L THE N0RMAL 1?0INTER. Vol. XI. Stevens Voint, Wis., f)ctobe r 15, 1905. OPENING ODE. F.llng lorlh our banner! lbe year's bre&klnl( o'•r us. Olldlnc !.he !inure wUh gliU~rlng gold: Yond' rise lhe ranges of hope, Ttl before us, Capped wllb pale peaks o f th~ promise foretold f'llng forll> our flag! lel I~ ftash, lei II flutter! Way 114 IM'Icbl colot-s culde eaeh 10 !.he t;oal ! s,...,bol ot ooog 11\al lbe soul eaono& u~r. DrlgbL as lla folds ma.y 11\e fulure unroll ! Dayslha~havedled wllhourbanner abo¥Oihem Rest 'naalh tho mound o f lbe dead I>UI to-doy; Days In ou r oehool ! how slne<lrely we lo•e ., them: Days tolllllu-' by food memory'• rar! From lbe dim •lllu of It - 701 before UA, F l ames lhe fair r;leams or lhe Purple and Gold! Ralood Lo Lbe helghL, yeL tllll slreamlniC o'er us, Brl triK~)' our banaer liMII shine at o f old ! No. I. Ooe day "'"' friend, J lm Thompson, and boarded ~oLraln aL Portaj(e lorlhe World'o •'air al SL. Louis. A sed~W>, ullow·looltlng ~em...,, modesLiy au.lred, ooc:upled lhe ..,., In tro.u o f ours. We hadn't go1 more ~an comfortably aeuled before be turned 10 ua and aald : "! wond~r ho w lhal plooe b&PIIeDed 10 bo called Portage?" · J im and I were only!"""""': ao 11\e IAiea lila& U10re wu &DJ IJ*:Ial reason lor lbe llaGJe bold oeve.r ooeurl"6d to ua. ln a.n.swe.r to our puuJed eapreulon1 '"'explained : '''\Vby, you know there are evftt"' ao maay placet WI have a reaaon lor llwl.lr 1WMO : KeniU<:kT, lor~. , _ , , 'ci&Jok and bloodr polllld, • aad Allnochaba ~ •1a.u""hto~r wale.r,' He. Do you ltaowlhe popula.llon or, .... &own?" Jim did hap1100 10 k,;ow thai, and the genllewat~ recorded 11\e number In a nouboolc. Between Porl&~re an~ Mllwaultae we paaaed MY• era llarre Geld• or heelS. The gentlemaa In lrool or us had, e•Lclenllr, ne.,..,.. _.. • large Geld or heeu belore. U. looked, and looked, puUinf h la he3il oul o f tho wlndow&o look baek afler we had passed tho Rrs~ neM. Then ho turned to us ar aln wllh the ln11uloy: TilE • 2 an u 11 m b t r p th L. P l 'T.El . THE XORMAI, POI:\TER. louod themHhH In what - . - 1 to han ~n a large room or ~ier!ts of rooms. Tbe batte.rr was detached and eonneel<!d wltb a l-uge ball or pllll· num which !flOwed brilliantly and llghl<!d up the entire room. "Tble," eald the leader, "Is wha\ was known to tho anclcnto aa a store. In IL were kept all tbloro which were then considered as nceesa!Lies and tuxurle11. '1 om oortaln this is one of the very laf"Kt.St. whleh ever oxlst.ed as these are the natns or one or their la"ll"ot cities. An old myth aayo tbat the omall body ol water which we &a• aome 4 dltLaDCe from l1ere was once one of the ~r,cest of 1olaod watcro, aoll that the southern ud ol It reached to this city. The lonr strip or atone 10 the eut ol here was built by the aocleniJ ao a llrlve•ay alonl{ the shore ol thia body ol water. BoriH ...... uied tO haul a kind or rude eon~cr· aooe up and down tbls driveway, and e,·err aev· coth day, which was glven to rest. and pleature, many hundred• nould be seen movlor slowly Ul> and down this 1tone T'O&d." The men now tlllparatcd and began a tour or Inspection. Many thing• they saw ol whleh they had heard and read ; but many more they saw J'blch sorely uuzzled them. The daya were •ery abort upon the earth; and at nlgbt they met again at tbe alrohlp eaeb laden with many curloo. They plaoed them In the ohlp, dlreel<!d II to their own plallt'l, ud oeuled dowo 10 a dloeuuloo or what the7 had round. One or them produoed a peculiar tool made of me-tal and wood. It. wa.t four or d"e r...tlong and a tube or metal extended two-thlrda or IIJ length. u r haYe fora-ouen Ill na.me," said the owner, "but. [ have read of them many limes. In those sa•age day.!!l wha&. were known a.t~ wars were not. uncommon. 01 lfe1'80looot lons o r tb& e~rtb wero organized into what. were known at countries under a go•ernmeat. \Vhe·n one countr1 was dl~· pleaied wltll what another did ea.:b armed some ol their bru.. with theae weapons. Tbe meo were then arrayed belore eaeb other. Lead, and later, steel t..llo a quarter or an loeb In dla~Deter were put Into these weapons and were dlaebarae<J at the opposing ohle. Th<!7 were ..-ery crude loJ1rumeniJ, noM of Wm e&ITylnr more than a miJe or a.wo, 8 and onl1 a lew thousand men eould be killed loa dar. Tblo would go on lor months and SOIDethoeo yea,..._ Then a Peaoe Conlereoee would be held wbleb decided the victor and lorced tbe lot~Crs to pay a larfrC amount or money because thoy were no\ ao strong a a their opponent.!." u\\'hat peculiar ideas they usecl t.o ha,·c," aald another; "but. "'hat. is 11. that smells so aLrange 9" "Thla," said the third ma n holding up a small boUle or bluish wblte liquid. "I coo not decide what h Is. Tbere were thirty or tblrty·ftvo gal· Ions ol It In a bright blue barrel. It• odor auracled mt attention, and I llllcd this boUle with II." The leader took It and examined It long and closely. A look or Incredulity and then extreme plta.surtJ spr.tad over his face, aad he crfcd out, 41 Maa ~ JOU ha,·e made the dl.seovery of the age. Tble II Kernsene, oLhenrlse known • .~ coal on. Manr expeditions have been sen~ out In oeareb or II. Tho ancient savages long used It as a sou roo or revenue lor building colleges and helping to aupport their churches. The Inventor ol this lluld wa• a man o r mlglu.y ~•eahh, and ho Is eald to bo tho lathe r or our present syswm or earrylnl[ on trade. Truly this Is a trip to be long remembered, and will bring much rejoicing among eollec:toro ol rare and ancient curios. u The ship wu bythlstlme within a lewthouoand milK o r home. They wired ahead that tbe7 were eomlog, and In a short time were relating the.lr uperle0<1e1 to thelr friuds. " A IIECO IID BIIEAK EII.'' I 1(111 ye, II wa~ the blameden rl~e I ov~r took! Ye kno-.· It was away back In tho ftltleo, nlah onto lorty year ago. I was up In the Rock let a trapptn' an' huntln' tben..._an:..I....waa all alone. Ye tee ltwaothls way: I went out ler grlulleo, an' 1 bad an old muzzle--loader •• could shoot otraleht ao a string, but wu mighty hard to load. It wao nigh onto the last or September that I took that air ride. I've rid behind aome o' the fanes&. na1• In Yoota.oa, ao' on 'em, too i but I'll be blowed II I enr took a ride ter beat tb&l air ; ao'1 b7 gum, f don't. beJteye IDJ Other man did either. II be did, be had a dlflerent aort Til THF NORt\lAL A\ Jl\54 somethin' t:ome a \• ·een me nn ' my steed; an' • ·hen [come to, 1 wns straddle o f a limb about. ten feec. from the ground, an· tho bar was s&ill goin'. As I g a zed aroun ' sort o' tlaz.ed like, yo know, 1 heard soonebody talk In'. Bill, I know ye'll belle,•e me when 1 suy tha~ that ~ir ride c ut Dan. Patch 's record clean in tho middle, fer,hat>volee sal~, "Cit ou\ o' here you g-rl:uly bar!'' It was my own \'Oice jest arrh•ed. llAOOLO R. ~IAKTI:<. CA PT U ~II'I G A. B U ~GLA.~. In• M. llOOERS. PO~NTBR. 5 I heard a mui'Ued oath, a series of bumps down tho stulrw,.y, then [screameclloudly and tho hlmlly carue rusblng lnLO the ball. WI lb. much dllllcuhy my father and brotbera auoooeded In securely binding tbe man. "lUng for ltbe p3trol , quick!"" 8&1d my father. I rushed into t-h e street. to &be nearest pa\rol alarm. l selxed the key, Inserted U, and beloro I h.!Ld a cbanco LO turn U - 1 woke up. TO AI'ITICIPATIOI'I. Fold now lhy glided winge I Our futuro pleasure brings A soothing ba lm. h was abou\ twelve o'clock a\ night, antS I ran Como saliatc tbo ooul hurriedly aeross tho s t roec. to my home. t bad With brlgbL dream8 o f the goal, been spending the 0\'C-nlng with a friend who lived The spirt~ calm! directly opposite our house. She had boon lolL • Our otumbling progres• guide, alone with the children, and ••hen the other mem· Each dresd dlaaat~r hide bers o f the family eame home, I returned home From Trepidation. also. The house was dark: tho t..mlly had retired. Bid hope shine bright and clear 1 wcnc. quietly up &he stairs, undressed, and went Our dang'rous cour8e to steer, W) bed. Anticipation I Cont.rary lO custom. however, I couid not sleep. ~·laAh forth from lartbe•L sL&r I was not. oer,·ous, neither was I sleepy. I tossed Thy rays, De&palr LO ber, and tumbled abou~ lor awhile and was abouL Wl Anticipation! fall asll'ep when I thougM I saw a I aiM gleam of Leave n~ our clm'roufJ bark light. unde r the door. I sat. UJ) in bed. Yes, I was I n Melancholy's eark not. mlstBkeo, some one mus\. be ou" in the hall. { And hosltatlon. was certain all of the family were in before I was. Perhaps someone was Ill. Ner,·e us forever oo I qui<:kly go~ out o f bed and wc n\.tO..IIlY door. W'b ate'er we e.hanoo upon, SomeLhlng promplecl me to open IL quietly. ! s LOle Anlicipallon! LO the banisters an<l looked o<er. Imagine my Dorror when I saw a mRo, m&sked and whh a Hrea~le&& Hun&.er- 11 I ea.y, fry, d.ld you see a dark lanLCTn in his hand. To see was to think, fox nanning by bere ?" and LO think "'as to ad. Quicker than a ftash I Boy'- "Y~ air. " mapped ouL my campaign of action. ls<ole!wlltly ' B(jjter-,.Bow long ago?" back LO my room. Mother's pilto,... had always Bot- "lt will he a year ago la!L Christmas. been noted for lhei r size. I seized one and hurried - Ex. back. The man wa.s slowly aoU caullously aaoeod· We..bk foo l'hacll . log &be stairs. BaH way up was a. landing, and We're mott.u.aettngcads, we menfrom Lhere &be aLairsturoed aL rlghL anglea. Tbe Ah lnCA>nAls&enL crewlanding waa directly below me. Wbb the man We taJ<e--.fellow'"'word, and lbeG ~it r ralsecl J.IMO pillow abo•e. my ~ad E><poc&.be'll lt~ I&;-· -P. Puss. and burled ilwltb all my strength down upoo him. HE •· R 1 L P I.:T.ER. riti i u f m v n b TIIB XORMAL J>Oll\TER. 7 Co·OIJeratlon and E:nthuolaam are tho twin pro~~vcry••hool ha• a lacully lor doing or leaving pellers o r any grea1 I>DIIticnl or 100lal rclorm. undone various minor taske. \Vo have a faculty They Initiate c~cry movement and nccomplloh Its lor procr08tlnatlon or prooedure. Wo ha•·e a ends. They organize, then control; plan, .then !acuity lor eocouraglng Athletics or treating tho oxooute~ Rx certain standards, then attain tbem. would·be enthusiast 10 a shower bath nl P""•lmlsm. The Ruulao army wu dl<plrlted because the In short, we Joow a lacol&y lor dolor an1thlog Cur had not tho 5ympathr or hi• soldleno. They whatever; provided some Other lacult7 does DOl !ought doggedly, sullenly. tlnthuola1tlc loyaltr obstruct tbe palb ol the proeeu. and pat.rlo&le fer,·or did not carry tho Ru.u ian h Is Indeed a philul lonn ol . . nl17 to which people bodily Ia to Ibe war. The spirit oil he Slav had lon{f slnoo been crushed by Horoanorr oppres· tho auractlons or the dlploma·lac10r7 &jJpeal. slon. Elo had not lived a s j>lrlted Hie, but the lilo Tho dcolro to parade a degree o r soma kind Is or a ala,•o had been his. Necessity round him doubtleu another Illustration or tho Instinct wbloh lne!Hclent. · created tho cannibal's passion tor tattoo, that. Too maar .st.udeot.. bodl~.s manifest the weak· gave rloe to ordeno or noblllt.{ In tho Mediaeval ne•ae~ or lh~ llu.u ian people. n.ere b no 1nterest Civilization, and \bat maoll.,.ts ltsell to-day In a In school al!alro: sympathy with the el!orts ol bloom!~ bat or a lac:e oeclrtle. The American others and ready eo-operation are wanting; character It popularly aupposed 10 rloe above soclet1 languishe-s; work becomes drudger,.. these van Illes; but tbls Is mere supenollllon. Tbe Teachers grow peremptory In &heir commands, d.e slre or tho lndl•ldual to be dilllngul,ohed, to aod uoreawnlng in t-he.Jr d{"mand!l. \Vherefore Is excel, to outdo, It ao lnhe~t. In the human nature this lruc? Is the enthusla•m or tho student body that h must Ond vent in some dlt'OOIIon. To be at so low an ebb that not~tudent da~s to cultl,·ate sure, tho arnbltlon to possess a diploma l1 acveral shades more worthJ' than Is the ambition 10 be a the lceliog? School journals hne lor man1 years been prlze.ftgh~r. or •ear lashlooable clotht't; lor tbe a Jlduouslr preacblnJP: a crutade to reKUe the lormt-r ambition betrars some evlden~ or the School Splrh. Presumablr, the 1plrlt was kid· opinion that Intellectual dlstloctlons aN tbe most napped, and the sebool was unable to redet-m it. beftu!ng to ereatoess. Even In thla ea.te, bowe ..er, It Is olteo true that tbe external mark or dlllineA&. any rate, "il/ 1 is absent. \Vherc U It? \Vho llon, the tangible evidence or merit, the.oer11ftcate Ito• It? \Ve ''enture to suggest that tho ~hool or credit, Is tho thing sougM alter rather than tho splrh. hAI!I been quartered hy the four cla8Scs, and powers und allrlbuteo It should rlghtlully thM each class has burled Its share alonll' with symbolll<O. tbe hatchet. Man1 81udcnts- and more adults-aocm to !eel Smiling FrtSbmco, WortbJ Eltmeots, St•lwar\ thu g<!Uing a diploma Is tbe •'be a ll" a nd t.bt. Juniors, Noble Seniors, \Ve bf.e;ft'fh rou- Dig il "end all'" of Kbool life. "Will I\. eoun\. to my 11pl You have consls.rned your ~JIIl"C'tive ~lass course!" 11 tbequesdon atked wbe.n tol:oe apeetal a:ptrltt to a place or re.st; yet. n &m.st, no& to ita w.,Prk I• mentioned. " Bow mueh eredlt will J last rutlng place. Cia., 1plrh lo the stu!! that get?" We all meet tbls splrh dallr. ll ll•eo, It ocbool •plrlt Is made or. How ••bill rating a walks, and talks amoog us. II mar be ~een sui· good cla 88 scrap ,..0 uld seem! How like an lenly ilarlo~t at a rbeiOrloal o)lp, It walko lncar· nato In l11c prolesslonal digger who leavc8 unknown tongue a class yell would 10und ! unturnod no •tone In tho Oeld a l book lore, lt The school oplril is alwar• ..,.urn.'Cted ln due talks loud and long when requeated 10 pay a clau time to ..,., tbe last or lhe pr'OCt'ulon. Why not due or help "ooclety. " see h. all? II.' a free. J..,e.t us ha•e cla•s yells, £.-err l.t'adK-r koows and e.Yery at.udent wlll clau ocrapo, and school 1plrlt! "Oltlsed are leam bow deadlr an eneq>r tblo meroenarr spirit llJe1 wbo mue things go"-belore tho good things Is 10 c:ulturo lor c:ullure's aake. ~us banlsb lhe are all go~~e. _ _ ! Pirl&-lhe credlt-lor--..it ylrll until J•"'· T DE1?1\RT E • T HE NORMAL POI NTER. THE FIRST D.o\Y. It Is 1:3() In the morning. The coru;cienlio.us young novice of a te-acher ts already slttlog-anx· ious and cxpec.taol-at. her new posL. There Is nothing to bo dono; so sho jusL sits at her. desk idly wondering of ''b&t. size, age, and general appearance those whom she is to guide aloog \be path or knowledge will be. Shu takes out lW!r watch. Sbo longs for thts Suspense to be o'·er; yec. she dreads lbe. unkno"f'·n that is now so elo.so upon her. It ls now ft••e mJnulcs of elghL She bears steps eomlng up tho walk and cblldrcn'o voices. Sho goes to tho window to catch a Orst glimpse ol.tbem. They coLOr tho hall, but pass by her door 10 the room beyond. She sighs wllh relief- there are a lew more minutes yetiO herself. Suddenly she Is aware that two timid lillie girls 9 ous; bu\ ber Ian teacher did not. understand the dear: chltd. You know how teachers oh~n take a dislike to a ehlld, with no cause wbate,·er. u Our teacher asSents, and the mother goes on, "You rnustl be •ery Rrm whh Jo~lsie; for it you cannf)t manage her, she will cause you serious trouble. Why, she matle ltiss Allen cry lwlce las'- year.'' Here she of I be angel eyes smiled seraphically. The teacher asks mildly lO see Elsie's report card. Tho mother produOM it.. "Why,, s&ys tbo teacher after clue e.xamlnatlon, "this card says, 'Not promoted.'" "\Veil, you know," says the mother a)lologctl· eally, uMls& i\llen and Elsie couldo'l gel along, and 1 wouldo'tllke 10 eall II 1pite, still-" A surgeath•e pa use, then. she went on, 0 1 am sure Elsie can do F'lllh Orade work." Needless to sas a.lter much debow, Elsie and are peering into t,b e room anxious to ge&. a-11ret glimpse of the new teacher. She calfs a cheery IUlr solicitous momma wen' bacl< 10 Fourth Oro de. Nloe o'clock. The gong clangs like the stroke good. morning to them and bids lbem enter. Close upon their heels comes a mother leading an of doom. The children quiet down and turn expectao~ face.s '-t-aeher·ward. The teacher rises, un~· llllng urchin by the hand. She says, "I suppose you are tbe new teacher. s10nd• belore her ..boo!, and fully Intends 10 W611, Freddie bates school, and I wan~ you 10 sco mako tbe customary IJJIOOCh. Instead she Onds t.h at be dues no' skip school. Be bard on him. bc.tself saying in a far-away voice, lrPJeaae put. R&iosucb a mlllchlel; but really very good bean- your names and ages on lhe olips of paper on your desks., ed- " And so on, and so on. Report cards aro then collected. Ono little boy By lbe tlme ob& bad Anlshed her dissertation on F'r eddie's good aod bad poiott,&br;are moremoihe.rs whose card saya uJo~alled," iii seat bbck to.Foun.h. and their progen1 etood waltlng. The le:och<lr-ne weeps auili511Ul>o shumes un~·lningly out of looke<\ diamayed. She wao prepared 10 deal wllb the room. Tbe chUdren copy the llsls or lex~ children, but did no~ know wba~eours& 10 punue books, and are dlsmlased 1111 allerooon. with tb& mothers ; so •b" smiled and looked later· ' At 1 o'clock lboy begin 10 come again. Here esled and r.uenwu 10 their character sketebes of come more mothers who could not. get away f rom Nellie, and To111., and Allee. And so oo ad In· their work In the morning. Here is one boY who ftnltum. could no' buy blo books. ae bean Ibis note; '~To Ernte Sehledl1 &.eac.ber, Please Ernie can 1 t Tbeo carne a mother wltb a amall lair$ looking by no bookes cause be bas got no money yel. creature with golden curls aod aogel eyes. oBit lather hOYe ~o oeclt and got money lor one Said tbls mother, "I have come to explr.lo month allreadr. somelblog 10 you aboul Elsle. Sho Is a very bard 1 am 1our c>'b'&. 8ef'•aunt, eblld lO malll\ge. Sbe Is nol bad; onl.)' mlsebli>'J· illll8. E.' S4:11III>IL.u J .TEl . THE • 1 io r hi od mi I d TRAINING DEP1\RTME T D ID D fro Ll TH. b to t lo h 1 r r. TilE XORllAL ol'lerlog up a Uulo pr&Jer of thaoko. Ia bl• rlgM haod ho holdr the oword and It Jun puulng It In tho IICObt.rd whtch lo held In tbo lei\ hand. lllo rlgM foot Ia upoo the be&d of Golloth, wblle his other one lo reotlog upoo the g110und. Rio limbs a;., o~ rlrld u In tho other otatue be<-1\UIO ho Ia not under tbt.t oer..oua strain. Tho bocl7 Ia we.ll pro· ponloaed. Tblo otatue cl..,. ooubow how otroog · Dnld wao u well u Aogelo'o doeo; but that Ia o~ ""'!Uirecl lor tho feellog that Dr.vld had at that time. 1\ lo •ort dll!lcuiL to chooao the ono you llko bes'ln 6otno wayo 1 llko Mlchtl<ll Angclo'o; and Ia ~her WIJo,llorcle'o. Aa~lo'e ohowa how aglt.otAld Jla•ld wu ao~ how 6rm. Merclo'o ehowo how glad Da•ld mutt have felt b7 tho reluatloo In bla llmt.. 1 am loclloed 10 t hlalt 1 like Morelo'o tho belt ; beeauae It Ia more ,..,.lful 10 t he CJO- In MlchaeiAogelo'a It ratb•r upeeto JOU becauoe JOu geteoolted,IOO. Tbey a rc two gffit\ muterplooe5; and ohollld be apprecl.a ted a great deol more thao than thoy arc al presen t. ---- Tbla JO&r tho children of tho 0 rammar and lotermodlt.to Grodeo have cho.. n their o wn !nco! edltora, and bereaftor a port of tblo poge will be de•~ to theM cnotrlbollooa. E IGHTH GSV.OE. Editor, 8LASCUE lltLL. Tho f;lghtb Grade baa been divided lniO three Seotlono, the Tblrd Seotloo bolor cotlrcl7 new pupllo. Toow are over, and lho popero bavo been handed back, mon •11 of them holor oallofactorJ. • TllelleaalagCiauot are tal< log up "Tho La"dy-of lbo Lab," uoder Mlu Deoomore. Tho Seleoce eal-. aN o\ud7lag tho PbJololoe7 of Plaow; lbo IIIIIOrJ Clu -, lbo Coooli1Utloo: tho Geott· ropb7 ola&ICI, Aala: lbo Grammar cia•- · the Pano of Speech; a ad tho Arltbme&lo Clr...ea, Alrobralo Equallooo, and Problema about UeaL. It bu been arroogtd for tho bot• 10 br.ve Maooal traloloc Lwl"" a weelr; uoder Mr. Ful\41. They are maklnJ ma&eb aafea, calendar baclrl and olcturo r , _ Tho glrlo b&YO ~ Scleoce oooe a .,..~~; uoder )olin Wood ud Mlu Nepnodo. Tbey ..,.. caoolor aDd p,._,.loc I roll. II POI~TER. SEVBI'ITH G!IAOE. Su~ILut<> Edltor-1!<12 S MtTH Tbe Sovcntb Grado Selente Cluo are taking up the ~ud7 o f t.-. They are at pre•eoL ttudylnll tho dl~ereoL klod• of o alro and tbrlr cbort.eterlotlca. They are ttudylog tho motboclo ofbrr.ncblog, bow the aeoro• crow. tho bloaaoma, tbe • - of the catltloo, aod lbo cllll'ereot otepa or lbo aooro from a tlo7 bud 10 a tree. ---- Tbc Orammu Or&dca wea\. ou an cxcunton Friday afternoon, partly to oboorve tbe lre<Jo. TbeSoventhGradeCia...a In R<!adlofl oro taki ng up the otort of E\·a ogellne aod 6nd It very toter· eotiDC. Tho7 ftrl\ IIUdled the bliLOfJ OD which tho oiOrJ wu fo~toded, and l bea lbe at.ary. Tbr SeYentb G rade Ulotor7 Cluoeo are ttudylog the Scttlemoato of tbo Coloaiii.S, and br.vo juot ftnlabed the eorly Spanlob, Portugtlo aad Eogllob explorert and dtaconrcrs. S I XTH O!IADE. Editor, RoTit Ross. In Science tho Slx~rade Ia lntereoted Ia atudJ IDif abollt weedo, 6owera, aod luocta. Mr.Birford'• aod Mlu Pauee·a GeoeropbrCiuoes are atudylng Ca11101 of Dayaad Mlgbt aDd Seuoaa Tbo R<!adlng Clut hu Oolobod the ttUdJ or Loogfcllow and Whltller. Tboy will now take up tho studt of tho two Cary alotero. PlfTH O!IADE. Edl1.0r-C'EI..IA BoYlN(;TO!\f, Tho elrla of tho Flftb and Slltb G radeo are Inter-..1 Ia mt.ltloc muallo llnderoklr\1 for t bemaelvea. T!ller•rmeatla ..ohee ba.u.l.a R,bemmlar,o ..er-c:ut.lor, over-balldlog, pthorlog, aod buttoll·hole aUteblnc. Tbe f' lftb Grado arc ba,·lng lllawatba In Read· Inc, an4 eajoy It 10 well that they aro eommiiUng mo.L of It 10 memOrJ. ---- Tho Flttb Grado ba•e beeo nudJIDif and malrlog eoJiectloea of c.....rpiUars ln Science. aDd watchloc cUll'erect l\OifOI or tbelt rrowtb . 1 HE . R. L\L 1. . ER. T llf; NO IOI.\ L Dona Bro....,..n, R. Omotbr, and J. E. Fuh• colDpose 100 co!DIIilitee to make arranrements for tho school dob&le between Mllwaukoo and Steveno Point Norm~ls. The debater• choaen hy tho faculty 10 represent this ~~¢hool am J. Howard Browne, U. Martin, and J . E. Sauma. POI ~TEll. 13 LollleD<-1oe:· VI.., """"ldenl, Eclhh Burr; l:k'eretary, Katherine Johnson; Trea~urcr, Vlrllc Freeman; l' lanl~t, Claudine Hah•cr8<'n. mornln~r, ~p~boT 8. Die Deutseloo Uor.erhallungagesellschof~ hn•c elected the followlog olllcers for this quarter: President, I. O.terbrlnk; VIce Pre•ldenl, lleul~ Beeckk-r; S«rttary, Louise Gartman; Trtoa~u· rer. Eurene Oeln. Mlu Oror wu absent from school during the week of Oetobcr 2, on 3C<:Ount of lllo•••· The Athenu•um 'fi.Jiied tbe Areoa, Seplfm~r!&; and the boT• all uy that 100 Arena 18 an excel· lenteumfJIC of a live society. .l.llt• Mareth Furro •l,.ted tbe ...hool Friday She Ia sapenloor of mu•ie In the Normal school at Las V~g•~. New Mezlco. The onl<.'<'ro of tbe Press Association clectw for the year am: .President, R41 Oron8by; Vloo President, Har Brasurn; Soeretar1, Lottie De7oe: Eclltor-ln·Chlef, J. Boward B~. Tbe t:pworth League of St Paul's M. t~ ehuren held a """"Pilon the second reek of ochool to which the facuhs and students or the •ehool were Invited. Amoog the old •tuden~ vlshlog tho acbool ,...,.. Alta Cues, Jerry Madden, Hudol11h lacklsh, f'red. Curran, May Colburn, \Vtnnte Caner, Blaache Chamberla in, A. J. Miller, and Anna Baillnp. T fl ll t'ORUN bao sta~ Oft Its T~tb YeaH' wM'k whh ll>e lollowleg oflleen : President, J. to:....uhs; VIce President, n. Drasuro; 1'rca.s· urer, S . Wndlelgh; Secretary, t'. t:. Jaastall. The ollleers of the ARI<.'<A for this quarter are: Presldeol, Ellen Bolfman; Vi<oe l"rHideo!., oo'na B'row,..ll: Seere&aq, Jleule Beeekler; l're&all· ~, &..-adna M.cNuu; Marshal, t:.Aw.a LIDM1 ~ Chairman of Musle Committee, Allee Sooll; Chaln~~a n of Program COIIUDIUee, FIAll<!l )!arlin. The Eighth Year o f tbe ATfiXNAI!OM opens 'lfilh tho follo wing omeers: Presld<-nl, J.ll. Browne; Viae Pretldent, 0 . B. Reid; ~ret ary, R. Jones; Tte.&JUI'fr, t. Ost.erbrlok. 'I'M JOUnce-' UterarJ SoelelJ has !»guo ILJ work und~r lbc followiec ollle<ft: President, Mr. Pray ,.us:~eJl'l tho renewal of nn oltt ~&OC1ety. the A. W. 1'. onol L. S. CLrh '' LIPPI~H.' . The Senior Clau hu organized under tbese oft1cers: Pte"ldent, J. Howanl Browne; Vl~e President, ~:dhh Harlnll; Soeretary, Kotherln~ Johnson: Trca,urer, R. E. Brasure; nt'JlteYn· lath•e on Hhelorlcal Committee", J. 1-:, Sa•ama: Representatlv(~ on r.~turo Commlu~, J. flo••nrd Browne. Tho olllcers of the J unlor Clau are : Preolclent, D. B. Reid : Vloe President., Rann"h Brunotad; ~retarr, Veraa Pbllllps; TreaJurer, 0. W~l· nandy; ~PN!..,..tallve on Rhetorleal ('ommh"-"', F.dlth Burr; Rep""-'lenlatl•e on Lecture Commit· tee, Harold Marlin. - - -- Tho Elementary Cia.. ha" elected the followlnl( otl\eerl; President, 1-;, Bein: VIce Pre"hlent, Evadna McNutt.; Secretary, Jconlo Held: ·rrcas· urer, I. O.terbrlnk; rtepre~ntallve on nhttortcal Commltw, S..•le s-kier: Repreoentallv• on t.eeiAu'6 Commluee, .A. Wells. 'IJ>• olllcera ~bo..,n bribe Freshman Cia•• are: • Vloo f>re•iclfnl, President, Clarence llortell ; Soeretart. f'ranee• llakl't'; Cono•·er McDill; Treuurer, 'W llllatu Nolan; llepreM!nlath·e on Rhetorical Coonmltt.oo, l.awrenoo Bill; ll<>pre••n· tatlve on Leeture Committee, Fro noes floker. The Juolora held their Oral ...,..pdon 8<:111. !3. An o""be.tra wa~ bfred, and all ~~~a 11lea•ant enalnc. 1 THE ... T il 1-: NOR~! AL )lr. Talber1, In clissecllo~r ela., "Be very carelui no' to diJiurb lhe Internal 011raoJ Of )'OUrlrog as you work." 1\A'nes Tardlff- HOb, oh, Mr. ~r.lbert, tny heart Ia broken!'' ~. Colllno, lo Algebra Cia•• "Garry Cuh·er, how mucll oil did you buro on I hal llroblem ~.. Garry C.- 1- Jou --we hue elec&rleily a' our boot<>, Mr. Collins. ---- Lady ol Facully 10 Junior Olrl " Why do you wear your eo lora pinned on lhe bouom or your slc:lr&.~'' Junior Olrl, dl•dalnlully- "1'hooc Y Oh! &hose are only Senior colors. - - -- Mr. Spindler, In PsycholOfiY ClUJ - " Whal association does tbo word Junior bring up lo your mind?" Mr. Browne (aslde)-"Sandwlcheo. '' Posted o• P oott>all . Senior Girl wrlllog up Pointer localo - "The boyo may be soeo each nigh\ playhlg ou' on &be flatiron." Coach Smlley-"W e should achedulc a game with Waupaca lor the HI h .. " Mr. Talberi-' Ob, they're a ""' ol tougho." S~llet-"1 played there two yearo ago." Talbe.n-'"Tba\ pro\"U whaL I was ju.u 111lng." Smller amlled. - - - - - Browne--'J'one.•, did you go up the riYer, and OW'eT tho tea; or OTer \be riW'er and tbeo Ul) the lea?" Joncs- 16 Nehber. I went over the river and out to sec.u Why Thoy aro at tho "ormal. lam a married man. A man upon who~ 1houlders re!ila lbobe. .r respooslbillly or • family mu..... aoppor1 1h'~ burd~n so....,bow. 'I'IHo calling or a pedagorue seemed to ghe the loudut lovltalioo. Tha&'a enouah. No lime '" talk. )Jy wile hao eompaor I PRol'1e880R OL/IOl<· A grea' mind must have tome outlet lhru which mr.y luuo the Mldences or lit ~~~nlus. '' • 1 wu lucblng up in &be woods laot wln!<lr, It ouddenly came over toe that the Profe-aorl In a Normal School would be pteullarlyfttsuh}e<U uponwbom to Lura tho Or.lllog-gun of mr qUHIIOos and &IUwero. l0l<AT1U8 08TilRBIID<IC. POl ~TF.It. 15 Dad wakhed me so clooe a& home 1ha1 I eouhln'l sl~p. I grew p•le and wan. Trouble• lhal nut· lered by others sellled upon my head. AI lu' r gave up lrylnjl 10 11'' " a l)(>fttelul lite horne. I a' made UJ) my mind to ~ot.O the Nonual,~ptml Dad's coin. jolly the girls, and have a good euy llnlt' worlllog the Prole5!10ra. i>ERDl>IAND J.AA8TAD. . Whoa I saw what an lmpreulon mt brolher made by lowering above all eompetllora, I decided lo follow In bl• loo&olepo. Bad he only Ioken longer !Irides, I •hould be able '"go Iuter. BANSAI_ :C BllUNflTAO. My magnanimous nature brought. me here. K oo•lng how my p~nce would develop the :eslhetie nature~ of the Normal girls, and that their beholding my beau&ilul form and lealurts would lead lo ete..le lbelr Ideal or &he hant!Jome man, I eamc to the Nonnal. · Ouvr..a \Vr.rN'ANOr. My highest ambllion in lite Is 10 beeomo an llh· Jete. When I came to school, yean ago, t couldn't nan any faster than I walked. N'o•·, 1 ean belL I he Oulcb, and eou!d beat 1be h•nd II 1 only bad enough wind. My lor> notcber tho to &he bl~h jump u 3 '""' 9 loch... Jous J. W\'I!OCKI. I beard Irom an unknown souree thallhe young ladles al S'CYeoJ Polo! were load or aubutn hair. Thertro..,., tk., Q. E. o. The domeotlc ln>&lnct I• Ytry 81rong In my nature. I wanted 10 seo lllhlngo &et'med llko tho)' did when I was tllrferent.-a long tlrno ago, you koow. ln •hort, I wonted to Ond a t>lac..-c where J could reel u home. FLORA t.:. wooo. I ean no' '011 In so mr.oy words why 1 hue al.-ay• bad a daslre lor oCIIce. So I lh<>ul(bt I would Ju•t haag around on tbo side llko until lheao wr.s room In lbe soup lor me. BROWNE. It wa• whh no small degrte o r alarm &hot r nollced lhat Ste•en• Polnl, and Wloeonoln, 100, were rapidly lallin11 behind In ora'"ry and •ll lonnJ ol public speak ing. They did lake a ftrsl or two; bu\ thlt lln•t. eoough. t"m golnr to take tbo wbole Iblot~ II you'll ooly •how me wbtra It b . n. c. Juoo. 1 1. · E. d THE XOR:\IAL POIXTEU. 11 )i8eH1\NGES TliACHKR-"Cao you ~II me In wha~ year C:esar lnoaded Brl~ln ?•· PuPU.-''Yes'm.. '' T&ACllX&-''\Vbat rear •&a '" 't'' PoP"JL-" You can 'l e.z peel. me to usnr t•o Tho Limit. ''Tho ~lhnato's pretty damp here, ltn't tt ?" " I ahould aay so. ll't reall1 &O damp, the people can·lralse &n7thln~: but umbrella•." - Ex. queotlona In succe11loo. Thai que11loo beloogs lO the aexl in tbe clu.s. '' Solcm a Fac t a. No• Ibis here lblng we call a Joke- Co•-ltlooa o• tbo OlraHo. There• a Jots or folka can make one; Bus. fewer far uTbe gt_raf Is a dumb anlmal, and can'&. expreu Them humana are llselt by any .sound bea&uoe l!.o nook Is so long I hal 1'- voloo gets llred on Its way ~ Its mouth." "Bow many or yese t. down ~re ?" 1 elled lbe quarvr boss from ~e ~p or lbe quorv)" ~ lbe workmen below. Tbe answer came b&dr "Tbree." The bou replied ''Halt or Jete come rlgltl up." T~acher-"Wby are you ao Ia~ ~ achool tblo morning, Freddie?" Freddlo-"Ob, me grandmudder'o dead, and bouoo caugblaftre l&nolghl, and thle•es brokeln, and brealdul was Ia~ 'cauoo lbe chlmoey amoked.''The le&d>er l&ler retrained conJCiouooeu. Wolber (leacb.fDr ell lid the &lpbabel)-" N"ow, dearie, wba\ come• after r ftt The chlld-"Wblu." " With p&ssloo for you I'm aOre I" Be cried. "Ob, oo doubt!" Her falber lben beard the wild cry, .AJid._pmmpliJ pu~ blm out. -~. !lloo. La~& 1•• abe olmplJ would ool wear A glo•e rrom &ell made cle&n ; Cleao glo•eo, abe said, dlteusllng were, The1 smelled or ruollne. Thla year a m&o Ia woolnr her, Be rldu her mlleo a nd miles Io bt. ...,., machloe, Aod abe jatt smiles and omllea. - W P. ,.....u..., Wllh tense enough lo lake one. - Ex. Ora~r-"AIIo• me, before I close,~ repeat !be ol the lmmonal Webt~r--" •ord~ Parmer--"M1 land, MerJa, Je&'a rt" ou& o' here. Fle'a goln' &er start It oo &he dlc&lonar7.'' -c. L. Polltleal Oootrapb)'. Till women ha•e a voice, we rear, In all lbe ballol box conlrolo, H cannot be denied her sphere Is allgblly nat~oed a1 lbe polls. - P. PosT. Ka...._." Wbere did you meet Harold P" Merle-" Down on the beach. Be proposed ~ propoted ~ me •bile we were on the spr!nglnr boaf'd." Ka...._." And you accep~ him on lho Jump, eb ?" - Ex. Old , Old Story. The hardy plooeera ftral came Wllb rlftet, plooght~lld &Jttll; • Theo pollllelaoa follow wllb Elec:llona, graft, and lUes. "What It ao aoeedo~, - Ex. John)' Y" &Jked a ~acher. "A ahon lunnylale," answered the llnle lellow. "That'a rlgbl, " saJd the teacher. "Now use U. In a eentencc." JohnJ bulla~ a moment, then aald, "A rel>bll bu lour l~s and one aoeedole." - STORY. .....- ........ ~~~ HERE'S WHAT WE OFFER 'There's a "Baskd in the Quality vs. Price 'rhe Best vs. Cheap Supplies American vs. Oriental • ethods Sanitary vs. Unsanitary Conditions Inspection Invited vs. •·No Admittance" <flasemcnl for Your "Bundles WE WIIHT YOU I\ LIIUHDIIY BUHDLES Hrifi!£HHff!£9 The Wisconsin's Best Laundry .... "THE BEST " IS '' THE CHEAPEST " ~Of Our c/lgenl ~ » a/life ......_.. I Scftool 1 1 "' AT YE SIGN OF YE .RED SHOE C. Gr. l.\4A.CJN"IS~ Has a GOOD SHOE Reputation, Try Him SHOES ONLY 109 Strongs Ave ~TZ C • .A.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - PeR luory S/alrll$ of Pods Musicians, de. 2 6c' 'PidunFra- andFram«J Piduns..z.~up . . · ~erfumu and Toild Soaps, Fancy Cl[ina, SuiJabk for Gifts, from Joe up. ... alit tf l!llle IMICS *I W, It ate 1M s111111ts ,_ CIIIJ, -..au ... l!trldlft. 426 Mala St. KEWAUNEE SHORT LINE. ~. ll. ~eROilR, s . .ual Aaaaau. W, e. aeotS8TT, a.~ ::a..&.T", aoaoral 1>-•eor A Prolt•t lleoat. ~ 1 .-- ---~ N~~d Any Printing? J. Worzalla & Sons . J. ~i.~~y~~~:~NS I NOTED FO~• - Arlh•tlc Work. L ow Prl cee Co,)' a Lorge Slocl( at - - = DRY ~OODS, CLO'l'JIINS, SBOBS, BAtS ud CAPS. GENTS' FURNISHI NG GOODS, Pr·O tnptnew•, eand Watchee, Clocks, Jewell")', Etc. Mogouno ond Cotologuo Work a Specially. . No Job Too Smoll to Receive Our Corot\11 Auenllon. No Job T oo Largo lO Ovorl&x Our Cepaclly. Eallma~ea Furnlehod Choor!UIIy on Appllcollo n . C:.ll or Ad.dN.Nt J 1 • Ia coaaoclloa wiCk oar .fowolr7 do~r1••• t wo ai.M ro.,.lr Watcllc•. Clock.. a ad .Jawohy, a.cl 11[111a raU•• all work to M tt,..t-cl--.. O•r Prk:c•oa ~-~work areatw~,....,. o ub.. aiMtulowuc-.aa be,.......,...._.,... J. WORZALL! 1: SONS :::·.~.':.~ ~~.~~:.._!::::~~·-~':-.1' _........ ..... .... ..... ... .... J . WeRZRLLR'S St>NS Cor. ••Ia ud 3d Sta. Stenaa Pollt,Wia. \ ~-- "