·' ... ." .. ,· ~ r ·- -·--·---.......... I ~, t9oZ&-s M1\ReH. CONTENTS. Literary ....................... -67 Training Department ........... -69 Cenaor .................... -~ . . 10 • I Art Department ............. . ... 11 I I Editorial .... .•.....•........•.. -72 Locala ... • .. · · . • .... ':--. .......... 73 I 74 1 I Exchanges . ..................... 7:; I ·Jolly Columna ... ........... : .... [Vol. x.__, No~ ..J 6 * J:tT * E. A. ARENBERG. FRENCH CAMPBELL & CO. YOU WI L L I'II'ID Books, Magazines and Newspapers, J ewelry, Buds and Novelties, ome·Made ea n die s, All Sehool Supplies, Box &nfeetlons, Fine Stationery, Plctvu uti Plctve FrUllag a Specialty. Tel. 1073. 449 Mala St. Schmitt and Knope, Clothietts, T a.i1otts a.·nd Fottnishetts, BE!WEEN TWO BANKS. The Leading Jeweler Flae Watch ~epahiug a Specialty. <141 ltloll) St ., oppotlte P . 0. STEVENS POINT. WISCONSIN. ANDRAE & SHAFFER CO., T l)e wide awal(e retailers '? DEALE~S IN Dry Goods, earpets, eiothing, Hats and Fine Shoes. E . L . REs LER. PHOTOGRAPHER. STUDIO: MAJ N S'l'. Scribner & Vaughn SUCCESSORS TO e. I. T0ZISR & CO. 426 ELLIS ST III! ET. WE RRB H BRDQURRTBRS POIC ANYTIU!<O IS '1"111 LI:Ut 01' •r ••1 ot tk• •••11llalb of IOO'b tlll•t o,.autJ.u carry "''lVlll lEI:..&.'V'lll TJCCIJ ~-'X'. laP.-rlptleaC..pHHIOif we U1Nlllle olm...l cart. Groceries, Stationery aud Confectionery. I>LBJUI8 fo:IVB US II eiiLL Two Stores: :m,:".;~~~ Ttl. ~~""-~.J4. Two Blocks soatlt a ad. west of the Normal. TRYL()R 8R()., Druggists. Please give us a call. ((Palace of Sweets. n We are pleased to try and please . tize Public. e . 8. GBeRGB, Proprietor R . 8 . THURMAN, Manager Dirty Shirts Dirty Collars Dirty Underwear ARE Best Cleaned AT Our wagon mates dally calls at the Normal. - WISCONSIN'S BEST LAUNDRY. 515 Church St. HADCOCK ~ ROOD, for your ... A Complete Encyclopedia of Amateur Sport SV1\LDING'S 1\THLETJe 1\LM1\N1\e Stevens Point, Wis. CLEANING, DYING a nd ~EPA.IIU NG. Pressln& done on short notice. Special atto lloa aad l owes t p r ice to s t .. doats. KRIENKE & bundles. e m . rar STEVENS POINT DYE WORKS. 121 S. T b l In the basement Phone 281 Red. Dentists, OPPIC8 1 433 Ma la S t. 'l'here's a basket E!.dltod by P o r 190 8 J, E!., SU L L IVAN (Cblet of Oeput.m~ftf"''t rh111ra1 Culture. Loul•1an.a PutcbHe 8spotltJon), u~~~du.~~ ~~~of and all am.ltPtlr tVenteln thl• countr1'al'ld abrOad. :c'b~ It al.o toataln• a t:omplete reYI,w of the Olymple OamH fro• tbe Ol'lldal report of DlrMor !fa IIlYan and a rHame or the two da71 deorotecl Wtporw l.n wbJt.b .,..,..,_were U1e oalyC!OOtHCADC..I ee. OR~Y ~;:.·~~~ ~~bed.-..eo.:;::;::: •::~~~';! :'.:e~ ~~'f. t.be l,..t llmeiD w·~ta tiM atblede perlorma.a<"H of aa•~ lla•e n;;.,l:{:t:-;:·:~:c,~e:~aoae e.,e, publtabed eooul• lo.c 1!0 pa&H. !fumeroulllucrtUODt o r promhaeat atLietH aod tn.tl let;.tnt. • PRI C E 10 C UlTS l'or Mle bJ all aftwedtali'N aod LEJlDING MILLINER Mal• Street Photlo ltcd 17 1 . STUDE~TS TRADI·~ SOLICITED. G. 1\. SP'1\L1>1NG & BReS. ~bii-!:1':..1& ~~r:n~l.ro ~~..,, =': W:lDMapoll• ~1r&etue thl:.'or" }!;:.~:~ lloniN'&I, Cao. (,1adoaatl New Orltan• Loodoa.BoJ. Send for a eopr of ~paldi"C'• A'hleUc Good.l Catalosu.e. lt'• tm. If you want fine TmS IS 'l'BE MUCH TALKED OF Stationery, Perfumes, etc. ooTO MEYER DRUG ee. o,?:.':"~!:.. Shoe Store. Dr. D. S. RI<2E, PhJ!sician and Surgeon. KUHL'S eur shoes attract and eur prices sell BLOCK F. L. DILLE, We make the selection of shoes a pleasure. INSUR~NCt4 R[Al5, Atwell [SlAH, lOANS. Block. Stevens Point Shoe Co. ~ooms aac1 cA. J. CUNNEEN & CO., MEN 'S FURNISHERS ~NO H~TTERS . 455 MAIN ST. ATHLETIC S WEATERS A. SPECIALTY ~~~~,':\-::-:;........'- ~:: ::._c~'~,. &.. A..~-..Jtoolt\"'""'• RETON BROS. T. L !' . Port. X~. e•pltal ttoo,ooo.oo. Slala O.CIIrJ. COIIIJ DlplllllrJ. atJ DlplllllrJ. • JIGnlal Sdlool DlpllfllrJ. CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK. l!yoa l!u•lao4. ..-..u CO., Spectac.l es Pl11o4 . l&J.~CS. 0~ -.op~. R I N 0 N E S S, _. The Shoe Men DIRY.CTOIIS . c. A. Ha.nacker. F. J. P61fner. R. A. Cook. Loula Brill . N. A. We<>k. John A. Murat. 0. E. McDill. W. W. ~llt<:bell. Oeo. E. Whiling. Stevens Point, ~ JEWELERS and ~PTI<211\NS. Wis. Q. OB{::QLA~Z, Deater I Q HIGH GRADE Ft)t)T W EAR, fiNE i11. SOwtb Third Street~ ~EPfii~IN<i - - SleYtl)f\Polnt.. Wit. Grand Central Hotel,. M . CASSI DY 6t BIIOS. Jllerchant Tailor, 7~7 StrMts an. Cor. Put st. Stenas Polllt, lis. All :llodern Tol. 163 Aecommodat iou. Re.s<lnablc. Coraer F i rst .-.~ Clark f>riC('f! su. STATE NORMAL SCHOOLJ STEVENS POINT, WIS. NEW BUILDING: THOROUGHLY E QUIPPED. ALL MODERN AIDS: APPkRATUS: Li BRARY: COMPLETE GYMNASIUM. "BETTER PREPARATION FO"l{ TEACHING. A large Corps of Experiertced Teachers fully abreast of the times. A Large attertdartce of earrtest, advartced Students who are Actual Teachers;_.. The new wing now corrtpluted, adds one-half to the capacity of t~e building. Throe Ache aced. CoAr&es, h\"O ycaMJ for HJOH· SOUOOL 0RAOUAT£S and OTUER compet.c.ot. .8\-ud- POST graduate s:tu< ic.'J in Scrence, Laog· uagel, Civics and Pe<Jag y. P.OU. an: STATE CER'r'li'I(;ATJO:. Elotaaata oui"'&O, t.wo year~, tor thoso bold· lng oortlftcate..11 o r passinJ: en\rancc cxaminalions. JT~e:;An~:r~ER~~~~~~~::~~rea~~!\')~~:~!. to • LIM• Cotnmoa School Course, one year, tor spcc:lal beneftt. or tboso who must teach soon. , Preparatory Ccharse, ten weeks only, glvlng preparatton in all the common bran(!hes. These classes are taught. by resrular Normal teache rs, or unde• lhel• dlreel ovel"81ghl. Scloclloa of Studios pennllled 10 teaehe•s under favorable c ircumstances. !'low Clasoos lonoed lou• limes eaeh· year In nearly eve•y subject In lhecour-se oiSiudy, exoopl Lalln, Oem1anj and 'tO~c advanced tcle.nco stu· ~Ilea. The quarle•s be~n F eb. 1, Apdl 11. Boa•d t2.GO to t3 per week, all school charges aboul $1.~ pe• qua•ter (10 wooks). No lull lon loos In Nonnal clasle\ lor lhoae e.xpecllng lo teach. Tu ition 66 oonls pe• wook or leu to p•e· 5)aratory gra~ea. _W•Ito lo• ch-culai"S, or B&'M'ER STU,L, ask deft· ntle quesllons aboutany pari ollbo school wo•k, and I(CL an Immediate personal reply. Adress lhe ~ldenl, TH~~~!:.s8t>of~ti?ta. ( THE N0RMAL V0INTER. Vol. X. · Stevens Point, Wis., March IS, 1905. " THE POET AIID TH E PUll." The rhymes~r'a pet~ purauu the pun And kill a II In lhe end; Th ~ run f rom my pen now does runSo hear about, my f•·lcnU: llo •rote somo very comiG verse, The poln~ pUll! were plain: Vel crhlco said "Be's geulng wo....,: n.. liUJe bill wh ba! slain." n.. joku be did crack crackt'<l hi• ~ad; Bus., lho blo bcad wu cracked, nt• wl&. was very nearly dead,- Nor loll hla head ln1ac1. 11o • •rote ~ funny poem, J'm tohJ, A porou plno o f wll; f'or, when his humor..once unrolle<\, tAch pun made qul10 a hll. II hll hi• crlllc friend• so well They oe~er qul\e saw tbru h; II! polo!! were all oo line, lhe7 teii,Thal lhere waa oOibiDIC 10 IL -ASO!'f. No. b. "Womeh aro regular ~•• or patience fo r their bu ..band.!, now-a-day1." "l agree with 100 there." ''I hardly e<er gel a meal any more. All I hue had for lhe pal\ three months bu been oold luoeheoot. '' "The same here." "All I dod when I gel homo Is a pink perfumed note •·lth ' Dear Chas., I'm M U10 club;' or ~ lnvltetl out ' upon It, wl&h a plea•e excuso ab,enoo for a clo1lng theme. Frull and a 1>leee of cold meal are usually !he refresbmeou aened afltr lhe oole. I tblok II was once or lwloe thai 1 found • cup of eo1d ~·· n ''Those mun hue boen apeelal occaJI9DJf" uweu, \.b&1. mlgh1. have beeo; but, for .ome reason or o cher, special treatment• doa•t-...~grce whh rnc very ..·ell. " "! wn you, lho boo~ thing we poor fellow• can do I• 10 Introduce a reform bill." "I'm whh .rou:' 11 Suppo..e we atar& h." uh.'s a go-we won'l be che ool1 ehape ln for h , either.'" ••\VeU. oow, Mre's for tbe llrtt. : TilE XORlli\L 6 " Ruolved. Tbauhe pink no1e1 be dispensed with, and other articles l~u ar18toeratlc be al band for diet. ' " •' Tbat'a h." 40 Htre I• the seeond: ' Jtt~olvt!dt That women b6 at bo.,. at ooe P. ~1., and bno a bot eup of colfe. p~pared. "' ..Ju.n wbat we want."' " Now. fortbetblrd: 'Resohed,Thatbotslea~ and potatoes of an equal tempersturo be glv<n to u(!O()ked form" and abundan~.'" "Oelllng II, all right." '' t'ounh: 'Resoh"ed, That we wan~ pleasant. faOH and a smile or lW'O for Ooal desert.'" u tt•• a peach: but beN we are aL tbe club." ' LIZA. POI~TER Then Llza oald, "Samm1, go up ola'o an dis time say, 1 Pa, glm me ma shoot."" This time he wu al)parcnlly succeuful, for ho dldn'l retum. Then, Ll&a reminded once moro of her aeblng aide, commenced to moan, 110 rna tide, ma tide, l's pine to die.~ Suddenl1, a grulf •olce Goaled down the stairwar, "Shv' up, yo· ol' bu.s.s1: does yo' wan· to wake up all Chl~o?" The enraged Llaa exclaimed, "I woo' do It ahu' up, yo· ol' low down critter, 70' ol' tlet, 70' ol' murderer, yo's a layun on rna dead busban'a sboeu n.n' J>lllow cases oow.'' Just alibis moment, lbo advent o f a polleeman upon t he aeene, sent Llza a Dring up lhe stairs faster than bor &cbing side would warrant; and quiet ~lgned In the neighborhood once more. EDrru Kt.z:tN. It wu New Year's nlgbt In Chicago. Mrt. Pbll· lip• who had been •i•hlng Mrs. Smltb during the holidays, ouddenly exclaimed, "Old you bear that moaolnJ, .llrs- Smhh ?" .,Yet, I did," said tbe latter, and lo\'Oiuotarily tho1 both opraog 10 tbo window. It was a bright moonllrbt nfcht, and In front of an old rleketr booae nen door, tber saw a ver, fat oevess alttlng oo tb6 olep moaaJnc and holding bor side. Her little bo1, tblnl1 d~, and ba.,..foot, wa~ tr7log to c:onscle ber. "Oh dear!" exclaimed Mrt. Smith, "lhat.'s 'Lin, and ber boy Sammy. 'Llza {lela Intoxicated IOmethnes and her husbftnd, Sammy's step. father, tre&lJ her rather rou,bl7. •• M..-nwblle ·u..a had been roeldor herself and moanlnr loud eoough for tb6 whole ~IJbborbood &o beer, " )Ia b:aJbso'be" knocked medoWD sla's! 0 ma aide, ma tide :" Then, notlc:lnr r'• bare fe(!t, she said, "SammyiJ"' aroup sta'.- an• yo• knoek on do do' 0 and 70' t I Cco'ge, g£m me: ma thoet, "t Sammy did as be • • • told. Aller a llnfe wblle he returned and oald, "Goo'ge wouldn't open de do.~ Then 'Liza aald, "I tell yo' wbatro do, Samro1 . Knodr •rata, aa· sa,., •Mr. eto·re~ aim me ma shaM.'" Araln Samm7 did u he wu bid; but In •aln. ••1 WHAT A BOOK SAI D. "Ooee on a thne" a Librar7 Book ••• o•erhenrd talking 10 a !IIIIo boy wh o bad )all bor· rowed 11. •rho words seemed worth 1'600rdlo1f, and hero they are: "Plea~ don't handle me wltb dlrly ba od1. I ohould feoluhamecl 10118-o when lhe nutlltlle bor borrowed .,., "Or leave me out In tb6 rain. Boob, as well u eblld~o, can caleb c:old. "Or make marks on me wllb your pen or peocll. II would 111011 my looks. "Or lcnn on ma with yourelbowa when you aro readln11 me. II hurts. "Or open mo aod lay me fiiOo down on the Ia hie. You wouldn'tllke 10 be lroa~ 10. "Or putlo between m1 le&VH a penell or aoy lhlnr thicker than a single piece of thin paper. It wonld atraln m7 b&ck. "WboaeYOr 10U are lhrough "'adlng .,., If JOU are afraid of los~ 10ur place, don't t u111 down the comer ol one ohoy leaves, but h ..e a neal lltllo book·mark 10 put In where you stopped, and then close mo and loy mo down on my oldo, 10 that I can hiYc a good, comfo rta ble rell. "Remtrnbcr that. I want. to vlalt. a area\ maoy other little boy1 after 70u are lbrough wltb me. Besldea,J ma1,_1you agaln,scmedar, and rou would b6 sorry to - me looking old, and 10m, and sell~. IJelp melD keep fresh and olean, a nd I will help rou 10 he happJ." -EPWOII'TU B D ALD· J TILE NORMAL POJNn: n. 6!l TRAINING DEPARTMENT PRIMARY DEPAR'l'MENT. UlfGUAG £ WORK OF TH IRD ORAD£. Rcpro4Mclloa of a Story told by tho T ..chcr. KI"O ALFRED TB"D I"O CAKBS . Over nino hundred yearo ago In England, there lived a king named Alfred. He was a very greal king. Oo &he oll>er side of &he nter from England ...,., a rountry named Denmark. The ~pie In lhl• rounlry were called Danes. The.e ~pie were "trt fierce and cruel.. Tb~se Danes wanted England •err bad, and began 10 ftghl for 11. England fought for their own country; but the Danes whipped them, and the soldlcrt o f England had 10 run fo r their lives. King Alfred went o rr b7 himself and wen\ through woodt and swamps until be came 10 a lillie rouage where there wu a woman beklng cakes. Alfred waJ verJilred and hungry, a nd be uked her If he mlgbl star there alllllgbl aod bne son>elbing 10 t al. Tho woman said be mlghl If be would take care o f her cakes. King Alfred tald be would, and 111 down In a chair; and the woman wen\ oul to milk tho cow. Bu1 no soonor had he sal down than tho quMIIons came 10 him thick and tail. How was he going 10 get hit men IOgelher again? And when tho woman came In, lhe cakes were burned. Then lhe woman W&J mad, aod said to btm " You are 1&17 !" And Kh1g Alire< wu nrysorry about \be cakes. But a her a wblle be got hi• mea &opll>er, aod lbe DaM<~. BKTR Toi'Pti<O. February 27. *' THE STORY OF ALFRED Kl"O OF B"GLA"D. Alfred was a great lm>g. Ho rule<l t;ngland. England !. acrosslbe ocean. Nine hundred years ago be ... king. · There waa anolher countrr aerou &he water. Anytime ll>ey wanted anrlhlng &her would 8&hl lor il or quarrel. King Alfred bad a bard time. Oll>er Icings did, 100; be<-ause lberewereooman7 wan lben. One lime lbeDa- wanted England. They fought and fOUIIhl. King Alfred did not want 10 give up his landJ. The Danes were very cruel and fterce. KI"9Aifred put no common elotbes like o ther pool)le weor. Then he went to war willa bls men. Tlao llrs~ thing th&l the Danes did was to try to kill the king, and get the country. King Alfred ran away, and tried 10 blue In tho woods. He crosseclawampa and meadows and at lui be came 10 a lillie hut. He knocked at tbe door, and a lady antwered the door. He bee&"'d a night'• lodging and •oroo food to eat. The ladr oald " If you watch my cakes while 1 mllk my eow, 70u may 51ay here. " Tho thnughu o f other things came thick ond faot. All a~ once ho remembered the cokes. Jus\ th('n sho come ln. "You," •ho said, "You ought 10 ge~ nothing tor Jelling my cakes burn." Sbo did DOl know II wa• tho king 10 whom abo tpoke. Afterward< t ho king gathered his men togelher again and beat lbe Danes. LAURA Kla.u:K. ALPRED TB"DI"G CAKES. Long,long ugo,lhere lived a king named Alfred. He lived In England. Across from Enflland there lived some poople called Dan... The Danos were fterce and cruel. They bad a bailie with Alfred •,armJ. Alfred'• arm1 wao beat. Allred r an thru &he woods ond swamps till be came 10 a wood cut,. lei'S bouM. Tho wood-cul~rs wife ,... beklng cakes. Alfred asked her If be could otaytbere. She oo ld be could II he would watch her calcM while she milked the row. Alfred uld biG_ would. He &al down; but he had 100 many thing• 'bn his mind. Firat, how he would gel his army tOfiCiher. Second, how would ho ge~ tho Dones o ut of his cou otry? And over so many thought& eamo to hbn. When the old lady came baek from milking abo t ald be wu wllllngiO hue his mealt, but did oot wantiO work fortl>enl. Alfred fell verroorry. In a lew days Alfred bad bt. army toeether , and t he Da- ou~ ollhe country. FLoli.E:<CI'! Ro'riiXAN. 70 T il l.: ~0 101.\ L I'O l ~TBH . '2ENS0R Marc: h . The lrlumt>hal march ol Sprinr has bl'gun: ()poe your windows and- 100 pi"'C<'iSion':' You may also ~ar lh<> Plauevlllo band. IDEAS are the IIUII lhal genlu~ Is n>ade ol. StatiO. One ol the numerous ele•·atiog and edllylng loftueooes whkb our school throws about u• mar he toioitd e~ery morning In the oll\ct>. \\' e ha vo heoo IOid lhlll this lnJiueueo I• dis110sed 10 omlle ool1 at certain periods, aod that too ~slden•'• omlle will oot oolr come of! but go of! 10 be,.... placed by a sovcrc countenance. The Censor ••as not aware ol the lael lhal ollleial •wiles, like so many olber thiDJ[I lo modern lite, are made 10 orde.r; and it. occurs to him chat, 81nce so many of the ordinary lhings aboul us nrc counterfeit, there Is a possibllilr that aome .milts are "I>Ut oo," and will como of! quito easily. S pirit aa4 Scnlco . WhenP.nthuJium aod Spirit puuhelrshoulder. to &ho -.•heel of aetton, so•nethlng 18 ntx•ompll"ht·tl; but woon Ihi• spirit spend! h ..II In boutinjt •t><'C· ulatloo, ""'all ••It lor liM wagon 10 mo~e. r.lle demon~trates aqatn and agatn thot. thero ts a VA"t. dll!erenoe between 11>irlt and servlee. Thero i• alway• a bunleu to be bo~, a servloe to be ttn· dered, an eoterpriZ6to undertako: but •Pirlt•hh· ou&. work, Is u~le:sa. The history ol Art iotho history o l lmaginallon; the study ol Arl Is o lton tho study or actual .-.allutloo. The on~s war to ouceeed Is 10 pl&n and then prooeod. The thinking ll0'111lr ol the otudent Is ln<t.-.tly 1>ro1>0rtlonal 10 tho n umber o r ideas ho eorrlc• home In hb arm, aod dlreetly proportional to the nuonoor be carries In blo bead. Hence, one Ides in the head Is worth any number urn the book." Craak8. Our< Is no• an age ol olmple machine or alm11le IM!oplc, jutlglng f1-om the number of crank4 n met\ at every turn In local, ttate, and mulooal tile, political and non-political. Every ~Y gt"('lit. mnn is ln some v.•o.y a c rank; tor gr<!at.mcn alone keep tho •·orld moving. t:very great mao may be a crank; but the rule will nol work both Wt\)'8• 1\n exeuiMl Is a otep to a blue tlip; Upon I hi• ""'P not a lew slip; And stny ou\- ot class, Since they cannot pa".! 1\n excu.JC unle.u lt'a a true slip. Ubw oiLCn are good Intention• and good begin· ninl(< uhaltll'd 10 own tlielr bad aetloo• and poor tncllnga! Th~ day ftlc• swiftly; the quarter ftie• more ••lilly; the year ft!es monswtlllr. One rear ha• fto•·n its enlire couroo •iooe tho PUI'J>Ie and Gohl n.e class- m 18 &be svhere in whleh teacht rli won I down to d •leaL amid t he strains o l tlw tWlrcb de 6 student'$ back·bone. Uu I• not only or Sl>ring. The goal i• ever be lore Ul; Ibe pril<' req~lted to ''tit wen," bul ,, uquirtd &0 till land i• )<LIn view. We are nol bellevera In late; bul weU," and s<>ID(!ttmes Ia even "call~'\ on" to llo h1n•o t\ pl'\:rnon l,lon or success. 'rho boya have well . Iaiit'<! us lor ftvo tO""-"'"Ii~e yeara; bullhat doeo Tbtre Ia bul one thing Ihat too pulllie spuker nol dhnini•h our conftdeooo In tho girl1. Our ahould lo"ll"l when addressing un auuicne<l; orl\lor, SUJII)()rt.c(l by C\'cry Joyal hand and en· namel7, h lmJell. •ro lorretlhe rlghlthlng In the touraJ!ed by every true 8. P. N. aplrh, will di..l· right place Ia lodeed a rare aecompllslunenl. pate all doubt u 10 the outcome oltbeOratorlcal Maor people IOJ'iela tblng- oolore the7 know 11. Contell. Como ou1 and oee it done. T il ~ !\Oit\IA I. l'O I ~T Eit 11 l ffUUitllfUIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIN ............... NHHHff'H+HfUIIIIIIIIIUIII ................ T DEPARTMENT tbal- 11 put on ~ate; pauern.s for oriental ruga; de.lg111 lor stained glas• wlndowo ; IUII'I(etllon• lor 1ola pillow covers worked ou~ In coloN<! J>apers; eonveotlonal designs lor hook and mal(· a tine eCJ1'Crs; and flower d.Hign~ for the deau"S· tlon ol China; patterns lor calleo, ollko, plalth, and tapestrl.c s are worked out. There will be EX HIBIT f OR TH E ORATORI CAl. CONTEiT. t:xhlbl~ I• belo!( prepared In the Art line for March 17. Slcven.a Point. wishes her vlMhora An to o<'<l wha~ arll•tlc ublllty sh e IX>ssease•. Ourlnl( the I&SL!Klvcral years many very creditable draw· logs have beeo l>roduced; and I~ will add to the pleuure o l the \•bltors aod will gl vo them on admiration for our ta1eo\ &Osee what. we ha'f'e do.,.,, Tho t:thlblt •Ill be mostly oo the ball• ot the tlN;t floor, ln the tlrawlog roocn* and lo the An Annex. Oo the llrn lloor wlll be arrang<'d the be•t drawlnp ot the Grade•, begioolnJ at the eutend with the t'l,..., Grade Work, and so on down the hall 'till that ot the Eighth Grado will be touod at the extrcmo we~\. entl. The very best work of tho ben pupil• hu been chosen to be dl•played. 1'hcllo dra••lnge aro done In tho various medlumt, pencil, watercolor, charcoal. brush and Ink, pen and Ink. There are original de•lgno lor wall paper anti' catleo, aketcbeJ of out-door seenes, eople-. of va.&e•, ftower compositions, !\C. In the Art Annu will be placed !he wo rk ol the D<!J>artmenL T11ere will be bung here the mo•t. su~dul e1foru of tbe 1'&rloa.s drawlog cia.... tor ..veralyoara back. TMdrawlnp will be ol many .. rte&lt•. In original dulgn, there •Ill be found wall paper more artlstie than much ~ormal m any po,so drawings, and dra-.tdnK~ o f animal s from lito. Ou~odoor sceneo In watercolor, pencil anl1 chareon.l" as ~·ell as COt)IC-8 o f 800nct ff'Om 11lcturee will be here. There are also a low orlg· lnal Illustration• o r 1>00018. Attracllvo JIOI I<ll'l aro numerou.s. In the main hall on the IICCOnd noor there are no de<o•ratloos by the Art O<!pa l'lli'M>nt, except tho large drawlngo ol trees In colored era)·ono. In the drawing room will be tableo holdln~t the dl•· plaT ol the Arts and Cral\5 clau, con•l•llng ot he•ketry In all lonM. pottery, va'leo, pltchtro, bowl.!. pou, leather work, c:anl casu, beJU, prockt-t· hook•, band bags. On the black board• •Ill be found lntcl't!lllng sketches In chalk and charcoal. Taken a.A a whole, our Art. Exhlblt. la one o f which the school can well be proud, and wh ich lo a eredl~ to the ;\ rl teacher and to all tho young arll1l8 working under ber. He - •' She Is all the world to mt. 11 Father-" Better go and tee a lltlle more ot the world." - SPWTATOR. To It I•• the Mlu you ougbl 10 klu, Is aot to klu a li!Jis amlu; DuL to ltlos the Miss sou ought ~ mi .., And to miJ15 Lhe Mlu 70u oucht to ltlu , b to klu a Mlu amlos. -&>t. TilE NOUMAL POINTER 72 :\lARCH IG, 1000. l'ubll•bed monthly bltbe atudeoto of the slxtb Sta~ Normal School, Ste<eM J>olnt, WIIICOa.lo. t:Otered at the post ol!lce at Stereos Point a JeC:Ond cla.1s mail matter. To r •s of S llb&<:r l ptloa IA<:al clcllvcry OOcents ~nnum, payable in advance. PoSL Omoo de· I)Of Ivery 76ccnts per annum, Single copleo lOccnts. EDm>RlAI. ST....... J. EDWIN FOLTS, '06 ........ .. .... Eclltor-ln·Chlef \Vtl.t.JAJ& A. Aum, '00........... Literary Eclltor Elo<r:T B. ~'-"S, '00 ........... Atblellc Editor JOUA B. ANDI!RSOs, 'OO ... Eclltor Joll1 ColumDJ J . U OWAIID BROWN It, '06 ................. Censor OI'OOMOK J. BAKER. 'OS .. .... ... P.JJobaoge Editor Eorru M. Hu.1., '06, .. ! Loc: l E'~lto FIAICOLO (;ULV'ER, 106, f • • '• • • •' •' • • a :..u. rs NEt.l.tl!! BllKYNAS 1 '00. , .. .TralnfnK Department. AtlrA M. Sn•:RMA.'l, 'O.'L .. ... .. . At\ Dcpartmeol \V ...:ucn:NK SMITH, '~ ........... Alumni Edito r •JOliN F'. MORSE, '00........... Ruolncu Moooger OttHIIAflO O&SRLL, '00, ~ 'C).j, Aul1t.an\ Ouv \V. MALLOR\·, J OUN J. WYSOCKI, '07, Uuolnc.. Managers PJu:ss ASSOCIATIO!<. l.otcO!< 0. SPARKS, '00............... ... J>resid~t J OHN I'. MORSI!, '06 .. . ................ Trusurer JII:81\U: F. lll!:n&L, '00 .... ............. Seczoelary Addre•• all literary material to lhe Eclltor-loChlef, ond oil bu! lneu communications to the lluslness Manaj:ter. In lho no IdOl of strenuous prcparatlono for other evenu, let us not forgot tho Dcclnmatory Conteot on •'rlday e••enlng, March 21, to whlcll tho Areno and J\lhenneum hove boon challenged by the •'orum. There wlll be two contealantt from each of tbo three 10tletic:s.. The annuaiOshkosb- Stevens Point J unior debate Is ..,heduled f9ltake place April 14, at O.hkoab. Juniors, ore you going to aend a aoodly delcga. tlon along wllh tho debatero to give lhem moral SU(l(lOrtV It's tlmo now 10 begin to plan for 11. Tho men's lllerary societies have been Invited to give a debate each month at the city library club rooms. Thl• Is as It should be. Tboae lOCI· etleo h ..e many eamest workers among lbelr members and give many debatea ofrealmerltbefore their retpectlve socletlea. Thlt proposed plan will be producthe or two good reoulta ltlo hoJ)ed. It will furnl•h enl<lrtalnmeM tor a large&:.~~~~mber or peOJ)Io, and will also Insure a more careful preparotlon of lhe dcbales • Now, why not gh·e lbe participants In thcoo debates credit for rhetorical workY For &be pal\ two weeh the numerou.e eommlt.tees have been busily engaeed In preparing for the e•ent whlc:h we are all looking forward to wllh a great deal of pleasure. We refer 10 tbe Inter-Normal Oratorical Conl<lst whleh will take place altho opera house next Friday evening. We believe I hat ample provl*lon hao been mado tor tho onLCr&alntncoL o(tbe numorous vlsltort expected, and S. P. N. Ia now ready to bid them welcome and to do Ito best to ..,. that each one baa a good time. --- ITO RIAL &fore the nexl number of the Pointer reaches Itt readers, opting wlll have como whh Ito varying kinds of weather. Let ua hOJ16 that as toplco of cooveroatloo lbe new umplts will ex.oel the old. The come<17 9uz' Do~tlc:s •at presented lntbe Normal uaembi.Y room on Saturday orentng, March •. under the direction of J>rof. C. 8. Bacon. It Is a well balanced pit!;, and tho way In which the (>arts were Iaken reftecl credit UJ)On both the actors and the dlreetor. The roa& rum waa gtven a real olage-llke appearance b7 l he addlllon o r new ac:enery. A notable feature of the evenln~t't entertainment wu the muole> furnished by the Metropolllao orchfltra. THI RD QUARTER . T hird Wool<. Fred Walker, of Coloma, called on old friend• Monday. Mlu Ethel Coye hu account ol lllneSJ. wlthdr~wn frorn school on Mr. William Bradford, an lnJiruc:IOr In !be Electrical Deparlmellt of !be University ol WI .. cons In, •Ia IIed lba llcl>ool Ibis -k. Po~trt h Wool<. )flu Cora Jaastad, of lola, wu a visitor on .Monday . Nellie and VIolet McGrath returned, Monday, aller apendlng a week In Green nay, whore they were called by tho Illness or their mother. There has been placed In tho upper hall a frame made In tbe YanuaJ Tralolng Departme<>l b7 U.arold Ma.,lo, In which lba prorrams of lbe Forum are pTaced, a week or two befora lbe7 are given. Mlat Ellen Hammond, auperlntcndent of the Marquetle Count.)' Schoola, wu a visitor at the Normal thla week. Mrs. Scoll, Mra. Ostrum, and Mlu Woocl, ol Rancoek, came up 10 attend tbe Choral Club Con· nor1, and •!ailed llcl>ool \Vedneada7. Tbe Seniors ban met and appolnl<!d a comml~ tee 10 doelde on lbe elau pla7 10 be given during eommeD.CfiDen&. week. Elle.n M. Jofl'ers, a former stude-nt, ••• a •l•ltor Friday morning. t.:dlth M. IIIII, who ho• boon absent lor two weeks on account or lllnou, hao returned. Ellen Hoft'•nan was called to her hoiiiC In Merrill, Monda7, b«auoo ol tbe death ol her unule. Matthew Wadleigh, ol lbe class '03, was at llcl>ool, Tburada7. C. F. Martin & Co., bue preseol<!d 10 tho museum ol !be school a larp uloe cone and a beaulllul speell!l4n ol redwood bark, both or -which wore brougM from California. Rev. Charlo• Ulgelow, ol Clnelnnall, addrefOcd tbe Normallludeots at3:~ Thuraday, on tho oub· jec:L of taxation, for abouL a a hour, after • •hle.h abouttb.-quarters olan hour was gl•eo 10 dis· cussloo Ia whkb !be atudenta joined. Mabel OIJIOo, wbo bas been out on a<eou nt ol llloeu, returned tbls week. Mrs. Hayner was ~bseot three dayo laot wc;>k, on account or Jlloess. Mr. ~·. H. Lord, ol River Fallo, preoldent oll.hc Board or Ref(COis, visited the acbool lhlo ..eek. Helen Ottrum wbo completes !be t;lemeotarJ Course In March, read her ftnal essar on "'nlo Plan lor Nature Stud7," !'rlda7 moralnf(. (Coou.......... _ ) ?4 'I'm: XOI{MA L POl :\TEH. MI.. Rellltr (in ftMit drawing) "Clanciog over tht&e dr-awiop, as 1 do now, I am &truck whh r j,Creenness wbleh r don't. like." \YASTf'.D, by !!:tS gym. cla~5- .. An rl<'Yator or alr"hiJ) aotng r;dm "gym." to &htrd ftoor." MI08 8-u- w-y ( in first •••·nwln~t) - "Th nt rood 111 noa. good; h is unnatural." Mlu T. -"\Vby?" Ml J S.- "Beeauoe II ~roe• up hill. •• ~l~ll'41on llr. C·•~J (In revle.. rra<nmar) to abide with ror'!" .MlJJ Edm-a·s-''YH. •• "Coul~ 1 ask )'OU Pro!· T·lb-rt-"Why doe• water run Ul> hill in a t~I J)hon?" Prof. R'•erson-""l'hat.'• eruy; because there is an unequal equilibrium." Pro!. Saolord ( lo chic• clau) "Where Is the low w-ater mark of our M-a t'Oa-.tl''' J·b· \\'r· -cl<i- ·'Whr, It 1• th...., mil.,. !rom JbOl'tl'.'• Mr. Olson (In review llt'Oilraphy) - " Whr do not the peOple raise ..h.. t on tho western alo1>e or the rtock)' Mountaln!i ?" Mr. W-l·y-"lloo~uoe H1hlnl( I• more profitable there." Mr. P--y - ·'Why does Lonjllcllow ., .., the ••· 1 J(Os.slplng loons''!'' Mr. \\'·l·y- "ll<' complu-e,. the loonK to g-o""'' I,... lng lli'OVle." llr. P· ·) "'How do you aC(·ount tor I hat.~" llr. \\'.J., _ uTMr are aUke bt\•au ...t thf'lrnol.,. amount<l to nothlnsc. ' ' In rtwlrw grammar, .:lhJ)O.,fn~ nf the lnftnltlve. )Jr. rl1·r- •' \\'e ba\'e man,. auch r:a~~t. Jo'or example: ~l etliclnc is hard to ..' 3llow•.::_ Mr. M·l·o·y- 11 So ts chis." ~~~ .. P--y- "Do you mean to tell me that all rouroonjugatiOO!I ha\"b 11 bo" (beaux) In the future ttn~Y'" llr. 0-•·n - uThe eou~ at &ht.~ t\grtcuhunl School 1• three montba." Mr. S·"m· - "Yes,-or that- res-that would be ftlty w<>eks." Mr. CI·U·OO· ( In o<h'nnccd l>hy81olol(y)-" Wh~t lsthl ll awful 111nc1l in here'!" Mr. ·r.J.e-t -"Alcoho1 ~ ll. J·-d-"Why did you objt!<!t to belnjlcoupled lO mt?" A· -a R-ao-"Ob' just to keep up ap.,..araoceo. •• little sample o r !be u ~ QuEIIY.- "What kind or moonlight lo room's ruoonllghL- ?'' rtcard lo commercial R('Os,tr·a phy- 11 0reat Drh· aln l!1 Insulated (insular), hu\. not. l8ol,tcd." W·n·l+<l :S-ls·n (In lAtin el•••· eonjul(atlng verbl)-'" Auder. audes." Mllll P--y-"Ob dear!" \\'·D·f--ed N'·l.ro-uOb d~ar! oh ~ars:" ~II•• P- ·c-a-.1 (In (>byslology labor310ry )"\Vhat h: thlt oven tor. " llr. A··r- "Oh! tbat•s a cat Incubator." New Student (-inr the Pointer notko on board )-" What,does thu mean?" Old Student-"'l'hot all practice "'ochers mu•t hnvo l'OIN'n:ns. " 11-rr· ·t A·g·ll- "lsthat n Jack knlro ?" ~l·r· lt-b·r-•·n (shar(>enlnll her 1>enell) - "No: thl• I• Wlll's knlle." No""-1111>-"lle carelul, or 1 will report 1on lor •now·ballln!f rue." Small boy ( timidly)-" I aimed at th<' door. ·• TilE XOIUI.\L l'OIXTEH. The Teac h er' s De•oa.s tratlots. 'T~·as quiet to the cJas.s-room, 'Twas quiet. in tho hall, The • tudento had all llBihei"C<I, .....o r they must . t·fearn it. all." The teacher was ambillou.s, Be talked 10 one and all. When, lo ! he slipped ! Be caughL hlmsell ! And then-he tuok a fall! Miss M:rr-11 1 In Adv•nced Ph,•slology-" But. I can not understand, Mr. Talbert, how the sensation.!~ from the optic nert>es atrf'CL the heart. " Sehoul Boy- ' ·Did you kno•• about that baby &hat. wus fed on elet>hant.'tJ mllk und g ained tvr.·enty pounds a day'!'' School m•ster ( lndl,roantly) - uNo, I didn't. \Vho.se baby was it.? Answer me, or I'll thrash you." School Boy--'·The elephanL·s baby." ~Jiss E- -- -d (in review g rammar) - " The man will ha\"C baen hun~t by tnu time.' Do~· cloes that verb show action~, Studeut-'"The mao may k ick.'' 75 PractlooTeacher-"\Vha~ differcnoo can you s ay thoro Is bewecn tho trees of the tropical forest• and those or tho temperate forests ?" Practit:eScholar- 11 Tho tn.~es of the temperate forests are more ct viii zed." Mr. Talben (dis.ectlng a cii)-" Wo should nuL feel remorse in a ease o f \•h•e-sectlon, for various reasons." )l r. Lan~e (solemnly}-" No, si r, '" is so~ coo· solation to know th a~ lhis ca~ was \'cry ugly and bi~ a small child a short. 'I me ago." Jha • y'8 Aas wor. Our Jimmy says "beyond a doubt, He's not the only ono locked out; And ho could toll, he has tbe pnwoa·, But just. refers you to the A·u·e r. !Je did neL help 10 mend the cbalr, 1-''-'r he was nolo Invited there; It simply could not bold the three: So Ca-Ir-ns had 10 mend i~see? Some facts never would have. been kno•n Had "Babe' • noL- told them o'er the J)bone; She really did not mean to tell, Dut, oh ~ she likes to talk so "'' ell. " @eH1\NGES. The Exchange• In tho February number o f Tu& STUD&:<T ""' •·ery good. We eojoy the 81orles of THE CA RROLL EcHO. DJgher, Progress does ascend, Onward, upward, is its end; Do not o f support deprh·o That which keep• tho sch ool alive. The Exchange Column t •f To~ B.Jou SCHOOL St-:STJl4£ST is very -I'ROoRY.SS. ln te~s&ing. The LAKE BIU!EZP. Is one o f our •ery b<~ Blgh School exchanges_. - - -- The t::xehange Column o r the f'ebruary number o r So-TO-SPEAK Is well composed and to the J>Oint. Our Exchanges from the dl llerenL IICbools are being read by more students each d•1· Olve us thebes&. you ba\•e, so that. we may fOMTI a right opinion o f your IMtltullon. We are beginning 10 root acquainted with you all. Judge-"You say your •·ite hit you over lho head wllb a plate'!" • Rastu8--"Yes, sa h." \.._ 'fheJudgo-"Bulo your bead doesn 1' show lt." 'Rastut- '' Bulo you done ough t.er see &he plate!'' • - F"LASHES. Teac.her-"Yes, Tommy, revh•e means to come to. Now, can you gh•e me a sentence to which the word 1"6\•h•e Is used ? 1 ' • Tommy-" It two apples cost. &hree cent.s , what will 8!X revive?" - Ex. TilE :>;OJOI.\f. I'Ol:>;TEI!. 7ti A Wotnatt'A Alphabet . Ned.- Say. Prof.! do things weigh more in lower temperatures '! P'rof.- \Vell, do you weigh moro nt. x.ero than you ~o at 100 degrees t N~. -Well, I thought the\ because eo many JK.'C)ple. are heavier in the winter time._ -CARROLL f;(; UO. ---- Prot. (in geometry) - " )tau., gh·e that (lrOJ)O· Generous to )p1 in need. sltlon .'' Silence r"'m )latt. Prof.-"Roy, ea1\ you give the stuno '?" -(;ARI!OLL g CIIO. ---- CtC.!Itlr sic dicat an de cur, egeMlllc.tum. 1-~reshman (translatinJr)-"Ca!sar slkced the cat on the cur, 1 gqess he licked him. ., -Ex . Protesflor-"Baveyou been &hrough Calculus ?'' New S tudent-•'Not. unless 1 c ame through It on my way out here. You see, I came from ~Ji ssou ri and "'as as loop part of the time." - SPECTRO-M. S. S. Teacher-" Why Is It C!\t's I ,..Ill be: Amiable alway8. lleautlful a~ possible. Charitable to e,·erybody, Dutiful to mysetr. Eamc•t In the rlghl th!ngs. Friendly In dl•posltlon. wlcke~ to cut uiT a tallY'' Hor>clul In •t>lte of everylhlng. Jntelllgcnl, bul nol pedantic. Joylul as " bird. Kind c••cn In thought. Long su l'lerlng wltb the slupld. )terry for the sake or others. Neco •8ary to a fe-w. Optimistic. thnugh the skies fall. Prudent. In my p'easures . Quixotic, rather than hard. Heady to o• •n u t>· Sell-res t>ecllng to lhe rlghlllml~ 'fruo to my best>. Boy-"BecAuse the Bible ""Y" thai whal God has joined togethe r let no man - liiOU (Hit. ScuOO~ WOR• D. '' EI1.4.ns- ''Baveyou dose mittens forme, a lready sewed '!'l Orc:tchen- "Nein, Ran11 1 for you I ha,·e dese mhtenat, kniU.'' - Ex. ~he-ul •·onder ••hero Ro- 11 Uollelftsh, aflunller." those t.louds aro going?'' 1 think they a rc going to thuncle r. " Query- "\Vby ili Miss Jo ne• braver than any Answer-Because tho's not afraid of powder." -Ex. Teaeher-•'\Vhy don't you draw the e ars! too?" J•~re8hi~"Cuz: the loeomoth•e dra1ts the eArs." or martyrdom. Willing 10 believe the best. Xemplary In con~uc l. Young and lrcsh In heart. )'.ealous to make the be.ol o r tile. And by thlsllme, tr t.ba•· en '~ wings, I oughtto ha,•e! - Ex. (ConUnued from p•~ 71) _ g,. man ?" oho~ Vati ..nL for the a.bsent. FtttllWook . Oeorgo Murphy, or Sparta, was the gues~ of his sister, Miss Aaltlo, Monday. During Mno. Bradford's absen"!' this week, her Methods Cta..u are In charge or Mlu Quinn and ~~~ .. Densmo~\ B~slo Booth. a fonner s ludant, who Is teaehlng __ g,. Marshfield, v lsll<>d -classes al the Nonnal , on )looday. oaw a thing or greenish buc, And thot it. was a lawn o f gru.is; But when to h we closer drew, \Vo fouod It was tho Freahrnan clasa. - f:x. Pres. Pray, P"'f. Hyer, and Miss Densmore Iell, Tuesday, lodlllwaukee to attend the National Convention or SupcrlntondeniB. Mr. Hyor will attend the Confcreoea or Inslilutc Con~uctors on i:loturday. w. M Badger Drug Co. We invite you to open an account with us. D~UGGISTS Do aCK ff'f'l at. all t~ut.. nt uklfl# tor lntorma~lon coaft'ralnc our mtthocl of tf'(•thtDtt depof!1~. our rultoe for .. To of but lot .. CHEMISTS. 11UYLER' S CA NOY. OPf'D.fnc &t'COUftC.... our mana"r of ma.kJng 101.11.11. our rat.H of lD· '*I'MC- a. Prescriptiol)s our Specie lty. abou~ "? mu,r the b~n~ I• eolbf'tllllnr; of a Ool)'t forget to get a l(ey. ,..~,. We a.re alwa,.. tl.ad to f'JrplaJn to o•r cutc.o!Mn u.)'l.bl nst 'lbf'y do DOC. •l"'.rly undt>retand. Buck & Barrows Co., First National Bank, NBW OOODS. SI81'8DS Point, Wis. O.L ........,.. Lates t Styles In Fine Millinery. JM"a1n Stree-t. C. G. IACNISH, At Ye Sign of Ye RED SHOE. Has a Geeo SHE>E Reputation. Try Him. SHOES ONLY. 109 Strona:e Aven ...e, H . E . FROST. P HOT 0GR:FtPHER. i' f t I l l 1 "II$Ual l l l S I I 1- I I II' MY PHOTOS WILL Wisconsin Central Railway J Manitowoc, Milwaukee, Chicago. St. Paul, Minneapolis, Ashland, Superior, Duluth. L 11. P 8NN8Ll., JAS.. <:. POND. -I I I I Ill • • t p A•••• Stovo . . Polot. 0. P, A· Jlltwubo. SIS $1 PLEJ::tSE YOU. STUDIO: i i 318 Stroogs An., I BATH ROOMS IN CONNECTION. · Stmos Polot, Wis. I Citizens' Tonsorial Parlors, If :JI(. <J3ERENS,. Prop. I I I . . _ .. . . . u• Cl,._. K&lioo&l llaU, SflfL'IS POilCT, WIS. H1\IR'S H1\LL For Private Parties OFFICE OF 1\TL1\S e1lSU1\LTY eeMJ?1\NY LAKE MILLS, WIS. - J:lf'JTl:E.S ft:lfiR, D lst. '? :lf~ent, Cor11er Clark and CJ..urcl\ Sts. Por Artistic: Prlnti og Go To THB L ARGEST AND Mt>ST et>MPLBTB PRINTING OFFICE l u t he Cit!' X B. "VXNG & . EI:U.L L . 31/1 .JIUIH Slrwl Dry Goods, Containing all lategt styles or type and ra.. :::;::~~~x·t"~:;,:J'i!~.'.~":J~~~t~: r..r~~ ~:~~...~~:~~g~~~~'f~\«;:~ ~~~~~:;: Ou Prlre ud ('aa.a. ..1,. FU~HISI11 HOS. CLOTtjiHO. BOOTS, StjOES. tjATS Ol)d CAPS. .lll OMII• ••r'htll• Pl•l• l'1pf8o J. WeRZ1\LL1\'S SeNS, Dr. J. M. BISCHOFF, De:n.tiet. Publishers oacl Geaorol Bool< oacl Job Prlators Corner ~lain and 'fh!rd Sts. Stovcntt Point, Wlscon81n. Lady In attendonce. Cor. Main St. a Strongs ave. Estimates rurn!shed on application. Let us figure on your p r tnttng. + + + J. WORZALLA & SONS, WE CAIIIIY A LAIIC:t STOCI{ OF Dry Goods. Clothing, Sl)oes, !-fats al)d Caps. G!'Jm' FURNISHING GOO~. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY. I a c:.oaa octloa with Ollr Jowelry deo-rt•oat wo abo' rc~lr Watcht-8, Cloc;••· a ad Jowo1ry, aa4 •••raateo aU • o rk toboflrt~t·c l o~tJt. Our Prlc.cA 00048 and work OR olwap t'CO!tOBoblo and as w u caa bo to• ad aaywhore. .. .. • • Wf>RZ1\L LA & Sf)NS. F. 1\. Sf)UTHWieK, M. D., P}z]!sician and Surgeon. 'feiOJ>hono 32. Storens Polo&, • IIH}>I, UNION CENTRAL LIFE INS. CO. Before toklog o policy eeMPARB •. Then toke I~ where you con do best. Tbts l8 falr and may SI\VO you rnon~y. G. W . HBIN. 046 Church Sreet. Wtie.uJ• s. s. ELLENWOOD, Blcyclo Repairs ond Sundries Whools made to oNlor + + Blcyclo Lh•ery + + + 742 STRO:<OS Av~. eor. MaiD liad Third St8. UlfJ1. Crown ond Bridge Work a Spec:lally. "" w. w. STEVEN~ POINT W~S. G~EGORY, M . D. Ph]!sician and Surgeon. Ofllco Hours I ond 7 p. m. 313Moln Stroot, u1> stal111. Res. Curran House. Tolephono-Ofllco 125. Stcvoaa Po lat, Whlcoa•l•. Olaues Aoouralcly and Scientifically t'llled. J. W. BIRD, M. D, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Special Ra tes 10 StudeniS. St ovous P olttt, Wis . Oftlce, 45:.! .Main St. J1\e0BS H0USE, W. H. WILSeN, D. D. S. Kohl's Block D. N. ALCO~N , M. D., ne t'. s. l~n~lM B•tt••· SpttlaiUf'l: m......_"" aM 0fl'r•H••!I ftr tlle t."'siM'f1 t i t n 4 ear •.u• l•1u nrno• r.r N. JACOBS, Prop. Leading Hotel itt City. Eye, Ear, N ose ond T hroa t. Stoveas Potat, H. o. ·Mc<2ULL0<2H ee., LT'n. Stationery, Books and School Supplies. ~owin~ Po~~r. M~~nlin~ B~oms on~ PMW~ro~~i~ OOMs. Dr. F. A. WALTERS. Cor Ellis and Church. Go to MOLL-ROTHMAN CO. Tbe most complete line o r up.to·dalc DRY GOODS To be found In the City Who's next? U ~ Nels on's B arber Shop 118 S. Tl11~0 ST~EET. ~TO CHICA.OO CLOTHING STORE. We carry a nice line o r Tailor Made Clothing. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS aad SHOES. Dr. G. M Houlehan, DENTIST. Our Postomce. Embroidery S ilks, P illows, P atterns And all ~faterl~l for fancy \\*ork Patterns. ~rick, t . S HAPTON, Prop. L ime al\d Cel1\el\t FOR SALt: >~T ~: l!,~~'!:C[>' the largest stock, but we carry 410 Ma la St. Stevens Point, W ls. ------------------------~ 147 l'tah• Sr. LANGENBERG'S, CHINESE LAUNDRY Guarantees First-Class Work W. B. PBTT, O e A.LSR I,_. Fucy ud Staple 1006 Olvt.•loa St. AND CHEAP. Goods called for and delivered, , 116 STRONGS AVE. H. WINO LEE.. GROCERIES. Fine Fruits a Specialty. J . XVE£t.&C>N", o..J,t>r I• ~~~~~~=~~(f~';«.!:!:i: .-..... n .. cw:u ud c. OS... G.....,...,.~ ud liM· nlri!::~,:..JU~DCMAdll_... 101d Oil I...Ut~ or '"''"' b7 th WHt or ._l.L Flao Watd• Jtt.-lrla.a • Scteci•Ut. 1 Street, Sl<l•en• Polnl, Wit. Buy only l•bew.!:'.~ ·o;u-•~ol~ ao!IM! materlalo. It a machl..,.mlx..t J . S. PIPE. BENNETT's lobread and lo tree rrom contamination IVERY AND TRANSFER LINE. BREAD In mixing and band· CITY L 11•. s. !loc0014 llt. I llnJ. To t. n• ~.-.~,.fl~ flttrlt MHiflllk« H•efl4rr. ~ 18 ~lain HACK A!fD B.\00.\01!. Cor. Nonnal ave. and N. Third 11. Tel .68. STEVENS POINT, WIS. Jos. ~ttaase, lYlE AT lYIA~~ET. 622 :ELLIS ST. G . W. CAT£, DIJALIJRS I N Fnlts, ve,etables, Confectlmry, Cigars. Tobacco, Etc. G. M. OAUL, 0110. D. NIU.SO:<. CATE, DAHL & NELSON, 1\ t to r n e y S•a t• L a w • Olflc:o over Cltlzou• !fat loeat Baak. Raolne Underwear Mills Uadcrwear taade to order. Quality, Workmttnshipnnd Fi~Guaranlcro. ~. L. JBNSBN, ) !!!!! &U l taf.!! GROCEBIES. ~ C . S . B OYINGTON & CO. 458 Ma i n St. C. F. MARTIN & 00., Leading Photographers, PHOTO STOCK OF ALL KJIDS. )fouldingsand Frame;;. FIU\NK rODf\GH &. SOrt fRES ti, SftLT and ~MOl( EO ::t\4EA.TS. AOIOM' .r• 114 S . Third St. · 320' Jetfer'!IOII St • Ple • r . elta•• Itt Sa•Hr• Tea• ••• ••••• • • 4.3» Jll•l• a.4 48 1 Jl•l• lllrwf. T H. 44. VLtrrfS fOtST, W . B. • • Wtscossurrr. BVCK IN CH~M. 5e>:c.H~wrs YOl7R. FIRE INSURANCE. OORNt:R CLARK ST. and STRONG AVf:. P. WOZNICKI DF.AUR IN High Grade Bicycles. O~n~ral repairing promptly done. Ble)'cle Ll•er7. Ol•emea call. I:P If. T klrd. St. fJte•••• Pol at, W&... ~ n• unn01U\~~~I!iAJI1\f>J"'t>alalnJ"".ol~ ~~~w I 13l.JSif'IESS I EO UG.ATI0f'l l as taught at the STEVENS I?EHNT is a s ure transport to a good position where you wiiJ draw wages 'fWBLVE BON'fBS e a ch ye a r . t')ur new catalogue Is just out. 1\sk ·for a free copy. w. E. .HLLEN, PRIN. \.,-