a time or
tho year ••hen exercise is needed and abo\'e all shouhJ be taken. ..:xcrci~c he contl••ch·e to good heahh
h'lllC~ ll~ht~n:t study. B~sldc!i this the re is the physical dcvcloruncnc. and the cnjuyn1cnt und p lca!iure
or rh•ah·y "'hfc.:h uttemht all contests.
h is our lU1·n
thf~ur to
meet Ochk?lfh N •rm'll at. Oihko-ch ln a
U~ltl co·uu~t. Thnt'Cshouhl be
nu 1"\'a son wb y we shvuld not. a,·all ourseh•es or this OI)JlOrtunh~·· or cou•·S\!, to
fahhful practh..-e nnt.l u. strong tlcterminatlon to do our best when we get.thcn!.
UK." t'l. Oshkosh
On April 1-Ith, u. pickett tenm f1·om tho Normal and High Schonl went to \Vuupacn to play a game
of Basket Ball with tbo \'. ~1. C. A. team nllha l place. Tho game was u last and cleun one.
M"Ortcll, Alii, Boston , an~ Rob<>ru were otars. Bill did somt good bask et throwing from the lle ld,
making three basket$. Boston and :\lortell did some; excellent team -·urk passing the hall down tv
BUI and Roberts. Hobcrts dl•tlnl(ulshed himself al making free throws. Coi'J>• ol the UIJ!h &loool
although suR'crlnJ[ from a painful unllctlon Uid some t"'Cmarkable work.
Line "I"
Y. )j,
c. A.
Copp3 .. ... . . .•.... Porwaa'tl .. . • . . . La a-son.
1:1111. C•pl . ..... ... For.. ard .. : ..... Murphy.
Hoberts. . . . . . ..... Cente•·. . ••. ••.. F'JoJ,Cncr.
Uosto n , ~IJ,tr ..••... Guard ••.... .. . t::arl.
~lortell , W. U .... Guard .......... Jacobs.
Subs:- Young und Scller8.
Sooro at. end or the bt. hair, 11-5 in favor o r Y. M. C. A.; at the e nd o f tho :!nd hrd(, 1'7- ltlln
favor or the t-.olnt.er il.
\Vaupaca .:ave thu boya a goo~;;ao by tho name or PHffncr k indly entcrt•lned
the boys beloro lbc train pulk..t ln.